File No. Pages 2 Fee Paid 5 175 DEN 21TUE636DCIJBE DLLC mum?3mm ?1f054'2?1? STATE DFMALNE Secretary em CERTIFICATE DF A. True Cop: ?in: hunted If Signature quug?eeretnnrofsme Mantle 3.1m Cm-ti?earneol?Eom-lalion: HIST: The name of dielimitod liability emu-any in: Lewiston unetion Road, LLC minlheeue awfm?l 3t MESA. 1518.} 53mm: Pitt]th [select me} Date of this ?ling; a- lster e??ee?ve date (Speci?ed hem}: THIRD: Emigration as IIW pro?t LLC [till-tee]: only if applicable}: ?Ihisisalow-pro?t limited liability.r eompaw pummna?l men ?l?ll meeting ail qmli?omieesm fm?here: A. The inlet-Lee to qualify as law-pm ?t limited liability eompeny; E. The emnpany must at all times signi?em?y former the of one or more of the el'teritahle or edumionol purpoaes within the meaning efSeetion of the Internal Revenue Code of 19136, a: it may be mounted. revised or and must list the speci?c charitable or educational purposes the ecenpeny will former, C. No signi?cant purpose of Ike company is the produe?m of ineeme or the appreciation ofprop-eltjr. There-oi signi?eam [rmeeoreapital appreciation is nogintlleabemeeof other factors, eonelusive evideoee of a slgri?eent purpose involving the pro-doetlen ofineerne er the aver-aim and D. Ne pin-peer: ofthe cumpmy is to accomplish one u: more political or Iegisiativepurpoee within the meaning of Section l?ilIeIZxD} of?le internal Reveille Code of 19%, mite Slim. FUURTE: Designation as a profewiond LLIIS {Cheek only ifappiieable]: This is eprofessional limited liability eompany? foamed pursuant to 13 1:13.51! Chapter ILA to provide the following professional mints: fly-p3 elm?) -1 Fri Apr 27 201810:46:51 FIFTH: The Regimed Agent is a: (select eithera Commereid or 1Hon oomnierci a1 Reg-meted Agent} P1 D1 32 '3 Commercial Regimes-ed Agern ERA Public Number: Shawn E. Bell. Beg. ltililat'rre of commercial registered agent) Regime-ed Agent [Name of noncommercial registered agent] [physical location, not PD. on? street, city, state and zip code) [mailing address if different [rem above) SIXTH: Pursuant: to 5 MESA 3&1052, the registered agent listed above has consented to serve as the registered agent for this limited lialztilitg.r eonipany. SEVENTH: Other matters the members determine to include are set forth in the attached Exhibit and made a pan herle 1Hillut'ltori'set'l personts) Dated 1 2 +2 9 - 2015' Kevin E. Dean, Member {Sham olau?ioriacd person} [$in nla?mriacd. Imam} pm] of professional service limited liability companies are accountants, attorneys, chiropractors. dernists, registered nurses and veterinarians. (This is not an inclusive list - see 13 WA $23.1) ?Pursuant to 3] MESA Cenit'lme ofFonnation MEET be signed by at least one authorized person. "the execution ol? this certi?cate constitutes an oath or at'?rmation under the penalties of false swearing under 11-h MESA 34-453. Please runil your payment made payable to the Mai m: Secretary of State. Submit oarrpleted Form to: Secretary of State Division ol?Corporations. and Commissions 10] State House Station Augusta, ME mass-moi Telephone Inquiries: [107) 624.1751 Email Enquiries: Form No. {2 oft] Rev. 1033 ltl?l? -2- Fri Apr 27 2018 10:46:51