Observation of Students Learning at Rangeview High School Student Inclusion/Attitude Yes Yes , but Not seen N/A Students make choices related to learning in the areas of: Process- pr, content-co, product –pd _Pr _Pr _Pr _Pr _Co _Co _Co _Co _Pd _Pd _Pd _Pd Yes Yes , but Not seen N/A Notes Students have a voice in the classroom, expressing their opinions, expressing and validating their thinking, and asking questions. Students arrive ready to learn, e.g. homework, and materials Students comfortably and respectfully interact with the teacher, e.g., share their perspective, ask questions, etc. Students comfortably and respectfully interact with other students. Student Competence Students demonstrate an awareness of the learning goals and the means by which to meet the goals Students’ process, content, or product demonstrates authenticity and connection to their world. Students use multiple ways to demonstrate learning and reach standards. Student Meaning Student participation is Active Through: □ teacher modeling □ small group □ teacher lecture □ use of technology □ mini lesson □ student involvement in task □ other: define in notes Students ask questions that relate to learning goal such as ?’s to: ___ clarify ___ activate background knowledge Notes Notes make inferences, draw conclusions information