AN URDINAHCE PERTAINING TO THE FAILURE TO CUNCEAL SEXUAL DR EENITAL PART UP THE BODY. BE IT ORDAINED BY MINNEHAHA COUNTY, i. It shaii be uniawfui for any person owning, renting, leasing, operating or managing any estabiishment that seiis, by the drink Xor for consumption on the premises, intoxicating iiquor, aicohoiic beverages, or iow point beer, which estabiish- ment has had a iicense application approved or recommended to be approved by the governing body of the County of Minnehaha, to cause, aiiow or permit any person in or about such estabiishment, whiie in the presence of any other person in such establishment: To faii to conceai with fuiiy opaque covering, the or genitai parts of his or her body. For the purposes of this section, or ?genitai parts? shaii inciude the genitais, pubic area, anus, cleavage of the buttocks or perineum of any person or the vulva or nippie and areoia (the more darkiy pigmented portion of the breast encirciing the nipple) of a temaie. For the purposes of this section, a tuiiy opaque covering, shaii mean or inciude the wearing of pasties that cover the nippie and areoia of a femaie breast. To expose any device, costume or covering which gives the appearance of or simuiates the genitais, pubiic hair, buttocks. perineum, anai region or pubic hair region or nipple andfor the areoia ot a fema?e. For the purposes of this ordinance, ?person? shaii mean a naturai person, association, corporation, firm, organization, partnership, or society. 2. Any person who shaii vioiate any of the provisions of this ordinance or shaii tail to compiy therewith shaii be guiity of a Ciass misdemeanor punishabie by thirty days imprisonment in a county jail or one hundred doiiars fine, or both. 3. In addition, upon proof of vioiation of this ordinance, any iicense approved or recommended to be approved by the governing body of Minnehaha County may be revoked or suspended in pursuant to SDCL 35?2?10. Dated this 19th day of February, 1930, and upon roii caii the foiiowing voLe waa taken: .-1 :11: i h?Ll'_ I gm: . I r] 1h. Sh?-v If" Said ird?nance wag dec1ared adapted. vii- I if if! .- ,a/r Iii?in _Enuhtj Audif?r r" r' .