SUMMARY Cenyersatiens with 23 cellcagues and cellcagues ef Rear Admiral Jacksen, Inest cf where are still in uniferm, have raised serieus cuneerns abuut Jacksen's temperament and ethics, and east deubt en his ability be lead the largest agency in genernntent and ene tasked with the sacred rnissien ef ful?lling eur eemrnitrnent tn the men and wenten whe have served eur natien in uniferm and IJ?teir families. These cenecrns are best captured under the fellewing three tepics: PRESCRIBING PRACTICES In Multiple individuals cited the nickname ?Handyman" used by staff because he weuld preyide whatever prescriptiuns they seughl witheut paperwerk. Ir Physicians, physician assistants, and nurses haye described a pattern ef handing eut Ambien [te sleep} and Preyigil {tn wake up} witheut triaging patient histery {he intakes, ne questiennaires} en Air Ferce Cine. These are eentrelled substances that require tracking. Ir Jacksen weuld have been the prescribcr theugh he alse directed nurses te dispense them. The White l-leuse Medical Unit had questienable recerd keeping fer pharmaceuticals se it is teugh te aceeunt fer all centrellcd substances with perfect accuracy. Duly atter?the-faet weuld Jacksen aceeunt fer pills er preside paper recerds te acceunt fer shertages- Fer esaetple, missing Percecct [used fer pain} tabs encc threw WHMU inte a panic. It tunied eut Jacksen had presided a large supply in a 1 illr'hile Heuse Military ?fflce staffer. Jacksen else had priyale slecks ef centrellcd A nurse neted that lacksen wrete himself scripts. When caught, he had senteene else this de it. lacksen prescribed medicatiens when ether physicians weuld net. Physicians felt uneelnfertable and refused te be a part eftlte leese dispensing ef drugs te current and WH staff [and at times, their family members]. I Jacksen weuld have staff write scripts fer each ether te giyc te nun-beneficiaries. Ir Te pietect ette bene?ciary. a prescriptien fer a sleep aid was written fer anether preyider rather than the bene?ciary. I Lack was dif?cult fer enc practitiencr because that practitiencr weuld net knew the full array efntedicatiens taken by a patient when they came te that practitiencr fer assistance. A physician stated that Jacksen has been lucky because his prescribing practices are reckless. A preyider neted WHMU purchases pharmaceuticals tirem an en-line retailer, separate fretn Walter Reed, which enables IMU te prescribe centrelled substances witheut aceeunting threugh Walter Reed, which sheuld be the sele supplier. I [ndiyiduals citc inquiries by the Navy Surgcen General and inte these issues, as well as a [t3 submissien related in ineligible pcrsennel receiving care at 1Walter Reed in the President?s Wing. Dutlined in that decuntent are eencerns abeut abitity te he ebjectiue en matters related in Admiral Jacksen. l'a'lenliened in that cetnplaint was a preyieus inyestigatien by WHh-?l? abeut dispensing efcentrellcd substances. Page 1 ef 2 HUSTILE WGRK Individuals a censtant f'ear efreprisal. Speci?c esainples that wenld the individuals cencemcd have been pravided tel staff but are net pravided here ta pretect their identities. Jacksen was described as ?the mast unethical persnn have ever werkcd with?. ??at-eut unethical?. 1" In In ?csplesivc?. percent had temper . tesic' . abusive". "velatilc . incapable cf net lasing his temper?. "the wurst e?icer have ever served with?. ?despicable?. ?dishenest". as having ?screaming tantrums" and ?screaming as semeene whe wnulrl ?lesc his mind aver small things". ?vindictive". ?belittling?. ?the wnrse leader [We ever warked Fur-" was like ?walking an eggshells." ?rs Jacksen gained pnwer he became ?intelerable.? physician said. have nu faith in gavernntent that saniccne like enuld bc end up at .r'i nurse stated. ?this [wnrking at shculd have been the highlight et?lnv militaryr career but it was my werst assignment." Anutlter stated that werking at WHMU was the ?wersl cs pcriencc et~ my Ii fc. Jacksen was viewed as semcerte whe ?wculd I'ell ever anvenc?. ?werked his wag.r up an the backs cf "was a suck up In these ahu-ve ltim and abusive In these beluw him". a "kiss up. kick dewn l-I I1. bass . put his needs abnve cvervcne elsc?s." Individuals believe the Navy?s Bureau at Medicine and Surgery and White l-leuse Ceunsel?s ['Jt'f'tee leaked inta these issues. DRUNKENNESS lvlultiple incidents at drunkenness en duty.r were described ta Cemmittcc staff. Several incidents everseas travel. These incidents are net described here to prnteet the identities at these invelvcd. When ?cu dutv" er ?balding the medical bag?. Jacksan was required in be an call at a mantent?s lintice in the event uf a ltealtlt issue with the President. On several nccasinns. wnuld reach ?the bag" while intesicated tn shew he was in charge. Dn at least cue eccasiett. Dr. Jacksen eeuld Itul be reached when needed because he was passed eut ill his ltetel reem. At a Secret Service gning awayr party. get and wrecked a gnvemt?netit vehicle. Page 2 cf 2