8T4 r?rx g' 7% UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY 3'3 WASHINGTON, DC. 20460 100? PROTEO JUL 20 2077 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES Austin Evers MANAGEMENT American Oversight 1030 15th Street NW Suite B255 Washington, DC. 20005 Re: Freedom of Information Act Request NO. EPA-HQ-2017-004949 Dear Austin Evers: This letter is in reference to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request received by the US. Environmental Protection Agency on March 15, 2017, in which you requested: 1. Records suf?cient to identify all employees who entered into a position at the agency as ?political appointees? since January 20, 2017, and the title or position Of each employee (to the extent that such individuals have held multiple titles or positions since January 20, 2017, identify each title or position). For purposes Of this request, please consider any employee in a PAS position, a presidentially?appointed position, a non-career SES position, or a Schedule position a ?political appointee." 2. Records sufficient to identify all career employees who have been detailed into a leadership office or component front of?ce since January 20, 2017; the title or position of each employee while on detail (to the extent that such individuals have held multiple titles or positions since January 20, 2017, identify each title or position); and each employee?s originating agency or component, and title. 3. Records sufficient to identify the members Of the ?beachhead teams? who joined the agency at the beginning of the Trump administration, and the title or position of each employee (to the extent that such individuals have held multiple titles or positions since January 20, 2017, identify each title or position). 4. For each individual identified in response to requests 1 to 3: a. The resume provided by the individual to the agency in connection with determining the appropriate salary for the individual, or, if that is not available, a recent resume contained within the agency?s records. b. Any con?icts or ethics waivers or authorizations issued for the individual, including authorizations pursuant to 5 C.F.R. 2635.502. Internet Address (URL) 0 Recycled/Recyclable 0 Printed with Vegetable Oil Based Inks on 100% Postconsurner, Process Chlorine Free Recycled Paper 5. Records suf?cient to identify the members of the ?landing teams? or ?transition teams" who were embedded with the agency for transition purposes by the Trump transition organization between the November 2016 election and the Trump administration. The Of?ce of Administration and Resources Management (OARM) released documents responsive to Item 1 to you through FOIA OnLine on April 7, 2017. OARM has reviewed and provided an additional document responsive to Item 1, as well as those records responsive to Items 2, 3, 4a, and 5. We determined that portions of the documents should be withheld pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 552(b)(6), which protects information that, if disclosed, would invade another individual?s personal privacy. The portions of these records that have been withheld under Exemption 6 consists of personal information, and we have determined that the individuals to whom this information pertains have a substantial privacy interest in withholding it. You can access the responsive records through your FOIA OnLine account. The Of?ce of the General Counsel is diligently processing Item 4b of this request. This letter concludes response to your request. You may appeal this response by email at hq.foia@epa.gov, or by mail to the National Freedom of Information Office, US. EPA, 1200 Avenue, NW. (2822T), Washington, DC 20460. Only items mailed through the United States Postal Service may be delivered to 1200 Avenue. If you are submitting your appeal by hand delivery, courier service, or overnight delivery, you must address your correspondence to 1301 Constitution Avenue, N.W., Room 6416], Washington, DC 20001. Your appeal must be in writing, and it must be received no later than 90 calendar days from the date of this letter. The Agency will not consider appeals received after the 90-calendar?day limit. Appeals received after 5:00 pm EST will be considered received the next business day. The appeal letter should include the FOIA tracking number listed above. For quickest possible handling, the subject line of your email, the appeal letter, and its envelope, if applicable, should be marked ?Freedom of Information Act Appeal.? Additionally, you may seek dispute resolution services from EPA's FOIA Public Liaison at hq.foia@epa.gov or (202) 566-1667, or from the Of?ce of Government Information Services (OGIS). You may contact OGIS in any of the following ways: by mail, Of?ce ofGovernment Information Services, National Archives and Records Administration, Room 2510, 8610 Adelphi Road, College Park, MD 20740-6001; email. ogis@nara.gov; telephone, (202) 741-5770 or (877) 684-6448; or fax, (202) 741-5769. If you have any questions concerning this response, please contact Robert C. Merritt of the US. Department ofJustice at 202-616-8098. Sincerely, Lynnann Hitchens Acting Director, Of?ce of Resources, Operations and Management TABLE 2 ADMINISTRATIVELY DETERMINED (AD) POSITIONS Current Assignment of Positions as of March 21, 2017 Org Position Title AO Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy AO Senior Policy Advisor to the Administrator on Air and Radiation AO Senior Advisor for Regional and State Affairs AO Senior Advisor for OCIR AO Strategic Communications Advisor AO Senior Advisor to the Administrator AO Speechwriter AO Executive Assistant to the Administrator AO Deputy Director for Scheduling and Advance AO Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO TOTAL SLOTS Incumbent Brown, Byron Gunasekara, Amanda Wagner, Kenneth Bennett, Elizabeth Wilcox, Jahan Greenwalt, Sarah Ferguson, Lincoln Hale, D. Michelle Hupp, Millan Hupp, Sydney Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant A. SUMMARY Number Authorized Number Currently Occupied Series 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 30 30 10 3 TABLE 2 ADMINISTRATIVELY DETERMINED (AD) POSITIONS Current Assignment of Positions as of March 21, 2017 Org Position Title AO Deputy Chief of Staff for Policy AO Senior Policy Advisor to the Administrator on Air and Radiation AO Senior Advisor for Regional and State Affairs AO Senior Advisor for OCIR AO Strategic Communications Advisor AO Senior Advisor to the Administrator AO Speechwriter AO Executive Assistant to the Administrator AO Deputy Director for Scheduling and Advance AO Special Assistant to the Chief of Staff AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO TOTAL SLOTS Incumbent Brown, Byron Gunasekara, Amanda Wagner, Kenneth Bennett, Elizabeth Wilcox, Jahan Greenwalt, Sarah Ferguson, Lincoln Hale, D. Michelle Hupp, Millan Hupp, Sydney Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant A. SUMMARY Number Authorized Number Currently Occupied Series 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 301 30 30 10 3 LIST 2 - A SES NON-CAREER POSITIONS 6-Mar-17 Org AO AO AO AO AO R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 R6 R7 R8 R9 R10 Position Title Chief of Staff Senior White House Advisor (TTNCSES) Senior Policy Counsel and Assoc Admin for Policy Senior Advisor (TTNCSES) Senior Advisor (TTNCSES) Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Regional Administrator Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacant TOTAL SLOTS Incumbent Jackson, Ryan Benton, Donald Dravis, Samantha Greaves, Holly Schnare, David Series ES-340 ES-301 ES-340 ES-301 ES-301 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 ES-340 30 A. SUMMARY Number Authorized Number Currently Occupied With Temporary Transitional Appointments Number Currently Occupied With Permanent Appointments 30 3 2 10 Last Updated: Mar. 1, 2017 List of Presidential Appointments EOD* 1 02/17/17 ORG APPOINTEE OR VACANCY DATE 06/25/10 APPOINTED 02/17/17 02/17/17 PAY LEVEL / SALARY PRUITT, E. SCOTT EMPLID: 2335361 OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATOR VACANT OFFICE OF AIR AND RADIATION VACANT OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION & RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OFFICE OF CHEMICAL SAFETY AND POLLUTION PREVENTION VACANT VACANT ASSISTANT ADMIN PD #00021914 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 OFFICE OF THE CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER VACANT CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER PD #00023939 ASSISTANT ADMIN PD #00027331 ASSISTANT ADMIN PD #00022822 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 GENERAL COUNSEL PD #00020898 ASSISTANT ADMIN PD #00020901 INSPECTOR GENERAL PD #00007675 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 OFFICE OF ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION OFFICE OF GENERAL COUNSEL VACANT OFFICE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS OFFICE OF INSPECTOR GENERAL VACANT OFFICE OF RESEARCH & DEVELOPMENT VACANT ELKINS, ARTHUR A. EMPLID: 00029236 OFFICE OF SOLID WASTE & EMERGENCY RESPONSE OFFICE OF WATER 2 CONFIRMED OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATOR OFFICE OF ENFORCEMENT & COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE + POSITION TITLE TOTAL * Initial Appointment Date into the Agency + Conversion Date to PAS Position VACANT ADMINISTRATOR PD #00004873 DEPUTY ADMINISTRATOR PD #00010668 ASSISSTANT ADMIN PD #00020899 ASSISTANT ADMIN PD #00023962 ASSISTANT ADMIN PD# 00024412 ASSISTANT ADMIN PD #00022198 ASSISTANT ADMIN PD #00020900 EX-LEVEL II $179,700 EX-LEVEL III $165,300 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 06/22/10 06/25/10 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 EX-LEVEL III plus 3% IG Act $170,259 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 EX-LEVEL IV $161,900 Resignations: ORG INCUMBENT POSITION TITLE CONFIRMED APPOINTED SALARY RESIGNATION TOTAL TABLE 3 SCHEDULE C (SCH C) POSITIONS Current Assignment of Positions as of March 6, 2017 Org AO AO AO AO AO AO AO AO Position Title Senior Advisor (TTC) Senior Advisor (TTC) Senior Advisor (TTC) Senior Advisor (TTC) Senior Advisor (TTC) White House Liaision (TTC) Senior Advisor (TTC) Senior Advisor (TTC) Incumbent Bangerter, Layne Davis, Patrick Ericksen, Douglas Konkus, John Kreutzer, David Munoz, Charles Schwab, Justin Sugiyama, George TOTAL SLOTS Grade GS-15 GS-15 GS-15 GS-15 GS-15 GS-15 GS-15 GS-15 8 A. SUMMARY Number Serving on Temporary Transitional Appointments 8 Number Serving on Permanent Appointments 0 4 Officials appointed as members of the Trump Administration’s “beachhead” team INCUMBENT POSITION DATE STARTED Donald Benton Senior White House Advisor January 21, 2017 Charles Munoz White House Liaison January 21, 2017 David Kreutzer Senior Advisor January 21, 2017 Patrick J. Davis Senior Advisor January 21, 2017 Douglas Ericksen Senior Advisor January 21, 2017 Holly Greaves Senior Advisor (Finance) January 21, 2017 Justin Schwab Senior Advisor January 21, 2017 David Schnare Senior Advisor January 21, 2017 Layne Bangerter Senior Advisor January 21, 2017 George Sugiyama Senior Advisor January 21, 2017 John Konkus Senior Advisor January 25, 2017 Political appointees within the Office of the Administrator INCUMBENT POSITION DATE STARTED Scott Pruitt Administrator February 17, 2017 Ryan Jackson Chief of Staff February 22, 2017 Michelle Hale Executive Assistant February 16, 2017 Samantha Dravis Senior Policy Advisor February 27, 2017 The President-elect's EPA Landing Team arrived at our Headquarters offices- News Items EPA News Page 1 of2 p Nevvs lte rns The President-elect's EPA Landing Team arrived at our Headquarters offices ¥Vtch~n~t, (_h:Hio.:~~ \(hud< •.1t ll:\.10 ;~t..1 in rvt1-;.::: t:1::ldcr ~ ft ~ EA~A ~3' P\ nus ~ MESSAGE FRO M T HE • ~ ~. AGENCY'S TRANSITION DIRECTOR message 1s tlelrlg seotto EPA !lfl1lli<>Y>-"""' roday. new members of thE· President-elect\ EPP1 Land1ng Team amved at our He:pect that the I1st rnav ch(1nqe beiween nov'i a11d the: !nauqurat1on. A~-, vve rt:'Ct?ivc n:;rne~; 011 th1s ne\.v n1forn1ation about the· La11cling Te.1rn 1nemlwrsh1p. We' w;ilupdate it on the website F1nally a rernmcler that tlw current :mcl!ncornlng aclrni1w;trations have signed a11 MOU govc·111ing th,:- Land1ng Te:Hl;·s acce~;s to U'A employees, fae~htl·?~;. Jncl•nformatlc•n Consistent with th.Jt agreen;ent. d anyone from the EPA Llicy Like 0 comments C::on1:.lct. Us Protecti:.".~l·l https://usepa.sharepoint.com/sites/OA_ Work/epanews/newsitems/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID .. . 7/18/2017 EPA Review Team \ 2016-2017 Presidential Transition I One EPA Workplace 2016-2017 Presidential Transition Page 1 of 1 Search th e Intrane t EPA Revi ew Team Agency Review Teams (also known as Agency Landing Teams) are assigned to each agency fo llowing the elect io n to conduct a review and make policy and personnel recommendations to the President-elect. • Myron Ebell • Amy Oliver Cooke • Ch1 istopher Horne1 • David Kreutzer • Austin Lipari • David Schnare • David Stevenson • George Sugiyama • Harlan Watson EPA Loca to r One EPA Wo rkp lace I:Pi\ Home New~ Arch 1ve http://intranet.epa .gov/transition/epa-review-team/index.html Contac t Us VVhistle bl owe r P1o tt'C t.i o n 7/ 18/2017 LAYNE RIO BANGERTER Trump Campaign Director of Idaho Policy Adviso r to National Trump Campaign PROFESS IO NAL PROFIL E • • • • • • • • • • Experienced background in political processes and administrative procedures with the Executive. Legislative and Judicial branches of government. Strategic facilitator with abi lities to trnnsform plans into workable solutions to 111eet and exceed benchmarks and operational goals. Extensi\e leadership and management experience in the highest levels of ~o,ernmcnt while consistently handli ng muhifacetcd issues. ational Trump delegate from Idaho. Attended Republican l\ational Com ention in Ohio Demonstrated interpersonal s~ ills and ability to work with and manage peoplt: from di verse backgrounds. Consistently motivating team members to accomplish goals. Proven abi lity to work effecti vely and efficiently under pressure and within time limi ts. Extensive background with US Department of Interior. USDA and a myriad of other federal and slate agencies. (BLM . Forest Service. National Park Service. 0/\A Fisheries. SFWS. EPA. OOR. OIA. USACOE. Bonneville Power Administration) Created a successful agricultural operation including farming. ranching. livestod . and land banJ..ing company. Consistent positive interaction and ossoci EPA·~ use of social media to p.-omotc Clean \.Vatco· Ru lt> in vio lation of lobbying and propag~nda law~ ; :l> The rol e of cnvio·onmental groups in developi ng EPA's Clean Power Plan; );> •:• •:• :l> )> Complianco.: with Fedeo·al Vacancies Reform Act by EPA and th e Council on Environmental Quality; EPA's oversig ht of Superfund sedirn<'nt sit'l•s and adhe rence to internal policies; and EPA's r ole in causing and its response to the Gold King Mine blowout. Committee on Natural Resources, U.S . House of Representatives, Chairman Doc Hastings Director and Senior Counsel, Office if Oversiaht and 1nvestiaations April 20 I 3 - j an. 2015 Managed four-attorney stall oflice that conducted high-po·ofile over·sight in vestigations into energy, natur·alo·esour·cc, environmental, and science issues im•o lving the Department of the In terior ( DO l), other agencies, and the private sector. •:• Advised C hainnan and Chief of StafT about oversight priorities, str ategic5, and legal authorities. •:• •:• •:• •:• Sta!Ted more than a dozen full Committee and Subcommittee oversight hearings. Conducted investigative interviews with witnesses and negotiated with counsel for witnesses. Prepared stafT reports and document requests; ser ved as lead negotiator with executive branch o!Tlcials and private sector represe ntatives lor Committee investigations; and prepared and issued subpoenas. Coordinated with communications staiT on public relations strategies for oversight investigations, includi ng drafting content for Committee website, press releases, and ta lking points. Senior Counsel for Oversight, Office of Oversight and In vestigations •:• •:• •:• Dec. 20 II - April 2013 Conducted oversight investigations with minimal supervision on diverse natural resource and environmental topics, incl ud ing: );:> W hite House r o le in 20 10 G ulf of Mexico offshore drilling moratorium; );:> Lack of independence by DOl Office of Inspector Geneo·al; and );:> Mismanagement of law enloo·ceme nt asset forfeiture program for fis heries management agency. Drafted document re<1uest letter·s; prepared and issued subpoenas; drafted stan· reports and briefing memoranda about pending invest igations; negotiated with agency ollicials ove r scope of r e9 ucst letter s and interviews; and cond ucted interviews and meetings wit h witnesses and whistleblowers. Staffed full Comm ittee an d Subcommittee hearings, including briefing Chai rman and Members, drafting background memoranda, and preparing questions for witnesses . Byron R Brown Page 2 of B U.S. Environm ental Protection Agency, Office of General Counsel (OGC) Senior Attorn~, Air and Radiation &_Cross-Cuttina lssues Law Offices Feb. 2011 - Dec. 2011 •!• Counseled Office of Air and Radiation programs on legal issues arising under C lean Air Act (CAA) and the •!• Administrative Procedure Act, including 'SR/ PSD permits for power plants , Title V operating permits, climat e change public trust doctrine litigation, biomass deferral rule, and air transport rulemakings. Advised senior agency officials on Congressional Review Act; Information Quality Act; the development of EPA's scientific integrity policy; and rer60+fa 31 d / m <'ihurg-03081 G-le tter-to-1·pa. pdf. •:• Letter to Gina McCarthy, Administrator , Environmenta l Protection Agency re: Gold King Mine, Feb. 3, 20 16: http: I I www .epw .s<'nate .gov I public/ e-ach<' / filt.>~ / c-229nl2«,'-586 8-4 J+d-8792 -hf4 7a<>5fa<'63/ q:l\v-to-s·pa-n ·-goldking-020316- 2- . pclf. •:• Letter to Christy Goldfuss, Managing Director, Council on Environmenta l Q uality re: Chairman Vacancy, Dec. 18, 2015: http:/ /www.epw.~enate.gov/puh l icl carhl'llli<'sla 2d4-87,,f.ded b-4a4d-928S- a33h20l'%08e / 12181 Slctter-from-ch airman -inhofc. pdf. •:• Letter to President Obama re: Chairman Vacancy at Council on Environmenta l Quality, ov. 20, 2015: http: I / www .epw .s<'natc.gov I public/ cach,•/ fil<' sl 31 I;~h91 a-7c 71 -41 W-hbcr-c'kd9 a22 1da8/ req-lct ter-to -obama1 120 I 5-final.pdf. •:• Letter to Christy Goldfuss, Managing Director, Council on Environmenta l Quality re: Chairman Vacancy, Nov. 20, 20 I 5: http: I I www .epw .srnatc .gov/ public/ cachl'lfil<'sl 552+f18c-19b f-48+f-a916-c 176bbcd2aa31 ceq-l<'tterto-goldfuss- 11 20 I 5-final. pdf. PUBLICA TIONS •:• "Forecast for COP-2 I : Senate Predicts Obama Climate Promis~s to Come Up Short Aaain," Committee on Environment and Public Works, Majority Staff Report (co-author) Dec. I , 20 15: http: I I www.epw .senatc .govl public/ rarhc / files / 82ad22e2-c7d +-4 3db-a5a3-a596 571 f7Gd0 / white-p<~p<>r ­ comhined- 1203 15-final. pdf. •:• "Obama's Carbon Mandate: An Account cfCollusion, Cuttina Corners, and Costins Americans Billions," Committee on Environment and Public Works, Majority Staff Report (co-author), Aug. 4, 20 IS: h11p: I / www .epw .senatc.gov / public/ cache/files/ 386cb2 Sd-b72 3-4ffd-9frf-21 8+25a33191 I cpw-staiT-r<>portobama-carbon -mandate .pdf. •:• "Undu the Microscope: An Examination cf the Q!ustionabl~ Scit!nce and Lack cf Independent Peer Rel'ien• in Endangered Species Ace Listing Decisions," Committee on Nat ura l Resources, Majority Staff Report (co-author), Dec. IS, 2014-: http :/ l naturalr<>so urcc s.houst'.gO\·I uploadt>dlllt"s l t· ~a pt>t>r n·vit·w sciencestall' report.pdf. •:• "A Fi 1•e-Star Folly: An lm·estination into the Cost Increases, Construction Delays, and Design Problems That Ha,•e IJccn a Disserl'icc to the EJJorc to Memorialize Dn-isht D. Eisenhon-u," Committee on Natural Resources, Majority Staff Report (co-autho r),Jul y 25, 2014: hup : I I naturaln·~ources. hou~<' .gov I uploadrclflles h m·rsight rt"port - I 11 eiscnhow<>rrnernnrial. pdf. •:• "Ethics Under Review: An Oversiaht IMestiaation into the Department cf the Interior's Ethics Pronram and How Recusals are Manaaedf or Smior Oj]lcials," Committee on Natural Resources, Majority Staff Report (lead author), Sept. 9, 20 I+: http: I I n<~turalrcsourrl's. house .govluploadc· dlllrsl ct hics09091 staffrcport.pd f. •:• ";I Less Secure Future for Rural Schools: An ln1•estiaation into the Obama Administration's Qyestionable Application cf the Sequester to the Secure Rural Schools Proaram," Committee on Natural Resources, Majority Staff Re port (co-author), January 14, 20 14: http:/ / naturalresour n·s. hous<'.gov l upl o adcdfilesiO\•e rsightn·port-1 13a lesssecurc fu tureforru ral schools . pel f. •:• "Holdin9 Interior Watchdos Accountable: Q,•ersinht cf the Department eft he Interior's Office cf Inspector General," Committee on Natural Resources, Majority Staff Report (lead author), Feb. 21, 20 13: htt 12: I I natural r('SOUITt'S. housl' .gO\' I uploads-dfilcs / owrsiphtr<'portcl<-p<~rtmentoflntt•rio•·. pdf. Patrick Davis Consu lting, LLC Public Affairs • Political Consulting* Strategy* Public Relations Patrick Davis served as a senior campaign advisor to the Donald Trump for President and the Co lorado State Director for the Trum p campa ign in 2016. The US Senate Republican majority increased from 5 1 to 55 wh ile Patrick Davis was the Political Director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee during the 2004 Election cycle. In that position, Davis managed the political and strategic ope rat ions of the committee inc Iud ing candidate recruitm ent, message deve lopment. and campaign management. He directed the committee's $35 million voter contact budget. In 1999, Davis represented the NRSC as a Regional Pol itical Director in ten Republican US Senate campaigns. He has been direct ly involved in the competiti ve winning US Senate campaig ns of John Thune, Norm Coleman, Jim DeMint. Mike Lee, Wayne Allard , Gordon Smith, Steve Daines, Conrad Burns. Tom Cobu rn, Mel Martinez , Richard Burr, David Yitter, Jim Bunning, Johnny Isakson and John Hocvcn. In January, 2005, Davis founded Patrick Davis Consu lting, LLC. The firm is dedicated to serving clients and candidates regionally and nati onally in the areas of public affairs, political consulting, strategy and public relations. The finn is headquartered in Colorado Springs. Co lorado. Davis' recent accomp lishments and partners includt:: • Donald Trump for President • Neumann Education Foundation • Telephone Town Hall Meeting • Steve House for Governor of Colorado • Stan VanderW erf for El Paso County Commissioner • Larry Liston for State Representative • Colorado Libcny Alliance • GOPAC • Save our Secret Ballot • Set it Straight (527) • American s for Prosperity • Chris Vanct: for US Senate · 16 • TrustHuckabee • Kyle Hybl for CU Regent '06 (C0-5) • Colorado Springs Strong Mayor campaign ' I0 • Congresswoman Kri sti Noem (S D) • Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS) • Congressman Kevin Cramer (NO) • Senator John Hoeven -2• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • March 9. 2017 Senator Mike Lee ( UT) Don Bates for Congress · 12 (I -6) Ron Sax ton for Governor '06 (OR), Brian Bahr for Mayor ·I I (Colorado Springs), Debbie Rose for Pueblo County Commission' 12. Joe Gschwendtner for Governor ·1 0 (CO), Don Stenberg for U.S. Senate '06 (NE). Mike Protack for U.S. Senate '06 (DE), Glen Urquhart for Congress ' I 0 (DE), Congressman Scott Tipton '06 (C0-3), Jeff Crank for Congress ' 06 & '08(C0-5 ), Duane Sand for Congress '08 (NO). Bruce Whalen for Congress '06 (SO), Rick O' Donnell for Congress '06 (C0-7), Sid Leiken for Congress ' I 0 (OR-4). Teresa Collett for Congress '10 (M -4), State Senator Dan Lederman (SO). Elli Schwiesow for State Senate '06 (S O), The Colorado Leadership Fund. The Colorado Marriage Amendment, Missourians Against Human Cloning, Vote Yes for Life in South Dakota, Wal-Matt Store, Inc., NDRx.or g, The Boyer Company, W Communi cat ions, Jiffy Lube. Save our ecret Ballot. Target Point Consulting (M icrota rgcting), Myv.rireless.org, The grassroots campaign to support President Bush's effons to reform Social Security. The grassroots campaign to deteat cap and trade. pendingRevolt.com Prior to joining the RSC, Davis served as the Executive Director of the South Dakota Republica n Party from 1995 to 1999. During thi s time, South Dakota Republica ns increased their majorities in both houses of the State Legislatu re, elected John Thune to the US House, and re-elected Governor Bill Janklow. During the 1992 Bush-Quayle President ial campa ign, Dav is served as the tield desk coordinator for eleven Northwestern states, and in 1990, Davis served as the Assistant tO the Deputy Director of White House Politica l Affairs in the Bush ''41'' ad ministration. .., -.) - References: U.S. Senator Joh n Thune (S D) Former U.S . Senator Wayne Allard (CO) Former U.S . Senator George A lien (VA) Mr. Robert Blaha, Co lorado Springs Mr. Steve House. Co lorado State GOP Chairman Mr. David Neum ann, Neumann Systems Group Mr. Jeff Crank, Colorado Springs March 9, 20 17 . ..... . L • I ••• I . WORK EXPER IENCE R epub lican A ttorn eys Gene r al Assoc iation Wash ington DC Polic y Direc tor/G enera l Coun sel 20 IS-Pr esent Brief attorn eys general and advis e their staffs on state and federal policy issues, multistate litigation, amicu s brief requests. coordinate coalition responses and messa ging Mana ge all comp liance and legal issues for organizatio n Serve as Presid ent of affilia ted 50 l(c)(4) organ izatio n, Rule of Law Defen se Fund Fr eedom Pa r tn ers C h a m ber of C omm er ce Arl ington. VA Legal Couns el 20 13-20 15 Cond uct due dilige nce, ensure comp liance with rEC rules and IRS regulations for tax exem pt organizatio n Appr ove broad cast television and digita l adver tisem ents, grassroots lobby ing and other iss ue advoc acy activi ty Write and execu te contracts, agree ments , policies and training materials for organizatio n Advis e on public policy initiatives and priorities for organ izatio n Taft, Stelt ini us & HoUi s ter LLP Assoc iate A uorney lndiM apolis , IN 2012-2013 Represented client s in flmt 's litigation and intelle ctual property practice group s Write briefs, plead ings and client memos: all end trials and depos itions : served as Summ er Assoc iate in 2011 Romn ey for P resid ent 201 2 Lansing, Ml Mic:higun Election Day Operations Director 20 12 Mana ged all electi on day opera tions in Michi gan; supervised high pro life projects in other s tates, inc luding a major ballot duplic ation proce ss in Palm Beach. ria. Advis ed Romn ey for President headq uarters on s tate elect ion law issues Rec rui ted, trained, and mana ged a team of hundr eds of volunteer attorneys and staff for electi on day Overs aw the preparation of e lectio n day and post-e lectio n day litigat ion plans and s trateg ies The \Vhit e lious e Wash ington . DC :'lssoci<~te /)irec tor. O((ice ofPoliti cal Ajj(li"rs 2007- 2008 Drafted briefings and memo s for the Presid ent, First Lady. Vice Presid ent. and other senio r Wh ite House ollici als Cond ucted strategic research on legislative and dome stic policy issues for Director Assis ted the Presid ent's perso nnel oflicc with appoi ntmen ts to Presidential boards and comm ission s Planned and execu ted State Arriv al of Pope Bened ict XVI, other digni taries with White Hous e Socia l Offic e J ohn McC ain fo r P r eside nt 2008 Arling ton, VA Regional Politi cal Coordinator and Director ojSurrogat e Operations 2007 Developed grassr oots political organizatio n and organ ized delegate recruitment in Cali fornia, Nevad a and Utah Worked with camp aign attorneys to facilitate place ment of John McCain on the ballot in key prima ry states Offic e of U.S. Repr esen tative Da n iel Lu ngren (R-C A) Was hington, DC Execu ti ve Assis tan t/Leg islative Assis tant 2006-2007 Mana ge legislative portfo lio and advis e Cong ressm an on issues including nationrtl defen se, social secur ity and labor issues llandl ed Cong ressm an's calendar. speak ing engag ements, corres pondence_ and other admi nistra ti ve matte rs E DUCAT ION Uni ve r sity o f No tre Da m e Law Scho ol Notre Dmne, IN .Juris Docto r. C /1111 laude May 2012 Executive Solicitation Edito r. The Notre Dame .Journ al o_( Lall', Ethics. and Publi c Policy; Lega l Intern ships : Pacifi c Lega l Found ation; U.S. District Court for the Easter n Distri ct of Michi gan; U.S. Attor ney for the Distri ct of Kansa s Un ivers ity of Ka n sas Lawre nce. KS May 2005 James and Alice Phelps Mem orial Scholarship Rcdp ient: Intern. Onice of U.S. Senator Sam Brow nback (R-KS ) Bache lor of Arts, Politi cal Scien ce SEN·ATOR DOUG ERICKSEN EXECUTIVE PROFILE A positive business focused leader. Accomplished State Senator an d Chair o f the Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee in Washington State. Passionate champion o f American jobs, American workers, and an America First Energy Policy. Provides innovative solu tions and implemen ts job creating policies in a divided government state. Demonstrates the skills to win tough economic and political battles as the only Republican Energy Chair on the West Coast. SKILL HIGHLIGHTS • • Leadership/commun ication skills Project management • • Business operations organization Budgeting expertise • Negotia tions expert • In ternational relations skills and experience Proven winning record on difficult • leg isla tion CORE ACCOMPLISHMENTS As Chair of the Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunications Committee (recent) • • • Created and implemented model Crude-by-Rail legisla tion to promote energy independence and increase safety for local communities Achieved successes to protect and expand oil refining industry on the West Coast • • Created and implemented environmental permitting laws to promote economic development and job creation Nation leading legislation for development and deployment of high speed telecommunications in urban and rural areas Saved thousands of American manufacturing jobs in aluminum industry Increased relationships with foreign trade partners on the Pacific Rim • Prevented job killing taxes and excessive regulations • As Deputy Director Washington State Donald Trump for President • • • • • In state manager of Trump pre-primary rally in Lynden, WA. Record crowd at facility with +/-5000 people overflow. In state manager of Trump rally in Everett, WA. Record crowd at facility · with +/- 7000 people overflow. Campaign effort helped secure 76% of GOP primary vote Increased earned media hits in Washington through media outreach a nd relationships (over for professional experience and education) PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE 01 / 2011 to Curre nt Senator for the 42nd District of Washington State • • • • 04/ 2016 to Current Donald Trump for President- -Washington State Deputy Director • • • • 01 / 1999 to 01 / 2011 Managed Trump rallies in Lynden and Everett with Trump advance teams. local/federa l law enforcement and Trump WA volunteer teams Managed field teams in Western Washington Managed earned media campaign with Sen. Don Benton Served as campaign spokesperson on radio and TV Representative for the 42nd District Washington State • • • • 01 / 1999to Current Chairman of the Senate Energy, Environment and Telecommunicat ions Committee Member of Transportation Committee Member of Rules Committee Member American Legislative Exchange Council Legislative Ethics Committee 2003-201 0 Floor Leader. Ranking Republican on Transportation Committee Restructured transportation permitting system Nationally published article on health care reform International Relations Extensive experience representing Washington State on trade and diplomatic issues. • Trade missions. diplomatic missions and meetings with trade partners. • Recent engagement with Taiwan (ROC). South Korea. and Cambodia. 08/ 2016 to Curre nt Board of Directors for Cruise Through Cancer Bellingham. W A • Non-Profit that provides individuals and families suffering through cancer with free recreational guided yacht cruises. EDUCATION 1991 Bachelor of Arts : Government Cornell University - Ithaca, New York • • 1995 Concentration in International Relations Varsity Baseball, Football. Sigma Chi Fraternity. Master of Arts : Political Science and Environmental Policy Western Washington University - Bellingham, Washington • Program focused on the relationship of government and environmental issues -. LINCOLN FERGUSON CO NTACT LIN C OL N FERG US ON R E C ENT EXPERIE N C E I' R F S S S f C R f T A R Y Jlttonrq Crmml; Offta I Okl•homa Cit,-, 01\ I fulr.?0/6 · Curr Ier of Public Ad ministration. 1990-1992 Professional Experience Executive Assistant to the Attorney General Executive Unit Office of the Oklahoma Attorney General Oklahoma City, Oklahoma March 2016 to Present The OAG 's Executive llnil provid<..:s direction vvriting reports on behalf of the university president, editing university materials, and social media communications. Responsible lor the university prcsicknt's communicatio ns with the campus community rcemenl, the Department of Human Sen~ces. r the J uvenile Division or tJ1e District Court, as well as prep;mttion of cases for hearings . Responsible fo r coordinating and overseeing the ;mnual allocations process for U nited vVay member agencies. Skills required to successfully G UT)' out tJ1e positio n were building board rclatjons, establishi ng a leadership role in Ulc community, establishing rapport witJ1 local media and community leaders, networking with public assistance org