INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 ) )8 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 I'IEA' ST COVER CLIENT OFFENDER " NUMBER: ID Offender Name: Offender Address: Offender Phone Number: Ib SHEET ' ___ - - Charge(s): 1 ) IMMIGRATION REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS ATTORNEY/ ABOGADO NEXT COURT DATE COURT3) DMN ON LOCATION $) DATE OF BIRTH S) S$/A NUMBER 6) COUNTRY OF ORIGIN: AMOUNT Immigration $ Status: Green Citizen ICE OF BOND: DETAINER: Card YES Undocumented Visa NO PENDING ____________----.....____________-.--------------- Co-signer Co-signer Name: Co-signer Address: Co-signer Phone (Sponsor) Number: Information - - LibreRespondents000135 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 P I 'FP BY Offender Name: Offender Address Offender Phone 1. HOME PLAN ASSESSMENT RISK j-'",: INSTRUMENT NEXUS Number: Cosigner Name: Cosigner Phone Cosigner Employed? Number: Y (circle) N 2. WORK PLAN Homeless 20 Employed FT 0 Employed PT 0 Live w/ Parents 3 Live w/ Family 6 Unemployed 5 Live w/ Friends 8 Student 0 Rent Their Home 1 Homemaker 1 Own Their Home 0 Military/other 1 4. PHONE 3. AGE (write #) 19 or Younger 1 Owns Phone 0 20-29Years 2 UsesAnotherPh 2 30YearsorAbove 0 No Phone 9 5. CHARGE Violent Drug INFORMATION 6. MENTAL Offense Offense Fraud or Misd. Property Off. Sex Offense 2+ 2+ Misdemeanor . Drug 1 5 Both 4 0 Neither 7 Civil 2 YES 4 No 0 2+ FTA Commitment OFFENSE CHARGE A PRESUMPTION 22 0 4 TOTAL 6 POINTS +/- (Attach explanation POlNTS FOR CONSIDERATION: 5 FTA 2+ 10 POINTS: (Combine 16-21 12 2 Both 0-8 Points 1 Health Mental 1 Misdemeanor Both TREATMENT 1 8. IS CURRENT Felony ABUSE 3 7. RECORD Felony HEALTH/SUBSTANCE - Automatic Points - High 9-15 Approval Risk, Exec Dir Approval 22+ Points Points IN MITIGATION: total points - Moderate to this and report) points Risk, - GPS REQUIRED +/- in mitigation) Conditional Approval FOR APPROVAL Libre Respondents000136 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 BY UBRE Name (First, Photo (Front): Address City, Bail Bondsman: Date of Birth: Social Security Work Plan: or Alien E]Work NA Employer Address: Employer Phone Education Plan: Education Plan by Nexus and REMOVAL CONTRACT (Side): Zip): PROCEEDINGS IMM1GRATION EOlR Employer: Defendant State, IMMlGRATION Jurisdiction/Court: Libre RESPONDENT Photo (Street, Charge(s): NEXUS Last): and Middle, BY NEXUS Number: Full Time E]Work Part Time Number: OSchool Full Time OSchool Part Time ONot Applicable Info: Rep. Signature: Date: Signature; Co-Signer: Date: 3 Libre Respondents000137 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 NEXUS BY LIBRE NEXUS BY RESPONDENT OF CONDITIONS CONDmONs OF BAIL (Court CONDmONS os BAll by Bail in conjunction Bondsman, with Project Nexus participation): - Details: - Details: OCURFEW ONo MONITORING Ordered): (Imposed MONITORING OGPS CONTRACT Alcohol OReport - Details: as Required Conditions of Nexus Program OMaintain or Seek Employment OMake Payments OMake Program Participation to Bondsman, Participant (Imposed as required Fee Payments by Nexus by contract of $ with for continued Program bondsman $420.00 /Per Month *If indigent, OMental Health Treatment Provider OOTHER CONDITIONS (LIST): OOTHER CONDITIONS (UST): OCSB ABOVE GPS DEVICE REQUIRED conditions conditions may remanded to the result as listed, in program custody the terms and conditions Libre by Nexus Rep. Signature: Signature: in full, on this UNTIL of my bond name), document. participation of the jurisdiction meet Defendant must be attached Plan DUE CASE AS LONG IS LEASED. AS GPS DEVICE IS COMPLETE OR COLLATERAL IS PAID, CASE MANAGER: (print the Treatment PAYMENT REFERECED ***l, accept proof Plan OPrivate ASSIGNED participation): I understand and that revocation, wherein and acknowledge I face charges my participation that to meet failure my bond may in the above in the of this receipt Project program be revoked referenced Nexus and document and case. I may be I promise to program. Date: Co-Signer: Date: Libre Respondents000138 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 °™™'°™™ LIBRE SHEET NEXUS BY IMMI Nexus Programs diversion local PLEASE which INITIAL THE FOLLOWING X X X PROVIDING THE BOND, AND I UNDERSTAND PROVIDES RELEASE I UNDERSTAND AND NEXUS THAT MINISTRY THAT LIBRE OF REUGION THAT RELEASE MONTHS AVAILABLE BE SCHEDULED COLLATERAL I UNDERSTAND FOR THE THE ABOVE RESPONDENT'S REPORTS AND BY NEXUS NAME/PH ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY CALL WILL AND BEING MAKE THEIR AT AN IMMIGRATION ATTORNEY. NEXUS (MMiGRATION CERTIFY TO ALL 5CHEDULED .. CO-SIGNER THE BALANCE I ALSO CLIENTS ON TO ACCEPT THAT THAT IF THE TO THE FIRST DEFENDANT BOND IN THE AMOUNT I AM WILLING THAT HEARING AGREES HAS AND REPORT(S) PROGRAMS BOND, COURT FEE W1LL BE CREDITED FEE OF THE GPS EQUIPMENT. LlBRE DEFENDANT'S STATEMENTS THE DEFENDANT X THAT FOR PRESENTATION BY THE ICE 1 FURTHER ANY DEFENDANTS A FEE OF $880.00, ASSESSED ACTIVATION I UNDERSTAND NEXUS DECISIONS. TO THE DEFENDANT. REQUIRE THAT THE DEFENDANT. AND AGAINST COMPANY FEES. INTAKE ORGANIZATION, DISCRIMINATE DOES NOT OF THE DEFENDANT, LEASE FEE AND FINDINGS AND BAIL BOND I UNDERSTAND OF NEXUS OF LIBRE BY NEXUS THAT PROCESSING DECISIONS. FOR THE OF THE AMOUNT 20% OF THE CASE AGAINST BE OFFERED BOND ME IN POSTING THEY ARE AVAILABLE. 1 AM BEING I UNDERSTAND WILL OTHER I UNDERSTAND INDEPENDENT DOES NOT WITH ORGANIZATION TO A LICEN5ED RELEASE IS A RELIGIOUS SERVICES OR CREED, WAIVED UPON COMPLETELY BY NEXUS THOUGH MAKE OR ANY BE CHARGED COLLATERAL ADJUDICATION BY NEXUS LIBRE UNDERSTAND SERVICES, NOT DOES THROUGH THAT TO ASSIST I WILL FEES, INCLUDING OF THEM: PROGRAMS. PAY THE BAIL PREMlUM WILL EACH IS A PRIVATE FEE FOR THE GPS BRACELET. UNDERSTAND NO BOND, INSURING THAT ARE MADE DECISIONS DIVERSION HAS AGREED APPLICABLE MONITORING OF VIRGINIA, BY NEXUS A PROGRAM THAT AND client's WAY WHATSOEVER, IN ANY LIBRE BY NEXUS I UNDERSTAND LIBRE ABOVE. DEDUCTING MINISTRY O MONITORING W1LL POST THE BOND, THE BASIS X THAT LISTED set in the UNDERSTAND YOU 15 NOT AFFILIATED, I UNDERSTAND and/or monitoring bond Court. THAT THE COMMONWEALTH AGENCY. defendant to the IMM1GRATION INDICATING BY NEXUS our pursuant defendant EOlR in the LIBRE DEFENDANT DETAINEE the STATEMENTS, THAT I UNDERSTAND AFTER to track US GOVERNMENT, GOVERNMENTAL O O O agreed is docketed currently ICE, THE -- CLIENTS into We have 1 UNDERSTAND X DETAINER has accepted program(s). case, CRATION (REQUIRED) MAY TO PROVIDE OF $ TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DATES. X NUMBER ABOUT NEXUS CO-SIGNER NEXUS PROGRAMS PROGRAMS SHALL BE SIGNATURE DIRECTED AND DATE TO NEXUS PROGRAMS. . AT: Libre Respondents000139 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 ['::-='=:i . IBRE II INICIALES - LAS SIGUIENTES O YO ENTIENDO O YO ENTIENDO CON QUE PARA IMPORTE NEXUS YO ENTIENDO DECISIONES DE ENTRADA YO ENTIENDO QUE EL MINISTERIO UBERACIÓN MESES NO TOMAR ENTlENDO PARA Y PAGARÁ QUE PRIVADA DE DESPLAZAMIENTO EL 20% CARGARÁ DEL GPS. ENTIENDO LA PULSERA LA PRIMA FIANZA INCLUYENDO LAS TARIFAS, DECISIONES MEDIANTE DE UBERAClÓN. QUE LICENCIA A UNA DE HONORARIOS QUE ENTIENDO DE LA CAUSA ADJUDICACION DE ICE SE HACEN DE VERTlDO PROGRAMAS NEXUS ES UNA SE OFRECERAN NO DISCRIMINA CONTRA ACUSADOS DE ACEPTAR QUE PAGO DE LA PARTE PARA TOTALMENTE ORGANIZAC1ÓN EL ACUSADO. LOS CLIENTES EL CONTRA INDEPENDIENTE DE LAS Y ENTIENDO RELIGIOSA, ENTIENDO TAMBlEN QUE LA BASE DE LA RELlGlÓN SOBRE EL MINISTERIO UN TARIFA QUE NEXUS 0 CREDO, ELLOS AUNQUE DE LOS SERVIClOS, INMIGRACIÓN PROGRAMAS DEMANDADO, DISPONIBLE QUE PARA PUEDAN ACUERDA PAGAR YO ENTIENDO LAS DECLARACIONES RESPONSABLE DE GARANTIZAR QUE DE LA CUOTA SU PRESENTAClÓN LA GARANTIA NO SE APLICARA CARGO SE ACREDITA PROGRAMAS SER PROGRAMADA POR LA CANTlDAD Y QUE EL SALDO Y ACTIVACIÓN ENTIENDO VÍNCULO, DE $ 880.00, DEMANDADA, DE ARRENDAMIENTO NINGÚN RESULTADOS FIRMA ORGANIZAClÓN DISPONIBLES. YO ENTIENDO TIENE ES UNA NEXUS. SERVICIOS PROGRAMAS DE DEDUCIR MANERA, OTRA ME EN BONOS ASISTlR LOS BONOS MONITOREO DECISIONES Y NO REQUIERE O NEXUS NEXUS DEMANDADO. ESTAN PUBLICAREMOS DE ELLOS: DE DESVÍO. DEL PROGRAMA CUOTA UNO DE GARANTÍA. QUE PROPORCIONA ACORDÓ CADA DE CUALQUIER PROGRAMAS ANTERIORMENTE. DESPUÉS ENTIENDE 0 CUALQUIER PROGRAMAS PROGRAMAS Y UNA DE FIANZAS PROCESAMIENTO DE VIRGINIA, NEXUS Y ACUSADO ENUMERADOS DE LA FIANZA COMPAÑÍA D ENTIENDO NEXUS QUE EL DETENIDO QUE NO ESTA AFILIADO, EL ESTADO EE.UU., DE MON1TOREO PROGRAMAS D PROGRAMAS NEXUS GUBERNAMENTAL. PRESTAClÓN INDICANDO DECLARACIONES, ICE, EL GOBIERNO AGENCIA f DE EQUIPOS NEXUS HARAN COMPLETA FIANZA DEL ACUSADO. POR ABOGADO DE GPS. SI EL DEMANDADO SU INFORME AUDIENCIA EN UNA EN CASO DE PRIMEROS A LA CUOTA DE INMiGRAClÓN (5) Y DE NEXUS DE BONOS DEL DE $ ______ ANTERIORES LA INFORMES Y CERTIFICO DEMANDADA EL NOMBRE QUE ESTOY A TODAS DISPUESTO LAS FECHAS A SER DE PlSTA PREVlSTA. FECHA (g Libre Respondents000140 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 IILIBRE BY NEXUS LEASE "Lease," Tms LEASE AGREEMENT (hereinafter "Agreement" AGREEMENT (Lessor-Agency-Lessee) Agreement" or "Lease Agreement"), "Lessor" Libre by Nexus Inc.(hereinafter referred to as "Lessor"), and "Lessee" "Lessee"), and interest in electronically who are either individuals monitoring required by and between (hereinafter referred dated to be or have agreed to be tracked equipment. • Lessee is an individual equipment. who is required to be or has consented to be tracked by electronic monitoring DESCRIPTION" • Lessor desires to lease to Lessee certain equipment as described in the "EQUIPMENT Table below "Equipment" "Equipment"). Equipment from Lessor. Lessee desires to lease the aforementioned • Lessee and Lessor have agreed to the terms ofthis Lease Agreement. • In consideration of which of the covenants is hereby acknowledged, and promises the parties contained herein and other good and valuable (CHECK H ALL Tracking Charged DESCRIPTION THAT APPLY) TERMS "Equipment" (the "Equipment") LESSEE'S (CHECK Device x 1 device(s) at a daily rate of $14 Per Day g Security Deposit Option: Insurance @ .50 cents per day with loss @ $50.00 in the event of Advance GPSISREQUIRED PURSUANT TOTHISAGREEMENT ANDINcONSIDERATION OF COLLATERAL PROVIDED BYNEXUSPROGRAMS UNTILSUcHTIMEASTHECASEIS coMPLETEORTHENEXUScOLLATERAL ISREPLACED BYTHERESPONDENT. IL Lessor RECURRING FILL OUT PAYMENT ALL THAT APPLY) TOTAL$ LESSEE AT SIGNING OF THIS AGREEMENT $ 420 covers 30 days payment ($50 per device) $ $ 460.00 880,00 *If an exhibit and/or addendum is attached to this Agreement which further describes the Equipment or Lessee's payments, it shall be and become a part of this section of Primary Terms.** incorporated --------- . .. . Lessee agrees to lease from PAYMENT UPS overnight Shipping Other: Activation Fee Notes: 1. TERM: AND C<3Monthly Payments at $14 per day to equal days per month . for minimum of30 days and until the Equipment is returned to Lessor. LESSEE'S a deductible and sufficiency agree as follows: 1. PRIMARY EQUIPMENT monitoring (hereinafter the receipt considerations, to as has an Agency by electronic PROVISIONS and Lessor agrees to lease to Lessee the Equipment described in the Primary Terms above, this Lease, Lessee's agreement with Agency for the use thereof, and any rules, laws, or statutes set forth by Agency or binding upon Lessee in his/her relationship The term of this Lease Agreement is with Agency. regulations, either weekly, biweekly, or monthly as set forth in the Primary Terms above (hereafter the "Lease Term" Term"), and is a recurring term as long as the Equipment remains in the possession of Lessee. which Lessee agrees shall be used consistent with HL AGENCY PROVISIONS 2. USE OF SOFTWARE; NON-DISCLOSURE INFORMATION: OF PROPRIETARY As a result of Lessee's entering this Lease with of Lessee, Lessor agrees to provide Agency reasonable access to the software designed Lessor, and in order to facilitate Agency's monitoring to function with the Equipment identified The Software may consist of tracking, or other programs above (the "Software"). monitoring, related to the specific of the Equipment. for its Lessor further agrees that it shall provide functionality Agency necessary training who shall be monitoring Lessee so that they may properly use the Software. Lessor shall also provide customer service to representatives and to update Agency on any changes or updates to the Software that shall affect Agency as necessary to ensure continuing monitoring that Agency's access to the Software shall generally be limited to password-controlled Internet Agency's use thereof. Agency acknowledges such delivery or installation shall be access and that no software shall actually be delivered to Agency, unless in Lessor's sole discretion required to provide Agency the access required hereunder. for providing its own computer hardware and Agency shall bear all responsibility that the Software may consist of proprietary software meeting minimum for access to the Software. requirements Agency acknowledges or other entities or persons, and that in order to fulfill the information that is the sole and exclusive property ofNexus, Libre y Nexus, information of this Lease, Lessor may entrust Agency with certain proprietary about the Equipment. Agency expressly agrees a) of the Lessee herein; b) that only that the Software shall be used by the Agency only for the purpose of tracking and monitoring individuals such purpose shall be given access to the Software; authorized by the Agency to fulfill and c) that the Agency shall treat as of confidential and not disclose any of the proprietary information related to the Software in any manner without prior written authorization purposes or by legal process to disclose any proprietary holders. If Agency is required by applicable law or regulation information, agrees that it shall provide Lessor with prompt notice of such request to enable Lessor to seek a protective order or other appropriate for any reason whatsoever, prior to disclosure. Should this Agreement be terminated Agency shall, at the request of Lessor, either the respective Agency remedy NexusProgramsInc. — -GPS LeaseAgreement Lessor'sInitials Agency'sInitials Lessee'sInitials H3 LibreRespondents000141 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 deliver to Lessor all documents Information, destroy or promptly containing Proprietary including analysis or extracts thereof, in the possession of Agency, and certify to Lessor that Lessee has done so. 3. AUTHORITY the Agency OF SIGNER. By signing below, the signer of this Lease for Agency to its Articles, Bylaws, statutory or other charter, ordinances, hereto, pursuant IV. GENERAL PROVISIONS APPLICABLE TO BOTH all copies, reproduction, that he/she has all proper certifies laws, or any other rules governing LESSEE AND summaries, authority to bind such authority. AGENCY which is OF CRIMINAL that the tracking and monitoring The parties hereto acknowledge PROCESS: with criminal process against Lessee, or that Lessee has voluntarily by the Agency may be undertaken in conjunction or plea agreement, or to avoid incarceration undertaken to use the Equipment in order to satisfy a criminal conviction Agency by Agency. and Lessee agree, however, that Lessee's default under this Lease shall be deemed independent of any criminal matter or procedure required under Agency rules or the laws and regulations of the jurisdiction(s) within which it acts; in other words, with the exception of any notice 4. DEFAULT contemplated INDEPENDENT hereunder shall be required before Lessor may assert its rights herein, no due process, whether criminal, civil, or otherwise, to (a) payment, (b) redelivery from Lessee or Agency, or (c) enforcement of any other or repossession of the Equipment Lessor agrees that in effecting Lease provisions. or repossession of the Equipment from Lessee, it shall coordinate with Agency redelivery it deems such and/or with other law enforcement whenever possible, but it shall have no duty to do so where in its own discretion coordination unnecessary or impractical. requirements hereunder set forth related Lessor: Libre by Nexus 2 N Main St Inc. VA 22802 Harrisonburg, (888) 997-7646 Agency: Address: Lessee: Address: Telephone: Telephone: Fax: x Lessee Signature X X X By: Libre By: Title: Title: by Nexus Inc. Authorized Agent AUTHORIZATION Co-Signer Signature here co.signerisjoinitynahicrorremaiagreementendeliterms TO CHARGE CREDIT CARD / CASHIERS CHECK PAYMENTS The Cardholder named below hereby authorizes Lessor, without limitation, to charge the credit card listed for all charges, rents, and fees associated with the foregoing 1" Lease. Cardholder and or Lessee agrees and acknowledges that all charges and fees shall be non-refundable, are prorated the month, and are not prorated thereafter, and waives his/her right to protest the charges made hereunder through his/her Credit Card Company. Recurring charges will be billed on the 25th day of each succeeding month unless Lessee / Agency notifies Libre by Nexus Inc. in writing by the 25*of each preceding month. In the event the Lessee / 25" of the month for each succeeding month. Agency pays by Cashiers check the payments must also be received by the (PLEASE Card Exp. PRINT Type (check ALL Name / OMC / ODisc AND / OAmEx / Date (MM/YY): Cardholder CLEARLY INFORMATION one): OVisa and Address a Check if Cardholder's Lessee's above. Name: billing (where bill is received): name and address same as LEGIBLY Card BELOW.) Number: Code (usually located on back of card): Security your privacy as the Cardholder. In the We are committed to maintaining space below, please indicate a four- (4) digit number of your choosing. on your bill for each This number shall be printed in the description transaction related to this Agreement. Please write down and keep in a safe place. Address 1: Address 2: City, State, Zip: Cardholder The number you choose below is for your own future reference. Sign: — LeaseAgreemem-Page2 Your transaction Lessee's Ackn. ID number: ___ __ __ ___ (if not the Cardholder): Lessor'sInitials Lessee'sInitials Agency'sInitials 45 Libre Respondents000142 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 ** Lease RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 Addendum 15' in advance for each month and all billing is on a 31 day basis with a pro-ration for the by Nexus Inc. requires payment for succeeding credit for final month. Payments will be automatically charged on month, no pro-rations months, and a pro-ration 30* 25th the 30 day of each calendar month from the date of the initial activation date. Cashier check payments must be made by the of the month for the preceding month. Agreement Libre Nexus Inc.(" Lessor" Inc.("Lessor") Programs that Agency requires and/or Lessee call Nexus Inc. ("Lessor") Programs to activate and deactivate all devices. The terms set forth and conditions possession Lessee agrees and understands regardless in the Lease of Lessee that have been provided of the quantities, that this lease agreement date of order are in full agreement (lease), Device Damaged/Lost/Stolen Definition: The following Devices device Any time Deposit Charger X Schedule YOU WILL removes illegally loses Options: For Option A: Bracelet damage devices or the strap that inhibits which inhibits to Lessor to immediately of the Lessee and their ability its' to function ability to function properly properly or or not at all. it. or has them stolen. and Accessories replacement part cost fees and Deposit Security Options: cost fee $50.00) cost fee $3,950.00 Device: $3950.00 per device, the replacement cents per day with a deductible cost of the Bracelet deposit @ .50 in the event of loss Device @ $50.00 of Fees: BE CHARGED Fees for services THESE FEES of GPS and Violations Installation for services / De4nstallation: and violations. conditions Monitoring All violations by the client will bere orted to_your supervision plus non-compliance $50.00 requiring Per hour $35.00 mileage or removing damaging, Disabling, Staff: $100.00 plus mileage of an Inclusion Non-compliance of an Exclusion Non-Compliance of the strap which Zone: Zone: requires a physical response by NEXUS SERVICES. $50.00 $75.00 of any equipment a physical response: $250.00 plus mileage requiring Recovery Court appearance caused as a result of any non-compliance: $75.00 per hour plus mileage Report Documentation other than normal daily reports resulting from any non-compliance issue: this lease agreement by Lessor. officer. or offender: action by staff: $50.00 response by Staff: $100.00 plus mileage a physical Any non-compliance requiring of the client or defendant or GPS Tracking: is required if attempting to flee jurisdiction If location Any By signing notification Lessor herein. and discards accessories (Replacement B: Insurance to the casing the Device (Replacement Device damage that have sustained accessories a Client Bracelet Option permission in the possession all from (leased) and or implied cost fees as set forth replacement has sustained Any time a Client are the Damaged/Lost/Stolen A/C Security and Accessories which or in the leased, ordered, for and Accessories Any Device not at all. Any for all devices will cover any and all Tracking devices ordered of lease terms, or funds due Lessor by Lessee. length Lessee by ordering Further, any device from Lessor gives their expressed charge to the Lessee's account all funds due per the terms of this lease Damaged/Lost/Stolen and effect force by the Lessor. Any $50.00 the lessee agrees to pay the above listed Fees, services, and any violation fees immediately officer. to do so constitutes breach of contract and will be reported to you supervision per report upon failure — 12aseAgreement-Page3 Lessor'sInitials Lessee'sInitials Agency'sInitials ~& Libre Respondents000143 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 LIBRE BY PAYMENT NEXU.T SCHEDULE GPS LEASE (Defendant's Name) Libre by Nexus bond to be Your bond Libre by You will and posted be will Nexus wear immigration from release STATEWIDE through as your your facilitating sign to for collateral posted will required are provide of securitizer a GPS and bond, until device one your allowing custody. immigration BONDIALG your tracking bond, (nameof-watthonsisampany). collateral. pay of the following occurs: 1. Your 2. You before case collateral remit pledged You the are GPS the GPS Your payment Your first Your second payments The service. monitoring amount the is complete. Court of to $ collateral replace Programs. make to These $42-o.00. wear required in Nexus by Immigration the payments for amount due are the on lease of the 1" 15$ of the of the monthly each_month, GPS equipment and payments lease for as for are as long you bracelet. is schedule payment. payment payment is due on is due follows: as the on 1st the day 1st day . , 2o of of , 20 . L' ( LibreRespondents000144 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 Your payment third And on RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 the is in or your and case, to full collateral you will no your longer bond 1st the pay will be time collateralized wear to the by and to the GPS you GPS bracelet conditions explained Libre by above, Nexus GPS Lease and in the Libre by as the 2o_. the case at the GPS It of is your your during Nexus bracelet completion bracelet. the is respondent. your have , understand 1, and such collateral refunded wear , of until fully full have or day thereafter, been has interest The collateralize on month each bond the best removed. to of first completed It is due terms Respondent your choice case. and Contract Agreement. P7 Signature Date Name Printed Libre by Nexus Agent Signature Date LibreRespondents000145 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 IBRE 4 NEXUS BY GPS MONITORING STATEMENTS DISCLOSURE _......... . .. .. . .. (Respondent's Name) STATEMENT DISCLOSURE FOR AND INSTALLATION PLEASE READ ENTIRETY FOR NEXUS This OF GPS DISCLOSURE THIS AGREEMENT ELECTRONIC TRACKING TO TRACK Statement and YOU its and successors Programs" "Nexus or Services THIS AGREEMENT. is entered into and Nexus "Respondent", assigns pursuant Programs") SYSTEM, TO IT5 AND on (hereinafter to "Nexus collectively, a bond collateralized Nexus by Inc. PLEASE YOU and IN , between , 20 Inc. Services" AGREEMENT PURSUANT (hereinafter Services DEVICE/5YSTEM TRACKING (" Agreement" ("Agreement") Agreement of day THE REGARDING ABILITY AND STATEMENT INFORMATION PROGRAM'S Disclosure the USE AND AND READ HAVE SIGN EACH UNDERSTOOD READ, BELOW STATEMENT AND ACCEPTED consents to TO ACKNOWLEDGE EACH OF THAT FOLLOWING THE TERMS. 1. Respondent order to secure immigration be able the full understands future face post value appearance in Respondent officials. to and their immigration of the bond, the further or installation the of court immigration acknowledges bond directly through from another source or that device the before Respondent immigration that in may may by not Libre paying require Respondents000146 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 installation of have and bond your Respondent 2. that of keeping a complete location and a. of respondent the item Programs the places appears or each include, before agrees use times the speed, their final System limited all GPS technology times and movement, direction, further in its way any and understands capabilities to: where respondent uses program installed. System at Respondent the not are and System the Respondent's may the Respondent recorded. but for that the Nexus the in with Nexus, locating of record may Identifying and participate to choosing through and tracking Nexus which closed, are collateralized times that allow but understands is capable agrees System the Respondent the immigration court collateralizes their is located and date before the case is comes whichever bond, the first; b. and Tracking Program's c. Keeping a record of and times dates Having if the Nexus Using interest in all times Nexus at Nexus Programs immigration court, any provided the by discretion; of the Respondent's area geographic established by official; System to the before appearing on Respondent the Nexus protect Program's court immigration or in the regarding at past any time its interests protecting or times all at or movement present or to third otherwise as and/or parties assisting permitted under law. incidental System in agrees consequential any manner to to at the confidentiality Nexus in described all Programs damages and understands Respondent agreeing that or Respondent claim Nexus alert or Programs Respondent the at of Program's the Respondent the applicable 5. at official; of Nexus at location a pre-defined information Providing location 4. or time any and/or times leaves Respondent the all automatically information immigration f. or Respondent Programs, the movement the System the location e. at discretion; various d. Respondent the locating times, or this a right to or from arising the privacy System the that on of for responsible any the use of the Agreement. agrees use to relating whether and installation is not public or System, as it private to the to track and property, Respondent relates used be can waives operation that by any and I '3 Libre Respondents000147 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 use of RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 the from the been or System will to disclosed and that the tracked to Programs for for IN RESPONDENT. YOUR ON ANY ANY INCLUDING INDIVIDUAL OTHER CLASS TO CLASS RIGHT ARE RIGHTS the potential civil liable in System, or "YOU" to addition to criminal REFERS HAVE AND THAN NOT IN UP GIVE OR CLASS NEXUS PROGRAMS, CONSOLIDATION TO APPEAL RIGHTS MAY WILL TO NOT AND YOU OR ANY LIMITED THE CHOOSE MAY AGAINST ARBITRATION HAVE TO BY ARBITRATION REPRESENTATIVE MAY WOULD their with, be shall IS ARBITRATED, MORE BUYER THAT tampers OR RESPONDENT DISCOVERY GENERALLY Respondent DECIDED YOU CLAIM asserts affirmatively CLAUSE, A CLASS AS wishes property. A DISPUTE IF respondent replacing destroying THEM ARBITRATIONS. ARBITRATION or PROGRAMS NEXUS TO PARTICIPATE RIGHT MEMBER or Respondent thatthe , Respondent ARBITRATION TRIAL. if including with BETWEEN OR BY JURY that repairing remedies, THIS DISPUTE of to belong agreement. System the cost EITHER ANY COURT agrees tampering ARBlTRATION. HAVE the other prosecution 8. and this request. not does Programs. respondent the to removes or Dealer/Assignee's that have written System device, Programs which policies, Nexus to law. Nexus by Respondent's the the pursuant understands that renting and device, tracked disconnects Nexus is privacy upon belongs applicable collected Program's agrees System the the be Respondent alters, and respondent by willingness any Respondent to under provided information Nexus to understands that be otherwise that is subject be Respondent asserts as acknowledges Respondent 6. 7. except System, Respondent IN OF IN AND A LAWSUIT, BE AVAILABLE IN ARBITRATION. claim Any or the interpretation the claim or and agents, Agreement or election and not scope of of Respondent by a court who parties Any do claim Nexus arise which or not resolved or dispute Programs of or Agreement) neutral, is to be binding, arbitrated (including of arbitrability (including this by the out relationship sign otherwise and and assigns, be Nexus, or statute Paragraph/Clause, transaction or action. this or resulting third tort, contract, Respondent successors any with in between dispute), employees, relationship whether dispute, or relate any shall, its/their to this such at the arbitration by a single 1'l LibreRespondents000148 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 on arbitrator waives any rules: New 10, these of the NY York, CA Irvine, of one any applicable basis Respondent right choose may individual an and not 10017-4605 organizations by the contacting and Association, 335 or 1920 JAMS, Respondent its Madison St., a copy of organization arbitration Floor Ave., Main get may expressly Respondent action. organizations ( ( 92614 a class arbitrate Arbitration Respondent action. arbitration following American a class to have may the as or Ste. 300, the rules its visiting website. Arbitrators to an making district in Nexus will assure also pay that under on binding all applicable under panel. arbitration Any Federal that rules Act § 1 et. be clause and seq.) be by any not a the by and new a three-arbitrator by shall be final request organization arbitration U.S.C. (9 shall may party losing arbitration this under award to awarded unless fees, arbitrator's the the of other shall party order in pay governed state the by law arbitration. Respondent and disputes claims or waive having arbitration Agreement. rights, retain the right clause shall If part is deemed rights to Nexus that court's the to a different to arbitrate by using may or termination, any this of arbitration found court. on to clause, be unenforceable to such remedies arbitrator's or other than for action or the in court is Respondent Neither payoff as remedies seek unless self-help judgment enter survive right jurisdiction, appealed such remedies, self-help retain or jurisdiction any any and within removed transferred, Nexus Nexus Respondent repossession. action the Arbitration concerning court except parties, arbitration The law. the arbitration must Each and when Respondent's the by Nexus that expert federal the $1,500. is enforceable. attorney, in Respondent's pay and imposed determines Clause will fee of amounts additional own its maximum a to arbitrator the management case up Arbitration this for arbitrator all any that responsible for fee or in resided Nexus law substantive Contract, resides. pursuant selected conducted be the into be shall governing shall currently service hearing organization entered and apply hearing or into administration, or shall arbitration entered judges retired arbitrator Respondent which arbitrator or The The award. was Contract attorneys rules. applicable the filing, be shall nor suit. filing award. transfer of waivers any This this of reason, Any class the i~ Libre Respondents000149 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 remainder Laws shall of United the enforceable. remain of States Agreement This and America shall the specifically, governed be by the Commonwealth of Virginia. 9. Respondent acknowledges Agreement and have may 10. In the is not event all NOTICE: This signature of pages. five (5) this Agreement. this Agreement the in and understood ask to System this questions any had have and they their of all save in pages not parties hereto their Respondent the to, sign this and to length a copy of this and requires Agreement will Respondent below, Please limited not is entitled signing all 13 above, dispute which and Nexus Costs. (5) Do Agreement this concerning Court is five Respondent Agreement. the but and respondent. By opportunity Paragraph including Fees an arises provided assigns have answered. a dispute Attorneys' read they and completely as and successors had Agreement that Arbitrated waive of and fully have they this about questions that that without receive an full the copy receipt acknowledges all reading executed of of a copy Agreement. Accepted: , understand 1, explained above, Programs GPS and Lease in the Nexus Programs Offender the terms Contract and conditions and Nexus Agreement. Date Signature Printed Name Nexus Programs Agent Signature Date LibreRespondents000150 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 BRE H' NEXUS BY CONTRACT AND SECURITIZATION You The are AGREEMENT INDEMNITY - READ obligations specific assuming BOND IMMIGRATION FOR CAREFULLY! undersigned, hereinafter to referred as "Respondent", and , hereinafter in consideration "Indemnitor", with working Statewide behalf executed on Security, regarding of Respondent INS/DHS Inc. .h hereinafter Nexus, by hereinafter Bocling, of the Libre referred an to bail as Immigration company, with bond to referred caused having the to referred as as Securitzer, Department be to Homeland of v . (respondent), as agree, hereby follows: L PREMIUM: bail bond .'~ib Libre to of the release 2. FULL for securitizer loss, and cost, whatsoever hereafter or surety required to make compromise 4. the company) thereof. thereof, property OF OBLIGATIONS mentioned required his Securitizer or by her change Securitizer the court residence thereof. of or Respondent DEFENDANT: or to and of address or before place failure or of to place judgment, such Court of in court of as or It right its causing to such Libre to of pay to place or be executed evidence facie of to: of jurisdiction the times notify required issuance its be as be may Securitizer keep immediately herein of demand shall prime within at promptly and on the be remain agrees liability, adjudication therefore liability further employment have shall to will before reason payment agrees employment appear herein, Indemnitor's said and save and demand, and bond of the indemnify claim, obligations shall the in consequence company) it by by and Surety every order, such Respondent appear against company) of and The Securitizer address evidence all times and (bail 20% for suit, meet incurred at immigration secure and Indemnitor. from will mentioned (ball Surety expense the herein, to bond responsible be and surety bond funds herein, and from or bail In breach aforesaid the Securitizer will expense, securitizer and Respondent's change fees, and/or charge mentioned bond of a bond for immigration by Indemnitor harmless by premium the collected and immigration payment claim, any court the (ball 3. COMPROMISE: the attorney be executed securitizer bail company) incurred to causing the (bail charge: the pay execute fees event in the to to from Respondent fees surety damage, in order directly The recovery agrees hereby Bonding, respondent INDEMNITY: amount Nexus by Statewide advised or to notify a warrant for of of any Securitizer (Indemnitor Initials ) (Respondent Initials ) by Nexus. ©2014 - Rev 8/14 LibreRespondents000151 - -~ ‡. I \ INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 Respondent's shall be arrest on considered Securitizer or payment of premium or 5. OTHER SURETIES: protection of Inc. retain any any of This Nexus Inc. costs, charges, the to company) collateral as damages; which and to indemnitor credit 10. sell ten Respondent 9. The surety undersigned Indemnitor sustain may EOIR 11. the Immigration This band, case 12. Securitizer being and monitored or gives obtain Judge unless the bond provides public or the otherwise security band bail the by Libre execute or above by recited renewals and but and nature, and/or kind or to or Securitizer be executed or surety to collateral of nature, said on sale, the or additional premium immigration the giving indemnitor (ball all and any including executed private addressed mail, the payment the having public loss, premium causing substitute such of by damages, Including of given of any at all Libre undersigned. for reason and reason by of the indemnitor by certified by any or incur with pledged it against kind expenses the has is hereby herein incur Securitizer of that and/or obtaining, and/or and that of no time for Respondent I)' ( a public the condition any Bond. Bail and charge, period obtain to for on this bond by the imposed Security. until Department collateral Respondent during violate Homeland is in effect by the program. become not at permission company) or locating or otherwise Department revoked, does agree assistance (bail Surety collecting respondent and is CANCELLED in securitizer's not and address. purposes insure or its discretion understand respondent this notice to of for stand procured or does modifications, behalf the by and at known agrees Indemnitor/Respondent in locating shall does return to entitled surety immigration protect authority described may the be entitling without incurred other Respondent sustain and pledged charge hereby the whatever or on of power cause for information bond, Court agreement any Bonding only to of time any collateral last or and/or collateral request Full days (10) at their of this alterations, expenses at may not all indemnitor collateral said shall all expenses agreement suretyship. and hereafter lost conditions cover and thereof, at the be costs, charges, shall The or the apply may and of the or Surety for of this of the obligation. other OF COLLATERAL: 8. SALE Securitizer Statewide described bond custody whether fees it shall the Bonding, or counsel to company, such bond conditions IndemnItor date to the reinsuring in lieu subsequent and any following which thereof. terms the SECURITY: immigration bond, of agreement of said 7. COLLATERAL said All any suretyship extensions charges custody. or Statewide portion other to Court any Defendant and/or co-surety, any 6. COVERAGE: part any by agreement the Defendant from Respondent Nexus charges this of surrender to Surety reimbursement returning criminal a breach such of immigration and time as judgment Homeland bonds Indemnitor Libre is rendered in Security, contigent understand upon respondent GPS that (Indemnitor Initials ) (Respondent initials ) by Nexus. ©2014 - Rev 8/14 LibreRespondents000152 — P INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 monitoring as a condition at court required Respondent for understand immigration their time. Respondent rental fees. by WITNESS this and pursuant respondent and time the that of the be the immigration collateral the to pays and avoid to paid removal the at this any of the prolonged toward monthly will bond be or their respondent, by and collateral collateral said pay Respondent Indemnitor respondent indemnitor, is cancelled of the program. collateral in order that bond ability of respondent to of the if the payment returned appearance the rules necessary understand will as the insure to retains understand goal to is not monitoring that respondent company) at such in order security, required be the and HEREWITH READ THIS Defendant WITNESS THIS and THE EACH AGREEMENT of Department PARTIES WHOSE NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THIS AGREEMENT REPRESENTS; AND KNOW THE CONTENTS THEREOF AND MY HAND DO SET 20_. DAY Indemnitor signatures required below (X) DEFENDANT (X) INDEMNITOR (X) INDEMNITOR (X) INDEMNITOR (X) Executed that should WHEREOF, EXECUTED I HAVE be Security. Homeland IN (bail agent assigned this Indemnitor and Indemnitor surety of may bond, condition monitoring held dates, at (location), (state), Libre on ~~ ____/J_ (Indemnitor Initials ) (Respondent Initials } by Nexus. ©2014 -- - Rev 8/14 I'I Libre Respondents000153 INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 NEXUS BY PROMISSORY NOTE OF A BREACH BY THE US GOVERNMENT IN THE EVENT ON DEMAND date after P,„N' or value received OF THE BOND I / We promise to to pay the This by of immigration bond securitized) with at interest 20% note reason is given for of the executing, the purpose date after of securing Libre by or causing continuing against INC. Nexus, of undertaking WITNESS DEFENDANT INC. Nexus, against a contingent any by liability (Indemnitor) securitization undersigned, securitization or annum said of a bond to or be executed or on undertaking and any bond Statewide or all losses, undertaking expenses, in continuation and behalf or of of the damages of, request the upon continued, and (Respondent) by per (percent) Nexus, by (total paid. arranging, the Libre DOLLARS amount until of order INC. purpose by Libre at securing reason in substitution of the for, the said bond Bonding. (X) (X) INDEMNITOR (X) INDEMNITOR (X) INDEMNITOR (X) \ 5 Libre (Indemnitor Initials ) (Respondent Initials ) - by Nexus. ©2014 - Rev 8/14 LibreRespondents000154 Q I, (g INDEX NO. 151982/2018 FILED: NEW YORK COUNTY CLERK 03/22/2018 07:34 PM NYSCEF DOC. NO. 30 RECEIVED NYSCEF: 03/22/2018 NEXUS BY NEXUS SECURITIZATION I understand ""~ s=,-nv W: that monitoring that the - CONTRACT a GPS by ADDENDUM GPS is a condition device of the securitization program. I understand the GPS in the device, I understand have the Q3.+ GPS but that the be for responsible a monthly rental for payment $ respondent may collateral the pay for the immigration and bond that the payment 80% of will respondent be collateral of the will required to the damage, or destruction pay sufficient be remaining to remove 20% over GPS device the a specified of time. period 3-~ I understand WILL of removed. I understand bracelet, + that device will respondent amount RESULT @3@ that in felony I understand indemnitor or the charges checks and pac3 credit result in criminal surety information in our posts Nexus fees will accept transactions card prosecution the that in the application or band credit and dishonored me. fraud payments or disputed checks against card credit I understand against from and card dishonored that Nexus, the such that fraud. provided bond check constitute for of the respondent. the assessed being information that against I understand in additional who Nexus by respondent. I understand licensed prosecution Libre disputed may activity alteration, criminal that result may any to Libre respondent's by Nexus case. is likewise I understand fraud against Nexus, NAMES ARE SUBSCRIBED constitutes and to provided that the false providing result may in criminal prosecution. IN WITNESS EXECUTED I HAVE WHEREOF, HEREWITH READ THIS WITNESS DEFENDANT INDEMNITOR THIS DAY THE EACH PARTIES WHOSE TO THIS AGREEMENT REPRESENTS; AND AGREEMENT KNOW THE CONTENTS THEREOF AND DO SET MY HAND 20__. (X) (X) W3 ~ (X) Libre (Indemnitor Initials ) (Respondent Initials ) by Nexus. ©2014 Libre - Rev 8/14 -~ - Respondents000155 QQ