FIRST Nec BANK SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD "l CHARLES SOUTHALL SA S. Account Number: 7518 I . Page 1 of 4 Available . [-5.61654 . Customer o'TI'Sme11L tor-St Days-In . - __31 . . ?3 Po - .. 570-4531 Previous" Balance . $232.00 . . - . Purchases . 433.88 . 'Visjt-l'SDMhe web 3? Gash 0.00 $090 - Please send Billing Inquiries and Correspondence to: Credits . . - $0.00 - PO BOX 30495 TAMPA, FL 33630-3495 Payments - $0100 Other Charges $0.00 Finance Charges 3.BALANCE - NEW BALANCE . $669.26 - - MINIMUM PAYMENT PAYMENTDUE DATE CEEWISHJ Total credit Line . $20,000.00 I . I - AYaIIable Credit Line $191330?00 NOTE: Grace perfect to avoid a ?nance-charge on purchases, pay . AYaIIable Cash $590000 entire new batance by payment due date. Finance charge accrues on Amount Over Credit Line $0.00 cash advances untI't paid and wit! be bitted on your next statement. Amo?unt Past Due $20.00 - Disputed Amount $0.00 OTE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE. WE MAY REPORT INFORMATION ABOUT LATE PAYMENTS, MISSED PAYMENTS, OR OTHER DEFAULTS MAY BE REFLECTED IN YOUR CREDIT REPORT. MANAGE YOUR CARD ACCOUNT ONLINE. SIMPLY GO TO AND ENROLL IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE. YOU CAN REVIEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION, TRACK SPENDING, SET ALERT SERVICE. NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES, AND MUCH MORE. MANAGING YOUR ACCOUNT IS FAST, SECURE AND EASY WITH MYCARDSTATEMENT.COM. ENROLL - PAY ONLINE OR VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT AT: NEW FRAUD PROTECTIONS COMING THIS TO FURTHER PROTECT YOU, YOU WILL BEGIN RECEIVING TEXTS ANDIOR EMAILS THIS SUM MER ASKING YOU TO CONFIRM IF SUSPICIOUS PURCHASES ARE VALID OR WE WILL ONLY ASK YOU TO VERIFY IF YOU DID MAKE THE PURCHASEIS) OR NOT, WE WILL NOT ASK FOR ACCOUNT OR PERSONAL INFORMATION. KEEPING YOU PROTECTED IS IMPORTANT TO US AND WE ARE EXCITED TO OFFER THESE NEW ENHANCED FRAUD SERVICES TO I EAUSPLEASE DETACH COUPON AND RETURN PAYMENT USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE - ALLOW UP TO DAYS FOR RECEIPT I I- - FIRST Mg? BANK ORLEANS LA 70161 -1035 7513 Check box to Indicate nametaddress change on back etthis coupon AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED cum?ti $669.26 $41.00 6825116 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD MAKECHECKPAYABLETO CHARLESJSOUTHALL -- . - 1629 CARONDELET STREET ?g - NEW ORLEANS TAMPA FL 3363043131 151.6 DDEIEILILDD 3 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL VISA BANK. . Account Nurnber: 7518 Closing Date: 07/31/16 Credit Limit: $20,000.00 AV?iIableC-fediti $19,330.00 I (I ?1 Page 3 of Trans. Date?Poist Reference Number . 0703-15 ~07t07f161- 581-21124789306188845002430830 - - $9531 I - - NEW ORLEANSLA - . 00?1'71?16 5812 -- 24789606197912002552613 --_020 CHARLES . $183.28 emsne OWITMG. ?5812' .246921'6619300032046m44 CHEESECAKE BISTRO-.2 -- $11034 .- - - - omens 07f20t16 am: 24602166201-000096101601 ONLINE- . - $3995 800?286-6800 CA - - Beginning __P_omts Paints . Points Ending BaI-ance' Earned_ Adjusted Redeemed Balance 66,431 43.3 0 0 EARN EXTRA POINTS WHILE DOING YOUR BACK-TO-SCHOOL YOUR SCORECARD REWARDS CARD. GIVES YOU POINTS - 4X OR MORE - THROUGH THE SCOREMORE MALL WITH PARTICIPATING RETAILERS ONLINE AND IN-STORE. MORE POINTS MEANS MORE GREAT MERCHANDISE AND TRAVEL LOG-IN AT TODAY FOR MORE Plan Description . I I Balance Subject Periodic Annual Percentage I Interest .- to Interest Rate . Rate Charge PURCHASES ?$466.82 0.720096 3.64% (V) as 3.38 gale- CASH A $0.00 - 0.7200% 3.64% (V) 6 0.00 FEESIINTEREST CHARGE . . - 3 000 TOTAL . 665% 3.38 669.26 I ICM Interest Char-?e Method: See reiterse side of Page 1 for explanation. 2 Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. (V) Variable Rate. It you have a variable rate account the periodic rate and Annual Percentage Rate may vary. (504)524?1578 Server: CHELSEA 144 07/05/2016 T6616 04/1 4:36 PM 006566: 2 20026 SALAD 0.00 REDFISH NITH ROCK SHRIMP 26.00 TRADITIONAL SALAD 0.00 REDFISH NITH ROCK SHRIMP a 26.00 Subtotal 7 68.00 Tax 7.31 Iota] - 75.31 BaTance-Due 75.31 1.- Quick Guide on Tota1 15%. {63.1130 . 10% 10 56 20% 16.06 LINDSEY DERKACHT ;r GENERAL MANAGER I agree to pay the tntai amount according to the card issuer agreement. PLERSE LERUE SIGNED COPY i Serugr: CHELSEA :44 04:37 PM - 07/05/2015 . Tab1e 84/1 ?22/20025 SALE i i VISA '0291489 Card - Magnetic card present: La;- Card Entry Method: 8 Approval: 003409 Amount: $75.31? Gratuity: Quick Guide on feta} 15% 11.30 13% 13.56 20% 15.06 '="T0ta1 I agree t0 pay the abuue tutu} amount according to the card issuer agreement. PLERSE LEHUE SIGNED (504)524?1578 Server: KERRIE 609 TabTe 85/1 . 5:0? PM Guests: 4. 10009 3 - SPINACH DIP I 14.00 SMOKED SALMON - 14.00 BARBECUE RIBS 29.00 FIVE NUT 8.00 REDFISH MITH RDCK SHRIMP 28.00 DYSTERS ST. CHARLES - 18.00 ARNOLD PALMER - 2.?8 CRISPY SHRIMP PLATE 24.00 ICED TEA 2.00 25.00 BLACK BEANS EHC0 2.?5 ?_HSubtota1 170.00 Tax 18.28 Tota10 188.28 BaTance Due 188.28 - 0kr Quick Guide on Tote] 15% 28.24 18% 33.89 20% 37.88 LINDSEY DERKACHT GENERAL MANAGER (504)524?1570 FE ?352=? 000: 00/14/2015' 5 05:12 00- . - . 01/1412015 1551a 05/1 - 1/10059 SALE - 1100 2091103 Card . aar? present: SOUTHALL Card Enirg Method: 8 Approva]: b07379 Gratuity; Quick Guide 0n Total 15% 28.24 18% 33.89 20% 37.55 fatal: I agree to pay the above total amount according to the card issuer agra?m?nt. PLEHSE LEHUE SIGNED 1211111111 E11120 E11: M1 1112212 22 ., 1011 E21 0101 . 1:313 55 - -- 3- :2 -53F111H ?111: 6 2:122 01/111212: f21 111212 PALMER . 2212 2 1 1011 2 _2212 1 E112 . - 2.12 231 11121121 21211221 2,12; 2211 1 21111 1:2 ;u _2 - 2202 2_ 21311121 11111- -. <2 2,00_ - 2222 221221 211E -- - 211212. 1 112 - "i10.25_ i SHR ET LHARLES .2. 12 4E 81 1 ERR DE, 21119 95" 1 TU JR11 7.952 EERRUT FHR1F 22_ 1211112 abmut 2211 11811 ?Vmu amuld Nib 2 A 1111121 every weeklE' 11 2122cup912ndbfeE?ba UR 2111 01 E111 817- 521 2111 1122121 111221 111h1n 48 h0u12 222 2.21; Suh2 2- FobdSub 11121: 1H 3_234 116234 . 81292212d_8121uity' 18% GRRTUIT -1?193 GRRTUTT '19293 11-111Thank 1111 FEE E1:1ing 11?: EARN Bin RENE ma J01n our LEgn_appe Equ 1313113113; :14 '21. 11.1 1:324:11; 1-11.13. . I. 5L ,vaTmE?efvar: ISAIAH R88: 55 5513mm 6 Bhegsea?ke'?istro ZQOI Sf Ave N?W*eraan31 LA 70130 MERCHANT i'w- a. Nam?: CHARLES TIE n? n? APPROVED . AUTHURIZATIDN OOBESQ - - '4 07150210309132 I 11?n?? {u?.-.-.: - . . .: . .-.. . . . PAY ISSUER ABOVE w: AMOUNT PURSUANT Tn AGREEMENT - - ?5 tap d?py cu?tamer - 1.5. {?lt'l - i=2: :ir'iimr'? 31-11. V?l? .. FTJI- JOIN our Lagniappe Eiub i I i I 653%pr -. .. FIRST 11550 BANK SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD . - CHARLES SOUTHALL Ill VISA i . 1 Account Number: 751B Page 1 of 4 Bonus Points Available 56,960 Customer Service: (800) 42307503 CycIe 08(312'16 Re - Days In Cycle 31 a po ard (7 7) 570 4881 Previous Balance $669.26 . Purchases .1. 95135 Visit us on the Web at: Cash 0?00 SpeClaI 30-00 Please Send Billing inquiries and Correspondence 10: Credits - $0.00 . PO BOX 30495 TAMPA . FL- 33630-3495 Payments - $669.20 Other Charges $15.00 Finance Charges . 0.00 . new BALANCE . . NEW BALANCE $111.05 .. . . . . MINIMUM PAYMENT PAYMENT DUE DATE [?09:20ij :1 Total Credit Line $20,000.00 AvaIlable Greg? Line I $1 9'888?00 NO TE: Grace period to avoid a ?nance charge on purchases, pay Avalla ble Cash $5,000.00 entire new balance by pa ymenr due dare. Finance charge accrues 0n Amount OVer Credit Line $0.00 cash advances 0001 mid and 1910 be on your 00105151001501. Amount Past Due $0.00 Disputed Amount $0.00 MANAGE YOUR . .. . . AND ENROLL IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE. YOU CAN REVIEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION, TRACK SPENDING, SET ALERT SERVICE. NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES, AND MUCH MORE. MANAGING YOUR ACCOUNT IS FAST, SECURE AND EASY WITH MYCARDSTATEMENT.COM. ENROLL PAY ONLINE OR VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT AT: NEW FRAUD PROTECTIONS COMING THIS TO FURTHER PROTECT YOU, YOU WILL BEGIN RECEIVING TEXTS ANDIOR EMAILS THIS SUMMER ASKING YOU TO CONFIRM IF SUSPICIOUS PURCHASES ARE VALID OR NOTQWE WILL ONLY ASK YOU TO VERIFY IF YOU DID MAKE THE OR NOT, WE WILL NOT ASK FOR ACCOUNT OR PERSONAL INFORMATION. KEEPING YOU PROTECTED IS IMPORTANT TO US AND WE ARE EXCITED TO OFFER THESE NEW ENHANCED FRAUD SERVICES TO - PLEACE DETACH 0000011 AND 001000'051000105100 THEENELCCEC ALLOW 015101301013 0005 FERET chog?wk . 0x . - NEW ORLEANS 015170161 - 1035 7518 Check box to indicate 5 _m I nameladdrees change on I I back of this coupon AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED 00/31/10 $111.05 00125110 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD MAKE CHECK PAYABLE To: - CHARLES SOUTHALL . - . 1829 CARONDELET STREET VISA: . . . NEW ORLEANS LA 70130-5207 po- .. TAMPA 3363043101 31. 753:5 ll SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL Ill *1 BANK .1 . . Account Number: 7?51 8 VISA .. Closing Date: 08!31/16 Credit Limit: $20,000.00 Available Credit: $19.88800 Page 3 of telMCC cede] Reference Number - ?Description, Amount 08l08f16 06110116 5612 CHRIS BTN RGE 201 - . $55.10 BATON ROUGELA - - 061.1016 0611016 0000 FEE . $15.00 081'191?16 06121116 5734 $39.95 - - - - 800-286-6800 CA - 08f24i16 06124116 6010 1 6237001190000110 $669.28- - Points ?Points Ending? Balance - Adjusted Redeemed Balance 56.804 96. 0 56 960 COULD WIN 1,000,000 BONUS POINTS, 0R one or: 32 OTHER Bonus POINT PRIZES. ENTERED IN THE SCOREBIG SWEEPSTAKES. FOR EACH QUALIFYING PURCHASE MADE BETWEEN AUG 1AND OCT 31, RECEIVE AN ADDITIONAL ENTRY, INCREASING YOUR CHANCES OF VISIT FOR . - .- Plan Des?oript?ion - F011 Balance Subject Periodic Annual. Percentage lnteres Ending Balance to Interest Rate ?Rate Rate CURRENT - - i PURCHASES 0.00 - 8.64% (V) 3 0.00 . . A .3 $0.00 0.720006. . . . 0.00 FEESIINTEREST CHARGE 0.00 TOTAL . . - .. . .. 000% 3.1305 1 ICM interest Charge Method; See reverse side of Page 1 for explanation. 2Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the annual interest rate on your account. (V) Variable Rate. _If you have a variable rate ao'oount the periodic rate and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) may vary. 3333 Sarvur . OhgwI II i333 l. 3I Iugn 3 :3 4835 LIIUN AVE I .. .-. II 33E 2. ?33333 333;:33333333513 Ehan" nu IEAH3ACI I 33330330 AUIHUHIHAIIO3 3. 333333 Rafkaience=g 31333: 3 Ei5:sI. TYPE I33 133IH 333E . AMOUNT PIIEJIIT TD CARDHOID 3 IHANK 0U U30 MUCH FOR DINING 3IIH U3 MIIEM WAIE ONE 3 IGNED CGI I33 I33 [3 3.3 1+4 "at: 13?3 E3313 .3333 Eaten Rouge, LouI?iana I 0033 mMe333mmyw HIEUULM 3 SVICK: I 333 08 03/3 I SHEET IE3 2 25 I ARHULD PALMER 2 50 2 PHI SaId 0 00 I c: NISH 3E3 14:00 1 CHICKEN 33313 so I LN GRILL 3' . - I LN PUT AUG- u,30 I CREME BRULEE 8 {In I BREAD 8 30 I COFFEE 2.23 Sub TotaI: 5I.GU Tax 1 5. I I33 THANK YOU 30 HE FOR DINING IUSI RUTHS LHRIS GIFT CARDS HERE GREAT FITS I FIRST NBC BANK SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL Ill VISA 1" . Account Number: 7518 - Page 1 of 4 Bong?9 Points Available 5.7353 . Customer Semce' (800) 423 1503 3.9me 99919; 99239119 I - . . - __Dayslanmg We . 30 .Rep'or't' as or tole'n Card: (7279579 4881 Balance $111.05 P_ur_ch9ses- - 302,33 6 Visit .us onthewgb at:_ Cash . 0:00 . corn Special - {$0.easesend Billing Inquinesand Cone ndence to . . . 3 - $900 - PO BOX 30495 TAMPA 336.30- 34559 -. Payments .. $909. . Other Charges soon. . NEW-BALANCE . . . . .NE ALA MINIMUM PAYMENT PAYMENT DUE DATE I_T9taICredltLIne 552000000 Avallabie Credit Line .. I I I. . 9519584 00- -. I I. - NOTE Grace period to avoid a ?nance charge on purchases pay - . AvailableCaRh $500000 - - - en?'re newbaIance by payment due 399 Finance 9har'99 999999 99 .- Amount _OVe'r CreditLine - $0.00 cash 99999993 9991an and WW be 991999 99 Iy9u'r 99x9 statement Amount Past'DuD'lspUIE'd Am9unt"_ . $0.00. I . NOTE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE. WE MAY REPORT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR. ACCOUN . LATE PAYMENTS MISSED PAYMENTS, OR. OTHER DEFAULTS MAY BE REFLECTED YOUR CREDIT REPORT YOUR CARD ACCOUNT ONLINE. EASY-1 SIMPLY GO TO MYCARDSTATEMENT COM AND ENROLL IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE YOU CAN REVIEW ACCOUNT TRACK SPENDING, SET ALERT SERVICE. NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES, AND MUCH MORE. MANAGING YOUR ACCOUNT IS FAST, SECURE AND EASY WITH MYCARDSTATEIVIENT COM. .ENROLL PAY ONLINE OR VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT AT: NEW FRAUD PROTECTIONS COMING THIS TO FURTHER PROTECT YOU, YOU WILL BEGIN RECEIVING TEXTR ANDIOR EMAILS THIS SUMMER. ASKING YOU TO CONFIRM IF SUSPICIOUS PURCHASES ARE VALID OR NOT. WE WILL ONLY ASK YOU TO VERIFY IF YOU DID. MAKE THE PURCHASHS) OR NOT, WE WILL NOT ASK FOR ACCOUNT OR PERSONAL INFORMATION. KEEPING YOU PROTECTED IS IMPORTANT TO US AND WE ARE EXCITED TO OFFER THESE NEW ENHANCED FRAUD SERVICES TO PLEASE BETACH GOUPOHLAND PAYMENT THE: ENCLOSED ENHELOPB ALLOW NUE TO 1' DAYS FOR. FIR53999OBANK . . PO 8 35 - . . NEW ORLEANS LA mm 1035 .. 7518 I Check 99x19 Indicate namea'address change an back afthis coupon AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED 0913096 $415.97 $40.09 10/25/16 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD MAR-E CHECK PAYABLE To: CHARLES SOUTHALL - - 1829 CARONDELET STREET NEW ORLEANS LA 70130-5207 584 VISA . -.P.Q BOX 30131 TAMPA FL 33630 3131 Ell 1.002 751.6 7? SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL Ill V's ?3ch BANK Account Number: #59151 #1191 we 7515 A I, 1 Closing Date: 09/30/16 Credit Available Credit: $19,584.00 Page 3 01 Trans DateIPost Code] Reference Number I Description I Amount 09102316 09105116 - 5812.. 243423562487000584621Q9 Boulevard American Bistro . $98.78 Metairie LA 09110110 09119116 5812' 2419304626290001'4550499 LOUISIANA L-AGNIAPPE RESTA $163.90 - BATON ROUGELA 09119116 09120116 . 5704' INTUIT 1013 ONLINE . - $39.95 - . 5100-2806800 CA WRegIn;ni,ng Paints; . Points ?50155 - .Batanee Earned Adjusted ?Balance 55 960 30.3 .o - -57 263 USE YOUR SCORECARD REWARDS CARD FOR ALL YOUR PURCHASES AND EARN MORE CHANCES TO WIN 1,0 ,00 POINTS AWESOME TRIPS OR OTHER PRIZESI AUTOMATICALLY ENTERED. IN THE SCOREBIG SWEEPSTAKES. FOR EACH QUALIFYING PURCHASE MADE BETWEEN. AUG AND OCT .31, LL RECEIVE AN ADDITIIONAL- ENTRY IN THE SCOREBI SWEEPSTAKES. SEE THE ENCLOSED INSERT OR VISIT SCORECARDREWARDS. COM FOR DETAILS. Pl'an Description TBala oe- Subject] Periodic Annual Percen agej Interest . Ending Balancc to Interest Rate; Rate . Charge CURRENT . . . $276.87 9.721210% -- - 8.64% (V) - 1.99 - CASH $0.00 0,7200% - 8.64% (V) 5 0.00 CHARGE -. . .. . 0.00 TOTAL . 8.62115 1: 1.99 415.57 .. 1 ICM Interest Charge Method: See reverse sIde of Page 1 for explanation. ZYour Annual Percentage Rate IS the annual Interest rate on your account Variable Rate. It you heue 8 Variable rate account the periodic rate and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) may vary. 191113 1211121 11191111113136 9990 Perk1n8 Rd Baton Rouge La. 70810 (225) 767?9991 222 Muth 101 62f1 00k 1669 031 2 08: 42PM 1 UP 11115:: "h P?Cosm06011 an a 1 Long 131666 00 1 Crab Fingers .90 1 Fettudine 096. .00 890 CC 10,30 5 1/23hr91f20a1 29 00 1 Stuff Shrimp 23 00 1 Dinne Pepper 36.00 2 wa0039 Sa1ad 99 1 UP He11VVodka 9,3? P-Cosmapo1itan Food 121.00 28.00 Tan 14190 TOTAL ?165:3 ?aqnia perestaurant. mom ilk/1;] F1121 Iii?"gm appa- 9990 fark1ns Rd Baton Rouge La. 10810 (225) 76?- 9991 Date: 88616 16 O9: 41PM Card Type: V186 9001 061d Entry: SWIPED 11808 Tyne: PURCHASE Trans Key: 010003436296136 Auth Code: 006104 Uheck: 1650 Tab1e: 62/1 Server: 222 Murph Subtotah 16:3 . 91:3 "s??g?iire 9 Customer?s CODY FIRST NBC BANK Billing Cycle 10I31I16 Days In Billing Cycle 31 Previous Balance $415.67 Purchases 1 33.53 Cash. I 0.00 Specie! $0.00 Credits $0.00 Payments - $470.62 Other Charges $15.00 FinanceCharges - . 0.00 . New BALANCE $93.56 Total Credit Line $20,000.00 Available Credit Line $19,906.00 Available Cash $5,000.00 Amount Over Credit Line $0.00 Amount Past Due $0.00 DisputedArnount' $0.00 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL Ill Account Number: 7518 SA Page 1 of 4 Renee Paints SCORECA Available 57,393 Customer Semcez (800) 423?7503 Report Lost or Stolen Card: 570?4881 "visit us on at; mvwm'ycardstatementCOm Please send Billing'lnquiiries and Correspondence to: PO BOX 30495 336303495 - 33?030 MINIMUM PAYMENT PAYMENT DUE DATE NOTE: Grace period to avoid a ?nance charge on purchases, pay entire new baianCe by payment due date. Finance charge aCcrues on cash advances until paid and wilt be billed on your next statement. MANAGE YOUR CARD ACCOUNT ONLINE. SIMPLY GO IN OUR ONLINE YOU CAN REVIEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION, TRACK SET ALERT SERVICE. NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES, AND MUCH MORE. MANAGING MYCARDSTA-TEMENT.COM. ENROLL PAY ONLINE 0R VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT AT: ACCOUNT IS FAST, SECURE AND EASY WITH Trans Date] Post Date IMCC Code] Reference Number 10t11t16 10i11t16 0000 74076216285004265062006 LATE FEE 1011 91?16- 10120116 5?34 24692166293000491194330 INTUIT ONLINE 800-286-6800 CA 10126116 10126r16 6010 1. 6300001333000130 PAYMENT - 10i28i16 10i31/16 5812 24789306304645402758604 020 HOUSTONS ST CHARLES PLEASE DETACH COUPON AND RETURN PAYMENT USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE AALLOW UP TO 7 DAYS FOR RECEIPT FIRST NBC BANK PO BOX 61035 NEW ORLEANS LA 70161 - 1035 $93.58 10(31t16 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL 1829 CARONDELET STREET NEW ORLEANS LA 70130-5207 2 573 NEW ORLEANS LA 11/25/16 0143 Check box to indicate nameiaddress change on batik of this coupon Ij AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: VISA PO BOX 30131 TAMPA FL 33630-3131 31. HD7191 ELDD ?5l6 3 (594152471578m Tab1e 62/1 7/70026 SALE VISA 6291498 Card Magnetic card present: SUUTHALL Card Entry Method: 8 003258 Amount:"* '$93:58 Gratuity: Quick Guide on Tuta1 15% 14.04 18% 16.34 .2?2 18.12 Tuta1: 1 I agree to Pay the ahnue_ tpta] amount tn the card issuer agreement: 'Teta1 PLEMSE LERUE SIGNED nutter: KATALINA 248 1$u1e 62X1 Guests: 11 Reprint W. 1 BARBECUE-RIBS SMOKED SALMON CHICAGO SPINACH DIP ICED. TEA GUMBU . 7? GUMBU Subtota] Tax Ba1an06- .31; Wuick Gu1de en Tota1 15% 14.04 18%: -16. 84 20%- - 18. 72 LINDSEY DERKACHT GENERAL MANAGER 10/28/2016 1:11 PM 70026 FIRST NBC BANK SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL VISA - Account Number: 7518 Page 1 of 4 Benus Points SCORECARD - - AVaiIabIe .. . . . .. 57,704 Customer Service: (800) 423-7503 Billing Cycle 11130110 . - Re rt 1' St I Days 1n Bming 30 a po 05 0 en Card (727) 570 4881 Previous Balance $93.58 Purchases 306.74 Visit us on the web at: Cash 0.00 $000 8 Please send Billing Inquiries and Correspondence to: Credits - $0.00 PO BOX 30495 TAMPA FL 33630 3495 Payments - $0.00 Other Charges $0.00 Finance Charges - - . . 1.68 . . -. . NEW BALANCE NEW BALANCE $402.00 - MINIMUM PAYMENT - PAYMENT DUE DATE [:?jgg?lg: Total Credit Line $20,000.00 Avallable Credit Line $1 959890 No TE: Grace perlod to avoid a ?nance charge on purchases, pay Available Cash $590000 entire new balance by payment due date. Finance charge accrues on Amount Over Credit Line $0.00 cash advances until pald and will be on your next statement. Amount'Past Due $20.00 Disputed Amount $0.00 PLEASE NOTE MINIMUM PAYMENT DUE. WE MAY REPORT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT TO CREDIT BUREAU-S. LATE PAYMENTS, MISSED PAYMENTS, OR OTHER DEFAULTS MAY BE REFLECTED IN YOUR CREDIT REPORT. MANAGE YOUR CARD ACCOUNT ONLINE. SIMPLY GO TO WW. MYCARDSTATEMENT .COM AND ENROLL IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE. YOU CAN REVIEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION, TRACK SPENDING, SET ALERT SERVICE. NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES AND MUCH MORE. MANAGING YOUR ACCOUNT IS FAST, SECURE AND EASY WITH MYCARDSTATEMENT. COM. ENROLI. PAY ONLINE OR VIEW YOUR ACCOUNT AT: Trans Date] Post Date Code] Reference Number I Description I Amount 11115110 11l17r?16 5812 24789306321764902101063 02o HOUSTONS ST CHARLES $266.79 NEW ORLEANS LA 11l19l16 1120116 5?:34 24692166324000680140580 *oe ONLINE $39.95 800-286-6800 new: we- - . ?Ev-PLEASE DETACH COUPON AND RETURN PAYMENT USING THE ENCLOSED ENVELOPE- ALLOW UP TO 7 DAYS FOR RECEIPT 0418 - NBC BANK PO BOX 61035 - NEW ORLEANS 0170161 - 1035 7518 Check box to Indicate namelad'dress change on back of this coupon AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED NEW ORLEANS LA 70130?5207 PO BOX 30131 TAMPA FL 33630-3131 11130116 $402.00 12/25/16 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD MAKE CHECK PAYABLE T0: CHARLES .1 SOUTHALL - - 1329 CARONDELET STREET VISA 31 HD7191 7516 I: SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD . ?x 1 CHARLES SOUTHALL VISA . 3 ., Account Number: mm 7518 Closing Date: 11/30/16 Credit Limit: $20,000.00 Available Credit: $19.598.00 Page 3 of d. dltle?aiInfomahOnAb?utYour Beginning Points Bomts Pomts Ending Balance Earned . Adjusted 1 Redeemed Balance - i 57,704 UL FORYOUR SCORECARD REWARDS FROM PASS om THEEAR YMORN ELECTRONICS TO TOYS, SCORECARD HAS THIS COOLEST- ITEMS. SIMPLY- VISIT SCORECARDREWARDS TO CREATE A PROFILE. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO VIEIN YOUR POINT BALANCE, SEARCH FOR AWARDS, AND REDEENI YOUR (Bonus femurs .Plan Desorption Balance Subject Periodic Annual Percentage interest Ending Balance - _to interest. Rate Rate Rate vCharge CURRENT PURCHASES $232.73 . 0.720096 8.64% (V) $1.68 CASH A $0.00 . 0720030 304% (V) 0.00 FEESIINTEREST CHARGE 0.00 TOTAL 8.66% 200 1 InteracI Charge Melhod: See reverse side -of Page 1 for explanation. 2Your Annual Percentage Rate (APR) IS the annual interest rate on your account (V): --Variable Rate. ii you nature a variable rate account the periodic rate and Annual Percentage Rate (APR) may'vary. (501)524?1510 Server: FALLAN 326 003: 11115/2016 01 46 PM 11/15/2016 Tab1e 65/1 1/10009 SALE 2091112 VISA Card Magnetic card present: SOUTHALL E- Card_Entry MethodApprova1: 005473 Gratuity: 615192 Quick Guide 0n Tutsi 15% 32.52 13% 39.02 20% 43.36 11.11 agree t0 pay the above PLERSE LEHUE SIEHED - Amount: 1 31b10111'. a 11x 113E:1g?o?45?1? i 11131 .3g1 51 amuun according to the 1:1: 1 NW I?m? HUUSTUNIS (504)524-1578 S?rver: FALLAN 326 Tab1?165/1 ?Guests: 3 Reprint 1 . CHICAGO SPINACH DIP SMOKED SALMON HUT TEA BARBEEUE RIBS HUT TEA BARBEEUE R183 g-H01 111 1 H1111T11 11: . 1 KALE 311,, 1? 3111011 . ?1 . HEDFISH WITH ROCK 1 H0T 111 81101 ?uide on T0111 15% 32152 13% 39.02 1 20% 43.36 LINDSEY DERKACHT GENERAL MANAGER 11/15/2015 11:32 PM - 5' 10009 14108 ?-15.00. ii_ . 29;00. 3100 34.1? 26.110 216179 215119 FIRST NBC BANK Billing Cycle. SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES SOUTHALL Account Number: 7518 Page 1 of 4 Bonus Points I soon-acme . Ava-"able Customer- Service: (800) 423-7503 I 12I30I1s - . Re .011 Lost or stolen Card: 5- 0-488 Days In Billing Cycle 30 - (727) 7* 1 Previous Balance $402.00 - PUrChases 34593 - . Visit us on the web at: Cash. 0.00 mycardstatement. corn SPACE: $090 Please send Billing Inquiries and Correspondence to: Credrts $000 PO BOX 30495 TAMPA FL 33530- 3495 Payments - $635.21 . other Charges Finance 0.NEW BALANCE 12?. 72 . NEW BALANCE $127.72 - . -- - MINIMUM PAYMENT _'_520 oo__ 1 PAYMENT DUE DATE 0025117 Total Credit Line $20,000.00 Avaiiable Credit Line $1 91872100 NO If: Grace period to avoid a finance charge on purchases pay Available Cash $5,000.00 entire new batance by payment due date Finance charge accrues on Amount Over Credit Line $000 cash advances unfit paid and Witt be billed on your next statement. Amount Past Due $0.00 . . Disputed Amount $0.00 MANAGE YOUR CARD ACCOUNT ONLINE. 8 SIMPLY GO TO MYCARDSTATEMENT. COM AND ENROLL IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE. 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YOU WILL BE ABLE TO YOUR POINT BALANCE, SEARCH FOR AWARDS, AND YOUR BONUS POINTS FOR THE BEST HOHLIDAY Ending Balance (cu-1 Plan Ion Balance Subject PerIodIc Annual Percentage i lnt?rest i Ending Balanc? - to Interest Rate . Rate i Rate Charge .7 - - CURRENT . - - PUREHASES $0.00 0720077 8.64% (V) $0.00 - "$0.00 . 0.720076 1.53.000 .. INTEREST CHARGE 0.00" . -- .. 5 "30-00% 3 owl": 1tCMJIterestChaIgeMethod See reverse side ofPage 1 for explanation3Y017I Annual Percentage Rate (APR) Is the anhu?al interest rate en your abccunl; 7- Fart-able Rate it you have a variable rate account the periodic rate and _Annual Percentage Rate (APR) may vary ?M?l?um . i 1 TEA A ?3.00 9 1 ARNOLD a 3. 00 1 ICE WATER - A7. 0 00 1 SMOKED SALMON . M. 00_* 52 RE DFISH LEMON BUTTER . 56 _00 1 ARNOL0 PALMER REFI 76.00 A {0.1123141 - 10t31 83.41 1 I 13 1 AUbhua NIRULE #13 :33: 131096 BE THE - RREULE CUISINE RESTAURANT. in. 35? -0006 a I I 1? Server AAICOLE 1A119) Rec 43: 12/13/16 12111 ?A1ped T: 22 Term: iB'hA BOULEVARD 4241 VETERANS BLVD HETAIRIE LA 70006 1: CARRATYPE ACCUUNT NUU BERT - Name: CHARLES BUUTHALL 00 TRANSACTION APPRUNED AUTHORIZATION: 004094 Refe1enee: 1213010000006 - TRANS TYPE: Cred1t 031d .1 BHECK BS 41jf TIP :20 31 %?*DupI1cate Capy*+*3_ NILE e_11 CARD 133323 ABOVE - AMOUNT PURSUANT 13 CARDHULDER AGREEMENT tet31 and a_1gn one CODY. keep the other a .LIU rdVliauil NOISE 833 Peydrae St. NewHUrieene, a; . Acct Card h?tiy: Vre 3 Type: sane Key. _?th Cede: Uheck: Tab1e: Server: Subtetelr Gratui?iy:w 0 eremer Ce 4 L0 Y0112 SNIPED ?3?51910922 e303 ?ack/1 50?? e4.80 Ligbggi>.p? 1 0:30-? 4&1- --2 Le Pavi1lon HeteE 833 Peydrar 01_ i 3: Signature Print Name New 0r1eane, *0 504?581w3111 501? MELDRED Tb1 104f1 2180 Get 3 0e003?16 08:24em Dine In 2 Coffee 0 Dentehartrain 0m 32.00 wked 10.00 .39e 0melet 10.00 1 ?rite 5.00 0000 00 Tax 6.00 I Tote] . ?3 II: R?um . Tetal: FIRST NBC BANK SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD CHARLES - - A Account Number: Page Bends Poi/it's . - 0' . - Available . -. . . .. 59. f? . . .--. 53,225Days In Billing Cycle 32 . . Rape as . (727)570-4881 Previous Balance - $127.72 . Purchases 17451 0 Visit us on the web at: C?eh - 0 0:0 wmeyCerdstatemenICom Special I $00.0. 8 Please send Billin Inquiries and Carespendence to: Credits . - $0 00 - PO BOX 30495 TAMPA. FL 33630- 3495 Payments .- $000 Other Charges "$0.00 . -- Finance Charges - - . 11.584 .. 3 .. .. .. . NE. BALANCE NEW BALANCE. $304.07 MINIMUM PAYMENT A, -. . . A -- PAYMENT. DIIE. ARTE.- . - L: . 0235/17 3: Total Credrl Line . - - . .. - Available LIne $193950? I NOTE Grace. per/ed Io amid a ?ne/109 CAArge on purcAaSes' pay Aveilable Cash. . 55900100 entire new baIance by payment due date. Finance charge accrues on Amount Over Credit LIne - 00 cash advances unfii paid and WM be b/?I ?ed on your next statement. AmountPeel Due $20.DiSpdt?d . $0 00 ABOUT YOUR ACCOUNT TO BUREAUS. LATE PAYMENTS MISSED PAYMENTS OR OTHER DEFAULTS MAY BE REFLECITED .IN YOUR CREDIT MANAGE YOUR CARD ACCOUNT ONLINE. SIMPLY GO TO MYCARDSTATEMENT COM AND ENROLL IN OUR ONLINE SERVICE. YOU CAN REVIEW ACCOUNT INFORMATION SPENDING, SET ALERT SERVICE. NOTIFICATIONS, DOWNLOAD FILES, AND MUCH MORE. MANAGING YOUR ACCOUNT IS. FAST, SECURE AND EASY WITH MYCARDSTATEMENT .COM. ENROLL - my ONLINE oniEw YOUR ACCOUNT Trans Dete] Pest DetelMCC Code - Reference Number Amount 01/03/1? 01/05/17 5812 24789307004087502236697 020 HOUSTONS ST CHARLES - $134.55 .. . - . NEW ORLEANS LA 01/19/17 01/20/17 5734 '24692167019000293702712 INTUIT QNLINE $39.5002335300 9? PLEASE amen coupon AND RETURN PAYMENT usm'e THE eucLossn ENVELOPE up .I we we 3131:5191 mac . . FIRST NBC BANK . - . . . PO BOX 51035 . .. me: 7-518 NEW-ORLEANS LA 70161 1035 Check box to Indicaie name/Address change on I back orthl's coupon LJ AMOUNT OF PAYMENT ENCLOSED 01/31/17 $304.07 02/25/17 SPIRIT OF EXCELLENCE ACAD __mxs mack PAYABLE 1m. . - CHARLESJ 1-329 CARONDELET STREET VISA - . . . - NEW ORLEANS LA 70130-5207 PO BOX 30131 TAMPA FL 33630-3131 31 1002 ?35116 l71 j; (504)524?1578 Server: 778 388; 87708/2077 01:49 DH - Tabte 65/1 . 2/20019 SALE VISA 20971T3 Card Magnetic card present: SOUTHALL Card Entry Method: 8 -. .11 Gratuity: mum Quick Guide an Total 15% 20.18 13% 24.22 20% 26.91 Intat: I ag?ee'ee'eay the 88882 tetel ampunt according to the card issuer agreement. PLEASE LEAUE SIGNED DDPR f. )2 {fr- (504)524?1578 Server: TAYLOR 778 - . 87/83/2017? Tabtg_65/1L. 1:46 PM Guestg: 3 - . 20019 Reprint 2 PALMER . jf' 2,75 TRADITIONAL SALAD a~ 8.00 HAWAIIAN RIB EYE 3 34.80 PALMER 2.75 TRADITIONAL SALAD . .8 . BAOO RITA ROCK - 26 DD - "3.00? - 880 BARBECUE RIBS 28.88 Subtofat 121,50 13-05 ALTotat 134888 BaTgnce Due 134(56 Quick Guide on Total 15% 20.18 -. . xii-18% 24.22 '202?e 26,91-~ LINDSEY DERKABHT GENERAL MANAGER 053,;qu Edgar P. Harney Spirit of Excellence Academy 2503 Willow Street I New Orleans, LA 70130 Job Title; . chief Financial Of?cer I Reports to: CEO Job Responsibilities: 1. Coordinates the requisition and purchase of goods and services inclusive of all auxiliary contrac'ts, I. e. transp Igta?gn od service, maintenance, etc. ,oversees the receiVing of goods. Q, 2. Participates in the development of and IIrnonitOrs federal programs, school improvement plan budgets and revisions; reviews and approves purchases and contracts; communicates With program or management personnel for the purpose of obtaining andlor' providing information and technical assistance needed to resolve questions and problems. 3. Maintains cash management records for school funds according to the Sohool Fund Policy Manual and ether poIIcIes and procedures of the district, including funds drawn and received, funds disbursed by sources, depoSIts' of fUnds, issuanCe of refunds; classi?es revenue as to sources of funding and expenditures; reconciles bank statement 4. Administers all outside donatIOns, club and organization fIInds, general fund, restricted funds and miscellaneous funds; approves the expenditure of funds' In accordance with intended purposes. 5. Aesists in planning school fund-raising activities and watches over the organization and administration of such activities. 6. Monitors and forecasts revenues and expenditures. Implements ef?cientl ?ling system to ensure all records and supporting - documentation are maintained in accordance with district, state, and federal laws and policies. 8. Reconciles revenue and expenditures and prepares journal entries to correct errors detected. 9. Prepares requiredI ?nancial statements and fiscal reports. 10. Maintain comprehensive understanding of SOEA annual reports, incIuding operating budget,'capital expenditures, 11. Administers the sIafe- -keeping and authorizes distribution of RTA tokens. 12. Communicates as needed with R80 business of?ce management and personnel; state, federal, and independent auditors; banks. 13. Participates in district budgetary process. 14. Performs school- level property management duties. 15. Maintain Human Resources ?les. 16. Ensure timeliness, accuracy, and usefulness of ?nancial and management reporting. for federal. and state funding. 17. Manage health' Insurance account. 18. Process payroll Minimum Qualifications: A baccalaureate degree with twenty-four semester hours in business. Working Conditions: This position works in an of?ce setting, in a climate controlled environment. Job Reguirements: 1. Travel may be required. .N 9?9an 90:4 9. Must be able to operate a variety of equipment such as computer, printer, fax machine, copier, calculator, telephone, audio-visual equipment, etc. Must be able to sit, stand, walk, reach, bend and lift up to 10 pounds. Must be able to communicate in Standard English both orally and in writing. Must be able to give and receive information electronically. Must be able to communicate successfully and pleasantly with school and district personnel and the public. Must be-able to work cooperatively with others. Must be able to respond positively to supervision and accept suggestions for improvement Must be able to understand and interpret written and verbal instructions. 10. Must keep accurate and up to date records. . 11. Must comply with state and district regulations, policies and procedures. Disclaimer. The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being perfOrmed by people assigned to this classi?cation. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties and skills required of personnel so classi?ed. . The CEO will appraise the position informally and formally on an? ongoing. basis. This is a one-year position; applicants must re-qualify each year. ?2w Job Title: Chief Financial Officer Reports to: of Directors Job Responsibilities: Supervise the accounting staff and ensure that the accounting and ?nancial reporting systems of the LEA are accurate and consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Establish and maintain sound ?nancial policies, procedures, systems and controls for the LEA. Manage, coordinate and integrate the work of the Accounting, Accounts Payable and Payroll to a successful audit conclusion. Apply the principles, methods and procedures used in modern accounting and'auditing to improve LEA ?nancial processes and procedures. Apply the laws, rules, and regulations governing the installation, operation, keeping of accounts and their application to speci?c situations. . Support to remain compliant with all authorizers, state and federal requirements. Establish and maintain fund accounting system that accurately tracks all funds, grants and programs. Coordinate with personnel responsible for researching new grants for all federal, state and local grant applications. Run close process including recording month-end journal entries, accruing revenues and expenses, and updating balance sheet schedules. Review and analyze balance sheet, income statement, cash ?ow projection and variance reports. Maintain and update ?scal calendar for all reporting deadlines including, but not limited to, audit schedule, tax reporting, initiation of annual budget process and close dates. Deliver timely reports to the leadership team, school leaders, Finance Committee, Board of Directors, Orleans Parish School District and other agencies. Manage and execute year~end audits and work with external auditor to ensure clean ?nancial audits with an unmodi?ed opinion. Liaison with the external auditor to ensure a complete, accurate and timely annual audit. Ensure that all payroll is conducted accurately, timely and meets all local, state and federal requirements regarding pension, taxes, and related employee deductions. Ensure that accounts payable and purchasing documents are processed ef?ciently, accurately and in a timely manner. Supervise the receipt and/or disbursement of monies. Analyze complex accounting problems. Ensure that disbursements of funds are within budgetary authorization limits. Gather and prepare appropriate accounting information and reports as requested. Minimum Qualifications: 1. 2. 3. Minimum (5) five years accounting experience preferred Strong written and verbal communication skills Strong computer skills, i.e. Microsoft Word, Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Works with diverse communities and school groups. Establishes and maintains cooperative and effective working relationships with others. Analyzes data accurately and adopts an effective course of action. Meets schedules and timelines. Works independently. Prepares comprehensive narrative and statistical reports. Works extended hours. Working Conditions: This position works in an office setting in a climate controlled environment. Job Requirements: Must be able to operate a variety of equipment. Must be able to sit, stand, walk, reach, bend, and lift up to 10 pounds. Must be able to communicate in Standard English both orally and in writing. Must be able to give and receive information electronically. Must be able to communicate successfully and pleasantly with school and district personnel and the public. 6 Must be able to work cooperatively with others. 7 Must be able to respond positively to supervision and accept suggestions for improvement. 8. Must be able to understand and interpret written and verbal instructions. 9. 1 Must keep accurate and up to date records. 0. Must comply with state and district regulations, policies, and procedures. Disclaimer The above statements are intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by people assigned to this classification. They are not intended to be construed as an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, duties, and skills required of personnel so classified. ReviewlApQrovals Employee Date of Director Date