Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 1 of 8 SEALED U N ITED STA TES D ISTR ICT CO UR T SO UTH ER N D ISTR ICT O F FLO RID A CA SE NO . - 18U.S.C.j1956(h) 18U.S.C.j1956(a)(1)(B)(i) 18U.S.C.j982 UN ITED STA TES O F AM ERIC A FILED BY D C. V. MA2 222212 R AYM O N D O DIG IE UA D IA LE, a/k/a RM ike R olandr'' s'œ vEN M.I -ARI MORE cLeIRKu.s.Dls-r.c'T s.D.oF Ft.A I=r I-AUD. Defendant. ) ) IN D IC TM EN T The Grand Jury charges that: G EN ER AL A LLEG A TIO NS A tal1tim esm aterialto thisIndictm ent: ttRansom w are''refers to a type ofm aliciouscom putersoRw are thatextortsm oney from victim s. Generally,once ransom w are infects a victim 's com puter,itççlocks''the com puter so that the com puter's users cannot access any data. The ransom w are then often displays a m essageon the screen,referred to asa Etsplash screen,''w ith instnzctionsforpaying a ransom . The instructionsprom ise,som etim es falsely,thatusers w illregain accessto their data upon paym ent ofthe ransom . Reveton w as a type ofransom w are thatinfected com putersthroughoutthe United Statesand othercotm tries. W hen Reveton infected a victim 'scom puter,itwould display a splash screen thatincluded the logo ofa 1aw enforcem entorganization and a m essage falsely inform ing the victim that the 1aw enforcem ent organization had found illegal m aterial on the infected . Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 2 of 8 com puter. The Reveton ransom w are splash screen w ould directthevictim to pay a tçfine''in order to regain access to the com puter and its data. Upon paym ent, Reveton nevertheless would som etim esnotallow the victim to regain thataccess. GreenDot M oneypaks w ere financialinstrum ents loadable by cash at designated physical locations such as drug stores throughout the U nited States. Reveton's splash screen included instructions for victim s on how to obtain M oneypaks and a form for subm itting a M oneypak accountnum beraspaym entoftheir 'tfine.'' Liberty Reserve w as an online paym entprocessor thatoffered a digitalcurrency service through w hich m em bers could convertdeposited funds to çt iberty Reserve D ollars''in orderto kansferm oney to others. C O U NT 1 Conspiracy to C om m itM oney Laundering (18U.S.C.j1956(h)) 5. The G eneral A llegations section of this Indictm ent is re-alleged and fully incorporated herein by reference. From in oraboutatleastOctober2012,and continuing through atleastM arch 27, 2013,the exactdatesbeing unknown to the Grand Jury,in M iam i-D ade and Brow ard Counties, in the Southern D istrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendant, R AY M O ND O D IG IE U A DIA LE, a/k/a GM ike R olandr'' did willfully,thatis,with the intentto furtherthe objectsofthe conspiracy,and knowingly com bine,conspire,confederate,and agree w ith other personsknown and unknow n to the Grand Jury to com m itoffenses against the U nited States,in violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code, Section 1956,thatis,to know ingly conductand attem ptto conductfinancialtransactionsaffecting interstate com m erce,w hich transactions involved the proceeds of specified unlaw ful activity, Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 3 of 8 knowing thatthe transactionsw ere designed in whole orin partto concealand disguise thenature, location,source,ownership,and controloftheproceedsofsuch specified unlawfulactivity,and thatwhile conducting and attem pting to condud such financialtransactions,ltnew thattheproperty involved in the financialtransactionsrepresented theproceedsofsome form ofunlawfulactivity, inviolationofTitle18,United StatesCode,Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i). Itisfurtheralleged thatthe specified unlaw fulactivity w as com puterfraud,in violation of Title18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1030(a)(7). O BJEC T O F TH E C O N SPIM CY ltwasthe objectofthe conspiracy forthe defendantand hisco-conspiratorsto unlaw fully endch them selvesand others,to hide illegalproceeds,and to further the fraud schem e by,am ong otherthings,w ithdraw ing,transferring,and conducting tinancialtransactionsinvolving fraudulently-obtained fundsthrough tinancialinstitutions in the United Statesand abroad. M A N NE R A N D M EAN S The naanner and nAeans by w hich the defendant and his co-conspirators sought to accomplishtheobjectsandpurposeoftheconspiracyincluded,amongothers,thefollowing: 8. Co-conspirator 1 distributed ransom w are,including the variantofransom w are known asReveton. 9. Through ransom ware,Co-conspirator 1 accum ulated victim s'ransom paym entson GreenDotM oneypaks. UA DIA LE obtained prepaid debitcard accounts. U sing the online m onikerGiM ike Roland,''U A DIAI',E would send Co-conspirator 1 the account num bers for those prepaid debit cards via an online m essaging platform . Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 4 of 8 11. U sing GreenD ot'sonline transfersystem ,Co-conspirator 1w ould transfervictim s' ransom ware paym ents from GreenDot M oneypaks to the prepaid debit card account num bers provided by UA DIAI,E .O nce those fundsw ere loaded on theprepaid debitcards,Co-conspirator 1(usingtheonlinemonikerCEKING'')wouldmessageUADIALE thelastfourdigitsoftheloaded prepaid debitcards and the am ountloaded on each. Co-conspirator 1 would instructUA D IAIIUE to send a portion ofthose fundsback to Co-conspirator 1through Liberty R eserve. 12. UA D IAI,E w ould then w ithdraw the loaded ransom w are paym ents from the prepaid debitcardsas cash atautom ated-teller-m achine orpoint-of-sale locations in the Southern D istrictofFlorida and elsew here. Aûerw ithdraw ing the m oney,UA D IAI,E would send aportion ofthe ransom w are paym entsto Co-conspirator 1 through Liberty R eserve from one orm ore com puterslocated in the Southern DistrictofFlorida and elsew here. The portion UA D IA LE sentthrough Liberty Reserve was valued ata dollaram ountequalto an agreed-upon percentage of the ransom w are paym ents. UA DIAT,E would keep the rem ainder of the ransom w are paym ents for exchange fees and as a com m ission. 14. W hen a tinancial institm ion froze or closed a prepaid debit card account for suspected fraudulentactivity,Co-conspirator 1w ould tellU A DIAI,E thatthe transferoffunds to thataccounthad failed,and U AD IALE w ould obtain and m essage to Co-conspirator 1 a different prepaid debitcard accountto use in the schem e. Al1inviolationofTitle 18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1956(h). 4 Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 5 of 8 CO U N T 2 M oney L aundering (18U.S.C.j1956(a)(1)(B)(i)) 15. TheGeneralAllegationssection ofthisIndictm entisre-alleged and incop orated by reference as iffully setforth herein. 16. O n or aboutM arch 27,2013,in M iam i-D ade and Brow ard Counties,in the SouthenlDistrictofFlorida,and elsewhere,the defendant, M Y M O N D O D IG IE UA D IA LE, a/k/a GM ike R oland,'' did know ingly conduct and attem pt to conduct a financial transaction affecting interstate comm erce,speciticallythetransferofapproximately $840 worthofLiberty Reservedollarsonthe Liberty Reserve digital currency platform from an account in the nam e of %tM ike Roland''and having a ntlm ber ending in -0836 to an account having a num ber ending in -2547, which transaction involved the proceeds of specified unlaw fulactivity,specifically com puter fraud,in violation ofTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Section 1030(a)(7),knowingthatthepropertyinvolved in the financial transaction represented the proceeds of som e form of unlaw ful activity,and know ing thatthe transaction wasdesigned in w hole orin partto concealand disguise the nature, location,sotlrce,ow nership,and controlofthe proceedsofspecified unlaw fulactivity. Al1inviolationofTitle18,UnitedStatesCode,Sections1956(a)(1)(B)(i)and2. FO R FEITUR E A LLEG A TIO N S (18U.S.C.j982) Pursuantto Title 18,United States Code,Section 982(a)(1),upon conviction of Count 1 or 2 ofthis lndictm ent,an offense in violation ofTitle 18,U nited States Code,Section 1956,the defendant,R AY M O N D O D IG IE U A DIALE,a/k/a GM ike R olandr''shallforfeitto Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 6 of 8 the United Statesany property,realorpersonal,involved in such offense,orany property traceable to such property. Theproperty to be forfeited includesbutisnotlim ited to the follow ing: Approximately One Hundred Thirty Thousand Dollars ($130,000.00) in U.S. currency, in that such sum represents property involved in or traceable to violationts)ofmoneylaundering. 2. If any of the forfeitable property described in the forfeiture section of this Indictm ent,as a resultofany actorom ission ofthe defendant, (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) cannotbelocatedupontheexerciseofduediligence; hasbeentransferredorsoldto,ordepositedwith,athirdparty; hasbeenplacedbeyondthejurisdictionoftheCourt; hasbeensubstantiallydiminishedin value;or hasbeen commingled with otherproperty which cannotbe subdivided without difficulty; itisthe intentoftheUnited States,pursuantto Title21,United StatesCode,Section 8531),as incorporated by Title 18,United States Code,Section 982(b),to seek forfeittlre ofany other property ofthe defendantup to the value ofthe above forfeitable property. A TRUE BILL FO REPER BEN JA M IN G .GR EEN BERG U NITED STA TES A TTORN EY JARED M .STRAU SS A SSISTAN T U N ITED STATES A TTO RN EY % .: .JossNlcldot-s (I..JJl-r.u,,) TRIAL A TTO RN EY ,U .S.D EPA RTM EN T OF JU STICE N Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 7 of 8 IJNITED STA TES DISTRICT CO URT SOUTH ERN DISTRICT OF FLO W DA UNITED STA TES O F A M ER IC A CA SE NO . VS. CERTIFICATE OF TRIM .ATTORNEY * R AYM O ND O DIGIE UADIALE, a/k/a RM ikeRoland,'' Defendant. / Superseding Case Inform ation: CourtDivision:(SelectOne) New Defendantts) M iami Key W est - FTL 7F- MTB Yes Num berofNew Defendants Totalnumberofcounts No 2 FTP ldo hereby certifythat: 1. Ihavecarefullyconsideredtheallegationsoftheindictment,thenumberofdefendants,thenumberofprobable witnessesandthelegalcomplexitiesoftheIndictm ent/lnform ation attached hereto. lam awarethattheinformation supplied on thisstatementwillbe relied uponby the JudgesofthisCourtin settingtheircalendarsand schedulingcriminaltrialsunderthemandateoftheSpeedyTrialAct,Title28U.S.C. Section3161. Intemreter: (YesorNo) Listlanguageand/ordialect Thiscasewilltake A-5 No daysforthepartiestotry. Pleasecheckappropriatecategoryandtypeofoffenselistedbelow: (Checkonlyone) (Checkonlyone) I 11 IIl IV V 0 to 5 days 6 to 10 days 1l to 20 days 21 to 60 days 61daysand over 6. HasthiscasebeenpreviouslyfiledinthisDistrictCourt? lfyes: Judge: X Petty M inor M isdem . Felony X NO (YesorNo) CaseNo. Hasacomplain(tAt be ta ec nhfi clo ep dyinotfhdisisma posti tiveordervo ter? Ifyes: M agistrateCaseNo. RelatedM iscellaneousnum bers: (YesorNo) Defendantts)infederalcustodyasof Defendantts)instatecustodyasof Rule20 from theDistrictof Isthisapotentialdeathpenaltycase? NO (YesorNo) Doesthiscaseoriginate from a matterpending in theN orthern Region ofthe U.S.Attorney'sO ffice priorto October14,2003? Yes X No 8. Doesthiscase originate from a m atterpending in the CentralRegion ofthe U .S.Attorney'sOfficepriorto September1,2007? Yes X No JARED M .STRAU SS A SSISTAN T IJNITED STATES ATTORN EY Florida BarNo./courtNo.A5501264 PenaltySheetts)attached REv4/8/08 Case 0:18-cr-60073-WPD Document 1 Entered on FLSD Docket 03/22/2018 Page 8 of 8 UNITED STATES DISTRICT CO URT SO UTH E RN DISTR ICT O F FLO R IDA PEN A LTY SH EET D efendant'sN am e:M YM O N D O DIGIE UA DIA LE . a/k/a RM ike Roland'' C ase N o: Count #:1 Conspiracy To Com m itM oney Laudering ln violation ofTitle 18.United StatesCode. Section 195641:) *M ax.Penalty: Twenty(20)years'imprisonment;$500,000fine, andthree(3)years'supervisedrelease. Count #:2 s4oney Laundehng lnviolation ofTitle 18.United StatesCode. Section 1956(a)(1)(B)(i) *M ax.Penalty: Twenty (20)years'imprisonment;$500,000fine,andthree(3)years'supervisedrelease . Count #:3 *M ax.Penalty: Cotm t #:4 *A1ax.Penalty: *Refers cnly te possible term ef incaroeration. dees n:t include pcssible fines. restitutien. special assessments, parele terms or forfeitures that may be applioable.