C3) Approved For Release 2000I08IO7 EECRET (S) GRILL FLAME PROTOCOL (U) (S-ORCON) AMSAA APPLIED REMOTE VIEWING PROTOCOL l. (S-ORCON) General This protocol contains the procedure for AMSAA sponsored remote viewing. It is in effect for the period required to accomplish the -scope of work. Remote viewing (RV) is an intellectual process by which T?a person perceives characteristics of a location remote from that person. RV does not involve any electronic sensing devices at or focused at.the target site, nor does it involve classical photo inter- pretation of photographs obtained from overhead or oblique means. The individual performing RV (the remote Viewer) is provided with a unique identifier such as stationary map coordinates, a specific structure, an identifiable Vehicle (aircraft tail number) or a specific individual (name, place of birth, age, and/or photograph). The task of the remote viewer is to locate, identify and/or describe the target. The task is achievable1?2?3?4?5. No drugs, hypnosis, special sensory (visual, auditory or olfactory) 0r proprioceptive stimuli, liminal or subliminal, electrical or electromagnetic stimulus will be used in this RV protocol. 2. (S-ORCON) MILITARY OBJECTIVE It is the objective of this protocol to standardize the process of RV so that it may become an established task in the spectrum of intel- ligence and information gathering functions and for target acquisition applications. 3. (S-ORCON) MILITARY APPLICATIONS RV provides a capability to target field mobile weapons which are currently difficult or impossible to detect prior to launch, such as tactical missiles and rockets and attack helicopters. RV can be used to: target on key enemy military individuals from covert agents to key battle commanders; detect the change in state of military units, to rapidly determine the damage resulting from non?nuclear weapon attack; to determine the access code to computers and other electronic devices;. and to determine the general content of documents and other informational items found in military organizations. US Army Personnel, units, materiel and operations are vulnerable to RV. Countermeasures must be devised to reduce this vulnerability. 4. (U) APPROVAL HISTORY (U) The Commander, US Army Materiel Development and Readiness Command (DARCOM) approved in principle the US Army Materiel Systems Analysis Activity (AMSAA) involvement in what is now known as project GRILL FLAME in April l978. In May l978, the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intel? ligence (ACSI) accepted lead responsibility for GRILL FLAME applica? tions. Overall DOD responsibility resides with the Defense Intelligence ,.1l 9. )2 grime Haiti/2,547 Ir?yi . - -- ?e??zxu c- r7514 ?is? {e 13@753 $2331.; art: as sense on. 7 day at?? Mm. t?i??ge,gr; at t} ee'- ta Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 ,?Approved For Release 2000/08/07 .q 5. (S-ORCON) DEFINITIONS a. Remote Viewing (RV): an intellectual process by which a person perceives characteristics of a location remote from that person; it does not involve any electronic sensing devices at or focused at the target nor does it involve clasSical photo interpretation of photographs obtained from overhead or oblique means. b. Remote Viewer: the person who locates, identifies and/or describes the target. c. Interviewer: the person who interacts with the remote viewer before, during and after the RV session. d. Remote Viewing Session: a single attempt by the remote viewer to locate, identify and/or describe a target. e. Project Officer: the overall, responsible individual for all aspects of the project: John w. Kramar (For curriculum vitae, see Tab A . 6. (S-ORCON) Procedure To provide a framework for standardizing the task of RV, a series of RV sessions will be conducted. The elements of an RV session are target selection; (2) remote viewer session preliminaries; (3) remote viewing session; and (4) post?session analysis. The procedure will be described using geographic coordinates as the remote target identifier. TARGET SELECTION From a target pool of 50 - 100 geographical coordinates previously selected by an individual, called the target pool selector (TPS), the TPS will select a target for the session. This person does not communicate at any time with the remote viewer or the interviewer. The 50 TOO individual targets are randomized, numbered and stored in a secure container accessible only to the TPS. A target is presented only once to the remote viewer. (2) REMOTE VIEWER SESSION PRELIMINARIES Before a first RV.session is scheduled, the remote viewer is oriented to the procedure to be followed by the interviewer. The remote viewer needs to understand that he or she should state raw perceptions; experience has shown1 that specific interpretations are quite often wrong while the initial raw perception tends to be correct. Remote viewers are always encouraged to express their feelings and ideas for enhancing all aspects of the RV process. .3 MIA, .5, ?3.1.1 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 . Approved For Release 2000/08/07 [.23 g1 (3) REMOTE VIEWING SESSION During the 30 - 60 minutes prior to the agreed-upon start time of a session, the interviewer offers some encouragement to the remote viewer in the manner of a coach giving a pep talk to his team. During the 15 minutes immediately before the session, the: remote viewer and interviewer are generally silent. Experience has shown (unpublished data) that this ?quiet time? enhances the RV process. During the T5 minute viewing period, the remote viewer and the interviewer function as a team. The interviewer provides encourage- ment with words of reassurance that the task is in fact possible. At no time is the session conducted by the remote viewer in the absence of all other persons. If the remote viewer does not have any immediate sensory images, the interviewer applies no pressure; rather, the interviewer reassures the remote viewer that they have all the time in the world. When the remote viewer has an image of the remote target site, the interviewer, in conversation with the remote viewer, may then suggest that the remote viewer intellectually move around at the site and describe the site more fully buildings, terrain features, people, activities, machinery, etc). - If it appears to the interviewer that the images are in some way contradictory or inconsistent, the interviewer may then attempt clarification by asking questions in order to verify what the remote viewer first described. The RV session is tape recorded and pen and paper are available for the remote viewer to sketch his perceptions. Experience has shown1 that some remote viewers prefer to combine written and oral descriptions, while some prefer to work sequentially. The average RV session is approximately 30 minutes and never exceeds 60 minutes. (4) POST-SESSION ANALYSIS After the RV session is over, the remote viewer and interViewer obtain from the TPS specific information about the target information package and compare their session results with these data. The remote viewer and the interviewer discuss the session results. The purpose of this post-session analysis is to provide the remote viewer with the satisfaction of knowing how well he or she did. ease mar 1. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 -_Approved For Release ,c?i 1.1- 7. (S-ORCON) VARIATIONS IN PROCEDURE FOR RV a. GENERAL REMOTE VIEWING The foregoing has focused on the use of coordinates to obtain from a remote viewer the description of that site. Another approach to the same goal is to access the target site on the basis of a person in place of a coordinate. For example, the remote viewer is provided some personal information and then proceeds to describe the location of the individual. Thus, the individual serves as a beacon to locate the target by RV. To standardize this approach, the procedure described in paragraph 6 is modified. The elements of this procedure consist of target selection; (2) remote viewer session preliminaries; (3) activity of person who serves as beacon; (4) remote viewing session; and (5) post-session analysis. (I) TARGET SELECTION A target pool of 50 - targets will be selected by a TPS. The targets chosen will be distinctive, but to include more than one example of each type. This precludes the remote viewer from eliminating a perception of a target because one of that type was used before. The remote viewer is informed that the target pool consists of similar as well as different types of targets. All other.aspects of the target selection element of the procedure remain the same. (2) REMOTE VIEWER SESSION PRELIMINARIES This element is identical to that of the basic RV procedure. (3) ACTIVITY OF PERSON WHO SERVES AS BEACON At the beginning of the RV session, the remote viewer and interviewer are given one or more items of biographical information or may even meet briefly, for 3-5 minutes, the individual serving as the beacon. If the latter is the case, the beacon individual departs the meeting and obtains the target from the TPS. This procedure eliminates the possibility of the beacon individual divulging any hint of the target. The beacon individual travels to the target, arriving there at the previously specified time. He or she-then interacts with the site for the predetermined length of time of the RV session. (4) REMOTE VIEWING SESSION This element is identical to that of the basic RV procedure. (5) POST-SESSION ANALYSIS This element is identical to that of the basic RV procedure.42 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 {Approved For Release 2000/08/07 t, .. b. TACTICAL REMOTE VIEWING 'Currentiy envisioned RV appiications draw on general RV techniques in coordinate and beacon RV. To standard? ize this approach the procedure described in paragraph 6 and 7a is modified. (I) TARGET SELECTION . Tacticai targets be seiected from U.S. military units invoived in exercises; they range from fieid test units with vehicies such as tanks and heiicopters which are instrumented to determine their spatiai Iocation throughout a fieid triai, operationai units involved in routine fieid exercises and smaii units Tikeiy to undertake no-notice exercises. (2) REMOTE VIEWING SESSION PRELIMINARIES This element consists of the basic RV procedure augmented by a briefing on some known aspects of the target. ACTIVITY AT TARGET Target activity be as prescribed by the commanders and umpires and be totaiiy independent of the RV session. (4) REMOTE VIEWING SESSION This eiement is identicai to that of the basic RV procedure. (5) POST-SESSION ANALYSIS After the RV session is over, the remote viewer and interviewer discuss the session resuits and formuiate specific questions about the target activity, iocation, and state during the period of RV. When information on the military exercise is availabie the interviewer and the remote viewer compare it with the session resuits. The purpose of this post-session anaiysis is to provide the remote viewer with the satisfactrion of knowing how weii the remote viewer performed. 8. (S-ORCON) SCOPE OF TARGETS FOR REMOTE VIEWING AMSAA sponsored RV exciude non-program associated US and or neutrai nation's citizens as targets. 9. (S-ORCON) PERFORMING ORGANIZATION AMSAA is the performing organization. 3? Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 .- pi 10. (S-ORCON) PROJECTED MAXIMUM NUMBER OF REMOTE VIEWERS AND INTERVIENERS 2 active duty military, assigned to AMSAA (officers) 8 DA civilians (GS l2 and above) assigned to AMSAA 3 AMSAA civilian consultants (retired general officer) Persons involved will be principally either remote viewers or interviewers, but there may be some exchange of roles. ll. (S-ORCON) SELECTION OF REMOTE VIEWERS AND INTERVIENERS A number of AMSAA personnel were introduced to the RV phenomena by a guest speaker presentation on the subject. Following this initial introduction, others became familiar with the phenomena through the circulation of open literature publications on RV. Discussions about the military applications of RV phenomena by interested re- sulted in a decision by AMSAA management to seek establishment of a program to define the military utility of the process. Individuals who had previously shown an interest in the potential application of the RV process were invited to participate as a remote viewer or interviewer. Individuals desiring.to participate in these tasks were accepted. Other individuals selected after the initial participants were identified were given an orientation on the phenomena and asked to read published materials on RV. After a familiarization with the RV process and procedures, individuals were asked if they would be willing to partici- pate as a remote viewer or interviewer. Only those individuals who indicated a positive desire to participate were accepted. l2. (S-ORCON) REPLICATION OF THE RV PROCESS It is proposed to conduct up to 25 RV sessions per month. Three principal RV procedures have been described: one uses map co- ordinates, one uses a beacon individual (introduced to the remote viewer) and a third uses a beacon individual (not introduced to the remote reviewer). It is our goal to have each person participating as a remote viewer (about 8 persons) perform each of the 3 RV procedures at least 5 times in the course of this protocol (8 3 5 l20 RV Total). The minimum time required to achieve this goal at the rate of about 25 RV sessions a month is 6 months. Realistically, participants will not be available from other duties on such an intensive basis. Therefore, we project at least l0 months to accomplish this number of RV sessions. For each participant, the maximum number of RV sessions will be 2 per day and no more than 3 per week. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 IQ: ire-1m? wt?wimfagq?ij; l3. EVALUATION The recorded RV images are independently evaluated by one or more individuals in the following manner to semi?quantitatively determine the correspondence of the RV results to the intended remote targets. l. Determine the principle concepts (PC) stated in the images recorded in each RV session transcript. 2. At each target site judge the correspondence on a scale of to ID, of each PC of each transcript. Calculate the appropriate statistics including the mean and variance of all the judged PCs of each RV session for each target. 4. Rank the correspondence of each RV session for each target using the calculated mean values. 5. Review the correspondence ranking utilizing any drawings or sketches to fine- tune the rankings to establish a final rank ordering of each RV session with each target. I4. (S-ORCON) CONFIDENTIALITY Individuals performing as remote viewers and interviewers under the AMSAA GRILL FLAME programs will not be identified outside of their parent organization without their prior consent and they will be refer- red to in project records only by an alpha-numeric designator. Products of remote viewers and interviews such as tapes, drawings, transcripts, rosters, or other materials which might reveal the identity of the remote viewer will be coded to assure the protection of their identity. l5. (S-ORCON) PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT RV sessions will be conducted in an ordinary room at ambient temperature and humdity during the normal waking hours of the partici- pants. The only limitations on these parameters will be security from electronic eavesdropping and elimination of ordinary distracting noises such as a radio and office machinery. l6. (S-ORCON) Based on the preliminary results of the 26 March 1979 meeting of the Ad Hoc Assembly of the Surgeon General Human Use Review Board, this remote viewing protocol is approved for AMSAA use. 11' HN KRAMAR Project Officer . . train Ira-Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9 Approved For Release 2000/08/07: CIA- 4905788?001100080004- -9 ?of Axum-1' BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Puthoff, H. E. and Talrg, 12.. Proceedings 1101' 54, No 3, March 1976, Perceptua1 Channe1 for Information Transfer over Ki10meter Distances: Historica1 Perspective and Recent Research.? 2. Puthoff, H. E. and Targ. R., 1977 Proceedings, of Internationa1 Conference on Cybernetics and Society "State of the Art in Remote Viewing Studies at 3. Bisaha, J. P., and Dunne, B. J., 1977 Proceedings, Inter- nationa1 Conferences on Cybernetics of Society, ?Mu1tip1e Subject and Long Distance Precognitive Remote Viewing of Geographica1 Locations.? 41 Puthoff, H. E., Targ, R. and May, E. C., Advanced Threat Technique Assessment Stanford Research Institute Fina1 Report (15 Apri1 1976 - 15 Apri1 1977), Ju1y 1977. 5. Puthoff, H. E., Targ, R., May, E. C. and Swann, I., Advanced Threat Technique Assessment SRI Internationa1 Fina1 Report (18 Apri1 1977 18 Apri1 1978), October 1978. Approved For Release 2000/08/07 CIA-RDP96-00788R001100080004-9