T]NCI,ASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE U,S, Departm€lrt of fusdcs Bureau of Alcobol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Phoenh Fleld Dlvicion Enhanced Enforcement lnitiative Albuquerque, New Mexico Operation Gideon lX EXECUTIVE SUMMAHY BEPORT *** nl gr t972 (trvddng: Thh doc&n nt is UNCIASSIFIWII^4WENFORCEMENI'SEMITNEaIrI\Ltu rdcdlot Ofrctdl Use tr:yf.ffi w,ffi ###!tr##mr,mx;*m;,:,;x*;l*nf i,:u;#fii#; Ollr. tt @nrola, inforaratiot U't,toiitin,;rt;i;,;i;;-;;;i;;;;;i:; n no mtii ,it-iir-r;L;'fi;#";;d\l .wralredhculnatalb.dqllrMcd,rqrofurrd.otdrtzniatditthofithe.ry,estdu&orfurkn"y,i"ero,fit"in"i,ffiitl;[,;;;;;; thd ttyl-le.4c,rpt io,n pabnc rclzosE stdEt th, Fncdon olltfoinalton Act (S IJ,S.C, S4 trcldcd hcrdn an pnsrdetd qfrdar p'oductt two*, owtid-iy rhc FederuI eaemncnt ,ia n u tcleosad to loElgn oryotfudorlt ot peno*:, UNCI,ASSITIED//I,AW EI\IFORCEMENT SENSTITVE EXHIBIT R UNCI.ASSINED//LAW ENtrORCEMENT SENSITIVE Operation Gldeon D( Executive Sumrnary Report EXECUTTVESUMMARY ATF designated Albuquerque, New Mexico for deployrnent ofthis initiative for a one huntlred atrd twenty (120) day period boginning oE Apfl12A,2076, Prior to this itritiatiotr dato, two (2) agents and one (1) TSS traveled to Albuquerquo, March 28, 2016, in order to establish and organize the area of operatiou. The focus of this cooeetrhated initiative involved the infiltration by undercover agents of established firearms andfor narcotics trafficking organizations facilitatsd by Mexican-based drug trafficking organizations (DTO). Enforcement efforts were sEategically directed at conducting purchases of evidence within an uea designated by intelligenco data obtained prior to the operation. New Mcxico was selected due to its ranki4, based upon 2013 dat4 as ttre second (2od) highast violent state fui the Urited States. A review of the FBI Uniform Crime Report (UCR) and ATF compiled data revealed that the city of Albuqudrque and the city of Santa Fe share extremely high violent crime mtes when sompared to similarly sized cities. A review of the Albuquorque Violent Crimo Statistiss (not UCR approved) fiom January 1, 2O15 to August 31, 2015 identified thirty (30) homioidos, one (1) negligent manslaughter, one thousand nine hundred and nhety four (1,994) aggravated assaults, four hundred aud sixty nine (469) rapes, four hundred ad'seventy two (472) robberies, threo hun&ed and thirty five (335) street rcbberies, forty five (45) residential robberies, thirty two (32) carjacking's aad one hundred and eight (I08) other robberies. Participatine Asenci€ Althougb EE7Operation Gideon D( was atr ATF led initiativg ttre following law enforcoment parmers supported and partlcipated at various levels, and are key stakeholders who share in the coilective success of this initiative: r . I r . . ' Zof 14 United Stabs Attomey's Office, District of New Mexico Drug Bnforcement Administration Albuquerquo Dlstrict Atlomoy's Office Bemalillo County SherifPs Depsrtment Albuquerque Pollce DEpartment New Msxiso Shte PoUce New Mexico Conections Department UNCLASSIFTED/iLAW ENTORCENIMNT SEI{SITTVE EXHIBIT R 811612017 T]NCLASSINED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITTVE Operatlon Gideon IX Executive Summary Report Pre-Deolovrnent upon ttre selecHon of Albuquerque as an EEI city, planning bega-n approximately six (6) months prLr to the initial deployment. an initial budget, within lhe confines of the funds allocated, was ionipleted and meetingi were arranged with the United States Attomey's Office, Altuqr:erque police Departrnent, Bemalill,o sheriffls Deparlment, New Mexico State Polico, and the Drug Enforcemint Adminislration (DEA). These two (2) components were crucial ir that paraootefs ildividuai must be set concemilg the expendih:re of fi:nds ard those commitments made to agencies must adhered to' lor the duration of this project.and It should be noted, tho DEA approximately six (6) weeks purchases. provided finaucial assistance concerning narcotics -After budgeted evidence half of the of b"iog op"rational, tho Albuquerque EEI oxpended ovef to the opsration to be used for large narcotics pur"lar-e funrls. The DEA constant iommunicatlon was had between the iorct ases. Along with the financial commitment, Agent in-Charge with the DEA SAC Special and EEI Assistant ifF Special ageit in Chatge smooth working reladonship for the for a una nne aSal. This communication allowed duratiou of the Albuquerque EEI' use of an operational Plan variance was extremely impolt,Ilt in allowing the number Opemtiotrs to bs cotrtlucted and maximize the deployment days allocated' the of An example of the importance of this communication is illusbated in the two (2) belowreferencea homicides, Ihe working relationship thaj had beon created prior to the initiation allowed for a seamlese relationship with homicide hvestigaton which resulbd in ildictments on both cases. In addition to the afl off-site location was the was The local through the informants was offrce was contacted ald secute phase ancl to the initiatiou Tolecosmunications Spocialist were assigned remained engaged throughout the entirety of the operation. The ability to effectively communicate durhg operations of this magnitude is exkemely importatrt for the integrity of the investigalions and the safety of the agents and officers involved. Prior to commenoing with opemtions, the Shooting Review Branch briefed all participants on the procedures for reporting a use of force. Also, steps \eero taken to ensure that the Albuquerque atabases. EEI utilizrd the proper snal most efflcient 3of14 UNCLASSIFIED//LAWEMORCEMDNTSENSITIVE ilrcNAfl EXHIBIT R I]NCI.ASSIFIM//LAW ENtrORCEMENT SENSrITVE Operation Gideon IX Exccutive Summary Report Personnel Selection Pr.evious post aaalysis of Gideon/EEI operatrons has identifled that the most ilnportatrt factol in the success of these dePloYmen ts is the solectlon ofpersonnel, undercover operators, case agents' supe isorc, technicai and intelligence personnei, During theso deployments, hundreds of opemtiofls arc conducted in sities selected due to their high propensity for violence. In Albuquerquo spocificalln when taking into account undercover meetings, arests and search operations were conducted, warant, excess of tfuee hundred (3 uadgrcove$ operators is paramount. The GideonlEEl plafform is The need for designed to identify atrd infiltrate organizations wittrin a short period of time. As such, decisions achieving this by the undercover agen(s) during the operations arc exceedingly important il goal. Case agpnts afe slso held to the same staadard as uodercover ageots, The excessive Volume Of operations, elecfonio recorditrgs and evidence must be coordinated and controled by ttre silected case agents. In Albuquerque, over seventy (70) l&v#-tiC4-o!f yere initiated during the one hundred and rwonty (120) day operating cyc-l6-h ad-diii6i Id6nttuifEthat investigations are prcperly bei.og investigated, case agents are responsible for providing infoffiBtion aad fluid relationship wlth the united states Attomey's ofEce, The responsibilities of both ATF and the united srates Anoftrey's office must be discussed priot !o the initiation of the maintaining a operatlon. In examining the pmper persolael, from undercoveis to techdcal personnel to supervisors, an important factor is the overall volume of work hours. A traditional work day on a Gideon/BEI operation is approximately twelve (12) to fourteen (14) hourc. To be able to maintain the pace necessary !o produce the volume of quality cases as seen in Albuquerque, this also includes working weekends, The only way to mailtain the pace and still produce a quality work product is to \rrito Repolts of InvestiBation the same day the evenf occuned, as well as processi.ug of tho evidence. Along with the investigative side and an often forgotten duty is the maintenance of the offsite. Ttre assigned personnel are responsible for cleaning, taking out the trash, aud the day to day mainlen4nP. of the building, Previous experionco in "street'' operations is essential for each group supervisor selected. In addition to approving operational plans, managing agent cashier fiuds expended and other admidstrative duties, the group sup€ryisors are responsible atrd involved in each undercover operation. Due to the number ofoperations conducted each day and the propensity for violence, group supervisors must be capatle of making diEftcult decisions and undorstand protocol dtuilg critical incidents. Also selected for these depioymeors is an Assistant Special Agent ln Charge (ASAC), The ASAC rnust have an understanding of undercover operations and pmvide the autonomy needed by agents fo, the success of the operation, ASAC's communicate on a daily basis lrith the 4ot14 UNCIAS{IIflED/ILAWENTORCEMENTSENSTTTYE EXHIBIT R 8116/2017 UNCLASSINED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITTVE Operatlon Gldeon D( Executive Summary Report selected group supervisors to ensure that operations are being conducted in iioe with ATF standards and procedures. The ASAC is responsible for forwarding all pertinent infounation to the Special Agent in Charge of tho respective field division in which the deployment is active. Regarrcling the tleployment of the group supErvisor(s) and the ASAC, it would prove beneficial to for-them io arrive a woek pdor to the operation commoncing. In Albuquerque, onee the ftst Ses and tOO arrived, there wers a large amount of agent cashier expenditures aod the dispensing and tracking of funds was shouldered by the Resident Agent in Charge in , Albuquerqu", Deploying the group supervisor(s) and ASAC would alleviate that burden and allow-the group supervisor(s) and ASAC to be better prepared for the official initiation of the operation. often overlooked but extremely essential are the technical personnol, These individuals are rosponsible for the ability of the undercovel agents to obtain electronis evidonce fiom a myriad of opiions. Teeh.nical personnel are also responsible for recording each undercovor meeting from a secure mobile pladorm, special agents, a combination of undercover In Albuquefquo, seleotions were made of Assistant group technical personnel and supefliso$, and the daso igents, Special Agent in Charge, As a result of the extreme workioad, the selection of agents/persoanel from outside tle rcspective field division is essential. permanent Investigative Research Specialist (IRS) and During the Albuquerque EEI, (IA) were assigned and housed at the BEI offsite. It is permanent Ilvestigativo Analyst imperative that the Intelligence component (IRS & Ld) is exporienced, etficient, and motivated. The Albuquerque EEI also utilized the assigned IA to assist the group supervisor in maintaining agent cashier expenditurcs. Previous EEVGideon operations assignod this responsibility to an undercover or case agent, which resulted in an excessive burdon to the i[dividual selected, Intellisence Sunport IA assigned full-time allowed the assigned SAs to focus mote on the irvestigative needs of each investigation. Itr previous Gideon'slEEh which did not have fu.lltime assigtred intEllgence personnel, the assigned SAs were responsible with tho intelligence gathering tasks, During these operations, numerous Gideon confidential fuformants are embedded in the oitios and meeting multiple individuals every single day. Most times when the confldentiai in-formants moet potential targets, they receive a moniker or street name and a telephone number, Simply just identifying the poteatial targets is a filll time job. In Albuquerque, alolg with tho IRS and IA, the EEI also had access to ths Phoenix Field Division played an integral role in ttre takedown operarions (Juiy and August). The Personnel assigned to the raveled to Albuquorque and mn the The ability to have the IRS and 50f14 UNCLASSIIIIED//LAW ENFORCEMDNT SENSITIVE EXHIBIT R 8116t2077 I]NCLASSIMED//I,AW ENtrORCEMDNT SENSITIYE Operalion Gldeon I)( Executive Summary Report which ritlowed lhe IRS and lA to continue to foctls ou target identification, agent cashiet tracking, and enhy/removal of fugitives, The Albuquerque opemiion initiated the use of a Special Responso Team medic on each operation, This decision ploved to be inyaluable, as some operations were conducted in remote locations. Budqet the original, approved and allocatcd budget for the Albuquerque EEI was W 54,603 .92Approximately halfuay into the EE! the Assistant Direclor of Field Operations approvid and allocatetl an additional $125,000, bdtrgilg the ovelall appmved and allocated budget to $879,603.92. 6of14 UNCLASSMTED//LAWDNFORCEMEN?SENSITIYE EXHIBIT R 8116/2017 a) ) ) UNCLASSIIIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SPNSITIVE Operation Gideon D( Dxecutive Sunmary Report Otre factor to consider in assessing BBIs iro the future and the cost associated with each is the per diem ard lortging rale of the selected city. The per {iem or M&IB for Albuquerque is $51 and the max lodging is $91. These amounts are low when compared to other cities around the counhy which are similar in size. It should be noted, tbe cha$ below does not account for expenditores for the assigned personnel's lodging, per diem, or rmtal vehicles. TOTAI,S AGIiN'I'CASIIIER Total AlnountSpent OyATE Total .founi OyDEA) t on trlrearms Total Amount Total Amount ent otr Narcotics TF&DEA) Total Aniouat Spent on CI Subsistence Total Amount Spent on UC ExPenses United States Attornev's Office As stated previously, meetings were conducted with the United States Altomey's Officeprior to the first SAs arriving in Albuquerque. The USAO decided that the Albuquerque EEI cases would be prosecuted out of their General Crimes group which consisted of a supervisory AUSA and ten (10) AUSAS. From the initiatlon of the operation, the First Assisant oftho USAO was intimately involved ia the plaaning of the USAO's strategy for the operatioa. Early on during the oporation, approximately late May, the USAO infomed ATF that the volume of fedetally worthy cases exce€dod their expectations and asked ATF for help. Basod on this request, the SAC appointed a Division Counsel attomey ftom the Phoenix Field Division to the USAO to assist in writing indictrnents and reviewiag search warrants. This assignment firrther highlight€d ATF's commiment to the USAO. As the operation progressed and the volume of cases increased, the First Assistant began assiming himseH casos. During one particular grand jury in July, the Fint Assistafit and om (1) of the assigned SAs indicted 48 defendants through 25 separate hdichtrEtrts in orc (1) day. This further showed the USAOrs beliaf in the quality of the cases recominended for pmsecution by the Albuqueque EEL In considering the volume of successful cases duriag the EEI, the USAO and ATF had $o collaborate on how to got the individuals and charged, as again the volume was higher than aflyone af,ticipatod. A joint decision was made to end operations in the Southeast podion of Albuquerquq tho area concenhated in based on intel.ligence received from local law enforcement and statistics, io late June. At this time, preparations 1vere made for an anest phaso of approximately 62 individuals recommended for federal prosecution. Following the 6rst affest 7 of14 UNCLASSIUED//LAWENrORCEMENTSENSIITYE EXHIBIT R 811612017 . I,]NCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITIVE Operatlon Gideon IX Exeeutive SummarY Repo phase, the operation lan proactively for an additional six (6) weeks and a seoond arest phase was conducted, Investigative ActiYrtv TOTALS OPER{TIONAL ACTIVITIES Total Enforcement Actlvities * Indiviiluals Indicted - f'ederal Individuals Inrlicted - State Total IndiYiduals Arrested Individuals Anested - Federal Individuals Afiested - State Prior Arrests of Indlviduals Arrested Prlor Convictions of Indivlduals Arrestetl Total of Convicteil X'elons Charged/Arrested Firearms Purchasdd Firearms Seized tr'irearms Total (broken down by tytr e) Pistols Revolvers Rifles Shotguos NFA Narcotics Purchased/Seizird Methamphetamine Heroin Crack Cocaine Powder Cosaine Pills Yehicles Seized '[rfl-Ii Is us(: \'Iot,,tTI(]Ns ,{ - - Armed Narcotics 924 be .*h should 8of14 ET) Possession of Fireamr ++ Armed Career Criminal - Felotld 922(G\ rh thoua INDIVIDTIAI.S RRI'STI'D/CI{A R(; lt. btal Nonhq d opetalons-do.r -ol lelecl,all ollE onestopefltlo t co dt&rcd.lutltg the two sepaate tdkedowLr, Mtd, nfiietuE ttdtvidtlab tlerc clrarled wth nuwkled.ruI fiofaib r,loltcl den e 18 dd Me 2l;tolatiors \oted, be UNCLASSIHED//LAWENFORCUVIENTSENSMTVE EXHIBIT R 811612017 UNCLASSIEIED/T,AW ET{FORCEMENT SENSITIYE Opemtion Gldeon E Executive Sumnrary Report IITI,II ZI USC VIOLATIONS INDIVIDUALS r\RRESTIjD/CHARGIID 841(aX1) - Dstribution of Controlled Substance 846 - Conspiracy to Distribute TITI,II 26 USC YIOLATIONS 5861(d) - Possession of Unregistored NFA STATE VIOL,ATIONS INDIVIDL]ALS ARR i STED/C[IAITG ITI) Weapon INDIVIDTIALS ARRI]STI'D/CI.IARGDD Homicide Harboring a Fugitive Dishibution Narcotics NIBII{ ln prepardtlon for the Albuquerque EEl, ATF procured a portable bullet trap a da buildingto house and conduct testflres, Agrcements were made for ATF to acquire evidence regarding flrearms scene casings and flrearms selzed and retiined by the Albuquerque Pollce Lab starting on January L 2015 and contlnuing up to the time of tErhlnation of the Albuquerque EEl. This was done to acquire a "libraM' or database of recent shootlngs in Albuquerque to compare for ongolnB and/or upcom[ng shooting investigatlons. Beginning in February of 2016, ATF was able to ihstall the portable BRAssTR0(NlglN unit in the ATF offfce in Albuquerque. ATF personnel ac4uired all evldence from the lab, test ffred all the firearms and entered into the NlB.lN system evEry crime gun & scene casings from Albuquerque lncludlng the purchased/seized firearms from the Albuquerque EEl, From February of2016 urniltheSd week of AuBust 2016, AIF entered approximately seven hundred and sixty six (766) test firesand sccne casings Into the BRASSiRAX/I'IBlN system which were acqulred from the Ahuquerque metropolltan area. Of the seven hundred and sixty six (766) entries, one hundred and thlrty seven (137) were hits/leads. This equates to an eightden percent (18%) "hit'' ratio on guns related to crimes, All leads generated were forwarded to the appropriate homiclde/robbery/property detectfues within the respected jurisdlction. As a result of the overwhelming success of the Nl.BlN program during the Albuquerque EEl, tha lubuquerque city council voted to provide fundinB to purchase thelr own NlglN system to be operated by the Albuquerque potice Department rhe Bemalillo county sheriffs office and the Rlo Rancho pollce Department have agreed to parflcipate in the NIBIN progrim using the equipment berng purchased tiy the Arbuquerque porics Depaitment. Thrs partliipatron witt froviae coverage throughout the entire valrey-and west Mesa crlme lmpact area. in au*ition, nrr nrs proviaeu certrflcatron trarhing for Albuquerque porice Department, Bernaflro county sherir. oupr.trunt urJ ti," Rio Rancho Police Department. 9 of. 14 UNCLASSIFIED//LAWENF.0RCEIVIEIIiTSEI{SITWE EXHIBIT R 8/rcn\fi I.INCLASSfi 'IED//LAW IINFORCEIT{ENT SENSXTIVE Operatlon Gltteoo IX Executitc Summdry Reporl Month Entries Lead s 0 18 o 156 42 109 7 January February March April May APD BCSO 0 86 2l June r72 42 Juh 148 7t 77 7L 77 14 66 xI AuEust Investlgative Successes Over the course of the operation, sweral significant investigations were conducted. Listed below is a sample of the type of iuvestigations executed. r On May 31n in the routh ofAlbuquerque, a Gideon confidential informant was contacted uestioned the informant if hels he knew ofanyone who could dlspose ofa dead body. The informant informedltha thu/studidanUf subsequently displayed to the lnformant a de ud boay. Jinro rmed the informant that he stabbed the lndMdual ln the heart bccause the individuatowed him money. Approxlmately one acenttoJ lacatn (U hour later, the informant tntroduced an undercover ATF confessed to the murder and was ken into custody by the covert€am. The deceased person's remains were and as been i On June 12d after a previous attempt to purchase m€thamph cted a Gldeon confidential informa dvised that his shot and kllle d someone the previous evenlng and the famlly needed money to get hls brother to Mexlco to avoid irrosecution. ATF agenk assigned to the brothe Albuquerq meeting w lnformant identiry the murder and instructed the informant to arrange a roughou t the course ofseyeral recorded telephone calls, the ottrut,Junof to meet at a gas ,,*'ffi*SfrH#ig*{fiffif,W,,:ff l0 of 14 fJ [:.1:: [:"#i:Lt,,,ns a rlsitive TINCLASSIUED//LA W ENTORCEMENT SENSI'IIVE EXHIBIT R B/16/2017 UNCLASSMIED//LAW ENTORCEMENT SENSTflVE Operation Gideon ltr( Executive Summary Report a Beginning in late Aprll, the Special Agents asslgnEd to the Albuquerque EEI received information from local law enforcement thatthe Memphis Mob, also known the Memphis Boys, were involved ln the distribution of large amounts of nalmtics and firearrns. Over the course of the four (4) month operation, ATF Indlcted fourteen (14) members/assoclates of the street gang. Throughout the course ofthe investigation, aTF purchased/seized overtrwenty (20)flrearms, in as excess of one (1) pound of methamphefamine, heroin, crack cocaine, powdercocaine, and two {2}vehicles. ofthe defendants aTrested and indlcted durlng the Albuquerque EEl, eleven (tr1) were previously convicted Federal felons. Uudng an investlgatlon lnto a methamphe.tamine uafflcklnB Emup, a resldenee was identlfied as the center ofthe grouds operation, Local law enforcerrent, that was assisting the Albuquerque EEf Informed the agents that the residence is also known as a storage location for stolen merchandise, ln addition, Information ldentified that a group of indlvlduals, connected to the residence, were engaged in home invasions of eldedy people, One (1) such robbery resulted in a suspect placing a dog collar on anelderly female and dragging her around her residence. gased on this information, the agents arranged for an undercover agent to purchase methamphetamlne from one (L) ofthe indfuidual's associated with the resldence. The agents placed a vehicle in the location well ln advance ofthe opemtlon. The trdnsaction ultimately was corducted at a different residence; however surveillance was malntalned on the prlmary residence. The surveillance team acquired video ofthe individual hdow leaving the prlmary residence and.provided it to the Albuquerque police Department. The Albuquerque police Department showed the below screenshot to the eld€rly female, described above, who positively idebtified the subject as the home invader. The lndivldual was arested a short tirfie laterfor the home invasion, I I 11 of 14 UNCLASSIIiIED//LAIry ENT.ORCDMENT SENSITIVE EXHIBIT R 8116t20r7 ; UNCLASSIFMD//LAIry ENFORCEMENT SENSITTVE Operation Gideon [X Executive Summary Report The photographb below were taken durtng an lnvestlgatlon conducted as a part of the Albuquerque EEl. The photograph on the left dlsplays two (2) deftndants lndicted for rnultlple violatlons offederalflrearm and narcotics laws. . The photograph onthe rightwastakcn durlng the executlon ofa search warrant at the residence/property belonging to the suspects on the left. Eoth individuals are multiple convlcted felons. ' A Unlted States Marstal Service Deputy advised ATF, at the termination of thls operatlon, that in the first flve (5) months of2016 they had been involved in six (6)separate shootlngs involuinB fugitfues. The Deputy stated that sinc€ ATF had arrlved and beBan arrestln8 indlvlduals, they had not been involved In any shootings and felt that was due to ATPS deployment. Conclusion EEVoperation Cideon D( proved to be a successful initiative. Within a iinite period of time, I 20 operational tlays, federal, state and local law enforsement agentVofficers collectively and safely idtiated seventy-tfu€€ (73) investigations, As a result, ATF anested ninety-seven (97) suspects, of one huudred and four (104) federally hdicted, who wouid otherwise be at large preying on inn6ssnf yjsrimn. This initiative fi.rrther reinforced ATF's belief tbat deploying experieuced undorcover, tacticai, technical and supervisory special agenE, to work in concert with local law enforcement, from an intelligence based approach, will result in successful inyestigations wherein violent individuals are identlEed, anested and prosecuted. The initiative bolstored the fact that agents involved ia the operatisn must bo carofuIly selected due to the extensive case load and potential violence involved with the subjects engaged, In additiou, tho mauagomont team comprised must hayo oxtensive 'ttreef' exporience upou whiih they can rely upon to make operational decisions. These fwo (2) comlronents sefve as tho basis upon which the opotation succeeds or fails, 12 of 14 UNCLASStrIED/ILAIYENFORCEMENTSENSII'IVE EXHIBIT R 8116121fi I]NCLASSITMD//LAW ENIORCEMDNT SENSITIVE Operation Gideon IX Executive Summau? Ileport Prior plannhg rasulted in eliminating issues which have previously hindered initial progress. This allowed the undercover approach to move forward from day one, which resulted in substantially Eore multi-conspiracy investigations than had been previously conducted. At the conciusiotr of the AJbuquerque EEI, the United Statos Attomey for the District ofNew Mexico offered Bnd asked to travel to tho city selected for ths next EBI and sell the EBI product to that particular USAO. The Albuquerque EEI should serve as a template for future operations, however ATF must take into accout the particular idiosyncrasios ofthe city selected and a{ust operational ccmsiderations as rceded. These considerations vr'ill affect the t5rpe of investigations wauanted but will not change the mmner and integrity upon which investigations are condueted. Thereforq it is sBorgly suggested that futura EEIs operations include the following elements: r Carsfui selectiotr of experienced personnol (ASAC, GS, UC, Case Agen0 who share common pbiloiophieal viow on pro-active ilvestigations Seiection of ASAC aad a Gyoup Supewisors who are fu1ly dedieated to the EEI and &eed ftom other commitments Selection of Special Ageds (UC/Case Agent) who are fully dedicated fo the and fteed ftom other conmitnents EEI Selectiou of technical personnel who are fully dedicated to the EEI and froed from other conrmitments a Selection of IRS aril other commitrnents a Commitment of SRT Medic (rotational basis) for the duration of the BEI a Commitment of DTA for the duiation of the EEI commitment of ATF Telecommunications specialists prior to commencing EEI a rA who are fully dedicated to the EEI and freed fiom operations 13 ot 14 UNCLASSIFIED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITTVE EXHIBIT R 8t16t2017 TJNCLASSIfl ED//LAW ENFORCEMENT SENSITTVE Operation Gldeon IX Execulive Sunrmary Repofi a Extensivo engagement with the US Altornoy's Office and Stateflocal counterparts months (approx. 4-6 months) in advance ofEEI law Bnforcement Shooting Review Branch briefing provided to all participants prior to commencing opemtions EEI I I 3 t t ! : 14 of 14 UNCLASSINED//LAW ENIiORCEMENT SDNSITTYE i i t L EXHIBIT R 8/16/20t7