The Univcniw of Texan Health Hullh Science San San Amonlo Mail Code 7914 School of Dvntisfi'l' 77m Flmel Curl Driw: San Amuuiu. Tt as 782294900 David DDS. D-ABFO 567-3379 odunlullim - ar Reacan'll 210 soT-l Forum Din Cenrer and "Bacardi in Forcnaxch Dale; 12/01/2017 Case 3: First Marne: - Lasl Marne: Sex: Reponed nos: - Nation: y: Alganrslan Reponed Age ease Agency Lee-lion: Unlvevsny ol Texas Heallh Sclence Cemel ar San Anlomo adonlologlsl: Davld R. 5enn. DDS, D-AEFO (TX 09115>> Radiologi Radrographls) provrded by olrenl Pholographer: Rhorographls) provrded by olrenr Maxillary Dara Avg. Mean Age: 15.37 Righl Len 2 Std. Deva 3.31 Age Range -: 16.55 Mandibular Age Range 1-: 23.13 Avg. E. 75.52 The dara reponed above are oaloulaled usrng rhe molar developmenl melhod as an ol ehronologroal age. The sragrng melhod ls based on A. Goldsleln H. Tanner JM A new ol denlal age assessmenr, Hum Elol The dala ls denved lrom rhe averaged dara oolarned lrom rhal ol Mrnoer HH. Harns EF, Berryman HE. The AR 0. Study ol molar developmenl and use as an esrrmaror ol ohronologroal age, Forensro 5o. Arany s. llno M, Voshloka N, survey ol molar developmenl ln relallon lo chronologloal age among Japanese juveniles Forensic Sol KA. Ausrrn D. Kvanlr A. Rros TR. 5enn DR. ol Molar Developmenr lor Age In a Nonh Texas Hrspamo Populalron: A Companson Study. 5m magma-559557.; and JA, Mrnoer HH, Anderson KM. Woods MA. Eunorl EL, Molar Developmenl rn lhe ol Chmnologlc Age ln Amerroan Blacks as Compared Whlles Forenslo Sol 2007;52l2) 428-433. All ol lhe leelh were considered. With special emphasls place on lhe development ol lhe molars presenl. The perlaploal and bllewmg radlographs provlded and made on 12/1/2017 were leVIeWed --appears lo have 32 permanenr leerh. (One lower anrerror racrograph rs lrom lhe serresl All reelh presenr excepl lhe upper 3rd molar are lully developed. The reelh and surroundan solr and hard lrssues appear ro be normarl No palhology rs noled. Conclusmn: Based upon radrographro ol--uslng lhe above slaved dalz conclude lhal [he mean age lor a male WIll'l molal developmenl equal lo ll'lzl elm -- rs 19.87 plus or rmnus 3 31 years, The range ol ages lor such a ma ls . lo . years, The ol-- allalrled 13 years cl age ls 79 52%. Resoecflullv Digitally signed by David R. Senn DN: cn=David R. Senn, ou=Folensic Odonlology, an . Date: 2017.12.12 17:44:59 -06 00 David R, Serm. DDS. D-ABFD (TX 09115)