.lingChi April12, 2018 JingChi is developing a complete Level 4+ autonomous vehicle where the on-vehicle hardware and software can handle all driving tasks within its operational design domain (please see below). JingChi received the autonomous vehicle testing permit from the California DMV in June 2017 and has already conducted significant testing on public roads without any incidents. On March23, 2018 JingChi applied for the "Test Vehicles Designed to Operate Without a Driver in the Vehicle" permit from the DMV. With this permit, JingChi will begin operating autonomous vehicles without a driver behind the wheel on public roads solely for technology development and testing purposes. The vehicles will not be deployed to the general public for commercial purposes or for a fee. This notification and attached materials serves to inform local authorities of the relevant information regarding JingChi's driverless vehicle testing. Safety is of utmost concern when testing an autonomous vehicle, and JingChi will take all necessary precautions to ensure autonomous and driverless technologies are developed and tested in a safe and responsible manner. JingChi will initially test the driverless at low lots and on I with little traffic The driverless vehicles are 2017 Lincoln MKZ hybrid vehicles that were purchased as brand new from a dealership and then retrofitted with sensors, computing hardware, and software to support autonomous driving with and without a safety driver. The retrofit preserves all factory installed safety features and meets all NHTSA FMVSS mandated safety requirements. The vehicles can be driven like a normal car by disengaging autonomous mode at any time. driver: Public road testing is slated to • in a non-residential area near the company's headquarters in northern Sunnyvale. Testing may occur on any day of the week and at any time throughout the day, including weekends and night time, with safety of the passengers and surrounding agents being the highest priority. The following attachment lists the streets that driverless testing will occur on. If there any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact JingChi at any time. Sincerely, LeiMa Head of Product Management 330 Gibraltar Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089 (§) safetyoperations@jingchi.ai .llr1gC:hi -- --f--- ------'"---" - - -,_ - .-.. - -~-+--- ----·-----~~------ t\ 330 Gibraltar Dr. "' Sunnyvale, CA 94089 @!) safetyoperations@jingchi.ai O~VUSEONLY AVTNUM6ER NAME AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE TESTER (AVT) PROGRAM APPLICATION FOR MANUFACTURER'S TESTING PERMIT DRIVERLESS VI:HICLES DATE PERMIT !SSVEP DATE PERMIT EXI'IIRES TOTAL PEE RECEIPT NUMBER APPLICATION TYPE: ~ Original $3,600 Renewal $3,600 Modification $70 Additional Vehicle Permits $50 [J 0 0 CHECK THE APPROPRIATE BOX: 0 ~ Vehicles Address Change INSTRUCTIONS: • Please complete online or print and complete by hand using black or blue Ink. • Submit completed and signed form and fees to: Department of Motor Vehicles, Autonomous Vehicle Program P.O. BOX 932342, MS L224, Sacramento, CA 94232-3420 SECTION 1 -AUTONOMOUS VEHICLE TESTER INFORMATION or MANUf:ACTURE'R JINGCHI CORP NAME BUSINESS NAME SECRETARY OF STATEl ENTilY NUMBER J1NGCHI CORP C4006614 BUSINESS NAME": UCI'1NSED BY DMV crrv MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENl FROM STREET ADDRESS) SECTION 2 - DRIVERLESS VEHICLES EQUIPPED FOR TESTING Number of vehicles In fteet PLA'Hi NUMBER 7YZX420 STATE ISSUED CA ZIP CODE STATE List all vehicles fn fleet. 1 YIN NUMBER 3LN6L5LU1HR638729 YEAR MAKE 2017 LINCOLN MODEL MKZ PLATE NUMBER STAll: ISSUED VIN NUMSER YEM MAKE MODEL PLAtE:' NUMBER SlATE ISSUED VIN NUMBER YMR MAKE MOD'EL PLATE NUMBER STATE ISSUED VIN NUMS!:!R YEAR MAKI! MODEL PLATE NUMBER STATE ISSUED VIN NUM8f:!R YEAR MAKE MODEL PLATE NUMIJI!R STATttiSSUE'O VIN NUMBSR YEAR MAKE MODEL PLATE NUMBER STATE ISSUED VIN NUMet:R YEAR MAKE MODSI. PLA'rS NUMBER SlATE ISSUED VIN NUMBER YEAR MAKE MODI!.L PLATE NUMBER STATE ISSUED VINNUMBER YEAR MAKE MODEL PLATE: NUMBER STATE ISSlJED ViNN'UMBER YEAR MAKE MODE'L OL 318 (NEW 2/2017) WWW Page 1 of 3 1111111111111111111111111111111111 DMVUSEONLY AVT NUMBER NAMEl SECTION 3- APPLICANT ACKNOWLEDGEMENT INITIALS 1. The autonomous vehicle has been tested under controlled conditions that simulate as closely as practicable, each operational design domain In which the manufacturer intends the vehicle to operate and the manufacturer has reasonably determined that Is safe to operate the vehicle In each operational design domain. CCR 227.18(b) 2. Written notification that Includes all of the requirements Identified In CCR 227.3B(a) has been provided to local authorities, as defined In Vehicle Code section 385, within the jurisdiction where the vehicle will be tested. 3. The autonomous test vehicle has a communication link wKh the remote operator to provide Information on the vehicle's location and status, and allow continuous two-way communication between the remote operator and any passengers If the vehicle experiences any fallurM that would endanger tt1e safety of the vehicle's passengers or other road users or otherwise prevent the vehicle from functioning as Intended, while operating without a driver. CCR 227.38(b)(1XA) 4. There Is a process to display or communicate vehicle owner or operator Information as specified In Vehicle Code Section 160251n the event that the vehicle Is Involved In a collision, or If there is a need to provide that Information to a law enforcement officer for any reason. CeR 227.38(b)(2) 5. The autonomous vehicle complies with all relevant Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, Title 49 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 571, and the California Vehicle Code, Division 12 (Equipment of Vehicles), or the manufacturer Is exempt from such requirements pursuant to 49 U.S.C. §30112(b)(10), or an exemption has been approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and provided as an attachment to this application. CCR 227.38(b)(3) 6. The autonomous vehicle Is capable of operating without the presence of a driver Inside the vehicle and the autonomous technology meets the description of a level4 or level5 automated driving system under SAE International's Taxonomy and Definitions for Terms Related to Driving Automation Systems for OnRoad Motor Vehicles, standard J3016. eve 227.38(o) 7. A copy of a law enforcement Interaction plan will be submitted to the California Highway Patrol within 10 days of application approval, and the Internet web sHe address where the law enforcement interaction plan may be accessed will be provided to all other law enforcement agencies, first responders, fire department and emergency medical personnel within the vicinity of the operational design domain of the autonomous vehicle. eCR 227.38(e) 8. Remote operators have completed training sufficient to enable him or her to safely execute the duties of a remote operator and possesses the proper class of license for the type of test vehicle being operated. CCR 227.38(f) 9. Passengers that are not employees, contractors, or designees of the manufacturer will be notified of what personal information, If any, may be collected and how It will be used. CCR 227.3B(h) 10. Upon receipt of a Manufacturer's Testlhg Permit to conduct the testing on public roads of a vehicle that does not require a drtver, data related to the disengagement of the autonomous mode will be retained for the purposes of submfttlng an annual report to the department. CCR 227.50(a) 11. Any collision originating from the operation of the vehicle on public roads that resulted In the damage of property or In bodily Injury or death shall be reported to the department, within 10 days. CCR 227.48 12. Autonomous test vehicles will not be permitted to operate on public roads when members of the public that are not employees, contractors, or designees of the manufacturer are charged a fee or the manufacturer receives compensation for providing a ride to members of the public. CCR 227.26(f) Page 2 of3 iL ~-- I YL YL 7 7 Yt '(L YL ' '/[ 7 VL OL 316 (NEW 212011) WWW AVTNUMBIO:R NAMEi SECTION 4- ATTACHMENTS INITIALS 1. Evidence of Insurance, Surety Bond (OL 317), or Application for Self-Insurance (OL 319) In the amount of five million dollars ($5,000,000). CCR 227.04(c) )1._ 2. Copy of written notification to local authorities, as defined in Vehicle Code section 385, for each jurisdiction where the vehicle will be tested that Includes all of the Items Identified In COR 227.38(a). 3. Description of how the manufacturer will monitor the communication link. COR 227.38(b)(1 )(B) 4. Explanation of how all of the vehicles tested will be monitored. OCR 227.38(b)(1)(C) >I ' 5. Describe/Inform the department of the intended operational design domain of the autonomous vehicle. COR 227.38(d) 6. Copy of law enforcement Interaction plan. COR 227.38(e) 7. Copy of course outline and description of the remote operator training program and the date each remote operator completed the program and includes all of the items Identified In CCR 227.38(1). B. For manufacturers that have publicly disclosed an assessment demonstrating their approach to achieving safety, a copy of that assessment. OCR 227.38(g) 9. If applicable; evidence of an exemption approved by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration lor manufacturers exempt from such requirements pursuant to 49 U.S,C. 30112(b)(10). COR 227.38(b)(3) ;II. \'\OJ ~l\~h't ,YL rl;~ SECTION 5- CERTIFICATION I certify (or declare) under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Gallfornla that the foregoing Is true and correct, I further certify that I am the authorized Adminlstr~Jtor of the ro r~Jm for the above named em to er. PftOGMM DIRe(,'lORJAUlHORIZI:\0 REPRESENTATIVe PRINTED NAME AND TITLEi DRIVER LICENSE NUMBER YANLI SIGNArlJ"O~ OATESIGNE:O ~REETADO~ ClTY STATE 330 GIBRALTAR DR SUNNYVALE CA EMAIL ADORES'S FAXNUMBEH YAN.Ll®JINGCH!.AI OL 318 (NEW 2/2017) 'NWN (408 ) 752-0208 Page 3 of3 JingC:hi To California DMV April 12, 2018 JingChi is developing a complete Level4+ autonomous vehicle where the on-vehicle hardware and software can handle all driving tasks within its operational design domain (please see below). JingChi received the autonomous vehicle testing permit from the California DMV in June 2017 and has already conducted significant testing on public roads without any incidents. This notification and attached materials are provided in order to apply for the "Test Vehicles Designed to Operate Without a Driver in the Vehicle" permit. With this permit, JingChi will operate driverless vehicles solely for technology development, testing, and demonstration purposes. The vehicles will not be deployed to the general public for commercial purposes or for a fee. Safety is of utmost concern when testing an autonomous vehicle, and JingChi will take all necessary precautions to ensure autonomous and driverless technologies are developed and tested in a safe and responsible manner. JingChi will initially test the driverless I I I The driverless vehicles are 2017 Lincoln MKZ hybrid vehicles that were purchased as brand new from a dealership and then retrofitted with sensors, computing hardware, and software to support autonomous driving with and without a safety driver. The retrofit preserves all factory installed safety features and meets all NHTSA FMVSS mandated safety requirements. Public road testing is slated to begin • in a non-residential area near the company's headquarters in northern Sunnyvale. Testing may occur on any day of the week and at any time throughout the day, including weekends and night time, with safety of the passengers and surrounding agents being the highest priority. The following attachment lists the streets that driverless testing will occur on. If there any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact JingChi at any time. Sincerely, LeiMa Head of Product Management 330 Gibraltar Dr. Sunnyvale, CA 94089 L: 7 For manufacturers that have publicly disclosed an assessment demonstrating their approach to achieving safety, a oopy of that assessment. CCR 227.38(g) -;+>'Z~--Lll'\"'-cl If applicable; evidence of an exemption approved by the National Highway ll"afflc Safety Administration for p\1 bl I'( __m_a_n_uf-actu_r_er_s_ex_e_m:_pt_f_ro_m_s_u_ch_re_:,qul_r_e_m_en_ts_p_:,u_rs_u_an_t_to_4_e_u_.s_.c_._a_o_11-2(..:.b)..:.(1_0..:.)._c_c_R_2_2_7._38_:(_:b).:_(3_:_)_ _:,:;:/2~-:=~N/~ SECTION 5- CERTIFICATION lcerti{y (or declare) under penalty of prJr)ury under the taws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. I further certify that I am the authorized Administrator of tne program for the above named emplo er. PROGRAM DIRECTORIAUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE PRINTED NAME AND TITLE l>RIV!"J{ LICEN!3E NUMBER YANLI STRF.F.T Aoop CITY STATE ll.ollf ZIP CODE 330 GIBRALTAR DR SUNNYVALE CA 94089 I!MAILADORE:SS FAX NUMBER TELEPHONE NUMBER 408 ) ~52-0208 YAN.LI@J!NGCHLAI OL316 {NEW 2f.tDI,;,'G!l'Ri!"U>IO"N2S.!:b'"''~"'--~~=t=11-----····~·--·--+---·-·--·- .. _ ......- ... f--·-·---·-··-. . . _.:c:.:c:.:.:c:_t,,,----····-··E.t.. DISEASt • POWCY LIMIT ·---+--------- ~....-__._.,_,, . . . . . . . . . . OBSCRIPTJriN OF OPE1RA T/ON$1 LOCA YIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Addlllt>~l Rl)JMrkio S¢11Cd~o~le, may be ~thohnd If 111\'lro sj)~b I~ ftqUirod) 'those usual to the Insuredrs Operations. -C-E-RT-1-FICA~J~~~H"o"L'D~o~R~--------------·-------O,A~N~C'E~L~LA~-f~IO"N~------------------------------­ SHOIJLO ANY OFTHEABOVFi"DESCRIBED POLICIES -BE-CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL Bo DEUVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISION$. AUTJIORIZf!O RltMF.SGNrATIVE FOR INFORMATIONAh PURPOSES ONLY 330 GIBRALTAR DR 7~ /,;t.~.-U.,~ SUNNYVAM, ~~. _94 0..:.8c.9_____. -----~---'-----==.,..===""""''"""'"'"'"""...-:=-.:-.==:.' © 1988·2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD naml! and logo are regi!.'f:tered marks of ACORD