f?rzy . I {333' a r:27? Of?cer .iody' Gonzales? #1060 i -, ?5 San Antenio Police Department ma Jhli 121:3 i . j. 1 San Antoine, Texas Fire Fighters? and Police Of?cers Civil Service Commission 111 Si?ll?d?d, Suite 1113 San Antonio, Texas 78205 Commissioners and O?leer ody Gonzales: Under and by virtue oftlie authority vested in me by Title 5, Subtitle A, Chapter 143 of the Local Government Code, said chapter entitled ?Municipal Civil Service", I do hereby suspend Of?cer Jody Gonzales from paid duty with the San Antonio t?olice Department for a period of ten calendar days, commencing on Pebrum' l, 2016= and ending on February 10, 2016'. Of?cer Gonzales has violated Subseelion of Rule of the City of San Antonio Fire Fighters? and Police Of?cers? Civil Service Com?ssion Rules, said rules having been adopted on Palomar}J 23, 1993, and from time to time amended, by the Fire Fighters? and i?oliee Of?cers? Civil Service Commission as tire Ciro-i1 Service Rules for the Fire and Police Departments of the City of SanAntonio. The particular eivil sewioe rule violated by Of?cer Gonzales and ground for suspension is as follows: Violation of an applicable ?re: or police department rule or spcoial order, 'I'lte Rules and Regulations of the San Antonio; Poliee Department, which Oif??er Gonzales has idolatecl are as follows: PROCEDURE 913 HARASSMENT, DISCRIWATIQN AND SEXUAL CONDUCT lN HE WORKPLACE (.84) PROHIBITED ACTIVITIES (D): Members (both swom and civilian) shall not engage in Conduct that could be Construed as inappropriate behavior, sexual haraSSm'ent or any other signi?cant behavioral infracticln. The factual basis for the instant disciplinary scopension is as follows: On or about August 28, 2015, Police Explorer Angelica Robledo alleged Of?cer Jody Gonzales acted inappropriately during her ride along conducted as part of the SAPD Police Explorer Program. Ms. Roblcdo stated that during the ride along, Of?cer Gonzales did the following acts in which she believes were inappropriate and degrading: .. Unbuokled her seatbelt and playfully pushed her on the shoulder telling her to get out of the car. i - . .- 0 Ashedil? she had a Face-Book account then pulled her'fliihc??ii 2? l2?? :1 Book account up and told her she was very "pretty? in the - photographs. Touched her hand (wrist area) Several times: as he spoke to her. - Touched her hair and accidentally loosened her ?ponytail.? r- tried to take her telephOne away and glided his hand aeross her left breast. . Told her that she would look cute in her glasses. Asked her what she meant about ?sleep? during a conversation where she told him that sh'ejust wanted to go home and sleep.- 0' Commented to her ?tat her. talent was ?being pretty)? 0: Compared their age difference trying to imply that he was older than her like a similar situation where -a female complainant told them (during a Call for Service) that her boyfriend was a lot older. . Asked her'if she ?lought he was ?cute.? Kept insisting that she put her hand against his (palm to palm) to detennine the size of her hands. Insisted she ride with him (?ve times), after he transfers to East shift. - Provided her ?as; his personal cell?phone number, asking her to text him. A copy of the instant disciplinary suspension order is being filed with the Fire Fighters? and Police Of?cers? Civil Service Commission. 11/ was a 4 the WILMAM P. MCMANUS, .. for? POLICE DATE SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT On this 7: day of 2016, hereby acknowledge receipt of the original of the foregoing suspension. I acknowledge having received noti?cation that I have ?itcen days from the date of receipt of this suspension during which to ?le a'written appeal of this seepeiision with the Personnel Director of the City of San Antonio requesting either arbitration or the hearing of my appeal by the 1Eire Fighters? and Police Of?cers? Civil Service Commission. I aclmowledg?e that I have been informed that if I appeal to a hearing exetninen?arbitrator, .1 waive all rights to appeal to a district court except as provided by subsection 143.057Cj) of the Texas Local Govemrnent Code. I also acknowledge that I have been informed that my right to appeal the decision of a hearing to district court pursuant to section 143.057 of the Texas Local Government Code may have been modi?ed by the provisions of article 28 of the Collective Bargaining Agreement by and between the Cit}.r of San Antonio and the San Antonio Police Of?cers? Association?Mr-w ?we m, w?f?i?v??q?fl?l?e?Mi?! ,2?015 2513327 OFFICER JODY GONZALES, #1060 . DATE TIME SAN ANTONIO POLICE DEPARTMENT wheres-5E1) BY: 3&5 if @?Z?Sx-f gel/- 15- - :12??2?Jv5?. ad? . WE. mfg-71Emma 2016, Fire IF?igl'iters1 FILED on this the On day of "a if!? M- $4.63? Cris-4. and:Poli-t:e Of?cers? Ci-ili?l Service Commisswn. Diascrea, TIRE FIGHTERS POLICE (:1an SERVICE SSION 1 egg: as it? an" 9an 1.