EPA7H0720177006421 Froduction Set #1 Moskahh, From: Also", Jeff Sent: Thur3/23/20171:14:59 PM Subject RE Piuilmp-Ed ln USA Today Andy, is very liclprul 1had spcni 15 minules nying to "find" llie audier on me web, and clicked on a few facebenk and linked in profiles for yanous folks with that name. found a faccbouk page {or rliis fellow, but not the linked in page you senl Because ofliis cc. speculated that this indeed be the author. but I couldh'i confirm because his faccbook page did not specifically lisi ihc affiliation Bonem blog was wnucn by a 23 or 24 year old, wnli a bachelors degree in busruess less than a year ago, now working in a "supply chain role." and whose only mhcl' ilris one blog is In his church Based on own resume and my nob search, he has wrincn no olhcr blogs or anreles or papers oh, and his bpage blag full of errors has been oiled in WH lalking palms and an Adminisn-aier oped ln USA Ioday Moskahk. Andrew Sent: Thursday. March 23. 2017 43 AM To: Moran, Robin 7 Midlenn <1Midlenn7Revicw@epa goy> Subject: Rr Pruitt in USA Today .lusl FYI, here's Linked In I'ofilc' (Can'l lye more than (me "conducts research for the National Center for Policy Analysis He's currently employed by Occidental Chemical Corporation after graduatlng from Arizona State University \vlth a BS Finance in 2016 7AM FOIA EPA-HQ-2017-006421 Production Set #1 From: Moran, Robin Sent: Wednesday, March 22, 2017 3:20 PM To: Midterm Review Subject: FW: Pruitt Op-Ed in USA Today Someone just mentioned that this blog hadn?t been sent around to the whoie team, so wanted to make sure everyone was aware. in the ?new? spirit ottransparency that the biog discusses. deft Atson did a bit of research on the cited ?Nationai Center for Policy Anatysis? and here?s what he found: ?The Nationai Center for Policy Anaiysis says these standards have seabed rnaritiiactoririd and ions to Mexico.? i went to the National Center for Policy Anaiysis website. The paper is titled Standards Distort Auto Production and Push Jobs South,? Bill ?agged this biog a coupie of weeks ago when it was cited in draft talking points. The biog was written by Matthew Ruiand, about whom there is no information other than that he is a ?contributing author? to the website. I searched the web, and can find no one with that name who has done any work on CAFE, GHG, reguiatory, or economic issues. Here are some highiights from the i-page biog: His rationale is 1) CAFE standards increase new vehicle costs, and 2) therefore, automakers shiftjobs to Mexico. No mention of increasing or record sales, or higher profits, or higher US auto empioyment. He criticizes CAFE as ?complex confusing and seem to always distort things? and cites as evidence: 1) automakers are aiiowed to average across their fieets (he is the first person i know of to criticize averaging) 2) separate car and truck standards and 3) the footprint~based targets. Immediately after citing separate car and truck standards and footprint based targets he then states that there is regulatory incentive in sailing smaii cars, though he then oddly states that the Focus ?lowers the overaii MPG across the Ford fleet,? And more costly smaii cars possibiy iead to a surge in demand of larger, gas- guzziing trucks or Bottom iine, there is no anaiyticai rationale to support the author?s contention that the standards are ?pushing jobs sooth? and there are many factual errors in this short biog. Froduction Sal #1 From: -- Sen ucsday, March 21, 2017 2.22 PM To: Alson Jct'fqhon pow, Grundtor, Christopher , Moran, Robin Subject: Prtutt Op--Ed Justin case you misst it. Scott Prultt We re mm and the envuronment (USA Today) It is time for a fresh look at fuel economy standards that push jobs outside the United States. There's a phrase We used often over the past severat weeks -- "The tuture arn what rt useo to be Atter my first tun rnonth servth as to the Envrronmentat Protectton Agency, there's no ouestron trrnes are changing ano tast week we saw yet another exampte ot how our presroent contrnues to tead the way. Auto manutacturrng oohtrnues to be one ot the torces tn the Arnencah economy' 1m 3 - at our Forty-five states have 10000 or more autotoos Automakers ano thetr supptrers man. than 3 5 Amermans The Arnenoan pennte ntearty want rt to stay that way Ptestdent Trump promtseo to to keep auto manutactunng jobs here rn the united states and he has askeo ms entrre Cabinet to hetp Department ot Transponatron Secretary Elarne chao and It as ot the Envtranmemal Protection Agency' took steps to help We have announced thatwe wtu the prevtous rule that hnattzed standards to tnorease tuet economy to the equtvatent ot54.s tor cats and hght-outy trucks by Model Year 102: EPA work our partners at DOT to take a tresh took thorough revrew wru hetp ensure natronat program rs tor consumers and good tor the envrronrnent FOIA EPA-HQ-2017-006421 Production Set #1 After the November eiection the EPA rushed through these standards, as Forbes reported. ?requiring automakers to more than douhie their i?ieetwwide tut-ii ethoieno Zd?d, a move that comes earlier than expected and is seen as a measure to try to lock in part of President Obama?s legacy before Donald Trump gets into the White House.? The auto industry estimates that it would need to spend timid hiilion to corn, "that type of expense would lead to higher prices for consumers. lower wages for workers and iobs moving out of the country. The National Center for Policy Anaiysis says these standards have desired rtranuiacttuind and tops to Mexico. Last week, EPA and DOT put a pause on the process to reexamine the rule to hear from ail stakeholders. This is an example of how the Trump administration is going to do things differently. That includes a more transparent EPA. Americans can have both a clean and healthy environment and good paying manufacturing jobs. America is going to create jobs and grow the economy whiie at the same time be good stewards to our natural resources. improved technology has made the United States the worid leader in clean air quality. From i970 to 2015, aggregate nationai emissions of the six common pollutants dropped an average of 70% while gross domestic product grew by 246%. We have achieved this reduction during a time when more Americans were driving more cars, more miies. That is remarkabie and shows American ingenuity is simpiy the best. increased transparency is a difference the Trump administration is going to bring and with it wili come jobs and heaithy American Yogi Berra was The future ain?t what it used to be. Scott Pruitt is administrator of the Environmentat Protection Agency. EPA7H0720177006421 Froduclion 85131 From Grundl ,lesmpher Sent: Mon 5/15/2017 11 4147 PM Subject release FYI Office of l'ransponauon and An Quality U.S Environmcmal Protection Agency fmwardcd messagc' From: Christopher" elu qu gm Dale: March 1'3. 20|7 all-1| 12 PM EDT To: Cr: Subject: Re: release ('nmumer groups haw done meu- own analysis consumer savings The man TAR shows he" mm lowcr fucl priccs consumers have a {averable payback especially ll [hey lease er finance Ex. 5 -peume'eame pjree'es; We did do a qualilam'c cmploymcm in the rules We an get you whal we saw) if you wam bul bollom vs il was inconclusive and in any 0V by macro economic have shown Ihal the have led l0 increascd cmploymcm -llu'ouglmul the Supply cllam and a1 EPA7H0720177006421 Froducfion Se' #1 Record sales ham also led [a hiring Dircclor Office of Tlunspoltalion and An Quality Emu-numcmal On Mar H, 2017' an 7 26 PM, --wmw Sem from my 1lenc rammed mcssagc mm: -- Dale March 13, 2017 31 7'03 41 PM EDT Subject. wu: release on [he anaehed below Is In} .esponse Nancy Thanka Nancy -- I'll furward as FYI and what cumcs back. Ex. 5 - Deliberative Process EPA7H0720177006421 Froduction Set #1 0 her gov]:- Thur 3/9/2017 5 51 as PM Subpct RE CNBC: Trump's EPA eniersays he's addressth a rule that automakers oppose 'very May be we should send Ryan Jackson a Copy ofth trends report From: Christopher HI PM PA chief says he's a rule that automakers oppose 'very soon' Ihis inaccurate statement is \cry troublmg: that what has been broken In that process one' not a recogmtion oi the great progress that's been made With those standards' but two, those Detroit those that are manufactunng autos tn this Country' expressed to the EPA that they wanted to evaluate the Impact of the standard; And that was targety dl$regarrtert Christopher Director Office of Transponatiun and Atr Quality 5 Environmental Protection Agency Froduction Set #1 From: Scnl: Thursday, March 09, 2017 1,06 PM ' Subject: Trump's EPA chicfsays he's addressing a that automakers oppose 'vety soon' "ttp 'tvmw ones soon Envrronmental Protection Agency chlet Scott Pruitt Sald Thursday he expects an announcement back fuel economy rules "very soon Automakers have expressed concern about the rules set durlng the Obama twidfleywfied, RQQIEMEEN Some companres have sad the Corporate Average Fuel Economy, or CAFE standard would boost regulatory compllahce costs Pruntt, who has pledged to roll back what he deems burdensome regulations told CNBC that American automakers wanted to evaluate those standards He sald he believes the rule-making process was rushed "There's going to be an announcement on that very soon. and 1 than what's concerning to me and think concermng to the president l5 how that process occurred Pruitt sald 0n "Squawk Box "l that what has been broken that process ts, one, note recogmtlon of the great Froduction Set #1 progress that's been made with those standards, but two, those In Detroit. those that are manufacturth autos this country, expressed to the EPA that they wanted to evaluate the Impact of the previous standards And that was \argely disregarded Backers of the Obama rules, which the EPA Issued only a week before Presment Donatd Trumgtook office. say automakers have overblown the costs of compliance They a'so argue that consumers may be to pay for better fuel economy Trump has held several meetmgs with key executwes since taking office. some of which have Included the CEOs of Ford and General Motors 7 NBC News contributed to this report Robin Moran Senior Policy Advism us EPA, Office of Transportation and Air Quality 2000 Traverwood Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48105