11511131111 t-u?u \wa 731' 5 i 3 :13? :vi: 12111115334111.1130 a: 111121 New Zeal and Security Intelligence Service 'i?e P51 Whaitamammaru ewe/17,7751? f7 ?17 Briefing note Date 1 December 2016 To Hon Christopher Finlayson. Minister in Charge 011111;. NZ-SIS- From Rebecca Kitteridge, Director of Security information For you 1' 111__s11s Annual Seiwrity Select Committee Purpose 1. On 6 December thei intelligence and Secunty ect Committee (ISC) will consider the New Zealand Seem 11y intelligence Serv1ce Annual Report 2. This briefing note provides you wit Committee are __.likely raise. overview of matters we anticipate that the 3. in addition attached to this bii?ie?iig note is: A d1 aft cepy Of the D11 ector of Security 5 introduct01 remarks (Append'x A) A draft copy the Director of Securitys notes for lesponding to questions. including other matters not covered 1n this briefing note that maybe raised by the _m1ttee {Appendix A copy of the questions provided by the Office of the Auditor-General for the Committee and the Director of Security's draft responses [Appendix C). . :?Please note that i will endeavourto provide amended copies of Appendix A- to you the changes have been finalised in the interim i would be happy to discuss the contents of this briefing note, the attachments, or any other aspect of em Annual Report with you before the meeting. hl?ll? I 141-1351931193] n'r'ag 1 l?I?u 1 11.1.r Page 1 of 4 2016 ISC Annual Financial Review Remarks '5 Opening 11:31 tor of Secur' . 06 December 2016 Date 1300hrs m1e:1130 10 minutes lmE Allocated tes ll'IU =14m' 1421 words loop/m 0 . Current Length .vh? n?c'd'z Page?l of'lQ B. .n mama an. nut t. k. tacwxuwism. Law}; . . . a . .wucmquS ucm bwuam ucm 252: 3m: 3: .0m 8 Ame, gm: 5% ma. mmuw magma mmcm?. EcompmmEmmLO 31.9 .335 mam mag. mm ?v.4 PageBof?lf?J {side- of The foh?o commifte wing topf 2 3 2013 NZSES 8 SESSION. EED ?it cs are covered From The Annual Report in n? p?v-r-Hn ?nub In?) au' Potential Questions the 2015/16 NZSIS Annum? Report and may arise DMSE uring 1 3- 0.1.23? the .. . .- 5-. . an M- ?In? momma-flee 2 3 #:3ng? 20:3 run/1m; DI 15-31- iU- 1-13-- iGlS Annual Report issues Compliance Systems The concern raised by the regarding this kind of activity by if accepted, would have represented a significant departure from the long?held view by NZSIS and other agencies that it was lawful for to conduct activity of this kind. NZSIS has undertaken a substantial amount of work to resolve this issue. NZSIS sought advice from an external barrister and Crown Law and has consulted widely The fact that the law is so di?ficult to apply in an critical area illustrates the problems arising from the age of the current NZSIS legislation This will be remedied by the legislation that 15 before the House. Overthe last 12 months the NZSIS has ?undertaken signi?cant steps to ensure our compliance systems are up to the ?standard "required of as a modern security and intelligence agency. Robust compliance systems require constant attention, audit and revision This is why the N2515 has stood up a dedicated compliance team over the past 12 months. This will ensure that compliance within Ehe NZSIS meets the required standard. As noted in the i615 2015 Annual Report the NZSIS still has some work to do on implanting our compliance systems ".As at the end of JUne 2016 the NZSIS has addressed over half of the recommendations made in our 2015 internal Review The actions taken 0 date have-also-been designed to address the inspector-Generals The remainder of the recommendations are on track to be completed by Page 3 of ?19 lit1.5.1 In"- a) C) *1 mw mtg. g; D- :93?1,31 Page 15 01?19 statesman" 23 :1in 20s 0:553:40. is? 3-?1 What risks exist in relation to the Service? compliance and performance until the I recommendations are fully addressed and how' Is the Service mitigating these risks? - Where operational policy and procedure has yet to be developed there remains a risk of inconsistent and inefficient practices. Some non~compliant practices may - currently not be recognised and go ?under the radar?. - To mitigate the risk the Service Senior Leadership Team designated compliance as one of its priority areas for 2015(16 and established a dedicated team I-gf'ComplIance specialists This Team provides advice to all staff to ensure conSIstent practices . we recognise that implementing the review ?ndings will not Eliminate risk ofgn compliance. An important and overarching objective' Is to encourage a siren and positive compliance culture As such the Compliance Team works clos yvvith subject matter experts across the Service. What are the key improvements made during 2015/16 to the Services ComplIance and PerfoI mance systems? What are the significant stIil to be implemented and when are these expectedtd ?ffLiily addressed? - We have implemented a joint Policy Framework With the with controls over the drafting, approval and amendment of operatIo? al polIcy and procedures. - Following a stocktake of among operational ance we have instituted a pi an to fill any gaps in policy and procedure and new operational guidance :5 developed by operational staff . . Staff are required to report suspect dor actual compliance incidents. There are also clear reporting mechanismst management and to the inspector-General of lntelligence and Security we also track the number and severity of compliance InCIdents The establishment ofa dedicated compliance team within NZSIS ensures that any rned can be applied. We have Installed nd commenced use of software to identify and assess levels of - Compliance With ilegislation. - Some operatIonal guidance has yet to be ?nalised and staff have yet to be fully "trained iri this material. A risk based programme of audits has yet to be developed audits wili provide assurance we the application of internal policy, may ?identify non- compliance and any inefficient or rest: ictive internal policy. The review findings will be fully addressed byJune 2017 .- ?Ev-ax Ima- I: Page 19 of 19 EECLASSEIKIED thiu?I 23 APR 20:8 am: . 1% New Zealand - Security II'IteHigence Service NEW zealand PO Box 900, W?eliington Security Intelligence +644472617o Te Pa Whakamarumaru +64 4 472 8209 Immasecm'itygovtnz 16 March 2017 Hon Christopher Finlayson, QC Minister in Charge ofthe NZSIS WELLINGTON Dear Minister NZSI IS Quarter It Report Enclosed is a pilot Quar tea [y RepoIt ovIdes oIIerv w- ofou1 organisation and our key aIeas of focus ove: the past two Inonths.1he:e are two sections to the QuarteIly Report: Oper atIons and porate' ln__the futuI the will cover thI ee months Please let me know if you. want to teed any of the Ity InteIlIgence Reports refeI I ed to in the QuaIteriy Report I also happy to foI'vicIIeI more detail and wave any questions on the topIcs coveI edI. I look giving your Yours Lincere ebecca Idge DEI ect0I of Secunty misc! w?n?-I WQ 1 i Ir PHIL) 517-3 I5, _r'v'wfr- i L3 New Zea} and Security Intelligence SerVice PEI \T?Jhakamammaru i 3 i. i 5133 angina 0 implementing the new legislation is a significant "once in a generation? challenge and opportunity, which we absolutely have to get right. The Legal, Compliance and Policy teams from both NZSIS and GCSB are working closely together on this pl ogI amme of work. We monitor all 1: str?alfn progi ess and identify resoua ce pi essures in line with the overall project plan. {El-Our signi?cant grth'h put (5 pl essore on our existing IGSOUI ces to rec; uit vet on- boa: and t: ain conSIdCI algle time for neat?I sta?tolgecome lly effective, In their wily.? Page 2 of 6 Law. 9.. ?35 pt is?: 01? um 115.0.) ?m 82 802.5 L194: - 35? [-5310 'm .4130.) rugg- ?u?E CUM :1ch - r0 01.9.53 (03.0 ECU: CLQJ u?Da? .cc .t'ra'g ?3m ?r?g g. .. Cl r556 ESE 88m 3?90 0mm .228 -. CD5. (.0 ?4 CED: u?i?jB as E. Page 5 of f3 In!? _nl LLUHLL. I hunts-nu New Zealand Seem ity Inteliigence Set vice Te Pit Whalinmaruuim'n . A Briefing note Date 17 March 2017 To Hon Christopher Finiayson? Minister in Charg From Rebecca Kittericige Director of Security For your information Update on IGIS review of NZSiSE'satgessE to APP Purpose I. This biiefing note uodates you on the Inspector of intelligence and Securitys review of access to the APP databases and Ielated work that NZSIS has been uIIderLaLIng Background 2. As you knew some ago thEc 1 concerns with NZSIS about our access to the APP and Cusiyioti c'EiEa'Etabases . evident that the law was very complex. and appiies diffei entiv Ielation to both APP and CusMod. On our IGVIEW of theE'E some probiems in the way NZSIS had implemented the i advised you the Solicitor- finding revie IntoEthat issue (the fact- finding review' and undenook to advise "the of you EErespectiveiy of any systemic issues issues not reiated to Staff perrormance) identified In that Ieyiew Advanced Passenger Processing which 15 a database heid by immigrataon New Zeaianci and Inciuo'es passenger data. 2 . . . Customs Mooernisotlon Scneme which Is a database heio Customs New lesions} and betder Information of persons, goods and craft Page 1 of 3 massing 23 see 2023 It: NZSES It 7. NZSIS has provided a copy of the advice to the iGlSand Is currendy woiiung through the implications. B. We engaging with the iGiS oI1 OLCJ to Cusixiod some of the sta 10. In the fact- ?nding Ievzew we have taken and the iessons expect that the lI318 WIN draw on this IepOIt as she completes her own review Into NZSIS's C-ise Che: findings In some idim. 11. It goes eiwith Ui. saying a 1 extI'emeiy 50m; to have identified an of non- compiiance eiatlng to NZISIS's use of CusMod. I do think It re{ ects the weak State of NZSISs sysIeIns sevcra?iCyeai as; Once you have the reIJoIt, i would iike to discuss it with you so that yoCu can Che satisfied the 'eC have responded appropriately. strengthened our systems suffICIentiy, and leaned he necessaiy iessons as we prepaie toin1piement the new Act. DCE'stI'uctionCand- etention of data Iel ion to access to both APP and Custxiod some questions of retention and destruction of data ise. NZSIS is working thiough those issues with the iGiS and has eI'IgagCC Law to pI ovIde advice on some aspects. ?"375- w, #19 '?tC Page 2 of 3 23 APR NZSES s: IGIS's Publication 13. As set out above, the IGIS is likety to conctude her reviews into NZSIS's use of APP and CusMod databases over the next few months. We will work chsely with your office as she reaches the point of publishing her ?ndings. \g?c?l?ec Cree Reinecca Kitteridge Director of Security Date: I?ll/r?/Please H6 Finlayson in charge of the NZSIS ""?Dlate: 11 MW .1- L. (Ji?i Lil." Page 3 of 3 New Zealancl Security Intelligence Servace To i?fi Whaka maru mar-t1 Briefing note Date 19 April 2017 To From Rebecca l