THE COUNCIL CITY OF INDIANAPOLIS MARION COUNTY ZACH ADAMSON Councillor, District 17 JARED EVANS Councillor, District 22 MONROE GRAY Councillor, District 8 MAGGIE LEWIS Councillor, District 10 May 7, 2018 Indiana Office of Utility Consumer Counselor Attn: Bill Fine 115 W. Washington St. Suite 1500S Indianapolis, IN 46204 FRANK MASCARI Councillor, District 21 WILLIAM OLIVER Councillor, District 9 VOP OSILI Councillor, District 11 JOSEPH SIMPSON Councillor, District 7 Dear Mr. Fine, On behalf of our constituents, we ask you to oppose Indianapolis Power & Light’s request to increase its fixed charge in Cause Number 45029. The families in our districts can ill-afford the proposed Indianapolis Power & Light rate increase. During the last decade, the median annual income (adjusted for inflation) in Indianapolis has declined nearly 8%, or almost $5,000. Over the same ten years, the average IPL customer using 1,000 kilowatt hours per month has seen their electric bill increase by 45%. Moreover, the percentage of Indianapolis residents living in poverty has nearly doubled in the past fifteen years—from 11.8% in 2000 to 21.3% in 2015, according to the Sagamore Institute. This means an additional 85,063 people in Indianapolis are living in poverty, a number nearly as large as the city’s population growth over the same period. As members of the Indianapolis-Marion County Council, we do not want to see our constituent families having to choose between putting food on the table, paying medical bills, or paying utility bills. Less than two short years ago, the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission granted IPL’s request for a base-rate increase, resulting in $30 million of additional revenue for IPL each year. And now IPL is seeking a 59% increase the monthly fixed charge residential customers pay, from $17 to $27 per month—nearly $100 million of additional burden on Marion County families. If approved, IPL would have the highest monthly fixed charge of any investor-owned utility in Indiana. 200 E. Washington Street  Indianapolis, IN 46204 Cell: 317.683.9224 • Fax: 317.327.4230 High monthly fixed charges impact our low- and fixed-income constituents particularly hard. Although these customers tend to use less energy to begin with, high monthly fixed charges limit their ability to reduce their electric bills by reducing the amount of electricity they use. They are simply at the mercy of the “fixed charge” IPL is allowed. We encourage IPL to create rate designs, programs, and policies that set affordable rates for low-income and fixed-income customers and encourage investment in energy efficiency and customer-owned power. We believe all IPL customers in our districts should live in safety and dignity, without fear of utility shutoffs. Thank you in advance for your consideration. Zach Adamson City-County Councillor, District 17 Jared Evans City-County Councillor, District 22 Monroe Gray City-County Councillor, District 8 Maggie Lewis City-County Councillor, District 10 Frank Mascari City-County Councillor, District 21 William Oliver City-County Councillor, District 9 Vop Osili City-County Councillor, District 11 Joseph Simpson City-County Councillor, District 7