sw No STATE of CALIFORNIA, COUNTY of TULARET 2 9 2 9 SEARCH WARRANT and AFFIDAVIT I (AFFIDAVIT) odney Klasserr swears under oath that the facts expressed by tn the attached and rnoorporated Statement of Probable Cause are true and that based thereon he has probabte Cause to betleve and does betteve that the articles property, and persons below are lawftu serzable pursuant to Penal Code Sectlon 1524 et seq as lndroated below' and are now located at the looatrons set Iorth betow Wherefore Athanl requests that Search Warrant be Issued YES Elm) El YES flue ORDER TO SEAL REQUESTED: . NIGHT SEARCH REQUESTE . an (SEARCH WARRANT) THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO ANY PEACE OFFICER IN THE COUNTY OF TULARE: prooI by affidavltr havrng been day made before me by Peace ontoer Rodney Klassen that there rs probable cause to betleve that the property or person descnbed herern may be found at the looatronts) set forth nerern and that lt rs serzabte pursuant to Penal Code Seotron 1524 et seq as below by 'Ig'tst tn that property was stolen or embezzled XI property or were used as the means ot a tetonyr property or are the possessron ol any person the rnterrt to use them as a means a publrc otterrser or tn the possesslon or another In whom he or she may have delruered tor the purpose ptoonoealrng them or lherr berng discovered, property or to be serzed of any ltem or any evrdenoe that tends to show a Ielony has been pr tends to show that a panroular person has a (premlses, uehrcles, persons) Vlsalla, CA. described further In You are Therefore COMMANDED to SEARCH: The residence of Yarai Benny Benzeevi located at 4924 Attachment A. For the FOLLOWING PROPERTY, THINGIS) or PERSONS): Evtdence of related to thus investigatlon described further In Attachment Court This Search Warm"! and Affidavit and attached and Incorporated am me Cause were sworn to astute and subsorrbeo betore me on 3 day of April, 2015 at 7 M. Wherefore, probable-ca se for the rssuanoe ot this Search Warrant and do rssue rl tar AND TO SEIZE IT I THEM IF FOUND and lt them belore me, or Coufljt the courthouse OI ORDER 10 SEAL APPROVED: 3D YES I: NC NIGHT SEARCH APPROVED: El YES IZNO rsanumermumr Judie of the fiupenor Court of Californta, County of Tutare John P. Bianca TCDA BOI case Iratwmm Search Warrant Fm Page STATE of CALIFORNIA, COUNTY of TULARE DECLARATION and REQUEST FOR ORDER SEALING SEARCH WARRANT DOCUMENTS Your Affiant, Peace Officer Rodney L. Klassen, relates that this Search Warrant sought pursuant to this Search Warrant / Affidavit, Statement of Probable Cause and the Return to Search Warrant and all documents relevant to this Search Warrant relate to an on-going investigation of an Embezzlement. It is expected that additional Search Warrants will be sought relating to this matter. If information contained in the above listed document is made public, it would compromise this investigation and make it impossible to continue. Your Affiant requests that the Search Warrant / Affidavit, Statement of Probable Cause and the Return to Search Warrant and all documents relating to this Search Warrant be ordered to be sealed. And that the Search Warrant / Affidavit, Statement of Probable Cause and the Return to Search Warrant and all documents relating to this Search Warrant remain sealed and in the custody of the clerk of the court until order of this court or other competent court having jurisdiction over this matter. I declare under penalty of perjury that the related foregoing is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. ~ &'L,,,.__ == //.(sinatureot:.:tti~ , 2"' day of April, 2018, at B bo AG!!!)/ P.M. POINTS & AUTHORITIES People v Sanchez (1972) 24 Cal. App. 3d 664,678; People v Greenstreet (1990) 218 Cal. App. 3d 1516; Swanson v Superior Court (1989) 211 Cal. App. 3d 332. ORDER Based upon the foregoing Declaration and Request and a reading of the original Affidavit, Search Warrant, Statement of Probable Cause, and the Return to Search Warrant thereof referred to above, it is hereby ordered that the Affidavit, Search Warrant, Statement of Probable Cause and the Return to Search Warrant thereof, be sealed and maintained in a secure location in the custody of the clerk of the C'OlJrt until further order of this court or other competent court having jurisdiction over this matter. 1/,.,>:..1•'";) ; ' ; / / { ,· '." ' F ·- Fit/I { .,,fl\ . ./,~· · I ( , 2nd day of April, 2018, at Signature of Magistrate ) '\ I '-..______..,' John P. Bianoo ( Printed Name of Magistrate ) TCDA 801 Case 17-01-000407 / ...........-~-M~f P.M. '··~·/ . J~ge of the}superior Court of California, County of Tulare Dept. -~ ?,' rcDA BOI Case 1701000407 STATE of CALIFORNIA - COUNTY of TULARE RETURN TO SEARCH WARRANT Vour Amani, Investigator Rodney KIassen betng sworn says that he conducted a search pursuant to the Search Warrant described below Issuing Magistrate Judge John P. Bianca Magistrate's Court' Superior Court 0| California, County of TULARE, Dept. fl Date of Issuance 4/2/2018 Date of Service 41412018 and searched the following location(s), vehicle(s), and person(si The residence onorai Benny Benzeevi located at 492- Visalia, CA and Seized the Items" described in Ihe aliacned and incorporated inventory IE described below On 4/4/2018 at 15.50 hours' Your Affiant along Investigators from the Tulare County District Attorney's Bureau of Investigations and an agent from the Federal Bureau of Investigations served this Search warrant Refer to attached Search Warrant Inventory documents I further swear that thIS is a true and detailed account of all Ihe property taken by me pursuant to the search warrant, and the pursuanl to Penal Code Sections 1528 and 1536 this property wiIl be retained in my custody, subject to Ihe order of this court or of any other court In which the offense In respect to which the seized property IS triable. Date Agni 5 2018 Re|u1n Search Warrant Page 1 ari