Potential value of Cornelis Nalau Antun's shares Analysis by The Gecko Project and Mongabay Company BMB JJU GAS KSR TOTAL: Share 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.02 Hectares 15,628 13,645 14,355 13,413 Cornelis ha 937.68 409.35 287.1 268.26 Ev/ha* 10416 10416 10416 10416 Ev/ha ($) 9766874.88 4263789.6 2990433.6 2794196.16 19815294.2 * Ev/ha calculated as average of listed Indonesian palm oil producers as of 24/10/16 Source: http://www.hardmanagribusiness.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Indonesian-Palm-Oil-Sector-Review.pdf NB: PT Manyangan Jaya is not included in the calculations on the basis that Cornelis may have divested by the time the deal was completed