UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IXECUTIVL OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW IMMIGRATION COURT 100 MONTGOMERY 57., SUITE 800 SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94104 Pangea LegaI SerLCes VllIEeraly Manel 3 a Sansone Stzcet Suite 655 Saw CA 94104 In the matter of F:1e_ DATE: 26, 2018 Unable to forward 7 NC address pravided. Attached 15 a Copy of the decxsion cf he Judge. deusmn 1s fInaI unless an appeal 'e wIth the Board of Appeals 30 Calendar days of 1b? date of :1e ling of written decISJon. See the enclosed forms and strucmc'xs f0: properly prepanng your appeaI. Your notIce of appeal, attaz. ed documents, and fee or fee <>, VA 2904: Attacnfiu 1 Copy Of the 5f the Immigratnon judge as the result of your Fallure to Appear at you schedLled deporLaCan or removal heaung. This declsxon :3 final unless a Motmn to Reopen fIIed accordance w'tn Sectmn 242b(c)(3/ of the :mmgvauon and Na nah Act, a u.s.c. 5 1252mm (3) 1n cepcxtaLIon proceealngs o: 24mm mm, 3 11.5.0 5 :n removal If you file a motion to :eopen, your must be filed mu. Hus Court: IMMIGRAT: COURT 1C0 MONTGOMERY ST., SUITE 830 SAN FRANCISCO, 94104 Attachea I a copy of the deCJSeOn of HM jnaqe eratIm; ta a Reasonable F821: REVI This Ls a fILnal aruer Pursuant to 8 C.F.R. no adm nIStraEJve appeal 15 avaflablet Fowever, you may file a petlteon for so days mm the appvop ate Cerult Court of I AppeaIs to dppeal th,s decxsion pJISJant to U,s.c. 1252; 5242. Attached Is a of dec;SIon sf no ;m'mgrat,on judge :elatjnq to a Credlbl? Fear REVIQWV This is A final order. ND appeal 15 available. X, Other: Attacned 3e- Orae: :03 ZMMIGRA ON caum FF cc: CHEUNG, GRACE Jon MONTGOMERY IF 2m SAN CA, 941040000 UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE EXECUTIVE OFFICE FOR IMMIGRATION REVIEW IMMIGRATION COURT SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA In the Matter of: File Number:-- H-- IN REMOVAL PROCEEDINGS Respondent Dale: April 23, 2018 On Behalf of the Respondent On Behalf of DHS Mariel Villarreal, Esqt Grace Cheung) Esq. Pangea Legal Services Assistant Chief Counsel 350 Sansome Street, Suite 650 100 Montgomery Street, Suite 200 San Francisco, CA 94104 San Francisco, CA 94104 Application: Motion to Determine the Age of the Respondent WRITTEN DECISION OF THE IMMIGRATION JUDGE on April 19, 2013, the respondent, through counsel, filed a "Motion for Age Determination", asking the Court to determine whether the respondent is a child or an adult. The Department's position is that the respondent is an adult and that the court does not have jurisdiction to make an age determination. For the reasons stated helew. the court finds that it does have jurisdiction to determine the respondent's age, and that the evidence presently in the record establishes by a preponderance that the respondent is under the age of eighteen. The oourt has independent authority to resolve disputes relating to a respondent's status as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC). See Legal Opinion of OGC, EOIR's Authority to Interpret die Unaccompanied Alien Child for Purposes of Certain Prov (September 19, 2017). That necessarily includes resolving disputes regar age. The court carefully considered and appropriately weighed all of the evidence in the record regarding the respondent's age The court finds that the evidence weighs more heavily in favor of a finding that the respondent is under the age of eighteen. Specifically, the respondent's birth certificate and consistent assertions of being under eighteen outweigh the dental age test and his use of a different birth date while traveling to the US. The mun directs \lle parties In take appropriate actions consistent with the court's finding. Patrick S. O'Bricu Immigration Judge