0N Stats uf Cklaiwrna STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS :60 Far Compensated Filers Pleatn type 9r print cIaarIy In hiack Ch. 52 App? 251'? a? sea? and Ethi?s Mariya} ink. Hearst? SGMUH Tiff: to camping (hi! 74 O. 5. Supp. 2002QAVW a ram an r. 1 . MAlLinl-G Malling addrcas 143? S. Bou?der, Suite 820 City Tulsa NAME OF FILER: {Nu nitknamas, malaise} "uni-ntn'l'? I-I-I-nnunn WEEK BE TEL Work mace Telephone number 913?382- Zip 74.1.19 State NC BIRTH DRTE: EPHONE NUMBER: 7523 Check for address NUm'Jer Aw sign?d by Etnics Commisuion 2. FILING STATUS: {Hymn} I AMENDED Cniandar Yimt Couam d: 2004 1 I FINAL [required within an days of and 01? ?.ch Date Sawiaa Ended: Chief administrative officer or firnt dopuw I . I I Data m" nppaIn?Il?nent, employment or assumed duzinn TIHB Office Governmental ont'm' sic-Nod E3 81ml; employ-ac? Dam of ovalapymam Jab antity acrvad 31916 Ificeltht'ni Con?rm ?siono i--Publi Mambar [compensntadi Out: appointsd. slatted or assumad dullus uf nffiau NUVmeer, 2002 Titie of af?oe Term of Senator 4 years Govummantu! nntEtv survad Senate Candidate fur elacriug Month/year ct Gsnaral Election OHiaa sought Term of office Gauarnmanrel squry state of?ce or Spa?i?f General Election actual}! la ha served if ale.ch Friar year inanmm Hum state govucrnmunin: an'liLy. Give ?Lh! nan-m. mailing addr'?s? u: this ?mitv. and this type uf irmumc ux?d??i3nu flV? thauaanrl doliara In amnunt?a: ualua :ccnivad Tram a awn- entity by the filer or th? ?Iar?s ?pnuss or dnpandantn: Nam: caI :ntity Malling addraas of en?w Typa of income .uI-vcnlu . . 2.300%. Lincoln Blvd. . Rm. 329.3. 1% i .. nun-nu." -lt-ll'- i . awn?- 1; 3 "mm hauqu 4. Name porounI-??l??liy Attorney Salf?Employed incamu {mm ulnar s'?uruus. whom income in cash a: ln-klnd eXcae Siva the nurt'lu. mailing an I Mniilng address of personlanilty mulaa, OK 74119 ding rl'ua thousand Gaiters {$5.00 1:53 unannut?. and cf the Drinclpul bus 0) In amount or value and {ha type of huninmn ac?IEviw drama. insane nctivily of a pursun frarr. income retelvod by {Ina fiIcI': Type b'I inanmn WWRM _?klahoma Radhawks I 1 I . ?nun-n1? Y: OK 7310?? n?nn-nnaun 1mg Manag 3151' Oumqynun? .u .. 'cnm?inn-u Ec Fem MR REV. 5:52; ad 3562 ET bn' REVERSE Nth! N883 [62.86 0N 99:60 lel cu Euvaiul princisai. Giw the mqu of any {abbyx-t or'mbb?di With hh?om the war has engaged a I: . 10h Income 63033de {hm thousmnd dong? {55"}00} in amuum ?Ema was waived [mm manu?? for :xccp?onsll 6. Hour-rum: Claw? the Mm? of any entity which an honorakium or Honorsria. what! at mare than twa FUndred dollars {9 2005 and 91?0"! actual expancau paid to 1116 ?lm. was raonivud and the vsma of any aunh honorarium: Name af? cnmy .1 Valuc bi I n? .- ulnn . In "Inn" nnlul.?. 1 nun-m _5?cunilsal1eld. Guin the name of awry bush-lass or Bh?tY in which :11: Hint accuri?lw valued at thbusand dohsrs (55,000} at more dunno we reporz?lng pup-mi; Pmuidad, huwnunr, mutual! funds and similm Bkcmi?a: need be; idah??bd only by tho type {if madv bv the mutuai iund or amular security: . -1. "nun-cu . . ?1 . Mutual Funds Mu-u n" a fl. Ullahm :epramnmd hafnra mgulainry sum: nchr?mani agencfaa? Giw: ma name and addresa a! a1! etionm bv tha ?ier the ?lm?s: bah?? _3 fem?:er 5mm covarnmunml agency, as lia?lad in Seafinn 3 of Chaptnr 2'3 nf this compensmjon exceadlnu unu thousand dullars In nr UHIUE ouran the amending calendar yuan Mar-w ht ?Hen! Address of ?alien: Oklahoma City; 0K ~u . nun-nun "unnuununun-nu .unn-u I .- pl.? 9. Fldwinry faintjonchipa. Lisa wary officarchip, trunluenhip, av othar riduelnry relationship hafd in an doing huainess with a anuty with whinh the ?lm in nnmniamd during the dittln?lrre period and the tam-a of suah tmsieaship, nr other ?du?niary relationship; Fiduciary rclmionehlp Offic?r Trustqe Norma uf amlw Tarn-n of ?duciary rolatlonahlp Rcdhawkra Sine Famitly Elms: Perpetual ml?oa?? of Advisers Mend Crisis Pregnancy Center Board Member and ourmlla. Lisl. all pro . ?Hun? .. {mammal or 9==Upatiohul permits or licsnsuu befd by the film: "a u, Unapo- um- In 11? Carti??a?om {her?bv wr?fv that the statements annlsined Heroin are rug and cnrrazr ta bust my kn: w?edge. . ac mm F4: BACK max?. 5102] HAW File mm: {mm commission, 2300 Lincoln mun. Hm 85. Oklahoma our, UK mus-am 410552141151 Fax 5114995 Ed NUBIIEB SE88 8? X63 N033 Mag 10 04 01:3?p Pat Gates, Quint p. State of Qkiohoma STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS For Compensated Filers PIease type or print clearly in black ink. Please consul: mire 74 0.8.8upp.2002, Ch. 52 ?139., at seq?? and Erhfos Manual to complete this armament. OFFICE USE 1. NAME OF FILER: (M nicknames. pieasa} BIRTH DATE: .. COMPLETE MAILING ADDRE8S AND WORKPLACE TELEPHONE NUMBER: Mailing address Work plaoo telephone number 1437 s. quiger, Suite 820 91??382-7523 Zip 2] Check for oddross change: Numbor Assigned by Ethics Commission Citr Stale Tulsa - OK r4119 2. FILING sm'rus; IXXYEARLY Colandar'YearCovored; 2003 I lraquired within 80 days of and of sorvice} Date Sen-loo Ended: Date of appointment. Title of office Governmental omitv served Chief administrative omplovment or assumed duties officer or first deputy [1 Tara emplovae Date of employment Job classification Governmental entity sorvad Data alt-pointed. clocked Title of oifioe Term of office Governmental entity served State oificeo-Ethina or assumed duties of of?ce Commissioneerublic Member :2 1m enoated? I November, 2002 Senator 4 years Senate Candidate for elastiva Mo of General Election Office sought Term of office Governmental entity state office or Special General Election sought fc be serde if elected 3. Prior yoar income from DKIahc-ma state governmental entity. Givo ,the name, mailing address of the e?mizy. and the type of Income mime-ding five: thousand dollars amount'or valor: received from a state govammental entity by thqfiler or the filor?s spuusa or dopondents: Mailing address of entity Twins of income - .. Name of governmental entity -- uh- I a Oklahoma State Senate Dcuunvv?gum; pur- v- .-a.w.-.v.quvn ya av-n- In - 1 4. Prior year incoma {rum other sources. Give: the name, mailing address, and a description of the principal business acrivily of a person from whom in cash or Ill?kil?td uxcanuing ?ve thousand daiiors {$5,000} in amount or value and the type of Income receiver) by the flier". Name of parsonlontity Mailing address 01 parsnnientity Principal business activity I Type of income Attorney ., yglga, OK 7&119 ngal Legal ?mum I t? A . . Oki ahuma Redhawks uklahoma (31W OK 7310}; Owner! P51143181?w q. i i inn" I v- .. In. u. wan-Inna :w EC FORM 1852?. 53021 tolv?rmuen on Man 10 04 01:3?p Pat Gates, Quint [9181748~8888 'p.3 5. Doing buoineoo with lobbyist or iobbyiat principal. Give the name of any registered iobbyist or lobbyist principai with whom The flier has engaged in business from whioh income exceeding fivo thousand doiiors {$5,000} in amount or value was received [see manual for exceptions}. 6. Honoraria: Give the name of any Entity from which an honorarium or honoraria, vaiuod at more than two hundred dollars {3200} war and above acruai expenses paid to the fiior, was and the vaIUo of any such honorarium: Name of entity i Value of honorarla 7. Securities heid. Give the name of every business or entity In which the flier heid securities valuari aL live thousand doilars ($5,000) or morn during the reporting perim?i: provided, however, mutual funds and similar securities need be identified oniy by tho typo of investments made by tho mutuai fund or similar Seourrty: 8. Cliems represented before regulatory aroto government agonoiesi Give the name and addreso of ali clienta roprosontod by the ?ier or the filer?s spouoo harm in rogulatory orator guvornmonlol ogurroy, as iistod in Section 3 of Choptor 23 of this title, for compensation oho thousand doliars ($1.000) in amount or vaiue during the preceding calendar ypor: Name of client Address of client Fiduciary relationships. List every officership, directorship. trusteeship. or other ?duciary relationship held in an entity doing business Wirh a governmental entity with which the fiiar is associated during the disclosure period and the term of such of?cership, directorship, trusteeship? or other fiduciary relationship: Fiduciary relationship Name of entity Term of iiduoiary Officer Oklahoma Redhawks 2 Trustee Sina Family Trust ?m iPerpetual L_w Buard of Directors Gatesway Foundation jBoard Member . ..H mm Board of Advisors Mend crisis Pregnancy Center iBoard Member m. Licenses and permiis. List ail profossionai or occupational permits or iioonses held by the ?ier: 0.3.131. Nod 15828 11. hereby certify that the statements contained herein are true: and correct to the best of my knowiodgo. FlLEi??r's signature Date re 431w. I--?iri 1mm: raw. 5107] . 7 . File with: Ethics 2331] ii [incuiu Blud?m BE, Dirialrorua city, warns-4312 AMEN-3451 52141905 18 03 09:29a Pat Gates, Quint [9181749?9388 p.2 State in Oklahoma T0 PRIOR on'F-zn "l i' i: In. Please type or print clearly in black ink. Please consult Title 74 O.S.Supp.2002, Ch. 6?2 App, 257:15? 1?1 or seq. and Ethics Mecca! to complete this statement. i, NAME 0F FILER: (No nicknames. please} BIRTH DATE: EDWARD SCOTT 5?9-68 COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS AND WORK PLACE TELEPHONE NUMBER: Mailing address . Work place telephone number 1437 S. BOULDER, SUITE 820 918-682?7523- I City . State Zip Number Assigned by TULSA, OK 74119 2. FILING STATUS: X) YEARLY - Calendar Year Covered: 2002 FINAL {required within 60 days of and of service} Data Service Ended: Chief edministrativo Date of appointment Title of office Governmental entity served officer or first deputy employment or assurned duties State employee Date of employment .iob classification I Gayernmentel entity served State officer--Public Date appointed. elected Term of office Title of office Governmental entity served Member [boardicommission or assumed duties of office ?ll th or t' ?twp? i 4 YEARS . SENATOR SENATE Candidate for elective of General Election Office sought Term of office entity state office or Special General Election sought to be served if elected a. . I hereby certify that there has been no change in any information reported in my Statement of? Financial Interests for the calendar year prior to the calendar year for which this statement is due to b??filed. 4. Certification. I hereby certify that the statements contained herein are true and correct to the boat of my knowledge. Data FORM F-SR: STATEMENT OF NO CHANGE FOR COMPENSATED PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY 1N BLACK - Reports are public records and may be copied. All filers, including candidates, may file this statement If a full Form or has been filed for a prior year and does not require Updating. 1. Name of filer- include your first. middle and last name; do not use nicknames unless it is added in addition to the name and enclosed in quotes William "Bill" Jones}; give your numerical birth data give your complete mailing address including the zip code lthis is essential for you to receive future notices]; give your work place ldaytime) telephone number so that we may contact you, if necessary, concerning your report. 2. Filing status. snawwnetner you are the ?rst statement for the period [previous calendar year] by checking 'Yearly? or. whethr It changes Informant"! ureulnuslu?le'd [or this same per-Inc by checking "amended". check ?finer'll you have left nubile service. CALENDAR YEAR COVERED. Calendar year covered is the year which began on January 1 and ended December 31 previous to filing the report. Check your status as a filer. A chief administrative of?cer and ?rst deputy are the director and first assistant director of any governmental entity. A state employee is someone who is not the chief administrative officer, first deputy or a state officer BUT WHO DOES determine policy or make final spending decisions for AND WHO IS COMPENSA TED BY any governmental entity. A state of?cer is-someone who is an elected. appointed or employed officer inythe' executive, judicial or legislative branch of Oklahoma government. In this Instance. stats officer does not include a public member who is not compensated by the state. A candidate is someone running for state office including an incumbent. 3. Certification of no change. This statement certifies that there has been no change in the information to be reported for the current calendar year from that reported by the filer for the previous calendar year. 4. ?le lMilli]: Ethics Commission. 2300 ll "scum Bll?ljlil BE. atlahuma Elm. ?73105-4812 . 405/521-3451 FAX 521-4995 El: FORM F- 35 IREV. 5:92] 04/18/03 FRI 10:31 N0 8999] PI.) ?Hpr 3O 02 02:04p Pat Gates, Quint p. Stew of Oklahoma STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL INTERESTS For Compensated Filers Please type or print eleerlv In black ink. Hearse conem?r Title 74 0.5.Supp. 193.9. Ch. 62 App? 2257:1544 et? seq., and Ethics Manual to complete this statement. ac onslce oath i 1. NAME OF {No nicknames. please} BIRTH DATE: .. .. . COMPLETE MAILING ADDRESS AND WORK PLACE TELEPHONE NUMBER: Mailing address Work place telephone number .i??l;?tm?gei?eri . I City State Zip CI Check for address change Number Assigned by Ethics Tulsa, OK 74119 2. FILING STATUS: YEARLY 1 AMENDED 3 FINAL Calendar Year Covered: 2001 Chief administrative Date of appointment. Title of of?ce Governmental entity served officer or first deputy employment or assumed duties State employee Date of employment Job oleseilioe'tion Governmental entity eervoo State Date appointed. elected Title of olfioe Term of office Gnoammantal entity oerved Commissioner~~PuhIic or assumed duties of of?ce Member [mmnengated] November, 1998 Senator 4 yrs. Senate 13 Candidate for elective Month/year of General Election Office sought Term of office Governmental entity" state office or Special General Election sought to be sewed if elected Prior year income tram Oklahoma state governmental entity. Give the name. mailing address of the entity, and the type of income exceeding five thousand doilere {$5,000} in emount :or value received from a state governmental entity by the file:- or the fiIer's spouse or uependantn: Name of govarnmental entity Mailing eddioss of entity Type of income i 4. Prior Year income liom other sources. Give the name. mailing address, and a description of the ptinoipol business activity of item When: income in cost: or invkind exceeding five thousand dollars {85.000} in amount or valuo and the type of income received by the flier: Name 01 personientitv Mailing address of peteonlentiw Principal buelnees activity Type of income Attorney - - . . . . . EC FORM ma Inav. 2200! comments on ?nor so 02 02:05p Pat Gates, Quint {9181749?9368 p.3 5. Doing business lobbyist or lobbyist principal. Give the name of any registered lubb I vist orlobbyistprincipai with whom the ?ler has engaged In busineso? from which income oxoeeding flve thouoond dollars {35.000} in amoum or V6 toe was received {see manual for exceptions}. 6. Honorarla: ?lm the name of any entity from which an honorarium or honoraria. actual expenses paid to the ?ler, was received and the value of any such honorari Name of entity valued at more than two hundred dollars {$200} (War and above um: Value of honor-aria I i 7. Securities held. Give the name or ever the reporting period; provided. however, fund or similar aoourlty: n. if business or antlw in which the flier held securities valued at five thousand dollars l$5,000i or more during mutual funds and simliar securities need be identified only by the type of investments made by the mutuai ., 3. Clients repreeantecl hetero regulatory state government agencies. Give the name and Spouse before a regulatory state governmental agency. as listed in Section 3 ol Chaptor dollars {$1,000} in amount or value during the preceding oalendar year: Name of client Address of client address of all clients represented by the ?ler or the filer's 23 of this thin, for compensation exceeding one thousand .. . .. 8. Fiduciary relationships. List every offloarship, directorship. trusteeship. or other fiduciary rel ?uvernmental entity with which the filer is associated during the disctoaura period and the term of a fiduciary relationship: atlonship hatd in an entity doing business with a uoh otfioorship. direcmrohipf trustaashlp, or other Fiduciary relationship j? Name of entity Term of ?duciary relationship President of Board S. W. 1., Inc. 3 .V i Board Of Advisers Mend Crieis Pregnancy Center Board Member 10. Licensee and permits. List alt professional or occupational permits or lioensm held by the filer: 5 8 i hereby oertify that the statements contained herein are true and current to the boat of my knowledge. nature Dam A, 47- /3 6 zc coma FMHEV. 2mm I ?le rum: mm commission. 2300 ll lincoln Blvd. Rm BS. ultlalroma Blty.0K73105-4312 405521-3451 0 FAR 521-4905