Case 1:18-cr-00204-NGG Document 20 Filed 04/20/18 Page 1 of 1 PageID #: 78 I'MTED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF NEW N'ORK UNITED STATES OF AMERICA API'LICATION AM) ORDER 01 KXCLl'DABLE DELAY AUlSO/O /w/AckL Case .\o. I g .(^,2- 2.0 •-{ (M66) Fho United States of America and the defendant hereby jointly request that the time period from >kmeri to be excluded from the computation of the time period within which !/W ( ) an information or indictment must be filed, or(XW) ( trial of the charges against defendant must commence. (XC) The parties seek the exclusion of the foregoing period because ( they are engaged in plea negotiations, which they believe are likely to result in a disposition of this ease without trial, and they require an exclusion of lime in order to focus efforts on plea negotiations without the risk that they would not. despite their diligence, have reasonable time for effective preparation tor trial, ( ) they need additional time to prepare for trial due to the complexity of ease. ( ) . The defendant states that he'she has been fully advised by counsel of his her rights guaranteed under the Sixth Amendment to the Constitution; the Speedy Trial Act of 1974. 18 U.S.C. $$ 3 101-74; the plan and rules of this Court adopted pursuant to that .Act; and Rule 50(b) of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure The defendant undertjtaiuU that hc^shc has a right to be tried before a jur>' within a speeificd time not counting periods excluded. Defendant j 1 For U S .Aitomey. li.D.N.Y u Counsel for Defendant The joint application of the Umied States of America and the defendant having been heard at a proceeding on the date below, the time period from to ^I^ ii* hereby excluded in computing the time within which( )an information or indietincnt must be filed or( vflrial must commence. The Court finds that this exclusion of lime serves the ends ofjusiiec and outweigh the interests of the public and the defendant in a speedy trial fr^hc reasons discussed on the record and because I ✓ ) given the reasonable likelihood that ongoing plea negotiations will result in a disposition ol this ease without trial, the cxcTusion of time will allow ail counsel to tocus their efTorls on plea negotiations witiioui the risk that they would be denied the reasonable time necessary for effective preparation tor trial, taking into aeeoiint the exercise of due diligence ( ) SO ORDERED Dated: Brooklyn,.N.V s/Cheryl L. Pollak Cnite^tates .Magi.^trate Judge