SULLIVAN, SS. SUPERIOR COURT No. 220-2016-CV-00133 AUTOMATED TRANSACTIONS, LLC and DAVID BARCELOU v. AMERICAN BANKERS ASSOCIATION, CREDIT UNION NATIONA L ASSOClATION, l NC., Ros1:RT H. STIER, JR., PIERCE ATWOOD LLP, CHARLES VON SIMSON, W. JOHN FUNK, GALLAGHER, CALLAHAN & GARTRELL, P.C., RALPH E. JOCKE, WALKER & JOCKE Co., LP A, MASCOMA SAVINGS BANK, and STEPHEN F. CHRISTY ORDER ON MOTIONS TO DISMISS Plaintiffs Automated Transaction s, LLC ("A TL") and David Barcelou sued the defendants named above for both defamation and New Hampshire Consumer Protection Act violations. The plaintiffs con tend that in an effort "to exclude others from makin g, using, and selling patented inventions that they wan ted only for th em selves," the defendants embarked on a campaign to publicly "denigrate the property rights of ... patent owner[s] and holder[s) ." (Amended Complaint, 1[ 40.) Defendants American Bankers Association, Credit Union National Association, Inc., Rob ert H. Stier, Jr., Pierce Atwood LLP, W. John Funk, and Gallagher, Callahan & Gartrell, move to dismiss the complaint, while Mascoma Savings Bank and Stephen F. Ch risty seek summary judgment. A common ground for dismissal or for summary judgment is that the statements attributed to them cannot b e construed as defamatory because th ey are protected expressions of opinion or do not otherwise qualify as statements of fact. They contend as well that because the Consumer Protection Act claim is based on statements about the plaintiffs that are not assertions of fact, it should be dismissed as well. Background The following facts are taken from the plaintiffs' first amended complaint. ATL is J limited liability company incorporated in Delaware and headquartered in New Hampshire. (Amended Com pl.