ROBERT Chasmaa Presses?: Chief acetate-e case: if"! I. II . MURRAY amass? CORPORATION ?11? ff Sit Claire?ifs. Uiu? 4335i? -. "qr-La" awn??#4 - - March 1, 201?? The Honorable Michael R. Pence Vice President of the. United States of America The White House 1600 NW Washington, DC. 20500 Dear Vice President Pence: Faerie see} easeme- {as} see-ea a! bebmurreyi?ecelsoeree com Enclosed is an Action Plan for the Administration of President Donald J. Trump, which. will help in getting America?s Coal miners back to We have listed our suggested actions in order of priority. We are available to assist you and your Administration in any request. Enclosures Sincerely, way that you MURRAY ENERGY CORPORATION Robert E. Murray Chairman President-St 'Chief'Eae five Of?cer Page 1 of 4 ACTION PLAN FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESIDENT DONALD .- TRUMP CLEAN PLAN The so~called Clean Pow'er Plan must be eliminated. Murray Energy Corporation obtained a stay. of this rule before the Supreme Court ofthe United States on February 3, 20.16. This illegal. rule will close an additional ?ftyeir coalw?-red electric generating plants, totaling 53,000 megawatts, on top of the 101,000 megawatts (411 coal-?red plan-ts) that President Baruch Qhama and his Democrat-supporters havezalready ?closed. FOR GREENHOUSE GASES With. the overturning of the Clean Power Plan,_ there must- he a withdrawal and suspension of the implementation of the so?called ?endangerment ?nding? for greenhouse-gases. ?endangerment finding? under the Clean Air Act serves as the foundation-for the agency's far reaching regulation of the economy in the form. of emission limitations for greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide. The high degree of uncertainty in the range of data relied upon. by EPA combined with. the. enormous regulatory costs without concomitant bene?ts merit revisiting the. ?endangerment ?nding?. According to ?nding, the ?root cause? of re centiy observed climate change is" ?likely? the increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions- EPA relied upon. computer-base'dwclimaten'model simulations and a of major ?ndings from scientific- assessment reports-with a signi?cant range of uncertainty related to temperatures over 25 years. The climate model failures are well documented. in their inability- to emulate real?world climate behavior. Models-that are unable to simulate hasten climate behavior cannot provide reliable. projections of future climate behavior. As for the scienti?c assessments underlying the of ?ndings used by many were not. peer reviewed, and there are? multiple instances. where portions of peer reviewed literature. germane to the. ?endangerment ?nding? were omitted, ignored or unfairly dismissed. ELIMINATE THE THIRTY PERCENT PRODUCTION TAX CREDIT-FOR WINDMILLS AND SOLAR PANELS-IN ELECTRICITY GENERATION I Electricity generated by windmills and solar panels costs tWenty-six (f2 6) cents per kilowatt hour'with a four (4) cent per kilowatt hour sub aid}; from the American taxpayers?. These energysources are unreliable and only available if the. wind blows or the sun shines. Goal-?red electricity costs only four (4) cents per-kilowatt hour.- Low cost electricity is a? staple of life, and we must have a level playing ?eldin electric potter generation without the goVernment picking Winners and losers hy'subsidizing' wind and-solar power. Page 53 0'14 ACTION PLAN FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP (CON TINUE-D) WITHDRAW FROM THE ILLEGAL UNITED NATIONS COP 21 PARIS CLIMATE ACCORD The United Nation?s 21. Paris Climate Accord, to which Barack Obama has already committed one (1) billion dollars, of America?s money, is- an . attempt by. the rest ofthe world to obtain funding from our Country. It is an illegal treaty never approved by Congress, and it will have no effect on: the environment. END THE ELECTRIC UTILITY MAHMUM ACHIEVABILE TECHNOLOGY AND OZONE REGULATIONS We have 11: on these issues in the United States Supreme Court, and these rules must be complete1}r overturned. FUND THE DEVELOPMENT OF CERTAIN CLEAN COAL TE The Federal government must ?support. the development of some Giean Coal Technologies, including: ultra super critical Combustion; high low emiss'iOn coal ?ring; combined cycle. coalI combustion; and others.- It should not fund so? railed carbon capture and sequestration as it does not work, practicallj.r or economically. Democrats and some Republicans use COS as a political cover to i11si11cerel5r show that they. are proposing something for coa-L But, carbon capture and sequestration 1s a pseudonym for? no coal? OVERHAUL THE BLOATED AND POLITICALI-ZED MINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION OF THE S. DEPARTMENT OF LABOR This Federal agency, ove-rthe past eight (8) years, has not been focused on the coal miner safety, but on politics, bureaucracy, waste, and violation qu?otas Wlule coal mine employment has been cut in half, the Federal Mine Safety and Health Administration has continued to hire inspectors every real- But, the government has nowhere to put them. Min-ray Energy Corporation received. an average 11153-2 Federal inspectors per month in 2016. We must send a Companyr manager withievery one of these inspectors, taking us away from our employee safety. inspections and safetyr training. OUT THE STAFF OF THE US EN VIRONBIENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY IN AT LEAST HALF Tens of thousands of government bureaucrats have issued. over I82, 0.00 pages of regulations. under Obama, many of them regarding coal mining and utilization. The Obama EPA, alone, wrote over 25 ,000 pages of rules, thirty- eight (38) times the words 111 our Holy Bible. PageLS of 4 ACTION PLAN FOR THE ADMNISTRATION PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP (CONTINUED) OVE-ETUEN: THE RECENTLY ENACTED AIE POLLUTION RULE This regulation particularly punishes states in'which coal mining takes place to the bene?t of other wealthier east coast states. REVISE COAL MINE DUST REGULATION OF THE IVIINE SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION OF THE. OF LABOR This regulation provides no health bene?t to our coal miners} and threatens the destruction of thousands of coal mining jobs. OBTAIN LEGISLATION TO FUND BOTH THE R-ETIREE. MEDICAL CARE AND PENSIONS. FOR ALL OF UNITED OF AMERICA (umm? REPRESENTED, RETIRED COAL MINERS For four (4) years, Senate-Majority Leader .Mitch McConnell has refused to address this issue. Some say- that this is because the UMWA'Wrongly opposed him in his. recent election. This must be taken care of; And the legislation enacted must address not just those recently orphaned through. company bal?iruptcies and mine closures, but. the medical bene?ts and pensions that were promised to all retired miners by the Federal government itself. OVERTURN THEMNESAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION. LABOR, PATTERN RULE This rule is a punitive action of? the Mine Safety and Health Administration under itsDirector for the past eight (8) years, the former Safety Diliectorof a labor union. APPOINT JUSTICE-S TO THE SUPREME COURT OF THE UNITED STATES WHO OUR UNITED STATES CONSTITUTION AND We must offset the liberal. appointees who Want to rede?ne our. Constitution and our laws OF THE FEDERAL EN ERG-Y REGULATORY COMES-ION MUST BE REPLACED The. current Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has a record of. favoring actions of. the Obama. Administration that have destroyed the reliability of Anderica?s electric power grid and which have led to skyrocketing electric power cos-ts, as Mr.- Ohama, who appointed. there, stated would occur in. 2008. Page 4 of 4. ACTIONPLAN-FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP (CDNTINUED) a MEMBERS OF THE TENNESSEE VALLEY AUTHORITY DIRECTORS MUST BE REPLACED The Board. of Direciiore of this government agency has folIoWed the? mandates; of the Obama Administration, rather than a-eeure reliable, low cost electricity for the Tennessee Valley Authority?s rate payers; whom they are. mandated to serve-in this manner, a REPLACE THE .MEMBERS OF THE NATIONAL LABOR- BOARD Eliminate the antie?niplo'yer bias of the NLRB by appointing members. and staff; particularly in the General Counsel's of?ce, who will-fairly consider the employer's position and needs and not automatically accede to the unions or unionized employees matter considered-