17 Advies Plan: Phased tra sformation of the Beira Municipal Land Registry Date of identification Advies positief Datum advies 20-12-2016 Identified by 10 2 Manager Kadaster International, Hofstraat 110, 7311 K2, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands, 10 2 November 2016 Country Mozambique Counterpart Municipality of Beira Beneficiary (ies) Municipality of Beira Execution: Netherlands implementing team Kadaster International (linked to VNG) Budget 500.000 (250.000 PSD Apps and 250.000 PVW) incl. VAT Start January 2016 Project purpose Pro'ect duration 2 ears Project information To upgrade the cadastral system of the Municipality of Beira (Mozambique) in order to assist the Municipality in their efforts to contribute to the nation's 5 titties target and at the same time to secure potential Dutch investments in the implementation of the Beira Master plan. Institutional setting The context of the Beira Municipality. Beira, with a population of more than 500.000, is the second largest city in Mozambique and is located in the estuary of the Pungue river. The city is facing numerous challenges. According to recent studies, Beira is seriously threatened by climate change. The city is just a few metres above average sea level and a clear adaptation strategy is required to provide enduring protection against water related problems such as ?oods, coastal erosion and salt water intrusion. Beira needs to make sure that it has adequate and safe water supplies (drinking water, water for agricultural purposes) in the future. In addition, changes are needed to the drainage and sewage systems to prevent the ?ooding of the city. The increased demand for water will affect the Pungue river and the delta. Spatial developments also need to be addressed. The expansion of the coal transport and export activities of the port of Beira is required to utilize the great economic potential. This will have a major impact on the infrastructure. New residential and industrial areas are needed to provide homes and work for the growing population. The currently poor living conditions of a large part of its inhabitants, mainly due to poor basic infrastructure and service coverage, need to be improved. Relevant departments of the Beira Municipality are: Studies and Projects (Spatial Planning) Department, Topographic (Land Survey) Department, Legal Department and Cadastral Department. The context of the Dutch involvement in Beira. In 2013 the Masterplan Beira 2035 was ?nalised. This plan sets out an integrated vision for the city, describing how it can respond to all the challenges in the decades to come. The Masterplan project is part of the Global Water programme and is approved by the Municipality of Beira and the Beira Stakeholders. To ensure that the plans are actually implemented, investors are involved in the follow-up in early stages. In 2016 decisive steps have been made to prepare and ?nance several important implementation projects among which: - Two pilot projects for land development: 0 residential neighborhood (Mazara); commercial/industrial zone (Munhava); - A new port access road project. All these projects have important implications for the present, largely informal, land users. For the Consortium and possible investors it is important that, regarding land use rights, transfers of such rights and resettlement, the IFC Standards for Environmental and Social Performance (Annex I) are met. Problem analysis The existing cadastre and land registry in the Municipality of Beira, is partly based on the colonial land administration and partly on the system of DUAT. The colonial archive of the land administration in Beira is not well maintained - and this is an understatement. This archive suffered from destruction and manipulations. The archive related to the administration of land use tenure system looks better but the spatial component is underdeveloped. As a consequence it is Figure 2: Archive in the basement of the possible in practise - Town Hall that more than one DUAT is provided for one parcel. This means that one of the main functions of the cadastre (and its archive) cannot be applied. In general there is a need for significant improvements in indexation, in identification, in linking and organising documents, in accessibility and (above all) in protection of the data. The most important documents are at ground floor, the less important data are in the well protected (and from an architectural perspective) well designed archive areas in the basement of the Town Hall. However, the basement is prone to flooding. Results A digital Land egistry, accessible and exchangeable Transparent (e-)procedures in collecting, processing and presenting Land Information A base for future structural interaction between LDC and M L Standardized quality and security of Land Information A base for customer oriented land services in the City of Beira Activities Indexing and digitizing Cadastre: the existing archives and maps need to be indexed, digitised and (the DUAT egister) to be stored in a digital archive. This archive should be included in or connectable to the software environment for land administration. This latter requirements needs investigation. Also a systematic indexing approach is needed – based on interviews with the archive experts in the cadastral office. - Development of a land administration (information) system. The land administration system describes the actual procedures, processes and sub processes. A land administration system is a documented working method to produce (analogue or digital) land administration results: data. This data contains administrative data and maps. In modern land administration systems IT plays an significant role and a land administration information system is almost implicit. In developing the land administration system it should be clear if the transformation should result in a singlepurpose or a multi-purpose cadastre. In developing a land administration (information) system the maintenance process of the system should be included from the start. Improvement of the data quality and processes. This activity starts with the definition of the needed data quality in the recordation process, following Fit for Purpose methods. The quality of the old maps needs to be improved by adjusting’ them to a high resolution cloud free (aerial or satellite) image. This imagery can also be used for data completion in the field – for areas where the map is outdated or incomplete GPS can be used for data maintenance – this will bring step by step quality improvements in the future. The maps need to be linked to the archives as far as possible – at least for the DUATs. The data quality is an important component in a future uality Management System. - Accessibility of the data: this concerns the publication and acquisition of data over intranet (only within the Beira Municipality) or internet (also outside the Beira Municipality). Data accessibility should be fully transparent in order to build a Spatial Data Infrastructure to share data between, at least, the different departments within the Beira Municipality. This may need some discussion on what is desired or not. Communication The project is part of the larger programme that will be (announcements or implemented through Communication will be taken care of (final) results) by this RVO programme. Observations for further development Bijlage onderbouwing advies Toetsing op programmadoelstellingen 1. Verbeteren wegnemen obstakels voor handel en investeringen versterken lokale private sector Door het project zullen landrechten in de toekomst betere geregistreerd kunnen worden. Dit zal zowel lokale als internationale investeringen ten goede komen. In het kader van het huidig project zal ook de staf van de gemeente Beira getraind worden waardoor zij in staat zullen zijn na het project de activiteit landregistratie zelf uit te voeren. Kadaster zal het Fit-For-Purose principe toepassen: Beira kan als voorbeeld dienen voor ander steden 2. Kansen voor de BV Nederland In het kader van de implementatie van het Beira Master Plan zijn er meerdere kansen voor de BV Nederland. Het betreft hier onder andere investeringen in de haven, activiteiten ten behoeve van de baggerwerkzaamheden, zand- en landexploitatie. 3. Vergroten impact van andere PSD instrumenten Het project is een logisch gevolg van een eerder PSD App project. Door het huidig project zullen projecten die in het kader van DZB en uitgevoerd beter verankerd worden en zullen naar verwachting geen (of minder) problemen ondervinden van vermeende landrechten issues. Toetsing op criteria Check laankruisenl: Sector staat niet op FMO uitsluitingslijst (Indien de sector wel op die lijst voorkomt: goede motivatie en overleg met opdrachtgever BuZa vereist). Bedrijf staat niet op zwarte lijst Wereldbank link gwarte llist Wereldbank Besch rijven: - Aan welke aspecten wordt aandacht besteed in het project? Dit project draagt direct bij aan het verbeteren van de registratie van Iandeigendomsregistraties waardoor de rechten van de landeigenaren beter geborgd kunnen worden (geen dubbele registraties). Daarnaast zal de lokale overheid in staat worden gesteld om transparantere dienstverlening aan haar burners te verlenen. Adviezen Advies ZMA 10 2 (IGG, BZ) is Deltacoordinator Mozambique. Overige contactpersonen binnen het Deltateam zijn 10 2 watersector specialist en 10 2 (RVO), Partners voor Water. In het kader van de deltasamenwerking en coordinatie van alle activiteiten met betrekking tot de implementatie van Masterplan activiteiten Beira vindt er tweewekelijks overleg plaats tussen en RVO. In de zomer 2016 is er een grote EU raamovereenkomst gepubliceerd ten behoeve van een groot deel van deze activiteiten. Onder andere VNG heeft de opdracht om bij te dragen aan de gemeentelijke 1029,11 Advies NL Zie Advies ZMA vakdepartement (optioneel) Advies opdrachtgever Zie Advies ZMA (optioneel) Advies branche- org etc. On?oneel On May 30 2016 the Dutch government decided to suspend the direct support to the central government of Mozambique. The Dutch government has come to this decision after an announcement of the IMF in which it was revealed that the Mozambican government had concealed 1.4 billon USD by not mentioning two loans in the national budget. Although the Mozambican government is taking the first steps to reclaim the trusts of the international donors, the Dutch government has decided on the 22nd of August to extend the temporarily measure of May 30 into a definitive measure by no longer channelling support of 10.2 million via the central government of Mozambique. A part of this budget (5.2 million) will be channelled via alternative financial routes. The Dutch governments tries to limit the consequences for the Mozambican inhabitants as much as possible, however this crisis will not occur unnoticed for a large part of the Mozambican population. The measures of the international donors, on top of the declining oil prices, the drought and the pre-existing national debts will have crucial impacts on the shortage on dollars, the devaluation of the local currency and the credit rating. On top of this financial crisis the political and humanitarian situation is in state of crisis as well. The central and southern parts of the country are affected by extreme drought due to El Nii?io. Over 1.5 million people are in need of food aid. Programmes with decentral or semi-governmental organisations whereby the funding was not channelled through the national treasury account, continue. This includes programmes for water supply and sanitation in small cities and the prevention of floods.