1 SeattleWA_0406 Apr 09, 2018 Gender Male Female 48 % 52 % q1. Before we begin, I need to know whether I have reached you on a cell phone, and if so, are you in a safe place where we can continue this conversation? No, not on a cell phone Yes, on a cell phone, but in safe place [MUST BE AT LEAST 55%] 43 % 57 % q2. Thinking ahead, on November 5th, 2019, there will be a General Election for Seattle City Council and other local offices and ballot measures. How likely would you say you are to vote in this General Election-are you almost certain to vote, will you probably vote, would you say the chances are 50-50 that you will vote, are you probably not going to vote or will you definitely not vote in the November 5th, 2019 General Election? Almost certain to vote Probably will vote 65 % 35 % q3. Thinking about all the telephone calls that you receive, do you get: [READ; DO NOT ROTATE] All of your calls on a cell phone; [MUST BE AT LEAST 35%] Almost all of your calls on a cell phone; About half on a cell phone and half on a regular home phone; Almost all of your calls on a regular home phone; or All of your calls on a regular home phone? DK/NA [DO NOT READ] 31 % 21 % 28 % 12 % 8% 0% 2 q4. The City of Seattle is considering enacting a tax on businesses based on the number of people they employ. The tax would raise about $75 million dollars annually and be used to address rising homelessness through the creation of more affordable housing and expanded services to address this issue. The tax would completely exempt all businesses with annual gross receipts below a certain threshold, possibly $10 million dollars. Businesses with taxable gross receipts above the $10 million dollar threshold would pay a rate of approximately $370 dollars per full-time employee. Having heard this, do you favor or oppose this proposal? [IF FAVOR/OPPOSE, ASK:] Do you feel that way strongly or not so strongly? Favor, strongly Favor, not strongly Oppose, not strongly Oppose, strongly Not sure NET FAVOR NET OPPOSE 30 % 26 % 10 % 18 % 15 % 56 % 28 % q5. The City may consider raising the business exemption threshold to $50 million in taxable gross receipts. In this scenario, fewer businesses would pay the tax and the rate would increase to around $660 dollars per full-time employee in order to generate $75 million dollars a year dedicated to addressing homelessness in Seattle. Having heard this, do you favor or oppose this proposal? [IF FAVOR/OPPOSE, ASK:] Do you feel that way strongly or not so strongly? Favor, strongly Favor, not strongly Oppose, not strongly Oppose, strongly Not sure NET FAVOR NET OPPOSE 28 % 26 % 12 % 19 % 14 % 54 % 31 % 3 q6. Opponents of this proposal say it is a tax on job creation and will make Seattle less competitive with other cities. We are already seeing Amazon look to expand elsewhere. And with the City already spending over $60 million dollars on homelessness, it's time that we take a more regional approach to the crisis and ask the County and other cities to share the burden. Having heard this, let me ask you again: do you favor or oppose a tax on businesses with gross receipts greater than $10 million dollars requiring them to pay a flat $370 dollar fee per employee in order to address homelessness in the City of Seattle? [IF FAVOR/OPPOSE, ASK:] Do you feel that way strongly or not so strongly? Favor, strongly Favor, not strongly Oppose, not strongly Oppose, strongly DK/NA NET FAVOR NET OPPOSE 28 % 26 % 14 % 20 % 13 % 54 % 34 % I’m now going to read you several statements people have made as a reason to consider supporting the proposed tax on businesses with gross receipts greater than $10 million dollars requiring them to pay a flat $370 dollar fee per employee to address homelessness. After each, please tell me whether you find that statement a very convincing reason to support the proposal, somewhat convincing, not too convincing or not convincing at all. If you aren’t sure, you can tell me that, too, and we will move on. [READ; ROTATE] Very Somewhat Not too Not convincing convincing convincing at all q7. [INVEST] It takes a big step towards solving Seattle's chronic homelessness and housing affordability problems by investing $75 million dollars per year in deeply affordable housing and services for veterans, seniors, families and individuals experiencing homelessness in our city q8. [SHARED RESPONSIBILITY] Our economy is booming and many of our biggest companies are contributing a lot to that boom. However, rapid growth has led to a chronic lack of affordable housing. This proposal asks big corporations-the biggest contributors to Seattle's housing affordability crisis and homelessness to pay their fair share. q9. [COMMON SENSE] This proposal is a common sense way to address homelessness and the need for more deeply affordable housing in Seattle. Instead of creating new property or sales taxes-which hurt homeowners, renters and shoppers-it asks for the city's biggest corporations to chip in to help address our homelessness crisis DK 32% 38% 20% 6% 4% 31% 34% 17% 12% 6% 36% 33% 13% 13% 5% 4 q10. Now let me ask you one more time: do you favor or oppose a tax on businesses with gross receipts greater than $10 million dollars requiring them to pay a flat $370 dollar fee per employee in order to address homelessness in the City of Seattle? [IF FAVOR/OPPOSE, ASK:] Do you feel that way strongly or not so strongly? Favor, strongly Favor, not strongly Oppose, not strongly Oppose, strongly DK/NA NET FAVOR NET OPPOSE 29 % 28 % 12 % 21 % 11 % 57 % 33 % q11. Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate for City Council if they supported this proposal? [IF MORE/LESS LIKELY, ASK:] Is that much ____ [MORE/LESS] likely or only somewhat ____ [MORE/LESS] likely? Much more likely Somewhat more likely Somewhat less likely Much less likely DK/NA NET MORE LIKELY NET LESS LIKELY 16 % 33 % 11 % 11 % 29 % 49 % 22 % q12. As we discussed, the City of Seattle currently spends about $60 million dollars per year to address homelessness. Do you believe the city should spend more, about the same amount, or less to address homelessness and addiction? More About the same Less DK/NA 41 % 30 % 15 % 14 % 5 q13. Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a Republican, a Democrat, a Socialist, an Independent, or something else? [IF REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST, ASK:] Do you consider yourself a strong ____ [REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST] or a not so strong ____ [REPUBLICAN/DEMOCRAT/SOCIALIST]? [IF INDEPENDENT, ASK:] Would you say that you lean more towards the Republican, more towards the Democratic, or more towards the Socialist Party? Republican, strongly Republican, not so strongly Independent, leans Republican Democrat, strongly Democrat, not so strongly Independent, leans Democrat Socialist, strongly Socialist, not strongly Independent, leans Socialist Independent DK/NA/OTHER 10 % 7% 6% 29 % 17 % 13 % 3% 2% 1% 12 % 0% q14. What is your age? 18-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70+ Ref/DK 9% 16 % 17 % 18 % 21 % 18 % 1% q15. What was the last level of education that you completed? High school graduate or less Some college education College graduate Postgraduate DK/NA 14 % 27 % 41 % 17 % 1% 6 q16. Do you own a business based in the City of Seattle? Yes No DK/NA 9% 90 % 1% q17. Do you come from an Hispanic, Latino, or a Spanish-speaking background? Yes [SKIP TO END] No [GO TO Q18] DK/NA [GO TO Q18] 1% 99 % 0% [ASK Q18 ONLY AMONG Q17 CODES 2 OR 3] q18. What is your race or ethnicity? White Black Hispanic/Latino/Spanish Native American Asian Two or more races [RECORD: ] Something else DK/NA/REF 96 % 1% 0% 0% 1% 0% 0% 0%