SENATE COMMITTEE ON ENERGY, UTILITIES AND COMMUNICATIONS Senator Ben Hueso, Chair 2017 - 2018 Regular Bill No: SB 1088 Author: Dodd Version: 4/9/2018 Amended Urgency: No Consultant: Nidia Bautista Hearing Date: 4/17/2018 Fiscal: Yes SUBJECT: Safety, reliability, and resiliency planning DIGEST: This bill would require each electrical corporation or gas corporation, to submit a safety, reliability, and resiliency plan to the CPUC every two years, require the CPUC to approve the submitted plan by December 31st of the year in which the plan is submitted, and authorize recovery of the costs of implementing the plan through rates. This bill would require the CPUC to conduct an annual proceeding to review all electrical corporation’s and gas corporation’s compliance with their plan, as provided, and if the CPUC determines that the corporation is in substantial compliance with its plan, that the CPUC deem the performance, operations, management, and investment addressed in the plan to be reasonable and prudent. Additionally, this bill would prohibit an electrical corporation from delegating, transferring, or contracting out any of its distribution safety or reliability performance obligations. This bill would also require OES to adopt standards for reducing risks from a major event and require the office to update the standards at least once every two years. ANALYSIS: Existing law: 1) Provides that the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has regulatory authority over public utilities, including electric corporations and gas corporations. (California Constitution, Article 3 and 4) 2) Requires the CPUC if, after a hearing, it finds that the rates charged or collected by any public utility are insufficient, unlawful, unjust, unreasonable, discriminatory, or preferential, to determine and fix, by order, the just, reasonable, or sufficient rates, classifications, rules, practices, or contracts to be thereafter observed and in force. (Public Utilities Code §728) SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 2 of 11 3) Requires the CPUC to develop formal procedures to incorporate safety in a rate case application by an electrical corporation or gas corporations. (Public Utilities Code §750) 4) Authorizes the CPUC, after a hearing, to require every public utility to construct, maintain, and operate its line, plant, system, equipment, apparatus, tracks, and premises in a manner so as to promote and safeguard the health and safety of its employees, passengers, customers, and the public. (Public Utilities Code §768) 5) Requires the CPUC to establish standards for disaster and emergency preparedness plans, as specified, and requires an electrical corporation to develop, adopt, and update an emergency and disaster preparedness plan, as specified. (Public Utilities Code §768.6) 6) Requires each electrical corporation to annually prepare and submit a wildfire mitigation plan for the next compliance period to the CPUC for review, and requires specified elements to be included in the plans. (Public Utilities Code §8386) 7) Establishes the California Emergency Services Act, among other things, establishes the Office of Emergency Services (OES) for the purpose of mitigating the effects of natural, manmade, or war-caused emergencies and makes findings and declarations relating to ensuring that preparation within the state will be adequate to deal with those emergencies. (Government Code §8550, et seq.) This bill: 1) Makes 27 findings and declarations concerning the effects of climate change, wildfires, catastrophic incidents and natural disasters, the need for climate adaptation, California’s efforts related to adaptation, the need for protocols to deenergize electric lines and disable reclosers, directing the CPUC to require electrical and gas corporations to harden their systems, and other findings related to the language in this bill. 2) Establishes the Utility Infrastructure, Safety, Reliability, and Accountability Act which requires each electrical corporation and gas corporation to prepare, on or before January 15, 2019, and on or before January 15 every two years thereafter, to prepare and submit to the CPUC for review and approval a safety, reliability, and resiliency plan. Requires the plan submitted on or before SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 3 of 11 January 15, 2019, to be limited to addressing fire risks, with subsequent plans addressing risks associated with routine operation and all major events. 3) Requires the plan to include specified elements, including all relevant safety rules, regulations, standards, and practices adopted by the CPUC and those adopted by the OES, per this bill, wildfire mitigation plans, and several other elements. 4) Requires the CPUC to review the plans of the utilities in a single consolidated proceeding. Requires the CPUC to verify that the plans comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and standards, including those adopted by the OES pursuant to this bill. Requires the CPUC to evaluate the reasonableness of the elements of the plans considering the risks involved and the costs to implement the plan. 5) Requires the CPUC, in reviewing the plans, to make safety and reliability of electric or gas services the highest priority. 6) Requires the CPUC to approve, or approve with modification, the submitted plans on or before December 31, 2019, and on or before December 31 of each year in which the utilities have submitted plans. If the CPUC fails to issue a decision on a plan on or before December 31, requires the utility to implement the submitted plan until the time the CPUC approves the plan, at which time the utility must implement the plan as approved by the CPUC. Requires the CPUC to authorize the recovery in rates of the costs incurred by the utility in implementing its submitted plan prior to the approval by the CPUC without a reasonable review. 7) Requires the CPUC to authorize rate recovery of the reasonable revenue requirements to implement plans approved by the CPUC in the proceeding reviewing the plans. Prohibits authorized revenue from the plan to be reviewed, adjusted, or authorized in a utility’s general rate case (GRC). 8) Provides that forecasted costs deemed outside the scope of the plan by the CPUC may be requested and considered in a utility’s GRC or other appropriate proceeding. 9) Prohibits utilities from diverting revenues authorized to implement the plan to any activities or investments outside their plans. 10) Requires each utility to establish a memorandum account to track costs incurred for fire risk mitigation from January 1, 2019, until the CPUC’s SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 4 of 11 approval of the utility’s plan submitted on or before January 15, 2019, that are not otherwise covered in the utility’s revenue requirements. 11) Requires, on or after January 1, 2019, each utility’s Risk Assessment Mitigation Phase (RAMP) filing to exclude risks addressed in the plan required pursuant to subdivision (b). 12) Prohibits an electrical corporation from delegating, transferring, or contracting out any distribution safety or reliability performance obligation. Prohibits the CPUC from permitting, authorizing, or directing an electrical corporation to delegate, transfer, or contract out, or authorize any other entity to perform, a utility distribution safety or reliability performance obligation. Explicitly authorizes contracting out line clearance tree trimming under the supervision of the electrical corporation, the purchase of materials or equipment, contracting for construction or infrastructure owned by the electrical corporation, contracting for pole test and treat services, contracting for bulk electricity capacity, energy, or storage that is not for purposes of distribution safety and reliability, or contracting for information technology services. 13) Requires the CPUC to conduct an annual proceeding to review each utility’s compliance with its plan, including a factual analysis of any major events that occurred. 14) Beginning March 1, 2020, and each March 1 thereafter, requires each utility to file with the CPUC a report addressing compliance with the plan during the prior calendar year. Requires the CPUC to make available a list of qualified independent evaluators with experience in assessing electric and gas operations. Requires each utility to engage an independent evaluator to review and assess the utility’s compliance with its plan. Requires the independent evaluator to consult with and operate under the direction of the Safety and Enforcement Division of the CPUC. Requires the evaluator to issue a report on July 1 each year and authorizes the utility to recover in rates the cost of the evaluator. 15) Requires the CPUC to assess penalties if a utility fails to substantially comply with its plan. In determining an appropriate amount of the penalty, the CPUC must consider specified criteria. 16) If the CPUC determines, after completing the review, that a utility was in substantial compliance with its plan, the utility’s performance, operations, management, and investments addressed in the plan must be deemed reasonable and prudent for all purposes. SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 5 of 11 17) Requires OES, on or before September 30, 2019, and on September 30 th of every two years thereafter, in consultation with the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire), the CPUC, and other appropriate state and local agencies, to adopt or update standards for reducing risk from a major event. 18) Requires the standards OES adopts to include both: model policies to be undertaken by local governments regarding zoning, defensible space, fireresistant materials and others; and actions to be undertaken by electrical corporations, gas corporations, local publicly owned electric utilities, local publicly owned gas utilities, and water utilities to reduce the risk of fire during a major event. Background CPUC efforts to address wildfires. After the 2007 fires ravaged several areas of the state, in 2008, the CPUC initiated a rulemaking proceeding to address fires related to utility poles. The CPUC’s efforts have resulted in additional requirements on utilities to reduce the likelihood of fires started by or threatening utility facilities, including improved vegetation management, as well as, requiring the utilities to develop electric utility fire prevention plans. The first phase also adopted fire hazard maps of high-risk areas in Southern California. In May 2015, the CPUC opened a new rulemaking proceeding to develop and adopt fire-threat maps and fire-safety regulations (R. 15-05-006). The CPUC tasked CalFire to oversee and select outside experts to develop a more refined statewide fire hazard map. Additionally, the CPUC has held at least two safety en bancs related to utility pole safety and wildfires. The CPUC’s rulemaking efforts to address wildfires and electric systems have been active since 2008, with several phases, in two separate proceedings. These efforts have resulted in the adoption of over 70 proposed rule changes with often prescriptive standards – such as dictating clearances between power lines and trees. More recently, the CPUC has embarked on an effort to incorporate wildfire mitigation analysis into the RAMP filings of the utilities. The RAMP filing is meant to incorporate a risk-informed approach into the GRC. SB 1028 (Hill, Chapter 598, Statutes of 2016). In 2016, SB 1028 (Hill) was signed into law. The bill requires electric utilities regulated by the CPUC to submit wildfire mitigation plans for review and comment by the CPUC and for POU to have their governing board adopt wildfire mitigation plans, if the utility believes the operate in an area where there is a threat of wildfires. SB 1028 is an effort to establish more performance or risk-based safety rules that focus on identification of hazards and goal setting, while providing utilities flexibility in achieving the goals. The intent is to have performance-based goals compliment the prescriptive SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 6 of 11 rules related to wildfire prevention, including the multitude of general orders (such as GO-95) related to safety. Other emergencies and disasters. Additionally, the CPUC has a number of other general orders and requirements of utilities to submit disaster and emergency response plans. Not to mention the numerous safety requirements regarding gas pipelines, including those adopted after the San Bruno explosion. General Rate Case. All utilities that are regulated by the CPUC are required to undergo a GRC whereby the utility requests funding for distribution, generation and operation costs associated with their service. The GRCs are major regulatory proceedings and provide the CPUC an opportunity to perform an exhaustive examination of a utility’s operations and costs with input from all stakeholders, representing consumers, business and other interests, including the Office of Ratepayer Advocates (ORA) whose accountants and analysts closely exam the requests of the utilities. Usually performed every three years and conducted over roughly 18 months, the GRC allows the CPUC to conduct a broad and detailed review of a utility’s revenues, expenses, and investments in plant and equipment to establish an approved revenue requirement. Through the GRC, a utility forecasts how they will structure their operations and make investments for the next three years. Safety Spending and Accountability Reporting. As the CPUC continues its effort to better incorporate safety risk assessment into its rate case decision making as part of the on-going Safety Model Assessment Proceeding (S-MAP), required under SB 900 (Hill, Chapter 552, Statutes of 2014), aspects of the new risk management approach are being incorporated into GRCs. Recent GRC filings from PG&E and SCE for the first time included extensive testimony on utility management of identified safety risks, development of risk mitigation programs and projects, and prioritizing infrastructure and operational spending to enhance safety. In the first full application of the new S-MAP paradigm, San Diego Gas & Electric and Southern California Gas Company in November 2016, made their initial RAMP filings in advance of their 2018 GRC applications due in September 2017 (I.16-10-015/I.16- 10-016). CPUC Safety and Enforcement Department (SED) staff and intervenors will assess how well the utilities are incorporating risk mitigations into their GRC spending proposals. Also, as part of the June 2016 decision on the Sempra utilities’ previous GRC (D.16-06-054), the CPUC ordered a first-of-its kind accountability reporting requirement to ensure that utility spending comports with approved activities and that the safety impacts can be meaningfully assessed. SED staff have been deeply involved in the development of these new policies, conducting data requests, issuing evaluation reports, and convening working groups to develop safety performance metrics and SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 7 of 11 accountability report templates, as well as providing advisory support for the SMAP proceeding (A.15-05-002, et al.).” In 2016, SB 549 (Bradford, Chapter 284, Statutes of 2016) was signed into law and requires an electrical or gas corporation to annually notify the CPUC of each time that capital or expense revenue authorized by the CPUC for maintenance, safety, or reliability was redirected by the electrical or gas corporation to other purposes. This bill. SB 1088 proposes require a single consolidated proceeding to address new all-encompassing safety, reliability and resiliency plans for all CPUCregulated utilities outside the GRC and incorporate additional new requirements adopted by OES. This bill establishes a one year timeline by which the CPUC would be allowed to approve or modify and approve a plan. If a plan is not approved by December 31st , the utility would be allowed to implement the yet unapproved plan. Moreover, this bill authorizes rate recovery for the plan. The proponents of the bill state their desire to reform the CPUC process for planning and approving critical investments. The Coalition of California Utility Employees (CCUE) states that for two decades they have “often been the lone voice petitioning the CPUC to invest in electric and gas system safety and reliability. CCUE contends that SB 1088 will help utilities realign their priorities to place safety and reliability as their number one primary focus. CCUE argues that the current GRC cycle provides very little time for the discussion and consideration of critical infrastructure and safety needs. According to them, SB 1088 forces the CPUC to review these safety and resiliency plans to be the subject of their own proceeding outside the GRC process. While the intent of this bill for improved safety is universally supported by commenters, those in opposition also state some of the following concerns with thee bill: Circumventing GRC. Many of those opposed to the bill take issue with the attempt by this bill to circumvent the GRC proceeding into a separate proceeding that does not encompass the evidentiary record requirements of GRCs, thereby limiting the ability of parties to thoroughly review the plans. Moreover, those opposed raise concerns about the feasibility of such all-encompassing plans to be reviewed in one proceeding under a year’s time, when GRCs generally take 18 months to 2 years for each utility. Additionally, many of those opposed believe the end result will be a blank check to benefit utilities and their shareholders at the expense of ratepayers, without the outcome of improved safety. Some of the opposition contends that the new all-encompassing proceeding with a limited under a year timeline will allow utilities to game the process by not providing full and detailed information. SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 8 of 11 Ratepayer impacts. Several of the opponents to the bill state their concern for potential substantial increases to rates. Specifically, those oppose contend that the bill’s threshold that guarantees full cost recovery of the resiliency plans so long as the utility is found to be “substantially in compliance” for plans that, as TURN states, “can never be sufficiently detailed and complete to serve as meaningful blueprints for prudent utility decision-making.” Liability and accountability. Some opposed to this bill are concerned with the language in Section 2899.6 which requires the plan to be “deemed reasonable and prudent for all purposes.” The sponsor and author have stated their intent not to limit civil liability. However, they also note their desire to limit civil action should a utility be in substantial compliance with the plan. Therefore, it is unclear what “all purposes” is intended to encompass. Third-party contracting. The bill includes provisions prohibiting third-party contracting of the distribution system, with specified exceptions. In discussions with the sponsor and author’s office, both acknowledge that the language may be broader than is intended, as the language would prohibit rearrangements on utility poles by communications providers, vegetation management, and perhaps a larger universe of unintended activity that may be routinely done by third-parties. Double referral. Should this bill be approved by this committee, it will be rereferred to the Senate Committees on Governmental Organization. Prior/Related Legislation SB 819 (Hill, 2017) would prohibit an electrical corporation from recovering a fine or penalty through a rate approved by the CPUC. This bill would also prohibit an electrical corporation or gas corporation from recovering through a rate approved by the CPUC an uninsured expense from damages caused by the utility’s electric facilities or gas facilities, if the CPUC determines that the electrical corporation did not reasonably construct, maintain, manage, control, or operate the facility. The bill is scheduled to be heard by this committee at this hearing. SB 901 (Dodd, 2017) would require a wildfire mitigation plan prepared by an electrical corporation, and wildfire mitigation measures prepared by a local publicly owned electric utility or electrical cooperative, to include protocols the utility or cooperative may use to determine when it may be necessary to deenergize its electrical lines and deactivate its reclosers. The bill is scheduled to be heard by this committee at this hearing. SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 9 of 11 SB 549 (Bradford, Chapter 284, Statutes of 2016) requires an electrical or gas corporation to annually notify the CPUC of each time that capital or expense revenue authorized by the CPUC for maintenance, safety, or reliability was redirected by the electrical or gas corporation to other purposes. SB 900 (Hill, Chapter 552, Statutes of 2014) requires the CPUC to develop formal procedures, as specified, to consider safety in a rate case application by an electrical corporation or gas corporation. AB 56 (Hill, Chapter 519, Statutes of 2011) required the CPUC, in any ratemaking proceeding in which the CPUC authorizes a gas corporation to recover expenses for a federal transmission pipeline integrity management program, or for related capital expenditures for the maintenance and repair of transmission pipelines, to require the gas corporation to establish and maintain a balancing account for the recovery of those expenses. SB 879 (Padilla, Chapter 523, Statutes of 2011) among its provisions, included the same provision related to maintaining a balancing account for gas pipeline safety maintenance and repair as in AB 56. FISCAL EFFECT: Appropriation: No Fiscal Com.: Yes SUPPORT: Coalition of California Utility Employees (Source) California State Association of Counties California State Association of Electrical Workers California State Pipe Trades Council Sonoma County Board of Supervisors OPPOSITION: Agricultural Energy Consumers Association Alliance for Nuclear Responsibility Asian Pacific Environmental Network California Environmental Justice Alliance California Large Energy Consumer Association Center for Community Action & Environmental Justice Communities for a Better Environment Consumer Attorneys of California Consumer Federation of California People Organizing to Demand Environmental & Economic Rights Local: No SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 10 of 11 Silicon Valley Leadership Group The Utility Reform Network Vote Solar ARGUMENTS IN SUPPORT: According to the author: “Investment in reducing the risk of wildfires has a proven cost savings of at least 3:1, but the CPUC has not established adequate standards to reduce the risk of wildfires caused by utility equipment and to make electric and gas utility equipment more resilient and resistant to damage from major events. This bill would require the Office of Emergency Services, along with other agencies, to establish standards for utilities to protect against damage from natural disasters. IOUs will file safety, reliability and resilience plans with the CPUC which provide for hardening the utility infrastructure. The plans would include all costs to implement the safety, reliability and resilience measures. The CPUC would review, modify and approve the plans, including the costs to implement the plans. Establishing a stand-alone rulemaking would require Investor Owned Utilities and the CPUC to give greater attention and care to safety and reliability, and the bill would establish strong accountability requirements.” ARGUMENTS IN OPPOSITION: The arguments in opposition to the bill can be categorized under three general areas: concern about increased and unjustified costs to ratepayers, undermining the existing liability and accountability, an infeasible timeline and process, lack of metrics related to resiliency, and concerns regarding broad prohibitions against utilities contracting. With regards to ratepayer costs, TURN states the bill is based on a one-sided bargain that would benefit utilities at the expense of ratepayers, without improving safety. TURN states that “rather than enhancing safety, SB 1088 would reduce current energy utility incentives to operate their systems safely and prudently and would effectively grant the utilities a blank check. The Consumer Attorneys of America oppose the bill because ‘as written the bill gives utilities a “get out of jail free” card for all civil liability simply because the utility was in “substantial compliance” with some obscure and yet to be determined CPUC utility plan.’ The Consumer Federation of America states that the bill’s regulatory review timeline “undermines the possibility for a review that is fully vetted by the regulator and the public” and “leaves almost no room for the regulator to reject a utility plan.” SB 1088 (Dodd) Page 11 of 11 The Silicon Valley Leadership Group opposes the bill’s “requirement for exclusive investor-owned utility performance of distribution safety and reliability work” which SVLG states “has nothing to do with being prepared for cataclysmic natural events. The provision would, however, squelch competition in a number of areas where third party distributed energy solutions currently flourish, areas like behind the meter solar, storage, and demand response.” -- END --