Doc 1 Filed 08/09/AUSA: Rajesh Prasad Telephone: (313) 226?0821 1 .A0 91 (Rev. 11/11) Criminal Complaint . Special Agent: Brandon Lighter Telephone: (313)965?2323 UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT 1 for the 3 Eastern District of Michigan United States of America . an,? 5 3 . I W, MARTA-2E DAVIS . Casez2z17-mj-30395 1 Judge: Unassigned, - 3 . Filed: 08-09-2017 At 12:06 PM USA v. MARTAZE CRIMINAL COMPLAINT I, the Complainant in this case, State that the following is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. On or about the date(s) of . August 8, 2017' . in the county of Wayne in the Eastern District-cf Michigan the defendant(s) violated: Code Section - Offense Description 18 U.S.C. c922(g)(1) Felon in possession of a ?rearm This criminal complaint is based on these facts: see attached Af?davit I Continued on the attached sheet. . Complainant ?s signature Special Agent, Brandon RI Lighter, FBI Printed name and title Sworn to before me and signed in my presence. Date: 4): . 20 3 q? Judge ?s signature . . 2 City and state:- Detroit, MI Anthony P. Patti, United States Magistrate Judge Printed name. and title 5 Doc #1 Filed 08/09/THE UNITED STATES DISTRICT . FOR THE EASTERN DISTRICT OF MICHIGAN . . . . AFFIDAVIT-IN SUPPORT OF CRIMINAL COMPLAINT .I, B?randoan. Lighter,.being ?rst duly sworn, hereby depOseand state as folio-wsz 7 INTRODUCTION AND AGENT BACKGROUND 7 1, it make this af?davit?ompersonal knowledge based On my partiCipatiOn in this investigation, including Witness interviews by?myself and/or other law-enforcement with others Who have personal knowledge of the events and circumstances deScribed'herein, and information gained through my training and experience. i The: infOr'matiOn outlined .below is provided for the limited ?purpoSeifOfuesitahlishing prObable caUse and does nOt contain all details or all factsiof whichiIam aware relatingto this investigation; 2 i .7 I have been-employed as a with the FederalBureau of Investigation (FBI)[since_ OctOber of 2008. I have be'en?assigned to the ?etroit Field Of?ce Since May of 2009. I have-been inv01ved in investigations into the Unlawful Use andpossession of ?rearms, possession With the intent'to distribute cOntrolled substances, various Violent crimes, as well as various national security . I . - Epoc #1 Filed [08/09/investigationsaT'o succe'szully completerthese .inVestigatio?ns, IhaVe utilized?av Variety o'fiinVestigative methods including search Warrants, surveillance, I interVieWs, Con?dential human soUrces, and Federal Grand Jury Subpoenas. 1' I PURPOSE OF AFFIDAVIT I 3 ,1 af?daVit 1s prov1ded 111 support of an for a complaint and arrest Warrant Of MARTAZE DAVIS date cf birth (DOB) January 11, 199L Your af?ant belieVeS there Is probable cause that DAVIS Vlolated T1tle 18, United States Code, Section 922(g) (felon 1n possessmn of a ?rearm) BACKGROUND OF INVESTIGATION PROBABLE CAUSE 14.3 I I-am currently inVolVed inlaninV-estigation of a subj eCt identi?ed as, i MARTAZE DAVIS Who res1des 1n the Eastern District of Michigan. On August 8, 2017 at approxrmately 10:45 PM, of?cers of the Detroit Police Department (DPD) observed a group of black males Who appeared . to be shOoting a music Video 1n front of 11909 wayburn, Detroit Michigan. A laW enfOrcement of?cer obseryed an 1nd1V1dual later Identl?ed as MARTAZE Doc 1 Filed 08/09/DAVIS walk to the passenger deor of a 2015 Silver Mercedes Benz bearing license plate DRZ 0092, d1scard1ng a large object that appeared to be a type of handgun. Upon further investigation, the laW enforcement of?cer observed a Master PieCe Arms 9mm bearing serial number with extended magazine-s I located in the passenger compartment of the silver Mercedes Benz. The weapon was recovered containing'a 9mm? ?p mag?l?lmagazine, containing?fteen' 9mm rounds.- Davis Was asked if he. had a, valid. CPL, to Which he replied, Davis . gave an unprompted statement to DPD that he had been cOnvic?tied Of a felony before. A knotted-bag containing suspected marijuana was recovered from the center console area of the vehicle.? DAVIS was taken into custody and transported to the'DetroitiDetentzion Center Where during secondary search, a knotted bag [containing suspected marijuana was recovered from his . right pocket; A . I I 6. Acomputerized criminal" history check, of MARTAZE DAVIS, DOB January 11, 1991,revealed felony conviction for Armed Rebberyeon?or I about December 13', 2007August 2017,. Bureau 'of Tobacco, Firearms and A Explosives-Special Agent Michael? Bolf Was contacted regarding the?Interstate NeXus of the ?rearm. Special Agent stated that the firearm, based on the I I description provided, was-manufactured gutside of the State of Michigan, and- Doc 1' Filed 08/09/therefore had traveled in and affected interstate commerce. . CONCLUSION . 8. Based on the aboveg-facts, af?ant believes there is probable cause to believed that MARTAZE DAVIS, DOB January 11, 1991, convicted felon, did knowingly and intentionally possess a??rearm, Master Piece Arms, Serial F20177, 9mm, with?magazine containing 15' live rounds, which traveled in and affected interstate commerce, in viOlation of . Title 18 U.S.C. on or about August 2017, in the County of Wayne, Eastern District of Michigan. Respectfully submitted, Special gent Federal Bureau of Investigation Subscribed and sworn'to before me On August 9th, 2017: 7 - fl r! - HONORABLE Anthony P. Patti UNITED STATES MAGISTRATE JUDGE