OOMRLA NT AFEIDAVIT -- mm snwan mews mm a: ANSWERR IF nan-mum mu cvswov ARREST sum mam: mummy Emma-um a 174.17.>>: I: w; coumn'a "mama: mm- All-mummy" emu-mm me 54mm. 41 04/17/1117 5. mm an-ncITyp- mow Lmumm warn mum. mm..mnmun urn-<> mm m. 7.. WM 0% swam la mum) . PM m. or sump eamm .Lvn-a N-m- a! Nullry Puth (HEM) mm" Mm. m. a Dnuuly PDIM Ell: . sniffmm. . macaw". tum swim [an film>> :5 . ""me as: aw mm COURT COPY 436007616 M40951 inn/Mom xw Mow "oz/awn II- COMPLAINT AFFIDAVIT BROWARD COUNTY PROBABLE CAUSE AFFIDAVIT CONTINUATION . . El ARREST FORM ARREST - GETS A Agency D?nnas BHUWAJU) I: my so ll- II Mums Mn sl Mums PSUN SEA DREW Nums vlnlimlul ll! :orpmruuon. usual Inunl name and aisle nl Count ll Offenses Before ms Ihla dale personally appeared FA VITTA, CHRIHTUPHQE (1702;?) . . who balng final duly sworn dapussa and save mm on 3 any at .4ng . {Wall HUM ml All! NE BISTAV. 11M N: 33441 Ionsllon) shew 'Imns? defendant lha above offenses shamed and the fault! sham-vino probablc ammo lo hallm? the some are as the subject had just discharged a firearm. I walked over the subject and detained him _pending an investigation. Contact was made with gun owner Seen Simpson Who Was still on scene. He told me that he was in the beach pier bathroom stall using the bathroom for a bowl movement. He had his personally owned firearm on his person, and had removed it while he was using the bathroom. He advised he placed it on the stall?s handrail. He went to wash his hands in the stall sink. but the sink would not work. He then exited the bathroom stall and W?lhld hill hands in the main bathroom sink- then exiting the bathroom. At this time the gun Was still left in the stall. Approximately less than 5min later, Simpson had remembered that he did not retrieve the firearm. He then heard a single gun shot as he W33 Wilking back to the bathroom. When he entered the bathroom, he observed subject Spataro holding his firearm in his hand. Simpson snatched the firesrm.out of Spotero?s possession. Several other witnesses had heard the single gunshot as well. Those witnesses include Kerry Bte?ford and Brad Enqlert, who are listed in this report. While conducting my preliminary investigation, I recovered the firearm in the pocket of Bimp?on. The firearm was a Glock 43 9mm handgun in a black holster. There were 37 bullets with a magazine loaded into the firearm. The firearm was loaded. I then checked the men?s pier restroom where the incident was described to take place. In the bathroom I obs rved single 9mm brass shell casing in the corner. PhOtoqraphs weref?gken the shell casing was taken and submitted into evidence. Sgt. Gontinued - to lho heel of my and ballet. . - . my Deer?eld Beach Ol?om?? Of?cer's 8 day of Am? . 2016' (year). by fA ITTA. CHRISTOPHER (name and who Is personally known to me or has produced as AN mean WWI NOWY U. DOputy of lhe Court, or Sluts Anornsy and CON . F'll?l. Tw- 573mm Communion-d Name of Notary Publla (SEAL) Seventeenth ClIoull Browsrd Gounly FORM ong . Court 2nd - Bins A?ornsy Stills of - Agency HBO Dem? (Rovlsed 06/06Arrullns Menu! eon/zeal xw 32:11 NON SIOz/eo/vo 04/09/2018 MON 11:35 FAX @001/001 I .l 7 DoompLAINTnH-?Iomirr BROWARD COUNTY PROBABLE CAUSE Amman-r CONTINUATION . ARREST FORM ARREST DEITS I Annual: BROWARD Lu! Nun-Io Alla-Jamie! Name DREW Nam. of corporation, eat-at log-I nnme Ind Im- of an}: Before me data perconelly apps-rod CHRISTOPHER (I 7020) who being ?ml duly depunau and any: that on 3 day [11' .4er 2013 .: 300 NE ZISTAV, DEERFIELD BEACH. FL 33441 (orlmo location) lho about! defendant commuted m. above plunger! and the farms nhowlnu probabln onus. lo buliwa Ihn same are as renown: Guaglione check the bathroom for the bullet projectile. The projectile was later recovered by him in the bathroom, and turned over to me for lubmiusian into evidence. Bee his aupplement for further details. The clock 43 handgun wee checked in FCIC and wne not stolen. The firearm, bullets, holster, and gun magazine were all packaged toqath-r end placed into evidence. Seen Simpson had a valid Florida CCW Permit. Subject Sean (ID via FL DL) was in violation of F99 790.174 titled. safe storage of firearms, due to the fact that the firearm was left unattended in a public restroom in a public beach area. on a weekend (Sunday) frequented by families and children. There was a reasonable likelihood that the firearm could have ended up in the hands of 1 child or the discharge of the firearm could have wounded another person or child. Iawoarlho - I no . . truololho bout o! my knowledge and beliefLem-neat a. man/s1, chum HER a ma)- seamen! 12am 0' yr": 1 . Of?oer'n Offloar'l LDR A CDU ?worn to {o a "mud: and before me this 3 day of AM. by CW (name and who la pnraonelly known to ma Or has pruduoed In Idenll?oallon. 7M man Notary Tun. onnuwg'm of tho court. or Anlaunt State Attorney . T'itlnl?ink can: Typo Ol' Stamp Dommluloned Name of Notary Pulallo (HEAL) Judlolal Clroull cam Brawn?, mm FIRST APPEARANGEIARREST FORM . sm- Attorney State of Plorldn 3rd - Fll'Wul?d'My COURTCOPY 4m.N"Wva