COMPLAINT RECEIVED The Enforcement Dlvision ofthe Falr Praclices Commisslon received complaint, COM704052018700474, on 4/4/2018 2 34 00 PM The intonnatlon filed tn the ls below The was filed ngalnst scott Sherman 202 Slreel lOlh floor San Dlego, CA 92101 The who filed Ihe Rebeccn Gardner The followmg was listed as a Wllness Stacey Fulhorst 1010 Second Ave San Dlego, CA 92101 The V|0lat|ons alleged are of Interest 87306.5 7 aflnterest ('ade: Local Mr. Sherman clearly has a can/hot aflnterest and should no! be able to vole an the upcommg counctl declslan about vacallan rentals, A formal mvesngatlon was not completed by the Elhlc's Stacey Fulharsl. on her own. dectded that Mr, Sherman m7! have a of mlerest desplle vasl rental properly A full lnrestlganan by the Ethlc's needs [0 be completed and voted upon by the entlre Aldmg and a Violation Stacey Fulhorst a] the San Dlego Coanly Elhlc's made a unllaleral declslon Scot! Shermaan con/lch of lnleresl, and falled to consult the enllre Elhlc's COMPLAINT RECEIVED The Enforcement ofthe Falr Practlces recelved a eolnplalnt, COM704052018700475, on 4/4/2018 2 35 00 PM The lnformatlon t'lled ln the colnplalnt ls below and the attachments filed are Included The was formally filed ugalnst Scott Sherman 202 Street, 10th Floor San Dlego, Callfomla 9210] The lnleldual who filed the Complalnt Catherlne Bence The followmg enhty was llsted as a Wltness Save Sun Dlego Nelghborhoods 864 Grand Ave MB 526 San Dlego, CA 92109 The Vlolatlons alleged are of Interest 87306 5 aflmerexl Code: Local Scott Sherman George/Scott Sherman Propertles] l-armg on changmg local garemtng the Iegaltry a/shorr term l-acarmn rentals whlle he and hleamlly members mm 40 rental properllex the most severely aflected 60mm! commumrles