HIC 93493284005317 " ,".-990 r[ Ss OMB tçe êndar v€ãr, ortax vear baainnino ût-ol-toï6 STATC ; No 1545-Ö047 20L6 under sectlon b01(c)' ð27, or 4947(aX1) of tha Intêrnat Revenu¿ cod€ (excêpt pr¡vatë foundations) ), 0o not entëf sôr,êl sêcunty nunbers ôn thts form ås tt måy be made pubirc ) lnformat¡on åbout Fôrfi 990 âhd lts rñ3tructrons s atwwui IRÊ aov/fàrmggt Tl Dr¡rîrhrìent Int¡roül RÈlru(. Return of Organization Exempt From lncome Tax Öpen to Publíc Inspcetion ;;,r ;;; O IIET$'ORX fmþtpyar rd!nlútcatron 57-09ã2531 zs 1655 N ËORT MYÊR Ê I'10 360 Applcat:on or prc!r nq€, country, 22249 OT r€cslptt 5 G o? H(a) ls thrs TRACIË: SIIARP 1655 N FORT MYER DR¡VE NO 360 I rêr-e'ÊmÞlstõtuu M sor1.¡1r¡ t H sor1.¡1 return for H(b) Are ü ){(rnserrno) Ë +s+z1r¡1r¡* szr Yes fùlo (see No number > KForff öfÕrgtñtååuon Part M corporatron D lrust D Arroa,uoon H it L ou,nr> domtcde 5C I 1 Errefly descrbe the organrzatron's mtsÊton or most srgnlf¡cant acttvtttec CATALYZF THR¡V¡NG, DURAALE FREEDOM filOVEIV1 çNTs IN EVFRY STATE. q, ÏHINK WITH G 4 4t tt ld o O 2 3 4 5 6 7a b + tr Þ aÉ ö ú ¡¡J Check thrs box Þ H rf the organrzatron dlsconttnued tts çperàttons or drsposed ot Numb€rof votlng membersofthe governtng body(partVI, lrne 1a), Number öf tndepêndent vôhng mèmbêrs ol the Eôvërnfnq Tot¿l number of lndrvldu¿ls employed rn calendar year 2016 Tötêl nernber ôf voiqnteêrs (estrmate if nåcêssåry) , Tot¿l unrelated buslnesg revenue f¡om part VIIJ, column 4 7 2a) s 31 Contnbutrons and grånts (PâÉ VUI/ llne Þrogram servrce .evenue (Part Vlll, 9,3O1,52t 122,297 12 13 GrantF and âtmrlar 14 Benefrts patd !o or for members 15 Salarres, other compênsÊtton, imounts . 247,25ô 1 I 8,zf,2 0 0 9,480,1ð3 pâtd t,49f ,757 4) (A), ltnes 5-10) 975,825 0 0 ¿,396,592 2,647,914 t6a Profes¡ronai fundrarsrng f€es (Part 508,235 b Total fundrarsrng expenses 17 Other expenses l8 ïotal expensos Add L9 Revenue less 962 9l 56,359 10c, ênd 43L,348 4¡39r,894 column (A). lrne 25) Pårt 8t794478 12, 10,426,065 -80,6 6ð 5,705 ãô Bèginnrng 0f Currêrt YÊ6r tz gìÈ End ol 5,323,739 Íc :9 o! 2 1 Yrát 4,903,399 644.38C 20 Part 0 CrrrËnt Y€ar th) andTd) ? 0 Year hne 29) Inv€stment rncome (Fart V¡ll, columñ {A), Othêr levånue (Pâft VIII, column (A), lrnes 5. Tot¡l revenue-add hnes I through 6 7a 7b , lrÌor I l1 34 I 3 Vl, hne ib) L2 Net qnrelated busrness taxabte rncome from Form 9g0-T, hne E 10 rts net than 4,679,359 4,4 95,089 If penury, knowledge and behef, tt rs true, ths Declarôtrôn preparer ståtemènts, ûly ls based on åll rnformatton ol whrch preparer has thån Sign Here or plnt Pfl nt/Iypê prepårer'9 Mñe nàme ùnd àtle p.lrêr's sl gtìè lu rË FßA^I( H sT,ITÎH F.e fÅAilK H SMrH FFm's trãme > RAÍFA tr{or's addrÈss > rð99 I uôte Ch¿ck [ Frrnì's EtN PC SIR€fT ttüv SUtTñ è50 Ðc ¡f > PC0659051 52-r5r1275 Fhanê Ða (20?) 822-s000 20036 Elv*t E¡¡o ¡4åy the IRS drscuss thls rcturn wtth the prepårer shorvn ¿bove? (see rnstrrcfuons) For Paperuork Reduct¡on Act Notice, see the separat€ instruct¡ons. Cat No 11282Y Form 990 (2c16) Fcrm 990:(?Q16) $@ t Paget Statemcnl of Progrsm Service.Accomplishmentg çhÊËk ú,schêdulè o contålns,â,.rêspstise qt ñotê.iç,*nt 9'1r9ïy Cescrüè the.pfgelitaì-ti¡onfa'rnissrþn lneln lhH Pårtì ¡ I¡1 ," M r.ri,r r!!BtY.$.$; r.h.*prto¡ F.oïn E9-0 or;ge.qreæ r .,ii .,. i, : : i .t ,,. : '. : ?' :j ül.l¡u' :,!L, If,':Yp¡;,'r de5cfrþê th'ese,newÉlèmçe-ç pn,S¡liÈdUlêO: s, Oid'ttlii"or,.çanizaûôh cêàsaeôñdûetng¡, or.'niðk'¿"ätgriihcånt changds i n how' FYes Mr¡o çeryrceç? If 4 4å "Yes," descrrbe these changes on Schødule O Descrrbe tha organrzabon's program servrce accomphshments for each of rts Sectron 501(c)(3) and 501(cX4) organrzailons ara requrred to report the êxpêngêB, ånd revenuê, tf äny. for êäch FfÒgËm Fêrvtce rsported (Code S 2þ02$34 rncludrng ) (Expenses $ 1,792,934 rncludrng ) (Ëxpenses $ 1,9t1,140 ) (ExpÞnres measurad by expenses to others, the tot¡l È 672A32 s See Add¡ilonal Data 4b (Code ) (Revenue ç 247¿sA I See Addrtrcnaf Ðata 4c (Codê 245,307 ) (Revenue $ Sea Addrtron¿l Data (Codê 7þ3 ) (ExÞÊnsê6 g rncludrïçt grant$ of 12,000 ) (Rêvênuê $ OÏHËR PROGRAM SËRVICÉS 4d Other proEram $ervrc€Ë (DÊscnbÊ tn Schedulê O ) (Expenses g Totel 2,257,793 ses ) I of$ IZ,00A ) (Revenue g Form 990 (20 2 Part IV Yes t (other than a prtvete foundatron)? If I 2 Ë, 2 Drd the.organtzatton engage tn dtrect or.tndlrect polltlcål campalgn actlvltles for publrc offrce2 If 'Yes, " complete Schedule C, P¿rt I2) . 3 4 l{o oYeq,o No Ón or håve a sectton 501(h} electton tn êffeqt 5 "Yes," complete Schedula C, Part III nght for whrch donors Drd the organrzatton marnta¡n any donor advtsed funds or any stmllar lunds or to provtde advrce on the drstrtbutron or rnvestment of ¿mounts ln such funds or If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part Dtd the organtzatton recelve or hold a conservatton easement, tncludrng n thE envrronment, hrstortc land areas, or htstortc struçtures) lf "Yesr" or other ¡rmrlar Drd the organrzåtron matntatn collecttons of works of art, htstortcal If "Yes," câmglete Schedule D, Part Iil H , ¡s a custodran hty, Þrd the orqanrzatron report an ãmount tn Part X, l¡ne 21 for escrow or , or debt negottatton for amounts not hsted ¡n Part X, or provtde credlt counseltng, debt ma . servrcesTlf "Yes," complete Schedulte O, part If 6 I g 7 I 9 IV5 t 0 Drd the organtzatton, dlrectly or through a related orga If perrnanent endowments, or quast'endowments? 11 @ndçwmsnts, In No 6 7 No I No 9 No 10 No D, "Yes," If the organrzat¡on's answer tö åny ôf the followtng No 5 Schedule D, Parts VI, VII, VIII, IX, "Yêsr" or X as apphcable a b c d Þrd the orgånrzatlon report an amount for la nd, burldrngs, and If 'Yes,' complete Schedule D, Part VI Pårt X, l¡ne 13 Wfi "Yes," complete Þrd the organtzatton repgÊ an amount f Drd the organtzatton's sepa rate or consol anclal "Yes," complete Schedule Was the organtzatton lncluded If "Yes,'\ and the Í Is the organtzatton 14a Dtd the b 15 lf L7 t8 19 g f'or the tEx year tnclude a footnote that addresses 4e (ASC 740)2 If "Yes," complete Schedule D, Part X ?¡ XI ànd "No" audrted f¡nanctal statements for the tax year? then camplet,ng Schedule D, Pârts XI and XII ts optþnal 12a, 70(b)(f XAXrr)2 If "Yeç," complete Schedule E or açents outs¡de of the U¡lted States: or expenses of more $10,000 from grantmaktng, fundratstng, actrvltrês out¡rde the Unrted States, or aggregàtÉ foretgn lnvestments Schedule F, Partc I and 00 or mo IV , rêporton Part IX, column (A), llne 3, more than $5,000 of granÌs or other assrstance to 0r for anY Schadula F, ParÈs 1I and IV "Yes," (A), l¡ne 3, more than $5,000 of aggregate grants or other asslstance to column IX, Drd the organrzatton Dtd the forerg n " complete Schedvle F, Parts III and ÍV . total of more than sl5,000 of expenses for professtonal fundratstng or for forergn tnd serut ces on Pad IX. (see lnstructlons) I G, Pârt If "Yes," complete Schedule on Part VIII, Drd the organtzatron report more than $15,000 total of fundrarst :n ï"":n':" '.n.o:" :"0 :'":',oï,ons lrnes 1c and 8a? If "Yes," complete Schedule G, Pêrt II ga?,Lf "Yes'" Drd the organtzatton report more than $15,000 of gross lncome from gamtng acttvlttes on Part VIII, llne complete Schedulø G, Pañ IU ' Drd the organlzatton re column (A), lrnes 6 ¿nd Yes 1tb No lLc No 11d No 11e Yes 1"Lf Yes 12a Yes 12b No 13 No 14a No 14b No 15 No 16 No Èhan Drd the organtzatton þrslness, valqed at or more of tts udrted frnanclal statements for the tax year? Dtd the organrzatton obtaln If 13 5o/o rt X, lrne 25t If "Yes," camplete Schedvle D, Part X the organ¡zatton's habtltty for u b that ts D, e 12a rd. that rs 5% or more of lts total assets reported rn Pnrt X, Þrd the organr?atìon report an amount If 1la hne 12 that ts 5o/o or more of lts total Secunttes ¡ Part VII Drd the organtzatton report an amount Ëor assets reported rn Part X, hne 16? If"Yes, Drd the orgEntzåtron rêport ån amount for total assets reported ln Part X, llne 16? .ff rn Part X, hne 16r Ine l0? tn rÅ ? rl 9 L7 Yes 18 No 19 No Form 990 (2016) Page Éorm 990 (2016) dEm Päft VXI (A) Name and fltle (B) (c) (Þ) (f) Average hours per week {ltst åny hours for related Posrtron (do nol check more thân one box, unless Person rs both an offtcer ând a RepoËable cornpensåt 0il trðrô the 0rgånrzêtlon (W- Reportable drrector/trustee) ã ù: organrãatrons below dotted õ ,f3 ,-, /,F hne) e 0 ¿ *$' d. -{ tl 'T 'F lr [.f ,Ê {¡ ñ-; fr ir' È- t,(, r, 3 T1 'D ID --; (l "Tl ' I (F) 'Estrmated åm0çnt ol'othÊr compensåtro¡l 1¡¡p fhe orgånrzätton ånd related . organrzabons z/r099-MISC) J ,t' q Ë rt úr tb Sub*ïotal c Total from continuation sheets to Part VII, d Tot¿l add lines 2 lb 7, and Tot¿l number of rndtvlduals (rncludrng but not of rêportåblË compensðtron from th¿ grgåntzatron > 55,903 0 to thoçe'l¡cted. a bove)'who recerved more than $100,000 9 lo Yes 3 Þrd the organrzatron lrst any former offrcer, drrector or trustee, key employee, , la) If "Yes," complete Schedule J for such ndtvdual 4 or hrghest cômpens¿tted employee on '' Itne 3 No For any tndtvtdual llsted on lrne la, rE the sum of reportable compensatlon and other compensatton from the organrzètron and related organtzàtrone greater than 9150,00ù7 If "Yes," complete Schedule ) for such 5 tndv¡dual 4 la recerve or accruê cgmpensatron from any unrel¿ted organtzatron or lndlvtdual for servlcer rendered to the orgãnrzatlon?.lf "Yes," complete Schedule I for such person . 5 Yes Drd any person llsted on lrne 1 your frva Complete thts table No rndependent contrâctors that recerved more than $100,000 of compensatron wrth or wrth¡n the nrzatron's tax year endr (B) the calend¿r from the orga (Â) Name STEPHEN CLOUSE & ASSOCIATE5 ¿ (c) DescnÞllon of servtces ness ¿ddress DEVELOPMENI OF PROMOTIOI']AL 34 r,608 VIDFO 4]538 GOLDEN CIRCL€ PRO]ECT I'IANAGER ROCKWOOD 186,000 PO BOX 1075 NH 031051075 HËAftÏ þìIND SÏRATË61ËË DUCÀTIONAL PRODUCÏS 1 80,70 0 12355 SUNRISE VALLEY DRIVE SUI-TË 3 vA 20¡91 Ei]GAGT 8T4 KING S'IREET SUITE 22314 W[8SITE ÐEVELOPER 774,07Ð INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 156,244 4OO EflESOURCES SERVtCËS PO BOX 660831 TX 752660831 2 Tot¿l nurÌrber of rnde com ron from dent contråctors (rncìudtng but not lrmrted to those lrsted above) who recetved more than 9100,000 of antzatron Þ 1l Form 990 20 16) Form 990 (2016) PåTt 9 VIII ìf Irnê rn thrs (A) (D) TÐtàl fevenue e{€ludêd 1b ç Fundrars¡ng eeênts . I f. I 1d g Noßc¿sh contr¡butrons tncluded rn lôes 1a-1f $ 77,367 h l c & 9,9?9,962 Bustness 2ð AttNUÀL cÒNË€RÉñcË 741 b c ö d ço ë ð OTol¡l,Add þ o I All other proqram sêrulce revenue 2â*2f , lrngs 247,254 . .il Inyèstment rncome (rncludtng drvrdonds, rnleresl, and other srmrlåram0unt6). , > 4 lncomê froßì lnvéstmènt of têx-exémpt bond proceeds SRoyåltres. . > (rr) Pemonal R¿a I 6¡ t06,r01 106, > GrosE rènLs b Lass teiltål èxpéh#s ê Rortâi rnohê ôr d Net rental rncome or (loàr ) (loss) . , (r) $ccurrligs 3,ó 1 5. 12,05r (ù 6 [¡ E, q) o 8a Gross rncome from fundratstng {not ncludrng $ contrbohons Sêe Part IV, lne 18 , r"ffiääIìiËî¡ b Lé$s d¡reçt expensåË c Net tncome cr {loss) 9a Gross lncome from Seê Part IV, lrnÊ 19 actrvtttes a l¡ Less d¡rect êxpensês c Net b {loss) from relu fñs b Less fl and stop here. The organtzatton qualifres as a pubhcly supported organtzatton >M 33L/3o/o supporttest-2015. If the orçanrzatrofl drd not check a box on llne 13 or 16a, and llne 15 rs 33 U3o/oor more, check thrs box ¿nd stop here. The organrzatton quahfres as a publrcly supported organrzatron >n 17¿ 1Oo/o-facts-and-circumstancestest-2oJ.6. If the organrzatron drd not check a box on lrne 13, 16a, or 16b, and lrne 14 ts 10o/o or more. and tf the organtzatlon meets the ''facts'and-crrcumstances" test, check ihrs box and stop here. Explarn ln Parl VI how ihe organr?atton meets the "facls-and-crrcumstances" test The organrzatron gualrfres as a pubf rcly supported b organrzatron 5 supported 1g >¡ L0o/o-facts-and-c¡rcumstânces test-2o15. If the organrzatron d¡d not check a box on lrne 13, 16a, 16b, or L7a, and llne 15 ls 100/o or fnore, and rfthe organrzåtron meets the "facts*and*clrcumslances" test, check thls box and stop here. Explarn tn PÊrt VI how the organrzatton meets the "facts-and-crrcumstances'' test The orgånrzðtton quahftes as a publrcly orgånrzatron >n Private foundation, lf the organtzatron drd not check ð box on ltne 13, 16å, I6b, 17a, ü 17b, check thrs box and see I nstructro ns Schedule A fform or 990- >il 20 16 Sch¿dule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 3 a)(2) the organtzatlon fa¡led to qualrfy under Part com ete Part Ii I 2 3 4 5 I 7a b c I yeaf (ôr (a)2012 in) Þ (b)2013 II. If (c)2014 {d)2015 (e)2016 (flTotal (c)201a (d)201s (e)20 16 (f)Total Grft*, gränts, contíbutton6, and membershrp fees recerved (Do not ¡nclude any "unusual grants ") Gross recerpts from admrssrons, merch¡ndrse sold or servrces performed, or facil¡trcc furnrshed ¡n êny ðctlvrty thåt rs rêläted tô thê organrzatron's tàx*exempt purpose Gross recerpts from actrvrtres that are not an unrelated trade or bustness Llnder sêctron 513 Tàx revenues levred for the organrzatron's benefrt and erther pard to or expended on rts behalf The value of seryrces or facil¡tres furnrshed by a governmental unrt to the orqånrzätr0n without charge Total. Add lrnes 1 through 5 Amounts ¡ncluded on lrnes 1, 2, and 3 recerved from drsqualtfted persons Amounts rncluded on ltnes 2 and 3 rêcervêd from olher than drsqualrfred persons th¿t exceed the greater of $5,000 or 1% of the amount on ne 13 for the year Add ltnes 'la and 7b Pt¡blic {Subtraêt hne 7c Section B. Total Support I 1Oä h (or fiscal year (a nins in) Þ )2012' Amounts from lrne 6 Gross rncome from tnterest, drvtdends, päyrnents rece;ved on secunttês loåns, rents, royaltres and rncome from stmtlar soùrces Unrelated buslness taxable rncome (less sectron 511 taxes) from busrnesses acqurred äftêr June 3Q" t975 ç 11 12 13 14 Add ltnes 10a and 10b Net rncome from unrèlated buslnes$ actrvrtres not lncluded rn l¡ne L0b, whether or not the busrness rs regularly carrred on Other lncome Do loss from the sale (Explarn rn Part VI ) Total support. (Add }nes 9, 10c, 11, and 12 ) Éírst five years. 1f the form 990 check th 16 supPort pçrçentãge Publrc support percentáge Section Þ. Com u tax year as â sectton 501(c)(3) organrzatron, >! here nc 75 organrzatron's frrst, second, thrrd, fourth, or rs of Public Su ort Percenta e rne B, column (t) drv¡ded by lrne 13, column (f)) 5 Schedule A, Part lll, 15 16 lrne 15 Investment fncoñe 17 lg lnvestrnent tncome percenJage for 2016 (lrne 1ûc, column (f) dr by lrne 13, colurnn (f)) 1,7 Investment rñcome percentage from 2015 Schedule A, Part III, lrne 1.7 18 19¿33I/3o/a supporttests-2O16, If the organrzatron drd not check the box on lrne 14, and l¡ne 15 ts more than 33 L/3o/o. and ltne 17 ls not more than 33 1/3o/o, check thts box and stop here. The organtzatron qualrfres as a publrcly supported organrzatron > fl 6 33 L/3o/o support tests-2o15. If the organrzatron dtd not check a box on lrne 14 or lrne l9a, and llne L6 ls more than 33 t/3olo and lrne 1B not more than 33 1/30l0, check thrs box and stop here. The orçanrzatron qualrfres as a publrcly supported organrzatron 20 >E Private foundation. If rzätron drd not check å bôx on lrne 14, l9a, or l9b, check thls box and see tnstructtons Schedule A lform >! g9O or 990-EZ) ls Schedule A (Forrn 990 or 201ó 4 SupBorting PArE TV only 12 Part I If you checked 12a of Part [, cornplete Sectlons A and B tf you checked l2b of 12c of Part I, complete Sectrons A, Þ, and E If you checked l2d of part I, complete Yes I 2 3å b c 4a b Dtd the organrzatlon have a supportêd organtzatton descnbed tn sectron S01(c)(a), below D¡d the organrzatlon conflrm that e¿ch supported orgåntzåtron qualrfred under the publtc support tests under sectton 509(a)(2)r lf "Yes," descrtba ¡n þart VI determnatøn Þrd the org?ntzatton enîure If "Yes,' ëxplañ n that atl support to such organlzatrons was Pärt VI whät conîëÌç thê orgèntzättöt put th plëcê ór {6)7 ( 3a or( 501(c satrsfred made the 3b srvely sectron 1 )(B) purposesr SU¿à USE Was any supported orgènrzâtton not organrzed tn the Untted Stêtes checked t2a or 12b tn pâft I, ânswer (b) and (c) below 3c If "Yes' and f s you 4å Þrd the organrzatron have ultrmate control and drscrehon rn decrdrng organrzatron? If "Yes," descrtbe n Part VI how the t and (c) the Êorergn supported despte beng controlled or that nôt purpo,es 5a Drd the organrzatron add, substrtute, or remove any supported org (c) balow (tf appltcable) Also, prowde deèail tn ncludng ft) the organEanons added, substttutedt or removed, (u) organnabon's orga nta ng docum.en t a u tho rta ng àmêndmëñt tô the ötgânÊtng dacuñênt) b Type I or Type II du for each (tv) how only. Was any added or subst¡tuted the tax yeaÈ If "Yøs," answer (b) and EIN numbers of the supported (rrt) the authonty under the was accomphshed (such as by 6 Substitutions only. tn the uals that than (r) tts supported organtzattons, (rr) supported orçantzatlons, or (rr) other ?If I Þrd the organrzatron make a I of complete Pa¡t 9a defined rn seçtton b (other c Dtdad Was the orgãntzatron certarn Type b lne ll suppo 70b below Þ¡d the organ:zatron 7 (as defrned rn sêctron 4958) not descnbed ln llne 7r If"Yes," I al any trme durrng the tax year by one or more drsqualrfred atron managers and organrzatrons descrrbed rn sectlon 509(aXl) or (2) efrned rn lrne 9a) hold a controlhng rnterest tn any enttty rn whrch the su ppoÊrng detaú tn Part VL (as whrch ö 9a D¡d one or more ¿tnswer drsqua ¡n had an 10a VL 990 Was the provde detail Part óther gtmilEr påyrhent to å substånttål côôtnbútôr (deflned tn contnbutor, or a 35o/o controlled enttty wtth reEard to a Schedule L (Form 990 or 990-EZ) member 5c or the provrsron of servlces or facrlrtres) to anyone of the charttable class benef¡ted by one or more of rts that also supporl or benefrt one or more of the frlrng tn Drd thÊ Örgënr?åtton provrdÊ sectron 4958(c)(3)(C)), a substantral co¡tnbutorT .If the org an:zatron'E conlrol? event Dtd the organrzatron provrde sr.¡pport 7 5a 5b Was the orgånrzatt on's supported 4c part of a class already desrgnaLed rn the orga nrzatron's organrzlng document? c 4b determtnatron under sectrons used to ensura that all suppott tn hne 9a) have an ownershrp tnterest rn, or derrve any personal benefrt from, assets also had an rntêrest2 lf "Yes," provtde detatl tn Paft vr. 9b 9c excess busrness holdlngs rules of sectr on 4943 because ofsectron 4943{f) (regardrno and all Type lll non-functronally tntegrated suppoÉrnE organrzatrons)l lf "Yes," lOa any excess buslness holdrngs tn the tax year) (Use Schedule C, Form 4720, to determtne the orgaruzatron had excess bustness holdngs) 10b or 99O-EZ 99û or Fart IV 1r ä 2016 Page 5 Supporting Yes NÔ Yes No Yes No Yês No Has the órganreaÈron accepted a grFt or contnbutron from eçy of the followrng pergons? A pêrson who drrectly or Indtrectiy controlr, erthe¡ åtone or'together with pêrsÖns described ln (b) åild (c) governtng body of a supÞartêd Þ'rEan¡zatronz thê drrêctorÉ, trust€es, or m€mbershrp of" one or more supported orgänr¿ätroó$ have el¿ct at least a ma¡ortty of the organrzatron's drrectors or truitees at all tlmeE du¡ng the têx yëår? Þrd vr how If the supported organzatrcn(s) effechvely operated, superwsed, or cont¡olleã the and/ar remove rf any, app!rcd to I 2 Ðrd the organrzatron operate for the benef¡t of any supported organrzatron other than operåtêdr supervrsed, or contrôlled the SuppoÈtnE organtzðtton7 If "Yes, carned çut the purposes of lhe supparted organzatrcn(s) that operated, ) Pârt or organzalþn that beneht the 2 II I Were a ma.¡orrþ of the organrzâttonfs dtrectors or trustees durrng each of the organrzatron's supported orgä ntzätton(s)? Tf ,,NO," supportng organø¿tron was vested the same persons that drrectors or trustees of of the VT n orgaøzatton(s) I Þ I T¡1 the organrzatron provrde to eech of lts s tax year, (r) a wntten notrce descnbrng the Form 990 that was most recently frled as of Drd the and amount of of notrfrcatron, noI documents rn effect on the date of of the frfth month of the organrzatron's urrng the pnor tax year, (tr) a copy of of the organrzatron's governrng prûvtd ed2 1 2 Were åny of the organtzahon's ôfftcers, dr (s) or (rt) seryrng on the goverñlng body m¿tnlatned a close and eonhnuous worhng or wtth appornted or elected by the supported orgàntzàtton rf "No," explam ñ Part VI how the ërgànÊatron orEanrzatrcn(s) 2 3 By reason ofthe relatronshrp organtzatton's lnvestment year't If "Yes," descrtbe tn suppoded orçanrzatrons have a srgnrfrcant vorce ln the e use of the organrzatron's rncome or assets at all tlmes dunng the tax 's supported organùattons played n thts regard tn and rn dr role the 3 IIT 1 Check the box next used to satrsfy the Integral Part Test dunng the year anThe b¡The c n The organrzatron 2 Actrvrtrês a ly supported orgån Drd organlzatlons and b the parent of rts supported organrzatrons Complete líne 3 below å enttty Descnbe in Part VI how you supported a government entrty (see tnstructtons) (a) and (b) below. Yes No n's actrv¡tres durrng tha tax year drrectly further the exempt purposes of the the orgå ntzåtton wås responstvez If "Yes," then n Pa¡t VI ldentlfy thoÉê suppofted tl¡ese acttvtttes dtrectly furthered therr exempt purpose, how the organtzatton was trcns, ând how the organtzatton determtned tà¿ò tåese acttvtt¡es constÈuted responsve to those substanhally all of ¡ts Dtd the öcttvttr€s d¿scrLbed tn (à) cônEtrtute acttvrtres that, but for the organrzatlon's rnvolvement, one or more of the organleatton's supported organtzatton{s) would have been engaged n2 lf "Yes," explan n Part VI the reasons for the organzatton's posttton that tts supported organtzatrcn(s) would have engaged tn these ecttvlttes but for the organrzatrcn's tnvolvement Parent of Supported 3 (ree Tnstructions) Test Complete line 2 below satrsfrèd 2à 2b Organrzatrons Answer (a) and (b) below. a Dld the arganlzatlo¡ have the power to regularly àppornt or elect a majonty of thê offtcers, drrectors, or truslees of each of the supported organtzattoni2 Provtde details tn Pärt VI" b Dtd the organtzatton exer€tse a substanttal degree of drrectron over the pohcres, progrèrns and acttvtttes of each of lts supported organlzåtlons2 If "Yes," descnb.e n Pe¡t VL the role played by tha organrzatþn rn thls regard 3a 3b 990 or I 2016 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 lEffifrl r! Type III Page 6 Non-Functionally Integràted 5O9(a)(3) Supporting Organ¡zat¡ons satrsfred thê lntegrål Part Test as a qualrfyrng trust on Növ 20, 1970 See instructions. All other Check he¡e ¡f the sect¡onA-Adju$tedNet (A) Year iB) Cr¡rrent Year ioptuanal) I 2 3 4 5 6 7 I I Net $hort-teriî raprtal gern Recovenes of prior-year drstrrbutrons 2 Other gross rncomê (see tnstructtons) 3 Add lrhes 1 through 3 4 Deprecratron and deplelron 5 Portton of operatrng expenses pard or rncurred for productron or collectlon of gross tnËome 0r fór mänägêmènt, conservättôn/ or rïåtôtenêncë of Þröpêfty held for productron of rncome (see rnstructrons) :6 Otherexpensês (see:nstructrons) Adjusted Net fncome (subtract hnes 5, 6 and 7 from lrne 4) 7 .::-¡: . 8..' --1- ..- Section B * Minimum Àsset Amount 1 Aggregate farr market value of all non-exempt-use assets {see tax yeår or assets held for part of year) å Averäge b monthly value of secuntres (B) Current Year (ophonal) I ,¡ Average monthly cash balances Prror Year 1û,, 1b c Farr mårkèt vàluê of other nón-êxèmpt-use asset$ d Total (add hnes la, lb, and lc) 1c 1d e 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 I I section c - Þ¡stributa 1 Ad¡usted net rncome 2 Enter B5% of hne 3 Mtnrr¡um asset 4 Ënter greater of lrne 2 or lrne 3 a unt Currenl Year Sectron hne 8, Column A) I for prror m Sectron B, lrne 8, Column A) 7 3 4 5 6 1 2 5 Irne 4, unless sub¡ect to emergency 6 the organtzatton's ftrst as ¿ non-functronally*rntegrated Type lII supportrng organrzatron (see Schedule Ä lËorm or 2016 Schedule A (Form 990 or 990-ËZ) 2016 Page III Non-Functionally Integrated sO9(a)(3) Su Section Þ - Þistribu 2 nizations (continued) Çurrent Year Arnounts pard to pêrform actrvt ty that directly furthers exempt purpos€E of supported orgênrzêttons, tn from 7 I 9 Total annual distributions. Add hnes 1 Drstnbutlons to altentrye supported organtzattons to whlch the organrzatron ts responsrve (provrde detarls ¡n Part VI tnstructrons D¡stnbuteþle amount fÒt 2OL6 from Sectlon 1O Lrne B ëmount drvlded llne 6 Lr¡e 9 amount Section ñ - Distribution Allocations (see Ínstructions) 1 rdistributions Pre*2O16 (îii ) Distributable Arnount for 2016 Drstlbutab¡e åmount for 2016 from Sêchon C, ltñe 6 2 3 Underdlstnbutrons, rf any, for years pnor to 2016 reasonable çause red--see tnstructton Excess drstflbutl0ns tf to 2016 a b c From 2013. d From 2014. e From 2015. f ïotal of hnes 3a € to underdlstrrbut¡ons of h to 2016 dlstftbut¿ble åmount i Carryover from 2011 nol apphed rnstructro Rema¡nder Subtract lrnes 4 Drstrrbutrons for 2016 from 3h ¿nd 3r fro $ to underdrstnbuhons b Applred to 2ö16 dlstrrbutable amount c Remarnder Subtract llnes and 4b from 5 Remarnrng underdlstrrbut¡ 6 2016, rf any rf amount see Remåtntng underdrstn lrnes 3h and 4b from l¡ne 4 5 for 2016 1 th¿n zero, see 7 Excêss distributions cärryÞver to 2017. Add lrnes 3¡ and 4c I Breakdown lrne / a b Ëxcess from 2013. c d Excess e Excess from from 2014. Excess from 2015, 20t6 Form 99o or 990-EZ 2016 7 Part VI 'llnis III; lirÍe 17å or Part,IV, ßëturn,,*äferetiÊå SCHËÞULE A, PART III LINF 1O' EXPI.ANATION OF OTHFR ¡NCOME oTþtER - 201? AMOUNT $ 4,315 2013 AMOUNT $ 2014 $ g'eft¡on.'Gr 910,: areas an 055 mom ?lnpaqns nt - DO NOT PROCËSS efile GRAPHI€ 93493284005317 Political Campaign and Lobbying Activities SCHEDULE C (Form 990 or 990EZ) Ls45-0042 For Organrzations Exempt From lncome Tax Under section S01(c) and ÞÇomplete if the organization is described be]ow. )Attach to Form gg0 qr Þfnfor¡nation about schedulê C (form ggo or 99O-EZ) ånd ft6 .Del)nrtrxri¡t ol' ui* Ttl',hrr\ lnlc'rnill Ror*n¡re Scrt tr.e lf As Filed Þata - ww w.trs, o ov / forrn9 20t6 527 ta Publie Inspection Open 0. 9 "Yes" on Form 990, Part lV, Llne 3, or Form 990-EZ, Part V, l¡ne Sectron S01(cX3) organrzättons Complete Parts l-A and B Do not complete Parl l-Ç r Sectron 5û1(c) (other than sectron ö01(cX3)) organlzatrons Complete Parts l-A and C below r Sectron 527 organzatrons Gomplete Part l-A only lf the organieatton ånsïyèred "Yes" on Form 990, Pàrt lV, LIRë 4, or Forrü 990-EZ, Part Vl, o Secton 501{c)(3) organrzatrons lhal have filed Form 5768 (elechon under sectron 501 (h)) r Seclron 501(cX3) organtzatnns that have NOT filed Form 5768 {h)) tf the ôrgan¡zätron ansvyered "YêË'on Form 990, Pärt lV, LtnÊ 6 r complete Part ll-B nol complete Part ll-A Pärt V, line 36c Part ot rnstructrons), lhen {Proxy Tax} r Secïon me complete Part l-B Part lll or o rganrzatron STATE POL]CY N FT\{'ORK -0952531 Part ï-A I 2 3 Gomplete if the organization is under 1" Provrde a descnptron of the organrzahon's dlrect and rnd¡rect polrttcal orlsa organization. tgn Polrtrcalexpendrtures Volunteer hours Pärt I.B 1 2 3 4a tomplete organ¡zat¡on ¡s exem u Ënter the amount of any excrse tax rncurred by the $ Enter the amount of any excrse tex lncurred by 4955 fl v** f,l uo I v*" I r¡o Iî fhe organrzatron rncuired a sectrôh 4955 tax, drd rt WEs a correctron made? ge{tion Part I*C t 7, Enter the'smçunt dtrertly expe*dçd by the frltng org*nlråtlor,t exempt funct¡on åctlvrtres Enter the âmount of the functlon act¡v¡!es rzètrons for Eectron 527 exêmpt 3 Total êxémpt functton elpêndttureó 4 Drd the frllng organreatron flleForm 5 Enter the nåmes, addresses a organrzatron made payments of pol:trcal çontr¡butrons fund or a polrtrcal actron (a) È òn Form 1120;POL, lrna 17b 1''and, Þ $ Þ' $ for th¡s that (PAC) H v.* H n¡o (EIN) of all sectron 527 polrtrcal organeatrons to whlch the fr nç the amount pard from the frlrng organrzatron's funds Also enter the amount rrectly dehvered to a separate polrtrcal organtzåtton, such as ð separate segregated nal space rs needed, provtde rnformatlon ln Part IV (c) Name ËIN {d) Amount pard from frlrng organrzatron's funds if none, enter .0" (e) Amount of polrtrcal contnbutrons recerved and promptly and drrectly dellvered to e sëpåråtê polrtrcal organrzaùon If none, enter -0.:l.t)t) .l::::. 2 '.:rt,:i l 3 4 É 6 for Päpßr"work 5ee forln 990 ar 990-:2, Car No 500845 $chedule C (lorm 990 or 990-EZ) 2016 Schedule C Form 990 or 990-Ë Part II-A 20 16 Complete if the organ ization is exempt snder section 5 01(c sect¡on 5O1lh)). form 5768 (elect¡on under 3) and tf the fillng orgêntzatton belongs to an affrlrated group (and llst ln Part lV each affrlrated gro expenses, a¡d share of excess fobby¡ng expendrtures) name, address, ÉlN, (b) Limits on Lobbying Expenditures (The terrn "expenditriresrt means amo¡rhts paid or incurred.) la b c d e 1 Total lobby;ng expendrtures to tnfluence publrc oprnron (grass roots lobbyrng) Total lobbyrnE expendrtures to lnfluence a legrslatrve body (drrect lobbyrng) Total lobbyrng expendrtures (add lrnes 1a and 1b) Other exempt purpos€ expendrtures Total exempt purpose expendttures (add lrnes lc and ld) 9,994,7L Lobbyrng nontaxable åmount Enter the ¿mount from the followrng tåble rn both columns [f the amount on line le, column (a) or (b) is: lobbying Not over $500,000 of the ðmount on lrne 649,73t ee 1e Over 5500,000 bul not over 91,000,000 000 Cver 91,000,000 but not over s1,500,000 0v€r S!,500,000 but not over 917,000,000 Cver g h i i S 1 5 7,000,000 Grassroots nontaxable èmount (enter 25% of llne tf) Subtract lrne Ig from llne la If zero or less, enter -0Subtract llne lffrom lrne lc Ifzero or less, enter -0If there ls an arnount other than zêrg on erther lrne th sectlon 4911 tax for thrs year? t62,434 t frle Form 4720 rêporttng ) (Some organizatlons tha to complete all of the five through 2f.) columns bel LX ditures Þur 4-Year {b) 2ã nontaxable amount Lo üv"nüruo n ?014 s02,629 Period (c) 201s 564,312 (d) (e) Total 2016 t94 649,736 'Is,5t7 bLo bbyrng cerlrng amount L 50o/o 3,34A,291 of lrne c Total d Grassroots nontaxable amount e Grassroots f 150% of 54,05 125,65i 728,879 L47,O78 1 162,434 B mount e Grassroots lo e ^1") ^'1) 2,188 Schedule C (Form 99o or 990-EZ) 2,188 Schedule C (Form 990 or 990-€2) 2016 Page the o section u For each "Yes" response on hnes la through 7t helow, provde n Part IV a detatled descnptton of Èhe lobbytng acttvtty ättem the to pu to stãte or uence rc oprnron on a legtslatrve the use or a Volu nteersT b PåÌd stäff or mänêgement (rnclude compÊflsàtron tn èxpènse$ reported on lrnes c Medta adve¡trsementsT d Marlrngs e Publrcatrons, or publshed or broadcast statementsT f I Gr¿nts to othÊr orgånrzètrons for lobbytng purposês? Drrect contact wrth legrsìators, therr staffs, government çffrcrals, or a legrslatrve body? Rallres, demonstratrons, semtnårs, conventrons, speeches, lectures, or any stmtlar meané? Other actrvrtres> Total Add l¡nes 1c ihrough 1t Drd the actrvrkres rn hne 1 cause the organtzatron to be not descnbed tn sectron 501(c){3),>. If "Yes," enter the amount of any [ax rncurred under sechon 4912 lf "Yes," enter thÊ amount of any täx r¡rcurred by organrzatron managers under soctron 491 If the fthng orgènrzatron rncurred à sectron 4912 tax, drd rt frle For,m ?0 for thrs year? h i t 2a b c d Pärt Amóunt No L III'A 3 undêr sect¡on sOl-(c)(3) änd has NOT filed ts lc throlgh 1ri7 to members, iegrslators, ôr the pub c? Complete if the organiz¿tion is exempt l¡ñder 50f-(c)(4), section 50f(c)(5), or sect¡on 501(c) 6 Yes I z 3 Part III-B Completê ¡f Ìha and if either (a) Dues, åssessments änd srmtlar amounts Seciron 162(e) nondeductr 1 z expeñ$es for which the No I Were substantralìy all {90olo or more) dues rece¡ved nordeductrble by membersr Drd the organrzatron make only rn-house lobbyrng expendrtures of $2,000 or less? Drd the organtzatton agree to carry ovêr lobbytng expendttures from the prror year? 2 3 5Or(c)(4)r sect¡on 501(c)(5), or sect¡on sot (cXõ) der 1 and 2, are ansvvered "No" OR (b) Part III-A¡ line 3, îs I res (do ñot include amounts of political a 2a b 2b 2c c 3 dues the excess does 4 3 polrtrcal 5 4 Taxable àmount of lobbyrng and Part IV expendrtures (see rnstructrons) 5 Supple Provrde lhe descnptro rnstructrons ånd Pårt Return Reference for ne 1 Also l¡ne 1,, Part l-8, lrne 4. Part l-C, llne 5, Parl II-A (affthated group thrs rt for st), Part II,A, nes 1 and 2 (see Êxplanatron Schedule C lForm gg0 or 99OEZ) 2016 GRAPHTC fiFHt![riçlE! SupplementalFinancialstatements PROCESS ' SCHEDULE D (ForrÞ 990) ÞLN OMB No 1545-0047 2016 Þ Cornplete lf the organization answered 'rYesr" on Êorm 99O, Part IV, line 6, 7, 8, g, 10f 11a, 11b, 1lc, l1d, 1le, 1lf, l2a, or 12b, Þ Attach to form 990. fnformation about Sched¡:le D (Form 990) and its instructions is at Open to Puþlic fnspection Hame of the STATË POUCY Part I Orgä Don0r rf the anlzatron ä L Total number at end of year 2 Aggregate value of contrrbutrons to (durrng year) 3 Aqgr€gäte value of grants from (dunnç year) 4 or Fuñ lar Funds "Yes" on Form 990 Palt IV Irne AggreEate vålue åt end of year 5 the organrrâtton tnform åll donors ând donor ådvtsorÉ tn v.rnttng thåt the funds are the organrzatron's propeÉy, suþJêct to the orgåntzètton'dexclus¡ve 6 Þrd the organtzätron tnform åll gräntees, donors, and donor advrrors ln used only for charrta bte putposes and not for the benefit of the donor or Drd held ¿dvrsed rn üY." üves ilxo conferrtng rmpermrsstble pnvate benefit) Part I lI !uo cän ¡f the Purpose(s) ol conservatron eaåemênts held by the orgêntzatron fl I n 2 Preservatron of land for pubhc use (e g , recreatton or Protectron of nalural habltat of a certrfred hlstor¡c strucÈure Preservatron of open space Complete l¡nes 2¿ through 2d tf thê organrzatron hetd a easement on the last day of the tax year ê Total number of Ëon$ervâttÖn easemêrìts conservâtton rn the form 0f the End of the Year 2a b Total acreage restncted by conservatron easements c Number of conserv¿tlon easements on ¿ cartlfied d Number of conseryatron eðsements $truclure lrsted ln the Nattanal Reg:ster 2b struËturê 2c after 8/Í Number of conservatlon easements mod 3 an hrstorrcally rmportånt land area not on a hrslorc 2d ext:ngurshed. or termrnated by the organrzatron durrng the nsferred, tåx year > 4 Number 0f ståtês where property 5 Does the orEanrzatron hêve and enforcement of the Amount of expenses I Þoes each and sectron 170(hX4 mont[onng, Part IItr 1a b Ëxo handhng of vrolatrons. and enforcrng conservatton easements durlng lhe year handltng of vrolatlons, and enforcrng conservatton eåsements dunng the year r on ltne 2(d) above satrsfy the requrrements of sectron lZo(h)(a)(B)(l) In Part XIII, desçlbe bafance üy** lds2 >$ the > monrtorrng, rnspectron. handhng of vrolatrons, a Staff and volunteer hours 7 ts locâtêd c0 n Y"" fl no conservahon eãsemênts In rts rêvenue and expense stðtement, ånd text of the footnote to the organrzatront frnanclal statements that descnbes eåsements rnclude, accountr Malnta¡ning Çollections of Art, ll¡stor¡cal Treasures, or Other Similar Assets. n answered "Yes" on Form 990 Paft IV I under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), not to report rn rts revenue statemenl and balance sheet works of art, hrstorrcal treåsures, ot assets held for pub c exhrbrtron, educatton, or research rn further¿nce ol publrc servtce, provrde. rn Part XIII, the the footnote to lts financral ståternents that descnbes these ¡tems If the orgêntzatton Permtttèd under SFAS 116 (ASC 958), io report rn rts rêvenue statement and balance sheet works of art, hlstortcal treasurès, ot othêr s¡mtl¿r assets held for pubhc exhrbrlron, educätton, or reseårch rn furtherähcê ôf publtc serv¡ce, próvtde thê foltowrng amounts relattng to ÈhêsÉ ttems If the organrzatron (i) Revenue ¡ncluded on Form 990, Part VIII, lrne (ii)Assets tncluded ¡n Form 990, Part 1 > $ >9 X If the organtzatton recetved or held works of art, hrstoncal treasures, or other slmllar assets for flnancral garn, provtde the 2 follolvrng amounts regulred to be reported under SFAS 116 (ASC 958) rel¿ttng to these ¡tems a b Revenue rncluded on Form 990, Part Assets lncluded ln Form 990, Part VIII, Ine >$ >g 1 X on Act Not¡c€, see the rÍt Cät Nô 52283D D (form 99O) 2016 Schedule Þ (Form 990) 20f6 page 2 the orgåntzêtton's âcq u Fitron, access on/ and qther records, check any ôf thê fo ôw nq thåt äre a gtgn f cânt use rtems (check all that apply) 7 Usrng ä n b tr ¡ c 4 d n Ê f] Pubhc exhrb¡tron scholarly research Loan or exchange orher Preservatron for future generåtrons Prov¡de a descrrptron of the organrz¿tron's collectrons ånd explarn how they PäTt further the exempt purpose ln XIII Þunng the year, drd the organrzatrþri soltett or recerve don¿ttorrs ôf årt, hrstôncål tre¿sures or sther srrnrlar assets to be sold to rarse funds rather than to be marntained as part of the organrzatron's collectr+n2 Pärt IV ôf ts cô ect on fl Y"" n ¡¡" Ëscrow and Custod¡äl Arrängemënts. Complete tf the organtzatton answered ''Yes" on Form 990, Part IV,.ltne 9, or reported an amount on Form 990¡ Part x 1a Is the organrzatron an agent, trustee, custodran or other lntermedlary for contnbutrons or other rncluded on Form 990, Part Xr b If "Yes," explarn the arrangement tn Part XIII and complete c Begrnn,ng b¿lance d Addrtrons durrng the year e Drslnbutrons durrng the year f Endrng balance 2a b ilv** ilxo Amount the foll owrno table 1c rd ,tt' 1e Lî Drd the organrzatron rnclude an amount on Form 990, Pert X, Lne 2l-, for escrow or custodr¿l account lrabrlrty2 IF XIII Check here rf the explanatron has Endowment Funds. Complete rf the tzatton answered 'r "Yes," explarn the arrangement ln P¿rt Part V {å}Cl,rr.Tent yêar il Y"t XilI on Form 990 Part IV, lrne 10, been provrded rn Part (c)Two years back {b)Pr¡o¡ year H llo n (d)Threê years l¡øck rs back f.a Begrnnrng of year baiance b Contnbutrons c Net rnvestment eêrntngs, galns, d Grants or scholarshrps . e Other expendrtures for facllttres and fosses and programs f Admrnrstrattveexpenses g End of year balance 2 Provrde the estrmated percentåge of the current year end balance (ltne 19, column as Board desrgnated or quasl-endoùment Þ b Permanent endowment > c Temporarrly restrrcted endowment The percentages on ltnes 2a,2b, and 2c should eguäf 100% Are there endowment funds not tn the possessron of the organrzatron that are held and admrnrstered lor the 3a organrzatton by ( i) unrelated orga nrzatrons 3a(i) ii) related orgånrzatrons 3a(ii) ( b 4 (a)) held â Yes If "Yes" on 3a(rr), are the related organrzatrons lrsted as requrred on Schedule R? Descnbe tn Paft XIfI the lntended uses of the organrzatron's endowment funds [E$[tr No 3b Land, buildings, and tquipruent. m Descrrptron of property nrzatron answ {a} la Land b Burldrngs c Leasehold tmprovements d Equrpment e Other Total, Add ltnes 1a through Ie (Column 'Yes' Çost or olhe}'båsrÈ Ëorm 990 Part IV lrne (b)Cost or other b¿srs (other) 1 a ee Ëorm 990 Pa (c)Accumulated deprecl¿tron (rnvêstf]tÈrìl] 247,593 147,098 180.056 150,498 3,120 must equal form 990, Part X, column (B), lne 3,720 Þ rt Irne 10 (d)8ook v¡lue 1 00,495 29, s 5B 0 130,0s3 Schedule D (Form 9SO) 2016 qrganrzått0n an5t{ered 0n (a eeu rty rôl*rêgts Olhsr (F) (G) Tolô1, ¿cDIuøã (b) ùu.l ëquå{ fanl lne 12 Investments*Program (a or9ônrzatton rnvettment 0n ( P¿ rt (c) (4) (e) Ïotå . lcûlvdn {b) /ilûst cA!À! ff¡trt hùe tj valqe (u (2) tl) (4) (5] (61 (7) t8) (e) 11ê or on 1 1. !ncome taxe3 8-964 RENT 64,017 86.43t DEFERRÊO (4) 6j (7) t8) (e) Ïôazl. ((clunn (b) ¡tù.t eqú¿l Fotit 2, úabrlìly for unce.taìñ t¿x org¿nrz¿hÐn'e ¡r¡brlrty t-1911, Þostt P¿tl X, r:al {AJ Lnè jS ) ons In Pa^ Xill, provtdè the text lq. tncertarn Èax posrtrofl5 'r¡der FIN to the organrzättoñ'Ê frDãnctàl stàleñeÐtÉ ih"t reports the 48 (ASC 740) Check her€ ìf th€ ìext of the foqtDole hag been provded rn Pa¡t XlIf Ø Schedule D (Form 990) 2016 Schedule D {Form 990) 2016 Page lete tf the t 2 a b c d e 4 2a Donated servrces and use of faciltltes 2h Recoverres of prror year grants 2C ) Other (Descrbe rn Part XIII Add ltnes 2a through 2d Irne 12a, 1û,297,866 4.l,t7I 2d . 2e . 1 ',,,,3 . P¿rtVIII, hne 12, but not on hne *57,578 10,345,4,44 I lnvestment expensês not rncluded on Form 990, Paft VIII, lrne 7b Add llnes 4a and 4b . , Tot¡l revenue Add lrnes 3 and 4c, Pärt XII Other (Descrrbe rn Part XIII ) 4b . 4c must ual Form 990, Part I, 5 I gtatements Reconciliation of Ëxpenses per Àudlted Amounts rncluded on llne I Ëxpenses per Return. 1 L0,472,736 but nçt on Form 990, Part IX, llne 25 Donated servrces and use of faciltires b Prtor year ad¡ustments c Other l0sses I Other (Descrrbe rn Pèrt XIII e Add l¡nes 2a through 46,07I 2b 2c 2d ) 2e . 3 Subtract [rne 2e from lrne L 4 Amounbs rncluded on Form 990, Part IX, lrne 25, 3 a Investment ÊxpênseE not rncluded on Form 990, 4a b Other (Ðescrrbe ¡n Pårt XUI 4b ) c Add hnes 4a and 4b 5 lotål expenses Add lrnes 3 and 4c. XIII 0 lo,?45,444 IV Itne 12a, Co rf Total expenses ånd lossês per audrted frnancral stãtementg a PäTt rt 1 Net unrealrzed galns (losses) on tnvestments b c 5 I 2 Pa Amounts rnclqded on lrne 1 but noLon Form 990, Pðrt VIII, lrne 12 AmounLs rncluded on Form 990, ¡r nrzatron answered 'Yes' on Form 990 Total revenuè, garns, and oiher support per audrted frnanclal statements Subtract lrne 2e from hne 3 4 of Revenue per Auditêd F¡nanc¡äl stätemÊnts witlr Revenue Èer Rêturn Recon 46,t7L 10,426,065 4c 18 5 0 10,426,065 Su plefn€ntäl InfÕ Provtde the descrrptrons requrred Part V, hne 4 P¡rt X Irne Part Return Reference II1, lrnes 1¿ and 4, Part lV, l¡nes 1b end 2b, l¡nes 2d and 4b Also lete thrs rt to rovtde any addltronal rnformatron Expla natron Sse Addrttonêl Data Table Schedule D (Form 990) 2015 Schedum {Form 990} 2015 Supplemental'lnformation (continue-d) Page 5 Return Reference Explanation o. gchedule {Form 990) 2016 AddìtiOnal Þata SoftwarafD: '$qfçrr*.a re: ile rsi on.: ,HtNr .,57.095"25taf- ,ltkirfièt. Return Reference PART X, IINE 2 tsx sPN EVALUATED ]TS UNCERTAINTY IN ¡NCOME TERI"I¡NED THATTHËRË WERE NO MATTERS ENTS OR THAT IyIAY HAVE ANY EFFECT ON TTS FOR EN 31, 2016, AND DE IN TTIE EINANCIAL STATËM Ie GRAPHTC , SCHËÞUIË G (Ëorm 990 or 990-Ë2) Dr'F,'rrlül¡Ìnl. ûf lhe PROCËSS IÉãtllrfFEtEE 493284005317 $upplementallnformationRegarding Fundraising or Gaming Activities xY€s,' Campleté tl the ôt0ål,t¡zaltôn ånswêrêd on Êo.m 990, Þañ lV, tnas otganralron entered nore than ¡15r0oo on Êorm 99o-EZ, )Attact to Form 9ÞO o¡ form !90-Ët" TTtr\ì¡n lulsnliìl l{tr ¿ïuc' Scn rr'e Foffi /.r, Li', or lne 6a 99O 0MÊ No t54s.0047 20r6 19¡ or ¡l the to Fublic In$Feclíon ,r5 me organtzatton STATE POUCY NETWORK Fundraising Activitieo.Complete rf the organrzatton answerod ',yes,, on Form Form 990-EZ fllers are not requtred to compl€te thts part. I a b c d IV, lne 17. lndrcate whether the organtzêtron rarsed funds through eny of the followrng actrvltles Check all Bl Ntarl sol¡clt¿tlons ffi Intamet and emarf solrcrtatlons ffi Phon" sollcÈatrons ffi In"person sol¡crtatrons 2a e ül f ! g ffi SoÌûtåt¡on of n Sokcrtatron of gränts specral Þtd the organrzatlon have a wrrtten or oral agreement wlth any rndrvrduel or key employees ltsted tn Form 990, Pårt V¡t) or entlty rn connectron wrth €ve offrcers, drrectors, onal MY""Eno If "Yes," lrst lhe ten hrghest to (i) pard rndtvrduals or entrtt€s (fundrarsers) pursuant be compensated at least 55,000 by the organrzatron Name and address of (ti) fundrarser Acttvrty pard to lndrvrdual ratarned by) hsted rn or entrty (fundrarser) ¡s (vi) Amount pald to (or retarned by) 0rgânlzatton col (i) Yes t No ADVISE ON ,AMERICAN PHILANTHROP:C {ARKETING AND 18 NORTH CHURCH SÎRËET :UNÞRAISING SUIÌË 2 {AÏËRIALS 55,000 2,11п00û 80,847 777,029 1 291,010 -t32,799 3,18 r,087 426,857 2,754,230 \OVISE ON 2 CLEARWORD COMMUNICAT]ON5 10302 BRI5TOW CENTFR DRIVE SUITE 5 UARKFTINC ANÞ :UNDRAISING VlATER¡ALg 857,876 ADVISf ON STEPHÊN CLOUSE & AsSOCIATES 43538 GOLDEN MEADOW CIRCLE 1s8,71 t47 4 5 7 B 9 10 lotal 3 L¡st all st¿[es tn whlch Èhe organ,zåùon ts regrsÈered or lrcensed to soltctt contnbuttons or has been nottfted tt ts exempt trorn regrstratron or lrcensrng AL, AK, AZ, AR, CA, CO, CT, DC, FL, GA, 11, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MA, MI, ¡,IN, MS, MO, NH, NJ, NM, NY, NC, ND, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, 5C, TN , VA, WA WV, WI For Pâperwork Rsduct¡on Act Nottcs, s€e thê Instru(tton6 fôt Fotñ gg0 or 990-EZ. cêt No 50093H sihedule 6 (Fornt 99O ô¡ 990-EZ) 2016 Schedule G (Form 990 or 990-Ë2) 2016 Page 2 Fundra¡silrg Events. Complete rf the organrzatron answered "Yes" on Form 990, Part IV, ìrne 18r or reported more lhan $15,000 of fundra event contrlbutrons and gross rncome on Forrn 990-87, lrnes ,1 and 6b" Llst events wrth than rece (b) (a (ev*nt type) ql Event #2 {c,}Othêr ê,yeats {d} Total events col (a) through (event type) col (c)) (tatal: number) s ' :.. o Þ c,J d ...:. t::: 1 Gross recerpts 2 3 Gross rncomê (lrne 1 mrnus Less Contrrbutrons. llne çt qi (t ç.þ r¿ ñ uo g ô 4 5 6 7 3 9 Cash prrzes Noncash pnzes Rent/facrlrty costs i Food and beverages ÊnteÉalnment Other drrect expenses 10 Þrrect expense summary Add ltnes 4 through 9 ln colu l3Net III Part rncome summâry Sub[ract hne l0 frorn lrne 3, column (d) Gaming" Complete rt the orgäntzatton lrne 6a. on Form 990- "Yes" on q, t( o , , Part tV, Irne 19, or reported more than 915,000 (bI Full tabs/lnstant brngølÞro gressrve [rngo (c) Other gamrng (d) Totaì gðmrng (ðdd col (a) through coi (r)) c,, ct 1 Gross I çash pflzes revenue . ç1, $ U) c(þ ft riY 3 õ(Þ 4 = Ð ç 6 Noncash pnzes Rent/facrlrty costs Other drrect expenses fl il Volunteer labor Y*s,..".....-"-.-$g" t¡o ! Yes IHo 9ç ! vrs. fl ¡¡o i!g_ rough 5 rn column (d) 7 Net I mês lrne 7 from lrne I colurnn d organrzêtron conducts ga mtng actrvrtres $ to other exernpt orgänrzatlons ör spent I, lrne 2b, colurnns l[) ênd v)i and complele thts pãrt to provrde any äddttlonal rred by Part Explanatron Schedule G (Form 990 or 99O-EZ) 2016 efile GRAFHIC orint - ÞO NOï pRoCESS I (Form 990) of bLNl e3493294oO53i7 Âs Ë¡led Þåta - "2016 Grants and Other Assistance to Organizations, Governments and lndividuals in the United States cómÊlètê ¡l l¡ë orsähi?atlÞî ä,tewsr:í eeo, Part ¡% l¡ne 21 ar 2¿, rJÊ:if ii..,r- thê ¡nspeatidn > Inlormät¡on about schedule I (Form 99ol and ¡ts ¡nrtÌsclionsis a¡.yfgå¿kê!ggyt!!9!U229, NET\IORK 5TAT6 PATt I Gêneral lnformåtion on Grãhts and Assfstance 1 Þoes the orgånr:åtron marDtarn records to substãnù¿le the smount of the grånts ór åssrgtånce, úre grsntees' elrgÊbrlty for the grànts the gelectron cnte¡ra qsed to award the grBrts or Ðsgrstânce) . , . 2 Þescnbe ln Pàrt lV the orgànrrâtlon's pro(edures for mohìtonng the usê of grånt fonds rn lhe Unrted States My"r Elo roh ¡r5wêrþd 'yêl .: i (a) Name and ãd¿têEs of (b) ErN (c) ¡RC sectron rf appløb1e orçånrzatron (d) Arnosnt gf qrènt cash (è) Amounl of nen. f ldvr, åÞpiâ}E¡l;. á9iréta¡câi ôtftêrìì l : i45if{9'ôote ',Ç ^&' {g) ôi¡cnptron oi ñöniÉ*¡i åï3rståneè #, ffi - PHIC DO NOT l Schedule As Data * 93493284005317 D Compensation lnformation (Form 990) 0MB No 1545-0047 For certain Off içers, Þirecìom, Tru*tee¡. Xey [mployees, and Highest Compeneåìed Ernployees Þ Compl€te if the organfzatlon answeied "Yeg,'on Ëorm g9Q part lV, line >Inrormarionaboutxhedut",{r"ttf;lüt:iiiJilSi'kionsisat t5 2i. wì44w,irî,aautf,ptm,þsa. Open [o Public InsûÉctíon e 0n Part I ãrdln Questlo Yss Ho 1â b 1b 2 2 3 f: ç T compef]sðttoil cofiìñtttee lndependent corïpensatlon consultànt Form 990 of other orgàntzafrons Dilflng fhe year, drd any petron ltsted ¡ln Form or a reiated organl¿atton a b c 5 Wrrtien e mploymenl coûtract Compensatron survey or study Approv;rl by lhe bûðrd oI c ompensàtton coûìnìttlee ¡ Secüor¡1'4.,'fLne 1a wrth .espect to the frlrng orSânrzatron ¡ severan6e p¿yment or change-o,f.control pàyment? Parttctpate rn, or recetve paym€nt from, a s'r-tpplemental nonqu.allflecl rettrement pf an7 Pår"trcrpâte rn, or recetve p¿tyment f¡ôm. an eq!tty-bâsed compên5âtlôil arrångement? If"Yes" to any oflrnes 4a-c, lrstthe persons and provrdelhe applrcable anounts foreach ltem ln Part Recerve 4r No Onfy 501(c)(3), 5o1{c)(4), and 501(c)(29) organizations must complete línes 5-9. FoÍ petsons llstèd ôn Fotnì 990, Pårt vII, Sectron A, lrne 1a, dtd the orgãntzètton pày ôr åccruê åny conìpensatroI conltnqenI on the revenLles of If "Yes," on lrne 5ð 5a Yes 5b No 6à No 6b No or5b, desctibe tfl Parl III For persons lrsled on Form 990, Pårt VII, 5e ctrórì A, lrne La, dtd the oag,1il1zatjon pày or accrue åny compÊnsâtloñ contrnqenI on the net edrnlhçs of a The org¿ntZal:ron7 b Any related orqånrz.rttonT il "Yes." on lrne 6a.or 6b, desclbe ln P¿rl lÌl ? Fot p€Tsons i¡sted oD Éorm 990, Pàrt VII, Sectron A.lr¡¡e 1a, drd the organÌzatroG provrde any non-flxed pàymenis not descrrbed tn lrnes 5 and 6r lf "Yes," descrrl¡e ln Þart lll 8 Were any amounts repoited on ForrD 990, Part VII, p.ìtd or accured pursuant to a contract tlìåt was 7 sub¡ect tÒ Ìhe Inrt¡al contrðÇl exceptrofl descfltred rn Reg!rlðtróns seÇtìon 53 4958-a(a)(3)? If "Yes." descrrbe tr Part III I No No ItI a I he nrgsnrraLronT b Any related organrzatlon? 6 4a 4b If "YÈs" a Yes No on lrne B, drd the orgÈnrzat¡on also follÒw the ret¡utt¡trle presumptron procÊdurÉ descrrbed ¡n Regulatrôns sêctrûrr 53 4958-6(c)i Fûr Paperworft Reductlon Act NotlEe, see the Instructions for Form 99O. I Cat No 50053T Schedule J (Form 99o) 2015 S{ tJedulê Part l lI on For oiì FórfR (Äl mnt¡ve (rtI l ånd.t€}:amôunts.fi}r lhå¡ ridÌvldüal cåhs Rpûdâþle Rêffrgß1cnländ Þ¡hÈr..dqtçÉed 6öihpqniåtrôn côl¡pêr9êqot :cçeBensðqon (rl 60;00C þ 4¡774 tf,l 0 û o 0 (t) t67,680 3.ûtó ù 3;5ô0 t,tgz.,,aîæ#;. r¡.r^¡r-rr¿#{ ü¡) 0r/2016) (ii) goilus å. :¡.4,Þ80 g of {O $J Nåmè:råñd :rrtl€ ûåæ {r) {o¡npân åuän 2 Råri.VI¡i geertoit /\, hûe::la. åB¡i¡i¿ãble:colún¡ir o 0 (r) t{0;270 Ê9.027 ù ô iln 0 0 û ù,. t"i::*27 o t 0r{ ...1ì180.$4õ .¡r 0 iìi:l.r¡'-:''' 'Ð Ìií k# o ,?5.ttIëw - *r,,-i;*rr:l';-q' s>. .nl '%-v.{iTP" ;.ã¡{çfÈ1:-----,, *."i .0 ?43t28ç 0 ô 0 $.íadule J (form :' ù o 99O) 2015 Schedule {Hum @391 2.015 -_5upplemnntal Information Page 3 me mf?rmanml. explanation, descriptions rcqurmrl for Part]. Ilnes la. 15:. 3, v13and {er Pat: A150 {his part for any mfurmatenn Ran-km Rafamnca PART I. LINE 5 PART I. LINE Expianatlnn VP FOR STRATEGIC WAS ELIGIBILE FOP. INCENTIVES 3.9351593? FRET Di"! RAISED 5PM SOMETIMES PROVIDES MID AND END-OF-YEAR BGNUSES FUR STAFF BASED 0N 2% ?f ~.5?h?duin (Form 1015 9'56 co- 1: ñFf:il?if¡EttË nt - ÞO NOT FROCESS efile GRAPHIC SC}IEDULE M (Form 990) ÞLN; 934932A4OO53L7 No 1545-0047 Noncash Gontributions 2016 >Complete if the organizations answered "Yes" on Form 99O, Part IV, lines 29 > Attach to form 99O. >Information ahout Schedsle De¡rrtnrent olthe Tre;rsun ì'1 (form 990) and its instructionç is at open to Fublic Inspection Itrlcmrl Re\enüÈ Sen rùÈ Name orEanrzatron 6TAÏË POLTCY NËTWORK 57-0952s31 Part I of (a) (b) (d) Check rf Number of contr¡butrons or rtems contnbuted apphcable I of determrnrng contrrbuhon åmount$ Art*Works of ¿rt Art-Hrstoncal treasures Art*F¡actronal rnterests 2 ä 7 Books and publrcattons Clotfung ¿nd household goods Cars and other vehrcles Boats and planes . I IntellectuaI property 4 5 6 ...:::r::-+::iai iæ 3l s Secuntres*Pub[cly traded ;,i,51--"*U X . :::,.;: ::::a Secunttes-Closely held stock Secuntles-Partnorshrp, LLC, 10 1t !Þll:i ':.. ' O 77 '362 i !.:f ::.:::t .: ¡tì:r il,IARKËT VALUE it 0r trust rnterests Securrïes-Mrscellaneous 12 13 . .,,Eitr Qualrfted 00nsèrvâtron contrrbutron- Hrstonc structu res Qualrfted conservatron T4 .::::ili' 4Í*Y '::::::.:::::::.. ,.:L contnbutrôn*Other Reaf estate--Resrdentral 15 L6 Reål êstËte*Commerclal estate-Other TT Real 18 19 Collect¡bles 20 DruEs and medrcal supphes 2T T.axrdermy 22 Hrstoncal artrfactg Sclentlfrc speclmens Archeologrcal arttfacts Food 23 24 25 26 27 rnventory . ::::.: : - ir: iJ ::a::.:a:a.:-; ' r Other> ( Other > ( Other > ( Other > ( Number of Forrns 8283 2A 29 by for whrch tron dunng the tax year for contnbutrons 8283 , Pad lV, Donee Acknowledgement 29 Yes 30a organrzatron rec€tve by contnbutron any property reported rn Part Dunng rt mus! hold for at 31 the to be used holdrng penodT , 3Oa that requrres the revlew of any non-standard contr¡butrons) 31 32a Does the organtzatton hrre or use thrrd partres or related organrzatrons to sohcrt, pro{ess, or sell noncash contflbuttons? 33 , Art rn Yes 32a . If "Yes,'' descnbe rn PaÈ Il If the organtzatron dtd not report an amount descnbe rn Part II For Påþêtwörk RËduct¡oñ No ent rn Part II Does the organtzatron have a grft acceptance poircy b No lrnes 1 through ZB, that From the date of the lnrt¡al contnbutron, ¿nd whrch rs not requrred I for exempt purposes for b lf "Yes,'' descnbe I, column (c) for a type of property for whrch column (a) rs checked, NoÙco, s€ê thè Inêttucttôñ6 for Fotrn 99O. cat No s1227J Sthedule ìi {Fôrm 990) (2016) Schedule Form 990} (2016) Page 2 Supplemental Information. Prowde the requzred by Part I, lines 30b, 32b, and 33, and whether the orgamzatlon l5 reporting an Part L, column the number of contributions, the number of Items or a combination of both. Also complete part for aim,r additional Information. I Return Reference Explanatmn o- PART I, COLUMN (B) THE NUMBER IN THIS COLUMN REPRESENTS THE NUMBER OF Schedule {Form 9901 {2016) efile GRAPHIC SCHEDULE O (Form 990 or 990- Ezt D*pnrtneß ol the Treorun * Þo NoT PROCESS As Filed Þata - ÞLN; 93493234005317 Supplemontal lnformation to Form 990 or 990-Hä Çsmpleta to provld+ information fof reeponses to speclf¡c questlone on Form e9O or 99û-EZ or to provide eny additional information. ) Âttnch to Form 990 or 99O-EZ. Þ Informatlon about Schedsle o (Forn 99O or 99O-EZ) and its WIiVW¡ No 016 to Publ Inspection STAÍE POLICY entâ Reù¡rn Reference FOR¡¿ 990, PARÏVI, sËcTtoN A, LINE EB n Explanatron PRIOR TO JANUARY 2017, THF BOÀRD COMMITTËES WTHIN L WRIfiEN MINUTES OF COMMITTEE MEET1NGS HËLD DURING ING BODY KEEP FORMA 990 Schedule 0, S?ppl?m?enta! Informatiun? Return Explanation Reference FORM BEIU. A DRAFT COPY OF THE FEDERAL FORM 990 IS FIRST REVIEWED BY OUR PRESIDENT AND PART VI. DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS THE DRAFT FORM 993 IS THEN REVIEWED AND BY THE PRESIDENT SECTION 3, UPON THE APPROVAL. IT is FDRWARDED TO THE BOARD AND FINANCE COMMITTEE. LINE 118 OR AN APPROVED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE AUDIT AND FINANCE COMMITTEE PRIOR TO FILING WITH THE INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE 990 Schedule O, Supplemental fnformation Rêturn Referencê THË PN s ls oË MU SFN'S I A H RË IFT T THE ISITE RËCTORS MAY RËQUIRË RËSIGNAÏION o F LOY ÏO ÖR D PERFO OF ÐI 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Information Return Explanation Reference FORM STAFF COMPENSATION RECOMMENDATIONS ARE, SUBMITTED TO THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS AS OF THE PART VI. ANNUAL BUDGETING PROCESS THE BOARD PERSONNEL COMMITTEE MAKES RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PRESIDEN SECTION B. COMPENSATION AFTER AN EVALUATION THAT INCLUDES A REVIEW OF INDUSTRY STANDARDS AND PEER LINE OMPENSATION PACKAGES THIS EVALUATION IS COMPLETED PERIODICALLY WITH TEE LAST ONE BEING CO MPLETED DURING 2015 THE COMMITTEE SUBMITS ITS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE PRESIDENT COMPENS ATION TO THE FULL BOARD OF DIRECTORS FOR DISCUSSION AND FINAL APPROVAL BEFORE BEING INCORP ORATED INTO THE ANNUAL BUDGET 99O Schedule O, SupplêrnêntË¡l Return Referengg F08M ggti ,eÁffV;, sËGtftoN'o" ,l-lNË,':!P InforÍiâtiôn Explånåtrtn .Þû.S.{Jl!{Ë[iT$r{HF,.NPf MAÞ,E;,,,qtAäbë TÐ THH'PUBL O 990 Schedule 0, Supplemental Inform?atibn Return EXPlanatIon Reference FORM 996. OTHER CONSULTING SERVICES PROGRAM SERVICE EXPENSES 1%9391 EKPENS PART IX. ES 74? FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 120.1733 OPERATIONS CONSULTING PROGRAM SER LINE 11G VICE EXPENSES 45. 029 MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL EXPENSES FUNDRAISING. EXPENSES 0 TOTAL EXP ENSES 45. 029 ADVANCE POLICY TEAM PROGRAM SERVICE EXPENSES 1 1083.126 MANAGEMENT AND GENE RAL EXPENSES 6 FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 1. 094. 903 LEADERSHIP DEVELQPNIE NT PROGRAM SERVICE EXPENSES 629 T94 MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL EXPENSES 3. 922 FUNDRAISING XPENSES 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 633. T16 PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM SERVICE EXPENSES 631.142 MANAGEMENT AND GENERAL EXPENSES 3.931 FUNDRAISING EXPENSES 0 TOTAL EXPENSES 635.073