FD - 245 (REV. 4-13-60) M. Ewarimm? Inf E?u??m . (MATERIAL MUST NOT BE REMOVED FROM OR ADDED TO THIS FILE) 9 *i COPIEDFOR FIHPA g? REQUESTERS FULL NAME COMPUTER (IA NUMBER LB II . FEDERAL SAM 2 . A (I $33,544?! 3'Bureau File Number I 0 576 25? atlassifitatiun authority derived from FBI Automatic Declassificatinn ?uide, issued May 24; Brews an. .19qu BRIDIOA Ecreened by NARA 01?24?2018 DIR 43976 DDCID: 32995505 See also Nos. mn ?1,17 MIR 9 NH 43916 Page 1 suaw-wALun 13-15696 1. Lette'r to B?ston Informnt from Dorothy ker 11/7/51, aubm.by so Eddy 1/23/52, rec'd from Boston 12/26/51 See serial 11 1 g? a 1:?me WEEK: me a, 2'4: . 1m INFORMATION 001mm HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED EXCEPT WHERE SHOWN, 0114mm SE . - 1: a: ?if? ?5 - if ?o i. SEARCHED SERIALIZED JAN 2 ?1 10m FBI-NEW YOR NH 43916 DucId:329965l]? Page 2 If 71 I .4 Date Received jm?l ?ya-123302 13;? (Name 5f Contributor) . . (Address of Cantributor) . . {hr-?Highs: of Special Agent) To Be Description: =3 M4 0/ ALL INFORMATION WCONTAINEE NH 4397?] Page 3 1:116 HEREIN IS EXCEPT WHERE OTHERWISE 1 My" 1M EXHIBIT - F3. :0 - NH 43976 Page 4 egg?. '44 DOROTHY PARKER November 73 1951'- Dear friend, A good many people; in my time, have called me stubbornn I am writing to you because I think that; perhapsg you *haVe been called stubborn too, frOm time to-time 11 and are .proud of its - I am stubborn in a way I stubborn in my belief in the people of Spain and in refusing to forget that Francisco Franco is a fascist The form my stubbornness takes is my inability to grow- callous to the hardship and suffering.of the Spanish Republican refugees,? Their land and lives are in ruins, but they-have never lost faith; And that faithy I'm_ proud to say, has .been nourished over the years by the generosity and friendship of a large number of stubborn Americans In the.last three years alone; despiteneny difficulties in our path, the Spanish Refugee Appeal has sent abroad almost $1405000 in relief?? Now, with the coming of, winter; new hardships in France and Mexico must be alleviatedu I write to ask you to keep centinuous this flow of Ameriu' can relief to the exiled'victims of Spanish fascism They look to us as never before inethe twelve years of their exile I write knowing that you will be as gen" erous and willing 1, and stubborn oi as Americans of conscience and honor have always beeno Won't you send your contribution to me today? .8incerely5 wee ?assi?edby mo 3g ?mm ?ao [UOE?Egkyb NH 4397?] Page 5 . O?ice Memorandums UNITED Sevss GOVERNMENT SAC, New York DATE: May 18, 1950 LFROM DirectormoEX Vv' ae/a-og gag/Mo" SUBJECT: PARKER ?alz . IISECURITY MATTER - 111.4,. 6? waged"? 03;" Bureau file 100-56075 0&5 Dorothy Parker, the welluknown col ist, was recently named by Louis Budenz as one of the "concealed Conmlmists" in the United States. You are reqmsted to submit a report summarizing the information appearing in your files concerning this subject's background and activities. Thereafter, you should advise the Bureau whether or not ?g 59 an investigation appears to be warranted. . Mi (31ers: a mass m5 a 3 EB -- 5% SERIALIZED. . in" . u, Wop/W? <0 ecu/n SEARCHED NH 4397?] Page 6 . .. . til-"our14New York 7, New York DEC 1 3' 1858 MEMO PARKER, was. SECURITY MATTER - The following are believed identical with captioned subject and where pertinent have been included in the report of SA RICHARD W. EMERE, dated at New York, 1 3 1950 - - . loo-2936?32 g5 i88:g?ig3gge, mi?! [3 MUSE 100- 2 ?97 3 .. loo- 3g?g-8 28 3 33 9 meus GEEK 36u2- 2865 fink. 100-3682-2929 100- 931-6937, p. 2 100- 336-1A3 100?18130?78, p. 20 "Daily Worker" 12/5/80, p. 2, col. 1 12/8/83, p. S, cola 68 12/6/88, p- 8, col? 5? 3/28/85, p- 00L 3 8/10/86, p. 10, col. 2 12/31/86, p. 5, col. 1 2/28/87, 2 00L 5 10/27/88, 13, col 3 3/7/87, p- 8, col 2 6/12/87: S: 001' 1 10/8/87: p' u: 001- 5 11/11/87, p. 5, col. 5 11/18/87, p. 16, 001.3 '7/10/5033 5, col: 1 r3/23Au8, 12 7 91,1:qu YORK - 5in DEB1 3 1950 85 - . loo-9 7%8 _gef - - . f43916 DncId:32996506 Page l?le?e yd '3 ??y?aga ?33 . if I . 13 MEMO 100?8037uh1b2, p._115 100-851uu-66, p. 100 p- 3 -162u?2336: p' 52 100-u7211-27, p. 7 ?100-65568-uu2, p. 10 '583: p' 17 -956, p- 15 617507-1u38 I 16 p. 8 100-36h221A517 100?36u2?1b526, p. 3 100?26200, 1Au96, p. 115 65?1u867-5, p. 303 .100?25857?1003 100725858-127 100-26603-5330 p. 3 100a28715-3281, p. 1 100131551: 1399, p- 178 Sec. 3 . 100-50870?203, p. 7 100-50870-226 100-5087Q;a-521 100-5u3u9?2 100-79952-29 p. 19 100-80801-u9, p. 19 100-851uu-u2 100-851hh?1328 100-9587u-1a12 identical:I i 121?3597-10, p. 10 62-9933-u7 - NH 4397?] Page 3 - . 1.3The following refefences are not believed to b? 30? r" .1. alwm? . . wt -1. ., . ?a ?qif?p__?maMEMO 100-98708 100431551 (DOROTHY KIELHPARKEE) 100?22?169 (DOROTHY ROSINAHDAUTEL PARKER) p. 5 (DOROTHY KIEL PARKER) ?-97-169-la605 (Mrs. D. PARKER) 100-51603 31? 5317- 59, p- 13 100- 85800? p. 2 (Miss D. PARKER) 31- '3903 - 31-5271-181. 65~1819?1573, p; 32 Unable to iocate feference: 51-111-2161, p. 2 33h - 100-5087042uA, Sec, 1, pt. 11 p. u, Sec. 1, pt. 2 p. 200, Sec. 1, pt. 2u' -RICHARD W. EMERYPage 9 . ?$13541 --. .. .. . . .. ?l . -. _1 (if ;/al FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION Form No. 1 THIS CASEORIGINATEDAT NEW YQRK . NY FILE "0100?98708 MMOM REPORT MADE AT DATE WHEN PERIOD FOR WHICH MADE REPORT MADE BY new YORK 11/6'12/5/5o RICHARD w, EMERY T3118 CHARACTER OF CASE I DOROTHYR PARKER, wee: SECURITY-MATTER - Mrs. Alla -'amghel&e ?aeewe -e3Ebe11 Mme . I. svuopsusowAme/ Subject resides at 8221 Sunset Bouleva Hollywood, Galifornie, and is self-e loyed as a writer. Confidential_1nforma an. INFORMATION FILED describes subject as a concealed mber i; of the GP. sponsored EXCEPT WHERE SHOWE or been active in nimeroue Coneuuniet IOTHIBWISE ?fronts during the past fifteen years including such organizations as the Joint Anti Fascist Refugee Committee, 5 ?b Hollywood Anti Nazi League anti Friends 4 {k of the Abraham $.igadee 'Background ?oemationma "?053.59? . . . HH 4395'6 Page 143 Directer, FBI Haw (lGOa98708) enemy mama 3 00mm . 2/2h/55o 3/18/55? In View of tha instruction in Butel BABVSS captioned "Secu?ity Index" a recommendation as.to aubject's incluaian in the Security In?ax 13 not being submitted a; this time. 9:33: i a? {371? a. i 3? .1 :4 :13" . inf} m: (3) . I, NH 439'}; Page 144 '11 (1F Fm) 3221/55 . . FF FF EFF F?-n . J, -FF EFF 19/13 3/53, F1161: . Fing- 1a 1F F?bibi? -Ff i?uf??t f11.& FF FFiFit 111311 Ff an 1129 awning Ff: FF 141111.13 Fm will he IF 19.11.13 .111 11;. . 11115. ?32? FF a. ?1135111?? FM 1313; '11, F2111. FF F.1FF 11:11:32 1.1113111 F111. F111- F- 11311 FF 13;: 311) .- . Ff ?53m FF FF FF will. F111 FF 1111con?rm - mm k} 30 24?9 HEREIN IS UNCLASSIFIED. 03: EXCEPT WHERE saowF - 1 OTHERWISE . . 3,1 1 - FF {111.1193193 FF (11-113 F1 (l?iu812?5) F. (12~11) 1 - FF (13?153 -FY (163-11121) (11-11} . . . {11?153 3 F. FFng3 {7-63 FY- 3 FF (12-15) . (11) .- ?in?n- It HH 32996506 Page 145 . United Government_ -To; SAC, NY (loo?518202 (7-2) (D) FROM: 1111111111111 . FRIDAY, SA . SUBJECT: SCHOOL OF SOCIAL SCIENCE 18 - I On furnished the writer with "The Jeffersonia.n" issues of .. 1/31/55, 2/7,1l,21/55s WhiCh are being in the 1A Exhibit of instant case file as Exhibi In ?The Jeffersonian? for the week of 1/31/55, it was noticed that JOSESH STAHOBIN was scheduled to hold a Sunday forum on 2/6/55. "The Jeffersonian? for the week of 2/7/55 reflects that EEULAH BILL ROBINSON, and ALAN BOOTH, along with oth_ers, were to. perform on Sunday, February 13th, at a cultural evening in observance.of Negro History Week. It was also noticed that on 2/20/55, a forum symposium was to be held, at which JOHN T. MC MANUS and SIMON W. GERSON were to be speakers and that DOXEY WILKERSON was scheduled to be Chairman. 5 ?1 - (JOSEPH STOHOBIN) I *2 (12?15) (loo-112260) (BILL SOSISSOS) (12-16) (loo?lleeul) (ALAN BOOTH) (12?15) :l (JOHN T. SC MASUS) (12-10) 25S qu I 100?68721) (BETTY SASDSS3) (13115) 100?62509) (DOXEY 119310) LS (12?16) (100 8S275) L. (loo?9&7eg?) (ISSOTSS (loo?SS098 IS1SS) (12? 13) 111' (1004?1l?1'4o? Lemme I I I 1 I 71212 1 I I - 7' (100-13LL73) (813101) [um-?3?1 ?(13011) EAL-I: INFORMATION 1 1 NY 10 0? 121:? ROBERTS, COHEN) SHOWS Att. (5) Massif)! on: 4 1 HH Page 146 . HEM 0 NY 100-51820 Attached to this "Jeffersonian" was a throwaway rev fleeting the same cultural evening, as well as a Freedom Frolic scheduled for in which BETTY SENDERS, GEORGE and Siboney Orchestra are mentioned. The same names were mentioned in the Freedom Frolic and the forum symposium in ?The Jeffersonian? for the week of 2/11/55, with the exception of WILKERSOB. ?The Jeffersonian" of 2/21/55 contains information 5 regarding the llth.?nniversary Dinner to be held at the Hotel 1 Capitol on Friday, March nth, The speakers for this affair 9 are reflected to be MERIDEL LE SUEUR, WILLIHM L. DOROTHY and Professor ROBERT S. OOHEE. Mention is also made of the Sunday forum, 2/27/55, during which.the discussion will be on-"The Relations of Heavy Industry, Light Industry, and Agriculture in Capitalist and Socialist Economies with marnsaensa." i -qg 2 a r. 4g-Page 147 sec, NE 3/28/55 PATRICK EA REFUGEE COMEITTEE mane; On 3/15/55, the Writer reviewed minutes of a public hearing of the NYS Joint Legislative Committee of E. -Charitable and Philanthropic Agencies and Organizations -E . concerning testimony regarding captioned organization on 2/23 an. a: 25/55 The record reflects that MARK STRAUS, PAULINE RGYCE, end DQROTEY PARKER testified. STRAUS an? RGYCE utilized the Fifth Amendment of the US Constitution and Article I, Section 6 of the NYS Constitution in declining to anewer practically all questions regarding the JAFRB. DDROTHY PARKER testified that ate had been called -. Eational Chairman of the JAFRC and ha? eigned appeals emanating -from this group. she eteted that ehe knew nothing regarding the finances or actual operation of the Committee. WILLIAM LGVELOCK, an investigator for the made available a copy of the report on the JAFRC prepared by . . a CPA firm.- The report is based on an analyeie of JAFRC financial recorde obtained by the Copies of this report have been furnished to the Bureau and a Photoetat is being exh-ibited in captioned case file (100 36h2-?9g. It ie to be noteo that this financial reporlt ie not a part of the public hearing and Ehe source should be protected. The writer also reviewed a collection of Ehotoetate of letter and appeals from the JAFRG signed by EAEKER, STRAUS and ROYGE, but there Wee nothing available which is not 1 included in the NYE files. 1 - NY 100-333h3 1 - NY 100?7976 (PAULIHE NY 100t98708 i 5? - {/5919 h, Aal' AU7FD Fu.a emu [i?nf381 agxi32996506 Page 143 3 . - wanna-W . J. elf-r1. (.M?wwm?gr 3% 3/28/55 WILLIAM LOVELDCK advised the writer that no other testified ragarding the JAFRG and the Committee A separate memo has been preparad and disaeminated regarding approximately 15 indivi?uals who were listed in the financial repcrt aa_employaea or indivi?uals authorized HH Page 149 -m .-.. I f_ 1" En? 'Mamo NY 100-36h2 had no other witnEBB who could so testify. to sign checks of the JAFRG at_various times. LL 4* - vwv- I STANDARD FORM NO. 64 O?ice Memo 9 madam - UNITEDSTATES GOVERNMENT -TO New York ?5 DATE?arch 28,1955 0M =Director, FBI (100-56075) PERSONAL OTTENTION . .2 SUBJECT: DOROTHY PARKER . 21 SECURITY MATTER - 9.1 .2 ReBulet dated February 24, 1955, and urlet March 18, 1955. . Your consideration of this case for inclusion .3 .9 in the Security Index should not be deferred because of the instruction in Butel dated March ?3 1955 arti ned "Security Index. 0 You should handle this matter in accordance with the instructions in neBulet. SEARCH ?9 IND ?995mg;- L) FBI-Nmnvo?? HH 32996506 my- - . 1 . Tm Page 150 3' . .3. ?rm . .. .55301-1" 0 '5 1 ATwo Government. men came to the apartment ofi orothy er. They wanted to question her about some of her I [con 'ttee ?Hrs. Parker? 5. tw'mpet gs ramped ail over f7 . bf. ?.74 7/ {the 1 om, paying no heed to her eOmmands tay put W11 11 the 7 Hques oners asked about the extent of her in?uence upon the com- - mittees, Mrs. Parker replied: ?My in?uence? Look at these two 1 JdOgs of mine. can?t even in?uence them. . . I 91/741? 55/ . FILED.. 0.2. .21 ?3 195.5 7 9M