UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NATIONAL NUCLEAR SECURITY ADMINISTRATION Office of Cost Estimating and Program Evaluation (CEPE) Surplus Plutonium Disposition Dilute and Dispose Option Independent Cost Estimate (ICE) Report April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Cos! shaming and Program Evaluation Approval OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Prepared by: 67MW Date: Submitted by: Approved by: William Banks, NA-1.3 CEPE ICE Lead National Nuclear Security Administration Date: William Banks, .3 CEPE ICE Lead National Nuclear Security Administration .. Date: Steven Ho, NA-1.3 CEPE Director National Nuclear Security Administration SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report i April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Record of Changes Rev. No. 0 April 2018 Initial Report of the Dilute and Dispose ICE Report Date Description of Change Pages Affected NIA OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Executive Summary Per the Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA), the United States (US) and Russia are both committed to dispose 34 metric tons (MT) of weapons-grade plutonium (Pu) by converting it into mixed oxide (MOX) fuel that consists of a mixture of oxidized Pu and uranium (U) that can be sold to commercial nuclear power plants for peaceful purposes. Due to signi?cant growth in estimates-at?completion (EACs) of MOX construction from the original plan in 1999, the President?s Fiscal Year (FY) 2018 budget supports the plan to terminate the MOX project and pursue an alternative disposition method that will achieve significant long-term savings. This alternative disposition method is Dilute and Dispose which provides radiological and physical protection for the material in permanent geological disposal. In addition, the FY2018 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) authorizes the Secretary of Energy to terminate the MOX project if the cost for the alternative?the option?would be less than half of the estimated remaining lifecycle cost of the MOX project. The NDAA further stipulated that remaining lifecycle costs must be determined in a manner comparable to the cost estimating and assessment best practices of the Government Accountability Of?ce. The September 2016 US MOX fuel program lifecycle cost estimate used in the MOX liability audit report is $56.08, of which are sunk costs through FY17 and are remaining. However, this MOX lifecycle estimate did not include costs funded outside of the MOX program, such as transportation costs, decontamination and decommissioning of the MOX facility, and operations of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant facility. After including these costs and correcting other issues in the estimate, the remaining Estimate-To?Complete (ETC) for the MOX fuel program is $49.48. The March 2018 ICE ranges between $17.28 and with a most likely ETC cost of in Then Year dollars, excluding $20 million in sunk costs. The remaining ETC lifecycle cost is therefore 35% to 40% of the remaining MOX fuel program ETC lifecycle cost. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report April 2013 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Table of Contents 1 Introduction 1 2 Cost Methodology 2 2.1 Purpose of Estimate 2 2.2 Overview of Estimating Approach 2 2.3 Estimate Assumptions 4 2.3.1 General Assumptions 4 2.3.2 Time Work of Money Assumptions 5 2.4 Scope 6 2.5 Schedule 6 3 Cost Element Scope, Estimates, and Methodology 7 3.1 Cost Estimating High Level Results and Summary 7 3.2 PANTEX 8 3.2.1 PANTEX Background 8 3.2.2 PANTEX Cost Estimate Development and Results 8 3.3 LANL 10 3.3.1 LANL Background 10 3.3.2 LANL Cost Estimate Development and Results 12 3.4 SRS 20 3.4.1 SRS Background 20 3.4.2 SRS Cost Estimate Development and Results 23 3.5 WIPP 34 3.5.1 WIPP Background 34 3.5.2 WIPP Cost Estimating Development and Results 36 3.6 Transportation and Packaging 39 3.6.1 Transportation and Packaging Background 39 3.6.2 Transportation and Packaging Cost Estimate Development and Results 40 3.7 NNSA Program Management and Integration 43 3.7.1 NNSA PMI Background 43 3.7.2 NNSA Cost Estimate Development and Results 43 3.8 MOX Closure 44 3.8.1 MOX Closure Background 44 3.8.2 MOX Cost Estimate Development and Results 45 3.9 Program?Level Risk Analysis 46 3.9.1 Schedule Risk 46 3.9.2 Sensitivity Analysis 46 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report iv April 2018 3.9.3 Monte Carlo Results 47 4 Conclusion 48 Appendix A Team Members 49 Appendix Data Sources 50 Appendix LANL Operations Scope Descriptions 51 Appendix K-Area Upgrades Planning Document 56 Appendix WIPP Panel Excavation Excursion 59 Acronyms 61 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report it April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY List of Figures Figure 1 Pu Disposition Program Work Breakdown Structure Diagram 3 Figure 2 - LANL Oxidation Throughput Table (Ramp up to 1117 per year) 5 Figure 3 SRS Dilution Throughput Table (Ramp up to 1640 per year) 5 Figure 4 Program Process Flow for Disposal of 34 MT of Pu Materials 6 Figure 5 Program Schedule 6 Figure 6 Dilute and Dispose Cost Breakdown by Site and Operation 7 Figure 7 PANTEX Cost Estimating Process Flow 8 Figure 8 PANTEX Staf?ng Pro?le (October 2017) 9 Figure 9 Advanced Recovery and Integrated Extraction System (ARIES) Flow 10 Figure 10 LANL Cost Estimating Process Flow 12 Figure 11 FY 2017 LANL Spend Plan (100 kgs) for MOX 13 Figure 12 LANL Operations Variable Cost per Year 15 Figure 13 Scaling Pro?le Based on LANL Program Management Phasing Plan 16 Figure 14 LANL Operation Spares Phasing Pro?le 16 Figure 15 LANL Operations Annual Cost after Re-pro?ling (FY1783) 17 Figure 16 Construction Cost Growth Actuals and Fitted Weibull 19 Figure 17 NNSA and DOE-EM SRS Scope 20 Figure 18 SRS Dilute and Dispose Process Flow 21 Figure 19 SRS Dilute and Dispose Cost Estimating Process Flow 24 Figure 20 K-Area 34 MT (50% CL) Staf?ng Pro?le 26 Figure 21 SRS E-Area Staf?ng Pro?le for 34MT (Base Case w/ Extra Shift) 29 Figure 22 SRS Summary of Planned Equipment Installations for E-Area 30 Figure 23 WIPP Underground Repository 34 Figure 24 - WIPP Underground Repository Spatial View 35 Figure 25 Distribution of Months to Complete Environmental Actions 36 Figure 26 WIPP Cost Estimating Process Flow 37 Figure 27 Map of Sites 39 Figure 28 Transportation and Packaging Cost Estimating Process Flow 40 Figure 29 NNSA PMI Cost Estimating Process Flow 43 Figure 30 CEPE ICE Con?dence Interval 47 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report vi April 2018 List of Tables Table 1 Dilute and Dispose Work Breakdown Structure 2 Table 2 Annual Escalation Rates by Site 5 Table 3 Summary of Cost Estimate 7 Table 4 PANTEX Composite Annual Labor Rates by Cost Functions 9 Table 5 PANTEX Operations Extra Shift Parameter (Triangular Distribution) 9 Table 6 PANTEX Operations Total Cost 10 Table 7 History of ARIES Plutonium Oxide Production 11 Table 8 FY2017 LANL Cost per 100 13 Table 9 Scaling Parameters for Oxide Production Normal Distribution 14 Table 10 ARIES Operations Uniform Distribution 14 Table 11 LANL Operations Variable Cost Total 15 Table 12 LANL Operations Total Cost 17 Table 13 LANL Equipment and Facility Modi?cation List (FY2017 dollars) 18 Table 14 Completed Facilities and Realized Growth 18 Table 15 LANL Total Cost 19 Table 16 K-Area Staf?ng Pro?le 26.2 MTs (October 2017) 24 Table 17 K-Area FTE Normal Distribution Parameters (applied to 26.2MT) 25 Table 18 KIS FTE Normal Distribution Parameters (applied to 7.8MT) 25 Table 19 K-Area Labor Rates Triangular Distribution Parameters by Operations 26 Table 20 K-Area Summary of Planned Equipment Installations 27 Table 21 K?Area Cost Summary 27 Table 22 Source Data: E-Area Staf?ng Pro?le for 26.2 MT (March 2018) 28 Table 23 E-Area FTE Triangular Distribution 28 Table 24 E-Area Labor Cost Triangular Distribution 29 Table 25 Total E-Area (SRS) Cost Summary 31 Table 26 H-Canyon/HB-Line Actuals and Planned Costs (FY2011 to FY2017) 31 Table 27 H-Canyon Normal Distribution Parameters 32 Table 28 Total H-Canyon (SRS) Cost Summary 32 Table 29 Staf?ng Pro?le [Data Source: SRS PMI Data] 32 Table 30 SRS PMI Triangular Distribution 33 Table 31 SRS PMI Staf?ng Total Cost 33 Table 32 WIPP Total Cost 38 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report vii April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Table 33 Transportation Responsibilities 39 Table 34 Of?ce of Secure Transportation Costs 41 Table 35 - CCO Container Cost 41 Table 36 OST Transportation Cost (PANTEX to LANL to SRS) Risk Parameters 42 Table 37 Risk Parameters for Average CCO costs 42 Table 38 Transportation and Packaging Total Cost 43 Table 39 Staf?ng Pro?le [Data Source: NNSA PMI Data] 44 Table 40 NNSA PMI Triangular Distribution 44 Table 41 NNSA PMI Total Cost 44 Table 42 MOX Closure Cost Risk Parameters 45 Table 43 MOX Closure Total Cost 45 Table 44 CCO FGE Sensitivity Parameters 46 Table 45 CEPE Con?dence Interval 20%, 50%, 80% 47 Table 46 ICE Summary 48 Table 47 ICE Team Members 49 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 1 Introduction The current approach in the US to dispose of 34 metric tons (MT) of surplus plutonium (Pu) is the mixed oxide (MOX) fuel approach, per a Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement (PMDA) between the US and Russia. This involves disposing of surplus weapon- grade Pu by irradiating it into MOX fuel or by any other method that the parties may agree upon in writing. In 1997, the US Department of Energy (DOE) decided to pursue the MOX pathway using light water reactors in combination with immobilization using a can-in-canister approach. Since that time, the cost of the MOX approach has increased dramatically compared to early estimates, and the down?blending or dilution of the Pu oxide has been successfully demonstrated in support of the closure of Rocky Flats. Due to the dramatic cost increases and the demonstrated feasibility of the down-blending or dilution approach, DOE chartered a Plutonium Disposition Working Group in 2014 that reviewed and evaluated cost options for the disposal of surplus Pu, including both MOX fuel and Dilute and Dispose approaches. Congress subsequently directed the National Nuclear Security Administration (NN SA) to conduct an independent review of the Plutonium Disposition Working Group report, which was completed by The Aerospace Corporation in April 2015 and followed by a Congressional request for a ?Red Team? review of Pu disposition options, which was completed in August 2015. The conclusions reached in each of these evaluations support the fundamental business case that is a more cost-effective means of dispositionng surplus Pu. In 2017, NNSA directed the Of?ce of Cost Estimating and Program Evaluation (CEPE) to develop an independent cost estimate (ICE) in support of the alternative to the current Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication project to disposition 34 MT of surplus Pu. This report documents the results of the ICE completed by CEPE in March 2018. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 1 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY I I 2 Cost Methodology 2.353., Alia Pu lhli?RM?IOh 2.1 Purpose of Estimate I I I I 23 3.1.: CEPE developed the ICE to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the program as an 22 22 I 2332'51: Govn'c- ic R: or alternatlve to the current MOX Fuel Fabrication pl?OjeCt for d1sposrtion of 34 MT of surplus Pu. usinfwsir Sums: 23 3 1.1 'l . ?aming arid 1'33? 5 1 .. 2 .222 m. .. 23.3231 - 2 . 2.2 OverVIew of Estimating Approach View ties?" This lifecycle estimate was developed in accordance with GAO cost estimating and 2223321331522?i311? assessmen es prac Ices. es 1111a 18 primari ase on rs orica cos S, ec nica a a, 2,22,22,32, Mr oarMagoo-"i on an: .rr-m at?! 01! schedules, labor rates, staf?ng pro?les, and vendor quotes that were pr0v1ded by the Of?ce of 2 3 Material Management and Minimization (NA-23) within Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation Open is during their ongomg L1fe Cycle Cost Estimate (LCCE). HOAwaPrustari . an 1 2 In general, CEPE analyzed the end-to-end work?ow of the Pu program to organize the cost ?Farmer" 22222 323-323: to ?2 II ramDu: ?lion estlmate by function and srte. The cost and schedule analySIS includes the costs to process 34 MT ramp 2, ?5,3233, ??5235?? 1 over the lifecycle of the program (2018-2050). The cost estimating methodology matrix in Table 3? 1? 3 I I I 213.212 1 below outlmes the cost estnnatmg approach for all of the cost elements. oat? Table 1 Dilute and Dispose Work Breakdown Structure on it I- Prawnngand Frmfam 23.323?2 I . Data Sources . Estimating Approach . ?Mina-rm! 1, . Staging and Surveillance Staffing Calculated based on Labor Rates PANTEX Operations . a i 2 I,, Profile (WIth adiustments) liars usual-trig Packaging (Pantex to LANL) StaffingIProfile and PANTEX Calculated based on Labor Rates .r or I I Historical Material Costs (With adiustmentsl 3 I, LANL Operations H'Stor'cal Aqua,? 0f ARIES Extrapolation of Actuals Scaling - 2, 93? 3-333?; .2 i 2] 2423 . . . I '9 awaiting; Dent-talus, LANL Facilities Historical ActuaIls of ARIES Historical Nuclear Facilities Cost I Production Growth - 20% I H?Canyon Operations H-B Line Historical Actuals Extrapolation Of Actuals 8t Scaling 3130:2323; 5130;232:232 . . 23'3'2'3'2'1? 23'3'2'3'2'2' SR5 Operations (K-Area/E-Area) SR5 Operations Staffing Profile Calculated based on Labor Rates 23.3.2323 I adiustments} 223 2 22, SRS Facilities (K-Area/EArea) Scaled based on KIS Actuals H'Stor'ca' Fac'I't'es I Growth - 20%, WIPP Operations mu?? ?f Extrapolation or Actuals a Scaling Operations 2i 3 2 2 4 2, Program Management and PMI Staffing Requirements Calculated based on Labor Rates P?mn?uxorl Integration NEPA Direct Costs [with adiustments) . . . Analysis and Adjustment of MOX 2 . . 23-3-15 Mo" Te?m'm'on and ?059?? MOX Data Repumosing Data . Figure 1 Pu Disposmon Program Work Breakdown Structure Diagram 233253 Transportation (OST) Historical OST Actuals and Vendor Extrapolation of Actuals With . Quotes 563""2 Adlustements All estimates identify risk ranges for each major element the estimate. The ICE 233,254 (DOE) H'Stc?r'ca' DOE Acme" and ?and? EXt'apc?Iat'O? f?f Acme? W'th identi?es major risk drivers in construction costs, site staf?ng pro?les, transportation, and Packaging of CCOs and to WIPP Quotes Scaling Adjustements . . disposal costs. The actual Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) elements, by function, are depicted in WBS diagram illustrated in Figure 1 below. A detailed WBS dictionary containing detailed explanation of each WBS element is available upon request. A list of data sources used for this estimate is included in Appendix B. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 2 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 3 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 2.3 Estimate Assumptions 1200 . 1000 2.3.1 General Assumptions - The estimate is based on processing of all 34 MT of Pu, which includes 26.2 MT of surplus 8001:"- pit Pu from NNSA and 7.8 MT of non-pit Pu from the DOE Of?ce of Environmental E, Management (DOE-EM) operations. .. All cost estimates were developed in base year FY2017 dollars. . The ICE is based on data sources as provided as of March 30, 2018. 400 . The ICE is based on a CD-O maturity level. 209 . Each individual site and operation estimate start from using historical data or projections FISCAL YEAR derived from historical processes. In most cases, the most likely estimate for the ICE . . . . . . - represents the 50th percentlle of a Monte Carlo Simulation, factorlng in risk and uncertainty for each operation. Figure 2 LANL Oxidation Throughput Table (Ramp up to 1117 per year) . The LANL unclassi?ed throughput is assumed to be 100 per year from FY18 to FY22 and I 17 per year from FY23 to FY45. This is illustrated in the throughput tables below 1300 . in Figure 2. A classi?ed annex for the actual LANL throughput is also available. 1000 154? 154? 15? ?54? 15?? . The SRS K-Area dilute and down-blending unclassi?ed throughput is assumed to be 400Kgs 1400 per year in FY26, 820 per year in FY 27 and 1640 per year from FY28 to FY47 for 5200?? both NNSA and DOE-EM material. This is illustrated below in Figure 3. A classi?ed annex a for the actual SRS throughput is also available. 1000:32_ . The use of annual average throughputs for LANL and SRS will adequately account 80" variations in production outputDOE-EM Pu oxide will be down-blended in K?Area using existing processes 40% within the K-Area Interim Surveillance (KIS) program rather than proposed K-Area 200 infrastructure; DOE-EM will use the same line, personnel and infrastructure as planned for FISCALYEAR 6MT of Pu that is part of a separate DOE-EM disposition program (this 6MT disposition is outside of the scope of this estimate.) - 7.8 MT of DOE-EM Pu oxide will be packaged by NNSA in SRS E-Area on the same cost basis as 26.2 MT of Pu, or any alternative processing stream for DOE-EM material . . will result in a Similar cost. 2.3.2 Time Work of Money Assumptions The major drivers for long?term Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) requirements are Figure 3 SRS Dilution Throughput Table (Ramp up to 1640 per year) All cost estimates were developed in FY2017 dollars and converted to Then Year dollars using the escalation rates shown in Table 2. (Prior year estimates, when used, have been escalated to programs Other than ase erlo usm same ra es. ese esca a 10n ac ors were 0 osen ena irec an operations COSIS after accurate I(Zonntiarisorigs to the MOX liability audit report. These escalation factors are in line with others used Within the NNSA complex. . Overall, the costs for base of site facilities are based on . . existing processes, actual costs, engineering analysis, and staf?ng profiles funded by the Table 2 Annual Escalation Rates by Site ownmg program. SiteIActivity Escalation Rate PANTEX 2% LANL 4.1% PMI 2% K-Area Ops 4% Other SRS 2% All Other 2% SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 4 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE REPOII 5 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 2.4 Scope The program provides processing, characterization, and storage capabilities for disposition and permanent disposal of 34 MT of weapons?usable Pu. This includes 26.2 MT of surplus pit Pu and 7.8 MT of non?pit Pu from DOE-EM. Figure 4 below illustrates the primary sites responsible for execution of the program process ?ow associated with the disposition of the 34 MT of surplus pit and non?pit materials. Surplus pits are staged and managed for surveillance at the Panhandle of Texas (PANTEX) plant. PANTEX packages the pits and the NNSA Of?ce of Secure Transportation (OST) delivers them to Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL). LANL unpacks and disassembles the pits, and then converts the Pu material into Pu oxide. LANL packages its processed Pu oxide and OST transports this oxide to SRS for staging and dilution preparation. Separately the non?pit Pu materials are converted to Pu oxide inside H?Canyon or at an alternative site. The Pu oxide developed from both pit and non-pit Pu material is received at K-Area in SRS. K-Area performs the ?nal dilution and down-blend operation, and the ?nal product is readied in E-Area for characterization and packaging. Finally, the diluted Pu oxide is shipped to the WIPP for permanent disposal by DOE commercial transportation. LANL Pi: My and Promising PANTEK Swim F?it Management 26.2 MT rmo2 02 (onvcmon 5?5 blitz? WIPP (IL-him] Area] [icdormcai D?utc! Characterization nelm'tc?ii Downbicnd and Packaging Dupoml 585 7-8 MT Non-Pit Ouldc Production Figure 4 Program Process Flow for Disposal of 34 MT of Pu Materials 2.5 Schedule provided a plan that identi?es the scope, major functions, and timelines that affect the program. Figure 5 shows the program schedule from FY2018 to FY2050. FISCAL YEAR Haj" ?mumPANTEX Pit Storage Surveillance LANL Oxide Conversion Non-Pit Oxide Conversion K-AREA Dilution Process E-AREA Dilution Characterization TRANSPORTATION Vehicle Transter to Sites PACKAGING Material Handling 8- Safety WIPP Waste Disposal MOX Termination MIA Figure 5 Program Schedule OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3 Cost Element Scope, Estimates. and Methodology 3.1 Cost Estimating High Level Results and Summary The total cost estimate for the Dilute and Dispose Option is $18.2 billion in Then Year dollars. This represents the total cost to the DOE Complex for forgoing MOX and implementing Dilute and Dispose. The high level breakdown by site and operation is presented in Figure 6. Dilute and Dispose ICE ?To-go? Cost: $18.23 (Range of $17.28 - $19.93) LANL Pu Pits Pit Disassembiy Man: em nt and Processing 3 02 Conversion DII Dil $7.33 {Ii?Area] IE-Area) Geologm Dilute} Characterization uD Repository Downblend 34.0 MT and Packaging 34.0 MT DIE :5 I H-CANYON K-AREA and E-AREAConstruction - $13 $1.23 Non?Pit Oxide I and E-AREA Operations - $4.73 I Production ?9 $0.33 7.3 MT i=i.io2 PMI: $0.73 I I osr Transportation: $0.23 I I Packaging Shipping $0.73 I I max Closure: $1.05 I Figure 6 Dilute and Dispose Cost Breakdown by Site and Operation The summary of the total cost estimate subcategories are broken down in Table 3 below: Table 3 Summary of Cost Estimate Sub-Cat Cost Scope Area Category Base Year Then Year Cost Summary 2017 (SM LANL Variable Cost 1 604 3 83 LANL Operations LANL Fixed Cost 990 2 025 K?Area E-Area Operations Scope K-Area E-Area Facilities Scope ICE Totals 5 10,645 I 18,173 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 6 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 7 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3.2 PANTEX Laura-J: I 3-2-1 PANTEX Background 30 - I I I I Within the mission, PANTEX will manage surplus pit materials and package and ship 20 I them to LANL for disassembly and conversion to a form suitable for the approachpits will be packaged into an approved Type container for transport to LANL. PANTEX will need to establish and maintain the packaging lme(s) for the (Type B) container approved replace the FL container. PANTEX will perform the annual maintenance as required by the Type container Safety Analysis Report for Packaging (SARP). This project will include Figure 8 RANTEX Staffing Profile (October 2017) establishing and maintaining the capabilities to perform themalntenance act1v1t1es. The pits and 32.2.3 ANTEX Composite Labor Rates containers are, as required, part of the storage sample surveillance plan. Storage sample surveillance is ongoing. This project will include the scope for maintaining these The composite labor rates PANTEX provided, displayed in Table 4, were applied to the staf?ng capabilities. profile displayed in Figure 8 based on a ten?hour work day at four days per week. 3'2'2 PANTEX EStImate and Results Table 4 PANTEX Composite Annual Labor Rates by Cost Functions ?Contractor Proprietary" PANTEX Cost Estimating Process PANTEX Cost Elements Labor Rates Figure 7 provides a process ?ow illustrating how the PANTEX operations cost estimates were program Support (FY16-FY46) program Management 9 462,322 developed: Program Support - Project Initialization 5 312,508 Program Support - During Project Operation 5 348,033 0:22:5015 Applied Mea?gpi?dwork .- Total PANTEX Total ANTEX SurpiusSPJI: Slurvs?itllance- (annual cost) 5 396,196 . Operations Cost . Operations Cost ?5 3 242579 Data Source: Labor Rates Shift Factor Estimate . Estimate Maintain Infrastructure for Surplus Pit Surveillance 332,244 Manpower Profile (Based on (?175) - (W5) Maintain Infrastructure for Surplus Pit Transfer to/from Bay 3 308,278 I - Ops Project~Major Maintenance-Monitoring Sensors 448,909 Ops Project-Major Maintenance {continuous} 522,186 Project-Setup Packing Lines #1 and #2 217,696 Risk Analysis Surplus Pit Packing typical Day/Swing Shift - All Lines (Variable Shifts} 394,008 Determine Container Maintenance, Refurbishment and Recertification 428,963 Mean: Shift Factor Support for Shipments 300,760 Parameters Refurbish Packing Line 2 5 458,092 (0.9 to 1.5) PANTEX Operations Risk Risk analysis for PANTEX operations is based on a triangular distribution of scaling factors PANTEX Starting Point applied to the effort estimate, shown in Table 5. Low represents the assumed realization of opportunities for ef?ciency from the starting point. The point estimate requires the addition of a ?fth day of shift work (adding 25% to the initial estimate). The high requires the addition of a fifth and sixth day of shift work (adding 50% to the initial estimate). Figure 7 PANTEX Cost Estimating Process Flow The primary data source for the PANTEX operations estimate was the staf?ng pro?le provided by the NA-23 program of?ce that shows Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) required for surplus pit management, surplus pit surveillance, packaging and shipment and other functions necessary to operate on a 10 hour work day schedule at four days per week. This staf?ng pro?le, shown in Table 5 - PANTEX Operations Extra Shift Parameter (Triangular Figure 8, shows a ramp up from approximately 18?22 FTEs to approximately 30- 42 FTEs. This FTE staf?ng pro?le is based on labor shifts of 40 hours per week from FY2018 to FY2046. Triangular Parameter Scaling Factor Low 0.9 Point 1.25 High 1.5 50% Confidence 1.22 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 8 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 9 April 2018 PANTEX Operations Cost Estimate After applying risk and running a Monte Carlo model, the scaling value at the 50th percentile was determined to be 1.22 for additional labor. This factor was applied to the calculated staf?ng pro?le and multiplied by the associated PANTEX labor rates. This resulted in a total most likely cost estimate of in FY2017 dollars. The total cost in Then Year dollars over the time period is This is summarized in Table 6. Table 6 PANTEX Operations Total Cost OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY PANTEX FY2017 Then Year 0 erations Cost Summary (SM) (SM) '0 PANTEX Operations 5 441 612 3.3 LANL 3.3.1 LANL Background LANL Process and Scope The oxidation process used for pit Pu in will be similar to the existing Advanced Recovery and Integrated Extraction System (ARIES) capability at LANL that processes both and Pu, as shown in Figure 9. This includes the receipt of surplus pits from PANTEX, the disassembly of the surplus pits, the staging and storage of material, and the conversion of the Pu pit material to oxide as well as the characterization and packaging of oxide into a 9977 container for transport to SRS. Further descriptions of ARIES operations are provided in Appendix C. OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY . Oxidation: Four new furnaces (in addition to the two existing Direct Metal Oxidation and two existing muf?e furnaces) two DMO and two muf?e furnaces . Packaging: One new automated packaging system, similar to the current Robotic Integrated Packaging System (RIPS) . electro?decontamination: One new system . Trunk lines and a transfer glovebox to facilitate material movement . Radiography: One new radiography system 0 Inline Storage: Two new material staging gloveboxes with engineered features Two new blending gloveboxes - Decommissioning and Decontamination of an existing room that would be taken over by the ARIES program for new installations . Two new buildings: An Operations Warehouse/Mock-Up Facility/Machine Shop and a Logistics Support Center LANL Operations History . The first certi?ed oxide lot of 242 kg was achieved in FY2011. Shipment of certi?ed oxide to SRS for long-term storage started in FY2012. In July of 2013, operations paused and the facility?s ability to produce new oxide was halted. In 2014 and 2015, LANL continued work to complete formal readiness/restart requirements. In 2016, LANL re-entered operations on all but one ARIES component (DMO-2 furnace) and disassembled pits for the ?rst time in more than two years. Table 7 summarizes the actual historical annual kilograms of Pu that were converted to oxide from FY201 to FY2017. Table 7 History of ARIES Plutonium Oxide Production Stole Load 99.13 Put Staging Io: Pu I. In .1 Duane Pu Metal Inc 09W lung. Ploducls and Shipping Staging (DI-10 or Ruffle) Staging Analysis Other Containing Hat-rials 14. one 1 Receive Materials uranium Store Load Slur-Dino Store Loaded 5 ?If? U: anium 01min Package-9.31m Products and Stopping Decomammation Ollie! Contams Haterwts 1 I Predicts 9m Pu and 01M materials I Legend urn?maswommon ?r-Iusns med - Assay Man?) _pg out SGT Wadi Imam?: Urun '33? 5M: - 59cm um: mm 5115 - Sum-mt: Rim Sate v.1;l_ 1:1: Hut-mar Semycm?e- ?u 00* Figure 9 Advanced Recovery and Integrated Extraction System (ARIES) Flow All LANL operations for are planned for the Plutonium Facility?4 (PF-4). ARIES currently occupies 7.5% of the facility floor space, primarily in two wings of the building. According to LANL, this floor space would increase to approximately 12% for the approach and would utilize space in the same or nearby rooms to minimize material movement requirements. The following major installation projects are needed to produce the planned throughput: . Disassembly: Four new lathes one ?simple? lathe currently in process, one additional simple lathe, and two full-capability lathes SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 10 April 2018 Fiscal Year AnnuaITarget for kg Pu Actual Annual kg Pu History Converted to Oxide Converted to Oxide 2011 200 242 First Certified Oxide 2012 150 200 Second Certified Oxide 2013 150 150 Certified Remaining from 2011 and 2012 Inventory 2014 50 25 Certified Remaining from 2011 and 2012 Inventory 2015 50 50 Certified Remaining from 2011 and 2012 Inventory 2016 0 0 Did not produce or Certifiy any Oxide 2017 100 100 First Converted Oxide of Re-Start From an historical perspective, the operations in FY2011 represent the greatest ef?ciency within the ARIES project when the maximum of 242 kg was produced. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 11 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3.3.2 LANL Cost Estimate Development and Results LANL Cost Estimating Process Figure 10 provides a process flow illustrating how the LANL Operations, Spares and Facilities cost estimates were developed: LANL OPERATIONS LANL SPARING LANL FACILITIES rvzohiggmes 0&0 Adjustment LANL Sparing LANL Facilities FY17 Spend Plan Cost Data Cost Data FY17 Spend Plan 534.034 Program Office Plan Conducted Analysis on Historical NSE Facilities FIXED (Annual) VARIABLE (Annual) LIKE 11' ha I . Historical Nuclear 15 na . . . Removed Spares Based on Fac'l't'es FY2011 (242Kgs) FY2017 (100Kgs) Not Used Cost Growth 20.4% Applied Growth FIXED Annual Mean Annual Cost Factor Phasing Profile (per 100kgs} To LANL Facilities based on VARIABLE Cost Data Total Lifecycle Total Lifecycle Total Lifecycle Operatit)ms SPARES Cost FACILITIES Cost FY17S VARIABLE Cost I I (FY175) Total Lifecycle LANL Operations FSXED Cost (FY17S) Total Lifecycle Total Lifecycle Cost Profile Adjusted for Realistic Ramp-up SPARES Cost FACILITIES Cost (TYS) 52.387111 (TVS) Total Lifecycle LANL Operations (26,200Kgs} VARIABLE Cost Total Lifecycle LANL Operations FIXED Cost (TVS) Figure 10 LANL Cost Estimating Process Flow LANL Operations Cost Estimate DeveIOpment LANL Operations Cost Starting Point The primary data source for the LANL operations cost was the FY2017 spend plan summarized in the ARIES Oxide Production Program Management Plan (PMP) issued on March 24, 2017. The PMP was for the ARIES Oxide Production Program in FY2017, which aimed to support the NA-23 program by disassembling and converting 100 kg of Pu metal to certi?ed Pu oxide for the initial operations of the for the current MOX project and process. The FY2017 spend plan for the MOX program for FY2017 totaled In order to develop the ICE, the spend plan data point had to be adjusted for scope. This was accomplished by removing analytic chemistry, which is a MOX unique operation, taking an assumed 75% of the MOX cost for OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY packaging and 25% of the MOX cost for This resulted in an adjusted spend plan total of for broken out by ?xed variable and Non-Recurring cost. This is summarized in Figure 11 below: MOX FY 17 MOX Spend Plan - Functional Area Scone Scone Program Management 2.05 2.05 Adjusted for mm. Support 5 1.43 5 L43 ThroughputAnalysis 0.67 0.67 Imass Projects 0.20 0.20 MOX Functional Area Scope Scope Process Equipment Engineering Support 5 1.89 1.89 Produce 0A Documentation for Blots [58 thru 661 0.45 0.45 Production Planning and Control 5 1.20 1.20 Material Ship and Receiving 8 lots (58 thru 66] 0.47 0.47 Records Managementr'Document ControllTraining 0.96 0.96 Pit Dissassembly for Blend Cans fer 5 Lots #59, #60, #62, #64) 0.37 0.37 Preventive Maintenance 0 86 0 86 Pit Dissassembly for Staffing at 2.3 Million Per Year [Derived FTE"8ppl} 2.33 2.33 Analytical Chemistry Suport 0.04 Perform (9 Blend Lots #55 thru #63] 0.07 0.07 Analytical Chemistry Characterization 1.97 - FY17 Operations Management Resources 1.91 1.91 Move Material (Blend Lot #56) 0.00 0.00 InstrumentationfCalibration A 0.15 0.15 0.41 0.41 Items Identified for Legacy Processing #61, #63 I 0.04 0.04 Spare Parts 1.00 1.00 Pu Conversion of 8 lots A 0.55 0.55 TA-54 Radioactive Waste Management 5 0.10 5 0.10 Retrieve Materials #61, #62 0.06 0.05 TA-55 Infrastructure Management 5 5.76 5.76 Pu Conversion Resources 3.58 3.53 Criticality Safety Support 5 0.50 0.50 Packaging Oxide Blending [Lots 55 thru 63) 0.45 5 0.3 Legacy Inventory Risk Reduction 2.20 2.20 FY17 Packaging Resources-NEW HIRE 2.18 1.6 Totals 21.3 19.3 Lot 62 Weld Verification Report . 0.02 0.0 Non Destructive Essay 0.29 0.3 Functional Area 55 SS Sample SR5 OPLOT56 -SR1 and {Lots 55 thru 63} 0.16 - Second Parting Lathe Installation 0.62 0.52 Perform Oxide Characterization [#55 thru #63} 0.25 0.1 Process Equipment Engineering Support FY17 1.10 1.10 Perform Batch and Simple Blend [#55 thru #63] 0.32 0.1 Muffle Furnance - Production Updates - NRE 0.29 0.29 Sieve and Mill thru #63] 5 0.24 0.1 DMD-3 Furnance - NRE 0.25 0.25 Totals 5 13.9 12.5 Totals 5 2.3 2.3 Figure 11 FY 2017 LANL Spend Plan (100 kgs) for MOX ?Contractor Proprietary" Data Source: Y2017 Spend Plan of (March 2017) LANL Operations Variable Cost Starting Point As discussed in the LANL Operations History (Section, the two best data points for ARIES history are the ?rst year of operations (FY2011) and the most recent year as of this analysis (FY2017). The FY2017 adjusted variable cost of per year represents the high cost because it included restarted operations with unoptimized processes and limited equipment upgrades to produce 100 of Pu oxide. The FY2011 actuals with realized ef?ciencies would allow 100 of Pu oxide to be produced using operations for which provides a lower cost than the FY2017 scenario. This is summarized in Table 8 below: Table 8 FY2017 LANL Cost per 100 Data Type FY2011 Actuals FY2017 Actuals Efficiency Level Realized Efficiencies Inefficient Processes of Pu Oxide Produced 242 100 Total Variable Cost $12.5 $12.5 Cost per 100 Kg $5.2 $12.5 The 201 1 scenario yields per 100Kgs and the 2017 scenario yields per 100Kgs. These data points were used as the basis for the analysis. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 12 April 2018 SP0 Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 13 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY LANL Operations Variable Cost Risk Analysis Risk analysis for the LANL operations is based on realized actuals from the ARIES program, a predecessor to the operations that will take place to support either MOX or operations. A normal distribution was developed based on amount of kilograms per year that could be bought with The following four parameters were used in the risk analysis: (1) will produce 100 based on the FY2017 ARIES conditions. (2) will produce 242 based on the FY2011 ARIES conditions. (3) will produce 278 based on the FY2011 ARIES conditions plus an ef?ciency of 15% realized yielding an additional 36 of Pu oxide production. (4) will produce an assumed 194 based on a failure to meet full ef?ciency target for the FY2011 Scenario. This is due to an assumed ?fth day labor shift to meet the 242 target. The additional funding would be based on an additional 10 hour shift of labor which would total ($12.5 25%) to meet the 242 target. The summary of the aforementioned parameters are summarized below in Table 9: Table 9 Scaling Parameters for Oxide Production Normal Distribution FY2011 FY2011 . FY2011 Adding Data Type 15% New Actuals Funding FY2017 Actuals Efficiencies For Extra Shift Dollars will 278Kgs 242 194Kgs 100Kgs Produce: Cost per 100 Kg $4.5 $5.2 $6.4 $12.5 Normal Parameters: Mean: 204 Standard Deviation: 4.1 Mean Scaling produces 100Kgs for Since it is not yet known how much MOX-speci?c operations will be reduced in the transition from ARIES to the team applied also applied a uniform distribution to a scaling factor in the adjusted spend plan (Figure The factors are based on Subject Matter Expert (SME) input from performing LANL personnel. Table 10 shows the ranges used within the risk analysis. Table 10 ARIES Operations Uniform Distribution Operation Uniform Range Mean Packaging 50%-100% of ARIES cost 75% DIARIES cost Pu Characterization 0%-50% of ARIES cost 25% of ARIES cost LANL Operations Variable Cost Estimate The result of the normal distribution is that 100Kgs of Pu oxide could be produced for of variable cost on average. Based 011 this parameter, the total variable operations cost per 100kgs of Pu oxide is per year from FY18 to FY22 and per year from FY23 to FY45. This is illustrated in the LANL throughput table, Figure 12 below. OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY per year (1117kgs) I I per year(100KgsFigure 12 LANL Operations Variable Cost per Year result, the total variable operations cost estimate is from FY18 to FY22 and from FY23 to FY45 in FY2017 dollars. These calculations are displayed in Table 11 below. Table 11 LANL Operations Variable Cost Total LANL Operations Fixed Cost Estimate Total Planned Annual Variable Total Variable Factor Timeline Years per Total (B) Cost (5M) Cost (SM) (A) Year (C) FY18 to FY22 5 100 500 1.00 6.1 31 FY23 to FY45 23 1117 25700 11.17 6.1 1,573 Total 1,604 Fixed costs were phased and calculated based on the LANL program management phasing plan showing ?xed costs ramping up from a factor of IX to 2.5X, as seen in Figure 13. The FY2017 spend plan shown in Figure 11 breaks out a ?xed cost of for MOX ARIES operations. Processes that will be reduced or removed for were remove from the fixed cost estimate, and sparing is broken out separately in Section This adjustment resulted in a total ?xed cost of as the ?xed cost basis. Applying the annual scaling factor to the annual FY2017 ?xed cost of$19.3M results in a total cost of in FY2017 dollars over the lifecycle. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 14 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 15 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3 LANL Program Management Ramp Up Scaling 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 Figure13-Scaling Profile Based on LANL Program Management Phasing Plan LANL Spares CostEstimate The cost from FY18 to FY22 are per year in FY2017 dollars. The cost from FY23 to FY45 are per year in FY2017 dollars. The total cost over the lifecycle is in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. The year-to?year cost is displayed in Figure 14 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Re-profiled LANL Operations Annual Cost $140 $120 $100 3380 .9 "$560 $40 $20 5. Figure 15 - LANL Operations Annual Cost after Re-profiling Table 12 below shows the resulting total cost for LANL Operations. Table 12 LANL Operations Total Cost FY2017 Then Year Cost Summary (SM) (SM) LANL LANLVariable Cost 5 1,604 5 3,283 Operations LANL Fixed Cost 5 990 2,026 LANLSpares Cost 5 26 54 Total LANL Operations Cost 2,620 5,363 below: LANL Spares (Base Year 2017) - Dollars SK $1,000 $800 $600 $400 $200 5. 3223323222233:33333333833933 Figure 14 LANL Operation Spares Phasing Profile LANL Operations Cost Profile Adjustment The assumption of constant throughput for the variable cost does not represent a realistic ramp- up of LANL operations. To ensure a defensible escalation and cost pro?le, the resulting base year cost for LANL operations (consisting of LANL Variable, LANL Fixed and LANL Spares) was re-pro?led based on a costing pro?le provided by this avoids classi?cation issues caused by using the true throughput plan. This results in the annual cost pro?le shown in Figure 15. LANL Facilities Cost Estimate Development LANL Facilities Starting Point Table 13 below shows the plan that identi?es PF-4 equipment modi?cations and upgrades required to meet the desired throughput requirements based on the classi?ed feed table. All planned costs include material, labor, and other direct costs needed to accomplish project needs from FY2021 to FY2026. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 16 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 17 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Table 13 LANL Equipment and Facility Modification List (FY2017 dollars) ?Contractor Proprietary? LANL Facilities Cost Risk Technical 8: Totals Cost Totals Cost Equipment INStallatlon Plan Totals Programmatic Management (Before Cost Growth (After (MILLIONS OF DOLLARS) (SM). Contingency Reserve Growth) Application Growth) Comprehensive Pit Disassembly Lathe #$37 Simple Pit Disassembly Lathe #2 $26 $6 $6 $39 $8 $47 Install 2 new Muf?e Furnaces in a New Glovebox $20 $5 $5 $30 $6 $36 New can Crimper and Bag out GB $6 $2 $2 $9 $2 $11 Uranium Decontamination System #2 $10 $3 $3 $16 $3 $19 Trunklines in New ARIES Room $45 $11 $11 $68 $14 $82 Install 4 Material Entry Hoods (XBs) $8 $2 $12 $3 $15 Inline Storage Giovebox #1 $23 $6 $6 $35 $7 $42 Uranium PrecipitatiorilStaging GB $14 $4 $4 $21 $4 $26 Comprehensive Pit Dissassembly Lathe #$37 lnline Storage Gioyebox #2 (Main Room) $18 $5 $5 $28 $6 $33 New Blending Glovebox #2 (New Room) $9 $2 $2 $13 $3 $16 Transfer Gloyebox for DMO 5 $9 $2 $2 $13 $3 $16 Engineering Support During Design Construction $23 $6 $6 $34 $7 $41 SPD Warehouse $17 $4 $4 $26 $5 $31 Logistics Support Center $49 $12 $12 $74 $15 $89 LANL Deactivation $183 $46 $46 $275 $0 $275 0&0 Gioveboxes (Design, PM, Demo 8 Removal) $43 $11 $11 $65 $0 $65 Other Major Equipment Replacement $132 $33 $33 $199 $0 $199 Totals ($114) $1,093 $113 $1,206 Based on the seven data points that were pulled out of the Project Assessment and Reporting System 11 (PARS II) database, the analysis shows that nuclear facilities costs have grown around 20.4%. This increase was determined by taking the average cost growth of seven nuclear facilities projects (as a percentage) and testing them against a number of potential curves and curve shapes to determine the best ?t to predict equipment/installation cost growth. The seven nuclear facilities are summarized in Table 14. Table 14 Completed Facilities and Realized Growth Cost Actuals Original Cost Delta (5K) Difference HistoricaIFacilit orS ro' l? Estimate (SK) (SK) OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY potential curves and curve shapes to determine the best fit for the data. The best ?t (based on minimizing Sum of Squared Error, or SSE) was a Weibull curve, as shown in Figure 16. This methodology was also applied to facility upgrade projects for SRS K-Area as described in Section 0 and SRS E-Area as described in Section Construction Cost Growth 0.35 Weibull Parameters 3? 0?3 Alpha: 1.929 0,25 Beta: 28.84% (D ?3 0.2 o. 0.15 0.3 0.05 3?9" :55? 6" 19'" 65:" 4P: 4.5" o?yxcf?gs?)? to 0? 03' Percentage Growth Figure 16 Construction Cost Growth Actuals and Fitted Weibull LANL Facilities Cost Estimate The growth factor was applied to the major equipment purchases within the SPD Warehouse, and the Logistics Support Center projects, which originally had an FY2017 cost of This resulted in a total cost of The 20.4% growth factor was not applied to LANL deactivation, planned major equipment upgrades and the design, program management, demo and removal of the gloveboxes which totaled in FY2017 dollars. A comprehensive breakdown of this cost breakdown is shown in Table 13. Adding the unadjusted and adjusted items results in total cost for LANL facility upgrades of in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. LANL Total Costs (Operations, Spares, and Facility Upgrades) The costs for LANL operations, sparing and equipment installation total in Then Year dollars from FY2018 to FY2046, as shown in Table 15. Table 15 LANL Total Cost Nuclear Facility Risk Reduction 6 75,790. 70,190 (6) Low Liquid Waste Facilty 82,694 90,000 7 8.8% Tritium Extraction Facility 506,439 709,307 203 40.1% Waste Solidification Building 278,187 384,000 106 38.0% Sodium Bearing Waste Treatment Facility 461,600 663,311 202 43.7% Chemistry and Metallurgy Research Replacement Facility Radiological Laboratory, Utility, and Office 363,000 396,400 33 9.2% Building (RLUOB) and Rad Lab Equipment Install (REI) TRU Waste Facility Staging Facility Phases A and 106,864 106,864 0 0.0% The cost growth of 20.4 in the historical facilities was then determined by taking the average actual cost growth for each project as a percentage, and testing the data against a number of SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 18 April 2018 FY2017 The Year Cost Summary (SM) (SM) LANL Total LANL Operations 5 2,620 5,363 LANL Facilities 1,206 2,387 Total LANL Cost 3,826 7,750 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 19 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3.4 SRS 3.4.1 SRS Background SRS Scope SRS provides operations necessary to facilitate disposition of all 34 MT of surplus Pu oxide material with inert materials, packaging the diluted material into approved shipping containers, and transporting the shipping containers to WIPP, Where they would be placed in the underground panels for permanent disposal. NNSA would be responsible for processing 26.2 MT of pit Pu oxide in K-Area and managing E-Area characterization and packaging for all 34MT of surplus Pu. DOE-EM would be responsible for conversion of remaining non-pit Pu metal to oxide in H-Canyon or at an alternative site, processing 7.8 MT of non-pit Pu materials within the K?Area Interim Surveillance (KIS) infrastructure, and cost of E-Area characterization and packaging for 7.8MT of material. Figure 17 illustrates the responsibilities. 25.2 MT Poo8 WIN) Diluted SRS Diluted 595 PUG: [E-Area} {It-Area] - cturacte?za?on Dilute/Downblend and To WIPP SR5 H-CANYON Non-Pit Oxide Production 7?8 MT Figure 17 NNSA and DOE-EM SRS Scope DOE-EM would be responsible for: . All current and ?iture operations, maintenance, infrastructure, and security costs of owned facilities in HB-Line, K-Area, and E-Area to support EM missions at SRS . Oxide conversion, down-blending dilution) and waste characterization of non-pit materials at SRS NNSA would be responsible for: 0 New equipment installed in K-Area and E-Area Via line item construction projects and general plant projects . Incremental labor and non-labor to operate, maintain, and support down-blending, interim storage, and waste characterization of pit materials . Third?party infrastructure and veri?cation costs for K-Area and E-Area (pit and non-pit materials) . Performance-based security upgrades at E-Area, demolition removal of NA?23-installed equipment in E?Area and K-Area, and return to current state SRS Process 1. The Pu oxide shipping containers would be brought out of storage into the process room and opened; the cans containing the Pu oxide would be removed and transferred into a glovebox in K-Area. OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 2. Once in a glovebox, the cans would be opened. A can puncture device would vent the cans and enable gas sampling for certain cans in the Pu container surveillance program. 3. The Pu oxide would be placed in the new can along with the dry inhibitor material used to dilute the Pu. The cans would be sealed in vented cans and then mechanically manipulated to further homogenize their contents. 4. The cans would be removed from the glovebox, assayed, and then packaged into a Criticality Control Over-Pack (CCO), with two cans in each CCO. 5. The CCO would be transferred to an area for ?nal characterization and certi?cation for disposal at a geologic repository. The process at SRS is illustrated in Figure 18. Jr! ?1 [W?hu?c mull If?ll" IIJ I In. tuning-d w} urn-v1. kiwi-"I pa. .- I Characterize and Certify . i. K. 7? non 3:547 IISIE mums Hit-ram . Measure Oxide for Dilution Geological Waste Disposal Figure 18 SRS Dilute and Dispose Process Flow SRS Equipment Installation Requirements NNSA plans to install three gloveboxes located inside of the ?nal storage area, a continuous air monitoring system, a nuclear incident monitoring system, an active con?nement ventilation system, a gaseous suppression system, ?re protection/detection equipment, a staging room, and other miscellaneous equipment upgrades. These equipment upgrades are needed to meet desired throughput. K-Area (SRS) Complex The K-Area Complex (KAC) provides operations for the handling and interim storage of the surplus Pu and other special nuclear materials (SNM) as well as ful?lls the US commitment to international nonproliferation efforts in a safe and environmentally sound manner. Pu materials shipped to KAC are sealed inside DOE standard 3013 containers that are nested in robust, state- SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 20 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 21 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY of-the-art, certi?ed shipping packages called 9975s and 9977s. Prior to being packaged at the other sites, the Pu is stabilized in accordance with established standards for safe transportation and storage. For operations, K-Area will include two separate lines for dilution of Pu Oxide; material will run through the existing KIS line, while 26.2MT of pit Pu will run through a new NNSA K-Area line. E-Area (SR8) Complex E-Area at SRS is used for the storage and disposal of waste materials. The SRS solid waste facility in E-Area has routinely processed transuranic (TRU) waste for WIPP, but additional staf?ng and retooling are required to expand upon the operations to dilute Pu contents. The fundamental process requires nondestructive assay (NDA) measurement by certi?ed instruments, procedures, and personnel to demonstrate that the diluted Pu contents meet Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) criteria for disposal at WIPP. If all regulatory requirements are met, the diluted Pu will be received to E-Area in CCOs, characterized to meet the WIPP Waste Acceptance criteria, then packaged and shipped to WIPP. Three primary activities included as part of characterization and packaging operations are 1) interim storage, (2) certification and (3) packaging shipping. Each of these activities is proposed to be conducted in E-Area at SRS. Additional E-Area scope will include the following: . Expand interim storage to encompass seven additional waste pads within E?Area perimeter: Increased scope to stage 10,000-12,000 CCO containers and provide services necessary for processing 6,000?7,000 CCO containers per year at peak rate Five to six pads will be used for characterization and packaging operations, and an additional pad would modi?ed to add characterization and packaging equipment . Additional storage structure and security system . More fencing, barriers, detection and monitoring equipment, and fire protection equipment . Necessary retooling to expand existing operations . Additional staf?ng, trucks, and forklifts H-CanyoanB-Line (SRS) Complex H-Canyon processes liquid waste streams associated with HB-Line operations. HB-Line is located on top of H-Canyon and is the only chemical processing facility of its kind in the DOE Complex. The facility was built in the early 19805 to support the production of Pu-238, which is a power source for the nation?s deep space exploration program, and to recover legacy materials stored in H-Canyon. HB-Line has three process lines. Phase I is the scrap recovery processing line. Phase II is the production line for Pu and neptunium oxides. Phase was originally the Pu-238 oxide production line, but is now used to prepare surplus Pu and materials for disposition. For H-Canyon supports non-pit production by dissolving Pu metal and by processing liquid waste streams generated by HB-Line aqueous operations. The HB?Line facility provides the capability for producing Pu oxide from the Pu solution that results from the dissolution in OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Canyon. Once sampled and packaged for storage, the HB-Line Pu oxide product is transferred to K-Area. Cost scope will include: . Continuous preparation of Pu oxide in H-Canyon and HB?Line . Annual maintenance for 9975 and 9977 shipping packaging . Additional scope of work centered on capacity, reliability, packaging improvements, and emergent process requirements 3.4.2 SRS Cost Estimate Development and Results SRS Cost Estimating Process Figure 19 below provides a process ?ow illustrating how the SRS operations cost estimates were developed: K-AREA PROCESS Kv?Area Applied Risk- Applied Risk Staffing Plan Adjusted FTE Adjusted 252 MT Scaling Factor Labor Rates Risk Analysis Effort Factor TOTAL K-Area TOTAL K-Area Range K-Area Operations Costs Operations Costs (1.00 to 1.42] Labor Rates $1,348?! (FY17S) (TVS) KIS Staffing based . . . on K-Area Plan RISK Applied Risk Adjusted for Adjusted FTE Adjusted 7 8 MT Scaling Factor Labor Rates Risk Analysis Effort Factor Range (1.16 to 1.56) K-AREA Conducted Historical Applied Growth Total R-AREA Total Facilities analysis an Cost Growth Factor Cost Facrlities Cost Cost Data N55 20 4? To K?Area FaC'I't?es 0 Facilities Data (?175) E-AREA PROCESS EvArea Hm? Applied TOTAL EArea TOTAL E-Area 51mins Fla" Adjusmd Operations Costs Operations Costs Staffing Plan Adjusted for Scaling Factor 5 . 51.53%? 26.2 MT 34.0 MT and Risk Adjusted (W175) Labor Rates Risk Analysis RiSk Analysis Characterization Shift Factor Range E-Area Cast to (1.00 to 1.42) Labor Rates per year) Conducted Historical Applied Growth Total E-AREA Total E-AREA E-AREA 0 Facilities Cost Facilities Cost Facilities Cost Growth Fem" (20-46) Historical NSE Cost Data Facilities To E-Area 20-496 Facilities Data (H175) SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 22 April 2018 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 23 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY H-CANYON PROCESS Risk Adjusted Total H-Canvon Total H-Canyon am ost per Mean Value Operations Costs Operations Costs 53?" "3 5309'? ?175) SEN (TVS) H-Canyon Actuals FY12 to FY17 (6 years] PMIPROCESS Meanmwork . :I?aaedw?iik - . ?'lskAnaiVSlS FTEScaling' . Figure 19 SRS Dilute and Dispose Cost Estimating Process Flow K-Area Operations (SRS) K-Area (SRS) Operations Starting Point The primary data source for the K-Area operations estimate was the staf?ng pro?le required for NNSA to dilute and dispose 26.2 MT of Pu oxide transported from LANL to SRS. This staf?ng pro?le was provided by the program of?ce and is based on 3 eight hours shifts, operating 24 hour a day, 7 days per week, using two operational gloveboxes inside K?Area. Table 16 shows the staf?ng pro?le. Table 16 K-Area Staffing Profile 26.2 MTs (October 2017) It-AreaOperatlonsSea-pe Total 311045 47 43 49 so Progmmnagemem Receive a Downblend 1151 34 34 so so so 0 Assay 547 Staslre FaclIItvSuppor?t 1301 SurveillanceandMalntenance MaiorMaimena-ice IAEA Deaalvatlon Total 4245 103129 154164135191 135 92 1 1 K-Area (SRS) Adjustment for DOE EM Material in KIS The raw data set shown in Table 16 is based on the staf?ng pro?le to dilute and dispose of 26.2 MT with a ramp-up to a steady-state FTE count of 185. In order to estimate staf?ng for KIS operations for disposal of DOE-EM 7.8MT, a scaling factor of 0.30 (7.8 MT) was applied to each K-Area operations scope item. As a result, the adjusted FTE pro?le for NNSA and KIS operations shows a steady state starting point of 241 FTEs prior to risk adjustments. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 24 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY K-Area and KIS (SRS) Operations Risk K-Area operations risk is driven by personnel required for operations and labor costs. The risk estimate for FTEs is based on scaling factors from the SRS-provided staf?ng pro?le and its variable cost, as shown in Table 17. The contingency-based estimate from the SRS program of?ce includes two fully staffed gloveboxes running 24 hours a day and 7 days per week (including a training shift) with a third glovebox in reserve for surge capacity; this is the starting point (scaling factor of the variable cost per kilogram of Pu in this estimate is per kg (FY2017 dollars). If the third glovebox is also fully staffed, it would add 30 TES and result in a 16% increase in K-Area personnel (generating a scaling factor of 1.16). KIS has already performed small?scale down-blending within an existing glovebox using excess staff when available. The program of?ce projected that the current ad hoc operation could be scaled up to down?blend 150 per year at an estimated cost of in FY2017. Stripping out in ?xed cost leaves in variable cost, or per kg of Pu; this variable cost is 42% higher than the K-Area base operation variable cost (generating a scaling factor of 1.42). Table 17 K-Area FTE Normal Distribution Parameters (applied to 26.2MT) SRS-provided . . Variable Cost Shawn? KIS Variable Third Glovebox and FTEs FTE Costs (Starting Point) 5 Variable $26,544 NIA $37,778 Base FTEs 185 215 NIA Scaling from Starting Point 1.00 1.16 1.42 . Mean: 1.194 Normal Parameters. Standard Deviation: 0.214 The resulting scaling factors as determined above were used to develop a normal distribution for FTE scaling. The mean staf?ng factor of 1.194 was then applied to the 26.2MT staf?ng pro?le. KIS staf?ng is based on the initial K-Area staf?ng pro?le in Table 16 with a scaling factor of 0.30 (7.8 MT). However, a separate risk pro?le was applied for FTE scaling, as shown in Table 18. The low estimate is based on the 1.16 midpoint from NNSA K-Area operations as shown in Table 17. The same scaling factor based on KIS variable costs (1.42) also applies to continued KIS operations. NA-23 provided a revised estimate for KIS operations that shows a total cost of for down-blending of this implies a variable cost of $41,410 per kg and a scaling factor of 1.56 ($41,410 $26,544 per kg taken from the base K-Area staf?ng). The mean scaling factor of 1.381 was then applied to the 7.8MT staf?ng pro?le Table 18 KIS FTE Normal Distribution Parameters (applied to 7.8MT) K-_Area est. wl KIS Variable NA-23 Program Th'rd Glovebox Costs Office Estimate Operations Variable Cos?kg WA $37,778 $41,410 Scaling from K-Area Staffing 1.16 1.42 1.56 Mean: 1.381 Normal Parameters. Standard Deviation: 0.203 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 25 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY This results in a SA total of 298 FTES required to operate K?Area and KIS operations to dilute and down?blend 34MT of Pu oxide?98 88888838883883988888 I Program Management I 5P0 Project Support OPEXP Receive Downblencl Assay I Packaging and Shipping I Staging I Facility Support I Surveillance and Maintenance Major Maintenance I IAEA I Deactivation Figure 20 K-Area 34 MT (50% CL) Staffing Profile In addition, there is risk in the K-Area labor cost per FTE. The estimates shown in the SRS contractor estimate are often lower than the Forward Pricing Rates with NNSA, and realized rates for actual NNSA operations at SRS during the B6l-12 program (with comparable labor mixes) are higher than both. Therefore, a triangular distribution was created for K?Area labor rates, shown in Table 19. A similar adjustment was applied to E-Area labor rates, as described in Section The concern with labor rates did not apply to operations at other sites, where provided labor rates were comparable to realized history and agreements. The labor rates from the 50% con?dence level are shown in the ?fth column of Table 19. Table 19 - K-Area Labor Rates Triangular Distribution Parameters by Operations "Contractor Proprietary" Low (FPRA Point (FPRA High (361-12 50% Confidence SRS Operation Low) Average) SR5 ActuaIS) Program Management $255,254 $310,000 $439,430 $330,256 Project Support OPEXP $143,121 $223,589 $358,220 $237,889 Down Blend $124,174 $137,398 $240,543 $163,074 Assay $124,174 $126,760 $224,159 $154,379 Packaging and Shipment $117,762 $134,713 $245,458 $161,370 Facility Support $124,283 $196,824 $316,327 $209, 206 Surveillance and Maintenance $161,519 $165,268 $224,159 $181,212 K-Area Operations (SRS) Cost Estimate Overall, the staf?ng pro?le provided by NA-23 was scoped out to dilute 26.2 MT of diluted Pu oxide over the lifecycle. After applying the extra effort factor, adding costs for KIS operations for DOE-EM 7.8MT, and applying the 50% con?dence level labor rates, this resulted in a cost estimate of in FY2017 dollars, including $1 15M for materials and non-labor. The cost in Then Year dollars over the lifecycle is (FY2018 to FY2049). SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY K-Area (SRS) Equipment and Installation K-Area (SRS) Equipment and Installation Starting Point Appendix shows the K-Area upgrade plan identifying equipment modi?cations and upgrades required to meet the desired throughput requirements for 26.2MT based on the classi?ed feed table. All planned costs include material, labor and other direct costs to accomplish project needs from FY2018 to FY2027. The summary of planned equipment installations is shown in Table 20. Table 20 K-Area Summary of Planned Equipment Installations Cost Elements Cost TEC Direct Burden $211 TEC Contingency $126 OPC Direct Burden $30 OPC Contingency $18 Total $385 For the DOE-EM material, the existing KIS line will be used for ramped-up operations to dilute 7.8MT of non?pit Pu as well as 6MT of additional Pu for a separate DOE EM project. K-Area (SRS) Facilities Cost Risk The assumption is that K?Area facilities will have a 20.4% cost growth based on the analysis summarized in Sectiqn LANL Facilities Cost Risk. This increase was determined by taking the average cost growth of seven nuclear facilities projects (as a percentage), and testing them against a number of potential curves and curve shapes to determine the best ?t to predict equipment/installation cost growth. Section explains the derivation in further detail. K-Area Facilities Cost Estimate After applying this 20.4% factor to the planning value removing the sunk costs and adding the costs for demolition and deconstruction of in FY2017 dollars, the K?Area Equipment upgrade estimate resulted in a total of in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. K-Area Total Cost Summary The costs for K?Area operations and equipment installation total in Then Year dollars for the most likely cost scenario from FY2018 to FY2049. This is broken down in Table 21 below. Table 21 K-Area Cost Summary FY2017 Then Year Cost Summary (SM) (SM) K-Area K?Area Operations 5 1,348 2,848 K-Area Facilities 5 548 880 Total K-Area Cost 5 1,896 3,728 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 27 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY E-Area (SRS) Operations E?Area (SRS) Operations Starting Point The primary data source for the E-Area operations estimate was the staf?ng pro?le required for NNSA to characterize and package 26.2 MT of Pu oxide from K-Area. This staf?ng pro?le was provided by the NA-23 program of?ce and is based on one ten?hour shift and four days per week. The FTE staf?ng pro?le is shown in Table 22 below: Table 22 Source Data: E-Area Staffing Profile for 26.2 MT (March 2018) FISCAL YEAR (FTE Staffing Pro?le) E-Area Operations Scope Total 31-45 46 4B 49 50 Program Management Characterization 81 Packaging 154OPEXP Ops Proj Deac?va?Total 1752 E-Area (SRS) Adjustment to 34MT of Manpower The raw data set shown in Table 22 is based on the staf?ng pro?le to package 26.2 MT ramping up to a steady-state of 71 FTEs. This staf?ng pro?le is also based on ten hour shifts and four days per week. In order to account for the portion of the estimate, a scaling factor of 1.30 (34 MT) was applied to two categories of the data set only: program management and characterization packaging. As a result, the adjusted FTE pro?le for E-Area operations to 34 MT of Pu oxide for the base case is a steady state of 91 FTEs. In addition, WTPP will provide on-site characterization support at E?Area. This was estimated to cost per year in FY2017 dollars based on current characterization operations to support WTPP disposal. E-Area (SRS) Operations Risk E?Area operations are sensitive primarily to the personnel required to perform packaging and shipment operations. A triangular distribution was applied to the FTE estimate, as shown in Table 23. The low is based on realization of opportunities for ef?ciency from the initial PM staf?ng estimate. The most likely requires the addition of a ?fth day of shift work (adding 25% to the initial estimate). The high applies the same scaling factor as K-Area (adding 42% to the initial estimate). Table 23 E-Area FTE Triangular Distribution Triangular Parameter Scaling Factor Low 0.9 Point 1.25 High 1.42 50% Confidence 1.23 The resulting scaling factors as determined above were used to develop a triangular distribution for FTE scaling. The mean staf?ng factor of 1.23 was then applied to the 34MT staf?ng pro?le. This resulted in a total FTE steady state of 112 FTEs, as displayed in Figure 21. OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 120 100 . Program Management I Characterization 8; Packaging OPEXP Ops Proj I Deactivation I SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 28 April 2018 Figure 21 SRS E-Area Staffing Profile for 34MT (Base Case w! Extra Shift) Like K-Area, E-Area costs will be sensitive to labor costs. Given conflicting data on labor costs (as discussed Section the triangular distribution of labor costs shown in Table 24 was applied to E-Area FTEs. Table 24 E-Area Labor Cost Triangular Distribution ?Contractor Proprietary? Triangular Parameter 08:53:: 721E Low (FPRA Low) Point (FPRA Most Likely) High (Based on NNSA Actuals) 50% Con?dence In addition, the per year characterization cost is affected by the number of shipments per week sent to in accordance with the sensitivity analysis described in Section 3.9.2, if shipments per week exceed 3.5, an additional shift of characterization staff is added at a cost of per year. E-Area Operations (SRS) Cost Estimate Overall, the staf?ng pro?le provided by the NA-23 program of?ce was scoped out to characterize and package 26.2 MT of diluted Pu oxide over the lifecycle. After adjusting to account for the 34 MTs, applying the extra shift factor and applying the 50% con?dence level labor rates, this resulted in a cost estimate of in FY2017 dollars, which also includes for WIPP characterization support, materials and non-labor cost. The Then Year total is over the lifecycle (FY2018 to FY2050). E-Area (SRS) Equipment and Installation E-Area (SRS) Equipment and Installation Starting Point The E-Area plan identifying equipment modi?cations and upgrades required to meet the desired throughput requirements is shown in Figure 22 below, as provided by NA-23 CD-O estimates. This includes all planned costs, including material, labor, and other direct costs to accomplish project needs from FY2018 to FY2026. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 29 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY 2 CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY - "?2245.- I'se Only Low High Hours Dollars {S1000's) Hours Dollars (SI000's) E-Area - Surplus Plutonium Disposition - TEC unlit?, OfficLl Glorebox Fabrication r' Refurbishment Automation System Construction Labor 34.800 5 2.500 60.900 4.400 Construction Bulk Material 5 1.800 - 2.500 Design Engineering 12.200 1.400 22.600 '5 2.700 Project Support 13.200 1.500 46.400 5.700 Overheads and Escalation 6.000 5 15.200 ?9.900 Total (Excluding Contingency) E-Area - Surplus Plutonium Disposition - 24.500 34.400 5 4.500 4.300 Other Project Cost Overheads and Escalation OPC Total (Excluding Contingency) 5 22.700 8 10.000 5 7.500 5 .. Contingency DOE Other Direct Costs Contingency and DOE Other Direct Costs Total l2.500 32.700 Total Project Cost (TPC) 84.700 31.200 164,300 5 72.000 Figure 22 SRS Summary of Planned Equipment Installations for E-Area ?Contractor Proprietary" E-Area (SRS) Facilities Cost Risk The assumption is that E-Area facilities will have a 20.4% cost growth based on the analysis summarized in Section LANL Facilities Cost Risk. This increase was determined by taking the average cost growth of seven nuclear facilities projects (as a percentage), and testing them against a number of potential curves and curve shapes to determine the best fit to predict equipment/installation cost growth. Section explains the derivation in further detail. The 20.4% factor was applied to the planning value of the average of total project costs (TPC: Low $31 High Average $51 .6M) shown in Figure 22, excluding a sunk costs of 1M. This resulted in a total cost of in FY2017 dollars. - Area Equipment Upgrade Cost 2.1M) 1.204 A cost for demolition and deconstruction was also added, resulting in a total cost of in FY2017 dollars and a total cost of in Then Year dollars. E-Area (SRS) Total Cost Summary The costs for E-Area operations and equipment installation total in Then Year from FY2018 to FY2048, as illustrated in Table 25. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 30 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Table 25 Total E-Area (SRS) Cost Summary FY2017 Then Year Cost Summary (SM) (500) E-Area E-Area Operations 1,074 5 1,589 E-Area Facilities 72 89 Total E-Area Cost 1,146 1,678 Operations (SRS) H-Canyon/HB-Line Operations (SRS) Starting Point The starting point for oxide production of Non-Pit Plutonium operations were the H-Canyon/HB? Line historical actuals from FY2012 to FY2017 and the planning values provided in the basis-of-estimates data. Actual costs in Then Year dollars and FY2017 dollars are summarized in Table 26 below: Table 26 H-CanyoanB-Line Actuals and Planned Costs (FY2011 to FY2017) . ?Contractor Proprietary? H-Canyon Actuals (SM) FY12 FY13 FY14 FY15 FY16 FY17 Total Oxide Production 20.5 21.0 19.9 21.2 22.0 21.3 125.8 Program Management - - 0.40 0.27 0.7 Capacityaaeliabmty' - 0.22 1.63 1.90 3.07 0.05 6.9 Then Year (Total) 1 20.5 21.2 21.5 23.1 25.5 21.6 133.4 Oxide Production 22.2 22.5 21.0 22.0 22.4 21.3 131.4 Program Management - - - - 0.40 0.27 0.7 Capacity 8t Reliability - 0.22 1.63 1.90 3.07 0.05 6.9 Base Year 2017 (Total) 22.2 22.7 22.6 23.9 25.9 21.6 139.0 The actual variable cost to convert 4.3MT of Pu to oxide from FY2012-FY2017 is kg 4.3MT). H-Canyon Operations Risk Summary The base case assumes H-Canyon operations for will be a continuation of existing processes and operations to convert 3.5MT of remaining Pu to Pu oxide. However, NA-23 has indicated that existing HB Line resources might be overtaken by other operational priorities, so prior costs might not be representative of the future cost. Alternatives proposed (but not yet down-selected) include continuing HB line operations at a higher costs as resources are rebalanced, or moving oxide production for non-pit Pu to LANL in the same line as pit Pu. To capture this uncertainty, a normal distribution was built based on variable cost per kg for the following options: H?Canyon actuals from NA-23 estimate of updated HB Line operations 3.5MT per kg); LANL FY11 actuals per kg) and FY17 actuals per kg), using the data described in the LANL variable cost Section The results of the normal distribution are summarized in Table 27. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 31 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Table 27 H-Canyon Normal Distribution Parameters Normal Distribution Data Variable Cost per kg H-Canyon Actuals (FY1 2-17) NA-23 Updated HB Line Estimate LANL FY11 Actuals LANL FY17 Aotuals Average: ParamEte'S: Standard Deviation: This normal distribution captures the actual costs to-date as well as the upside risk of potential operational options. Based on the average variable cost of per kg, the total variable cost at the 50th percentile is in FY2017 dollars. In addition, a sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the cost impact of delaying the dilution of remaining non-pit Pu until FY2030 rather than the original schedule of FY2018 to the results of this analysis are not included in the base model but are shown in Section 3.9.2. Total Cost Summary Based on the resulting 50% con?dence level of the variable cost, and after adding in fixed costs, the total cost from FY2018 to FY2023 for conversion of the remaining non?pit Pu to oxide is in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. Table 28 shows the result. Table 28 Total H-Canyon (SRS) Cost Summary FY2017 Then Year (SM) (SM) 5 309 331 H-Canyon Operations Cost Summary H-Canyon Operations SRS Project Management and Integration (PMI) SRS PMI Starting Point The primary data source for the SRS PMI estimate was the staffing pro?le provided by the NA- 23 program of?ce for planning, program planning and integration, and technical support functions, as illustrated in Table 29. Table 29 Staffing Profile [Data Source: SRS PMI Data] Fiscal Year Scope 31to45 45 46 4? 48 49 50 SRS-PMI 333333 SRS - 0&1) Planning SRS PMI Base Estimate The SRS FPRAS were used to determine the composite fully burdened labor rates. These labor rates were then used to cost out the base case optimal staffing pro?le illustrated in Table 29. This OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY resulted in a total base estimate cost of$198M in FY2017 dollars of which also include of materials and non-labor cost. SRS PMI Risk SRS PMI is a relatively small cost and low risk to the program; the base estimate is based on realized actuals from the MOX program. A triangular distribution was applied to the base PMI estimate, as shown in Table 30. Table 30 SRS PMI Triangular Distribution Triangular Parameter Scaling Factor Low 0.9 Point 1.0 High 1.25 50% Con?dence 1.04 The results of the triangular simulation would provide a 50% percentile con?dence level of 1.04 to use as a scaling factor to apply to the FTES. SRS PMI Total Cost Summary Based on the 1.04 scaling applied to the staf?ng profile, the estimate for SRS PMI totals in FY2017 dollars, which also includes of materials and non-labor cost. The Then Year total for SRS PMI is as shown in Table 31: Table 31 SRS PMI Staffing Total Cost SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 32 April 2018 Cost Summa FY2017 Then Year SRS PMI (5M) (5M) SRS PMI 206 293 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 33 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3.5 WIPP 3.5.1 WIPP Background WIPP Site Description The WIPP was authorized by Congress in 1979 is located near Carlsbad, New Mexico. It was certi?ed for long?term storage of TRU waste disposal by the EPA in 1998. The TRU waste is stored in underground salt repositories at a depth of 2,150 feet, as shown in Figure 23 below. Figure 23 WIPP Underground Repository The WIPP Land Withdrawal Act (LWA) is the federal law that sets the geographical boundaries for WIPP, along with limits to the waste capacity, radioactivity, and types of waste stored in WIPP. The total capacity of WIPP for TRU waste by volume is 6.2 million cubic feet, which is equivalent to 175,564 cubic meters. WIPP is regulated by both the EPA and NMED. Under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the State of New Mexico is authorized to administer the state hazardous waste program in lieu of the federal program. The Hazardous Waste Permit for WIPP covers the terms and conditions to protect human health and the environment in the operation of WIPP and contains a detailed synopsis of WIPP and activities that occur in support of the safe operation of the site. This includes the speci?cation of how waste is accounted for against the LWA limit. The WIPP permit is updated by NMED as the requirements for operating WIPP change. A special view of the site, extracted from the WIPP Hazardous Waste Permit, is shown in Figure 24. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 34 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY WASTE SHAFT CONVEYANCE HEADFRAME OF THE WASTE WKING SURFACE FACILITIES SHAFT PILLAR AREA 2150 FEET satr HANDLING s-wr EXHAUST SHAFT wasre SHAFT PANELS 1 THROUGH 10 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL UNDERGROUND FACILITIES Figure 24 WIPP Underground Repository Spatial View WIPP Expected Changes On September 5, 2017, the GAO published its review of the approach which recommended that DOE develop a plan for expanding space at WIPP. During November 28?30, 2017 the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), under its statutory authority in the WIPP LWA, held a series of meetings to discuss the disposal of surplus Pu at WIPP. During the public session, the representative from DOE-EM briefed the NAS that part of the capacity issue at WIPP is that historically the site has included the volume of over-pack material and even unused air space in packaging containers when determining stored volume under the LWA. This is an accounting artifact which is not a requirement under the LWA. By modifying the Hazardous Waste Permit so that only the volume speci?cally associated with the waste material is accounted as TRU waste under the LWA, the remaining statutory capacity at WIPP can be used more efficiently without direct legislative action. The effect is that the 8,035 cubic meters of capacity currently set aside at WTPP for TRU waste from MOX operations would be suf?cient for the accountable TRU waste generated by under the planned waste accounting change. CEPE calculates that 1 13,000 55-gallon sized storage containers will be used to store waste from at WIPP, equivalent to 23,611 cubic meters. The diluted Pu oxide is held in a smaller container inside the larger storage container, typically 12-24 liters (3.2 6.4 gallons) in size. For the bulk of the 23,61 1 cubic meters is air volume, and roughly 1,400-2,800 cubic meters is the volume associated with the diluted plutonium oxide. Given that these changes can be made without legislative action, CEPE evaluated whether these and similar administrative changes to required environmental documents could be made before the ?rst expected shipment in 2026. Conversations with the NNSA program of?ce and the Carlsbad Field Of?ce (CBFO) revealed the general planning expectation that changes to any environmentally related document take 18-24 months from initiation to ?nal decision; this includes public comment periods. To evaluate whether this estimate of time was reasonable, SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 35 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY CEPE used data regarding durations of changes to environmental documents and discovered that the DOE maintains a public-facing website with detailed information on its initiation, changes, and updates to its Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), as available ?'om the Of?ce of NEPA Policy and Compliance. The time to Record of Decision, along with a ?tted Weibull model, is shown in Figure 25. CEPE decided that this data could be used as an analogous representation of risk associated with administrative environmental action since the general processes for those actions are similar to changes to the Hazardous Waste Permit and could serve the purpose of explaining impacts of any potential changes to any environmental documents for this effort. lir'm: Fir-m Notice (II Intent or L-r to Record DI Decision toot; -- - not; ants 7an eat?. scat. 4071-9 6?103 120 Months . hair-Notice Tc - mef??miw \?thbullpril Wunbul?tdl Figure 25 Distribution of Months to Complete Environmental Actions Data Source: Of?ce of NEPA Policy and Compliance public material An analysis of the data available from NEPA revealed that 32 months or less time was needed in 90% of actions requiring a Notice of Intent (N01) or Notice of Availability (NOA) where a Record of Decision (ROD) was made. While this is longer than projected by the program and the CBFO, the impact is not suf?cient to drive the critical path unless there are direct legal challenges leading to court injunctions. Since such court action is dif?cult to predict, it was not explicitly modeled but was considered to be captured as part of the overall risk range for the estimate. 3.5.2 WIPP Cost Estimating Development and Results WIPP Operations Cost Estimating Process Figure 26 provides a process ?ow illustrating how the WIPP operations cost estimates were developed: SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 36 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY SPD will take 4 Risk Analvsis Of plannped Based on E-Area TOIIBI WIPP Total WIPP throughput, max 4 Operations Estimate Operations Estimate 17 shipments per shipments a week no week risk adjustment 51'245 (TVS) WIPP Operations Data Source: WIPP Actuals Minor Facility Infrastructure Upgrades (+516Ml Figure 26 WIPP Cost Estimating Process Flow I WIPP Starting Point Because WIPP has a long?established history, a reconstruction of funding history from 1977 through 2017 was developed based on budget documents and compared to Standard Accounting and Reporting System (STARS) when practicable. This data was used to compute an inflation-adjusted cost for operations per cubic meter of waste stored. This was done by taking the total history of operations and excluding construction, transition, and testing costs. Since WIPP operations had stopped effectively from the middle of FY2014 and restarted at limited capacity in FY2017, costs and shipments after the middle of FY2014 were excluded. The remaining cost includes the cost to operate the site, safeguards and security costs, the central characterization project cost, and the WIPP transportation program cost (which is separate from shipping costs). This led to an initial estimate of per cubic meter in FY2017 dollars. Regression analysis comparing emplaced volume to cost did not lead to a strong cost correlation, so this approach was abandoned. Further research of the E185 for WIPP revealed that operations costs are largely determined by the staf?ng requirements of the site. In 2017, WIPP restarted operations and it was assumed that staf?ng requirements to ensure safe operation were largely stable because of the intensive review needed to achieve approval to restart operations. This led to the conclusion that the non?construction budget in FY2017 during the continuing resolution gave a real representation of baseline operations cost for the site. Discussions with the CBFO indicated that a better methodology for determining cost would be to consider that funding for WIPP must ensure the processing of a certain number of shipments per week. Once WIPP has completed construction of its upgraded ventilation system, the site will be able to return to receiving 17 shipments per week by 2026. Further, the total number of shipments from operations will be limited to four per week. This is dictated by the need to only have one vehicle in transit to WIPP while there is another vehicle offloading at WIPP. This requirement also drives the need for a temporary parking location and associated security upgrades at WIPP in the event an offloading vehicle cannot depart before a transiting vehicle arrives. Based on this information, the best methodology was determined to be allocation of WIPP operational costs based on the number of shipments per week relative to the total number of shipments WIPP could process during normal operations. In FY2017 WIPP funding totaled excluding one-time recovery costs and characterization costs, the cost for operations, safeguards and security, and transportation infrastructure was Throughput scenarios showed an average of 2.96 to 3.72 shipments of material to WIPP per week depending on the CC0 capacity (see Sensitivity Analysis in Section 3.9.2). While the shipment rate might vary, the maximum throughput shown in the model ?ts within plan for 4 shipments per week from FY2028 through therefore those 4 shipments per week were used as the portion of WIPP costs attributable to SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 37 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY CEPE used the general relationship of 4 shipments per week out of 17 and adjusted it to account for only shipping for 40 weeks per year. CEPE also noted variability in the costs for transportation infrastructure costs based on the volume of waste and made adjustments by using FY15 actual costs as a baseline since no shipments were made to WIPP that year. This resulted in an allocated cost of (FY2017 dollars) per year for WIPP storage during normal operations. In addition, a one-time cost of (FY2017 dollars) for upgrades to create the temporary parking area is directly attributable to the program. Costs for excavation are already included in the WIPP base operating cost and therefore should not be explicitly estimated to avoid double counting. However, CEPE performed an excursion, as shown in Appendix E, on the requirements for and potential cost of additional panels in case these costs are later charged to though the CBFO has consistently stated they will maintain excavation costs in the base budget. WIPP Risk Adjustment Given that WIPP is sensitive to the number of shipments per week and that the total number of shipments will be at or under the 4 shipments per week in planning assumptions, no additional risk analysis was performed on the WIPP estimate. WIPP Cost Results Based on the expected shipments per year, the allocated operating costs for storage of waste at WIPP, which excludes characterization costs captured in E-Area operations, ramps up to approximately per year; when the in upgrades is added, the WIPP operations cost totals of in FY017 dollars. In?ating this cost during the expected period of operation leads to an estimate of $1,245 in Then Year dollars for WIPP storage costs. Table 32 summarizes the results. Table 32 WIPP Total Cost FY2017 Then Year ISM) (SM) Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) 832 5 1,245 WIPP Cost Summary Operations WIPP Cross Check A cross-check of this estimate can be performed. The cost allocated to for WIPP operations totals (which excluded upgrades cost), and the characterization costs performed at E?Area total both in FY2017 dollars. If the sum of these, is divided by the total waste volume of 23,611 cubic meters, the result is a cost of per cubic meter in FY2017 dollars. This is higher than the average cost of per cubic meter from historical WIPP operations as discussed in Section; the CEPE ICE therefore provides a more conservative estimate. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 38 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3.6 Transportation and Packaging 3.6.1 Transportation and Packaging Background The program uses an iterative transportation procedure for processing, characterization, and storage capabilities for disposition and pennanent disposal of 34 MT of weapons?usable Pu. After nuclear weapons are removed from service and dismantlement programs are completed, the surplus pits are staged at PANTEX until required for Pit Disassembly and Processing. The surplus pits are transported by OST to LANL using the MD-2 shipping packages. Once received, the surplus pits are unpackaged and placed into interim storage until required for disassembly operations. LANL receives and unpacks surplus pits for disassembly, then processes and analyzes Pu oxide in preparation for packaging into 9977 containers for delivery to SRS by OST. The delivery of Pu oxide from processing of both pit and non?pit Pu materials is managed as part of the K?Area base operation at SRS for the dilute process. E-Area at SRS is responsible for interim storage, characterization, and packaging for delivery to WIPP. The diluted Pu is packaged into these are placed into TRU Packaging Transporter Model 11 (TRUPACT II) and managed by the DOE-EM to be commercially transported to WIPP. Figure 27 shows a map of the sites involved. Isolation Ti? Figure 27 Map of Sites Transportation Responsibilities The NNSA Office of Secure Transportation will be responsible for transportation and cost for all material being moved from PANTEX to LANL to SRS. DOE-EM will be responsible for all material being transported from SRS to WIPP. Table 33 below provides a summary including type of vehicle transport: Table 33 Transportation Responsibilities Travel Vehicle Use Transport Responsibilty Cost Responsibilty ANTEX to LANL to SRS FY23 - FY27 Safeguard Guardian Transporter NNSA Of?ce of Secure NNSA Of?ce of Secure FY28 - FY45 Iv?obile Guardian Transporter Transportation Transportation SRS to IPP Commercial Transportation DOE-EM DOE-EM SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 39 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3.6.2 Transportation and Packaging Cost Estimate Development and Results Transportation and Packaging Cost Development Process Figure 28 provides a process ?ow illustrating how the Transportation and Packaging cost estimates were developed: OST Transport R1 kA . 5 na W5 Total OST Transport Total OST Transport Low $4.2 M/yr peak Estimate Estimate Data Source: osr Estimate based on if?? (FY17S) (TVS) 1in $17M/yr peak Actuals to Date DOE EM Transport SRS-WIPP Data Source: Contract cost for DOE EM shipment Risk Analysis Total Total WIPP Low - $19k/shipment Transport Estimate Transport Estimate (FY1751 (TVS) CCO Cost Risk Total CCO Container Total CCO Container Low SZKICCO Estimate Estimate Data Source: Med Contract Costs for CCOs High (FY2133) (TVS) Figure 28 Transportation and Packaging Cost Estimating Process Flow Transportation and Packaging Starting Point OST provided estimated costs for transportation from PANTEX to LANL to SRS. OST transportation costs fall within the ongoing budget for OST operations. However, transportation of the TRU waste to WIPP is based on a commercial contract calculated average rate over the estimated operational duration. OST Transportation used actual costs to provide an estimate for transport operations from PANTEX to LANL to SRS. The transportation costs include salary, fringe bene?ts, overtime, and night differential, travel, per mile maintenance, fuel charge, meals, and other incidental expenses. Table 34 shows the lifecycle estimate for OST transportation in FY2017 dollars and Then Year dollars. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 40 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Table 34 Office of Secure Transportation Costs FY26 - FY45 FY 1 7 Then Year FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 FY2026 $5.8 $6.9 FY2027 $5.8 $7.0 FY2028 $5.8 $7.2 FY2029 $5.8 $7.3 FY2030 $8.5 $11.0 FY2031 5 $11.2 FY2032 $8.5 $11.4 FY2033 $8.5 $11.6 FY2034 5 $12.0 FY2035 58.5 $12.1 FY2036 $8.5 $12.3 FY2037 50.5 $126 FY2038 58.5 512.9 FY2039 $8.5 $13.1 FY2040 $8.5 $13.4 FY2041 58.5 $136 FY2042 $8.5 $14.0 FY2043 $8.5 $14.2 FY2044 $8.5 $1 4. 5 FY2045 $5.8 $10.0 Total 5157 S228 For transportation from SRS to WIPP, based on the contract and input from the CBFO, the average cost is per trip. Based on vendor quotes and research provided by NA-23, the costs of CCOs are per unit. The team considered the annual number of CCOs needed to determine the approximate total lifecycle costs for packaging and shipping from SRS to WIPP. (NA-23 assumes a schedule of approximately four trips per week for 40 weeks per year, on par with the team?s analysis.) Transportation and Disposal Cost Risk Packaging and transportation costs are dependent 011 cost per shipment and number of CCOs per year. Packaging and transportation cost risks are described below. The number of CCOs (and resulting number of shipments) are explored in sensitivity analysis, Section 3.9.2. Packaging Cost Risk CCO cost is based on an existing contract. However, since CCOs are a signi?cant cost driver for the program, a triangular distribution was applied to container cost as shown in Table 35. Table 35 CCO Container Cost Triangular Parameter Low $2,000 Most Likely $3,000 High $4,500 50% Con?dence Level $3,131 The result of the triangular distribution at the 50% con?dence level is $3,131 in FY2017 dollars for CCOs. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 41 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Shipping Cost Risk (PANTEX to LANL to SRS) Shipping from PANTEX to LANL to SRS will be performed by NNSA OST, which provided a number of scenarios for transport cost based on existing operations. These scenarios, captured in Table 36, were applied to the low and most likely of a pert analysis (1/6 probability of low, 2/3 probability of point estimate, and 1/6 probability of high). The high parameter was simply double the most likely, intended to capture the upside risk of the future cost changing. Table 38 OST Transportation Cost (PANTEX to LANL to SRS) Risk Parameters PERT Parameter Low (OST Low) Point (OST base) High (2x Point) Most Likely is the Point The result of this modi?ed triangular distribution at the 50% con?dence level in FY2017 dollars for OST transport. Shipping Cost Risk (SRS to WIPP) The shipping costs from SRS to WIPP, shown in Table 37, are based on existing contracts managed by WIPP. The number of shipments will be driven by the total number of CCOs, which is explored in the Sensitivity Analysis, Section 3.9.2. Cost per shipment is based on the existing WIPP contract (as both low and most likely), with a high estimate based on that cost doubling to capture upside risk of the future cost changing. Table 37 Risk Parameters for Average CCO costs Triangular Parameter 8:53:11}: Low $18,700 Point $18,700 High (2): Most Likely) $37,400 50% Con?dence Level $24,177 The result of the triangular distribution at the 50% con?dence level for the average shipment cost to WIPP is $24,177 in FY2017 dollars for DOE EM transport. Transportation and Packaging Cost Estimate Based on the risk analysis, the 50% con?dence levels for transportation are $3,131 for the CC0 container cost, for annual OST transportation costs from PANTEX to LANL to SRS and $24,177 per trip for the transportation costs from SRS to WIPP. Based on these parameters the cost estimates for transportation and packaging across the lifecycle are as follows: 1. The total cost of the CCOs is in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. (FY26 to FY48) 2. The cost to transport the CCOs from SRS to WIPP are in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. (FY26 to FY48) SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 42 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 3. The cost of CCOs over the lifecycle are in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. (FY26 to FY48) The total overall cost of transportation and packaging is in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. Table 38 provides the cost summary. Table 38 Transportation and Packaging Total Cost FY2017 Then Year Cost Summary Transportation (SM) (SM) and Transportation to SRS) 157 229 Packa in Transportation (SRS to WIPP) 67 101 Criticality Control Over-Pack (CCOs) 370 554 Total Transport and Packaging Cost 5 594 884 3.7 NNSA Program Management and Integration 3.7.1 NNSA PMI Background NNSA Program Management and Integration (PMI) provides overall program management and integration functions for execution of the Program. NNSA PMI also provides detailed planning and integration, technical support, and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) functions for ongoing program activities, including execution planning, program lifecycle management, integrated program scheduling, and technical baseline and risk management. 3.7.2 NNSA PMI Cost Estimate Development and Results NNSA Process Flow Figure 29 provides a process flow illustrating the NNSA PMI cost estimate: . .A?plied'?d?i?i?w -, {i-M?an Spoiling-hatch i ,3 13:33:: - I: :L?bdrn?t?s. . tolaborl?asedon 5 1' . nightmares) . . Risk-Analysis Additional .FTEScaling 3Contingencybased . Parameters . on RiskCurve . (0.9m 1.25) f. Figure 29 NNSA PMI Cost Estimating Process Flow NNSA PMI Starting Point The primary data source for the NNSA PMI estimate was the staf?ng pro?le provided by the NA-23 Program Of?ce as illustrated in Table 39. Additional projections for NEPA planning, program planning and integration, and technical support functions were also provided, based on realized actuals from the MOX program. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 43 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Table 39 Staffing Profile [Data Source: NN SA PMI Data] Fiscal Year Scope Site NNSAPMI Staffing NNSA PMI Risk To capture risk in NNSA PMI, a triangular distribution was applied to the base PMI estimate, as shown in Table 40. Table 40 NNSA PMI Triangular Distribution Triangular Parameter Scaling Factor Low 0.9 Point 1.0 High 1.25 50% Con?dence Level 1.04 The results of the triangular distribution show a 50 percentile con?dence level of 1.04 for the cost scaling factor. Additional non-labor PMI costs include clearance costs in FY2017 dollars), Support Contracts, Other Program Money (0PM), and NA-20 Taxes (all totaling in FY2017 dollars). These are based on actuals from MOX ramp-up, with costs irrelevant to removed. In addition, the Monte Carlo Simulation described in Section 3.9.3 demonstrates additional risk that is not captured in the 50?1 Percentile of each individual cost element. Therefore, an additional contingency of per year (for a total of in FY2017 dollars) was added within the NNSA PMI element to ensure this risk is captured. NNSA PMI Cost Estimate Based on this, the 1.04 labor cost scaling factor was applied to the base estimate, resulting in a most likely cost estimate of in FY2017 dollars and in Then Year dollars. Table 41 displays the results. Table 41 NNSA PMI Total Cost Cost Summa FY2017 Then Year NNSA PMI or (SM) (SM) NNSA PMI 490 682 3.8 MOX Closure 3.8.1 MOX Closure Background MOX contract termination and construction close?out is de?ned as DOE directing the MOX prime contractor to develop a plan within 90 days to terminate the project and begin to secure information, materials, and equipment at the job site to protect government assets and ensure the safety of workers. The disposition of temporary and permanent facilities would be planned and SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 44 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY equipment prepared for storage or disposition as appropriate. In general, the contractor would begin termination of the sub-contracts and leases. General activities anticipated in this scope are as described below, but subject to change: The project will facilitate future occupancy. Permanent buildings will be environmentally sealed and some form of condition ventilation installed to minimize mold and mildew. Temporary buildings and structures will only be environmentally sealed and secured. In-process construction activities will cease and be secured and laid-up to protect people, equipment and materials while minimizing deterioration from the environment. Equipment and materials will be stored in an appropriate location to protect and maintain intended performance requirements with minimum refurbishment costs. All documents associated with planning, design, construction and operational paperwork for the structures, systems and components, including all nuclear quality paperwork, shall be suspended in an organized fashion to allow a restart with minimum delay and risk of rework. Subcontracts that are 70% or greater will be completed and contract deliverables received and inspected. All contracts less than 60-70% complete will be terminated for convenience and bi?lateral settlements reached. A complete government property inventory will be taken and decisions made on release of certain property due to obsolescence. Recurring maintenance and utilities will be required to maintain the permanent facilities, equipment and stored govemrnent property. 3.8.2 MOX Cost Estimate Development and Results The cost to close the MOX facility is a large cost driver for the program; however, the cost is unknown due to uncertainty of closure scope. Therefore, a wide-range triangular distribution, captured in Table 42, was developed to allow for a number of potential closure scenarios and costs. Table 42 MOX Closure Cost Risk Parameters Triangular Parameter MOX COS: Low Point High $1 .600M 50% Confidence Level $971 The MOX closeout cost estimate at the 50% confidence level is in FY2017dollars and in Then Year dollars. Table 43 displays the results. Table 43 - MOX Closure Total Cost FY2017 Then Year 05 ma MOX Closeout ry (SM) (5M) MOX Closeout 905 971 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 45 April 2018 ?1 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR 3.9 Program-Level Risk Analysis 3.9.1 Schedule Risk The ICE allows for schedule risk within operations as the program has deliberate material queues at each step of the operation to absorb operational delays. The model and risk assumptions also allow for increased capacities to recover from delays. Therefore, no additional schedule risk was applied to the program schedule. Schedule sensitivity is explored below in the Sensitivity Analysis, Section 3.9.2. 3.9.2 Sensitivity Analysis Three primary avenues for sensitivity analysis were identi?ed: the number of grams of Pu allowed within a CCO (which affects a number of other costs within the program), schedule for converting 7.8MT of non-pit Pu from DOE-EM, and the Schedule. The shipping costs for waste from SRS to WTPP are sensitive to the Fissile Gram Equivalent (FGE) loading per CCO that is generated by dilution processes. The FGE per CCO limit is a function of environmental permitting and other processing factors and can vary based on planning assumptions. This directly affects the total number of CCOs that must be purchased, shipped, and ultimately stored. The base number of FGE per CCO is 300; if allowed, the contractor states they could pack up to 330 grams in each CCO, which would reduce the number of CCOs to be purchased and shipped. The high estimate is based on a worst-case limit of 250 FGE per CCO, which would increase the number of CCOs and shipments. This sensitivity analysis was folded into the risk estimate using a triangular distribution, with parameters shown in Table 44. Table 44 CCO FGE Sensitivity Parameters ear Shipmentle ear Low 330 4,970 1 18 Medium 300 5.467 130 High 250 6.560 156 50% Con?dence Level 295 5,628 134 The resulting number of CCOs per year affects CCO acquisition cost and shipments per year affects shipping cost to WIPP and E?Area characterization costs. The 50% con?dence level is used for all estimates above, and the parameters of this sensitivity are included in the Monte Carlo Simulation described in Section 3.9.3. As described in Section, there is still uncertainty as to when the remaining non-pit Pu will be converted to oxide if current H?Canyon operations are not used. CEPE performed an additional analysis on the cost of delaying this operation. The sensitivity estimate is based on a variable cost of per kg and ?xed cost of per year in FY2017 dollars. If conversion begins in FY2030 instead of FY2018, costs may increase by for 6 years of operations or for 10 years of operations; this is due to increased escalation costs and addition ?xed costs incurred for extending operations. Sensitivity analysis on the schedule assumed a two-year schedule slip of the most likely scenario to complete the entire process, which includes potential delays for: pit oxide production at SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 46 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY non?pit oxide production at HB?Line; dilution operations at K?Area and E-Area; and transporting diluted Pu oxide to WIPP. The sensitivity of this scenario falls within the anticipated cost risk range from the Monte Carlo Simulation (Section 3.9.3). 3.9.3 Monte Carlo Results After each risk and sensitivity driver was assessed independently, relationships were developed between those dependent on each other; the primary inter-dependency is packaging and shipping, which are each tied to the number of CCOs. The remaining operations and costs were deemed to be independent from one another given existing operations, queuing and storage capabilities, and independence of operations. All risk and sensitivity parameters were applied in a Monte Carlo risk simulation, resulting in the Con?dence Interval and Risk Range shown in Figure 30 and Table 45 below. Confidence interval - CEPE Dilute Dispose ICE (TYSB) 80% 70% Probability C) 39? 10% 0% 514 $15 $16 $17 $18 $19 $20 $21 $22 $23 TYS Billions Figure 30 CEPE Confidence Interval Table 45 CEPE Confidence Interval 20%, 50%, 80% Percentile Total Cost 20th Percentile $17.23 50th Percentile 80th Percentile $19.93 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 47 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY 4 Conclusion With sunk costs of the total ICE cost range is to with a most likely cost of in Then Year dollars. The ICE summary of the most likely cost is shown in Table 46. Table 46 ICE Summary Scope 0&0 ICE PANTEX DST Transportation Sunk Costs 0.02 Operations,0.6 NNSA PMI, 0.7 to LANL to 5R5), 0.2 . PANTEX Operations 0.6 Packaging 3? Shipping H-Canyon, 0.3 WIPP, 0.7 . . . DST Transportation to LANL to SR5) 0.2 - atlons,5.4 LANL Facilities 2.4 MOX Tsrminatim .- . - -- LANL Operations 5.4 H-Canyon Operation 0.3 WIPP Operations, 1.2 K-Area and E-Area Facilities 1.0 K-Area and E-Area Operations Packaging and Shipping to WIPP 0.7 K-Area and E-Area WIPP Operations 1.2 Facilities. 1-0 LANL . Facilities, 2.4 NNSA Program Management 8: Integration 0.7 MOX Termination 8t Closure 1.0 K-Area and E-Area Totals "To-go" 18.2 Operationsi?i-?i The September 2016 MOX fuel program lifecycle cost estimate is $56.0 billion in Then Year dollars, of which $7.6 billion are sunk costs by FY2017 and $48.4 billion are costs remaining to- go in FY2018 and beyond. The GAO notes, however, in their report ?Plutonium Disposition: Proposed Dilute and Dispose Approach Highlights Need for More Work at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant? that the 2016 MOX fuel program lifecycle estimate does not exhibit the characteristics of an estimate developed in alignment with GAO best practices (and was never intended as such). CEPE found that the 2016 MOX lifecycle estimate omits costs funded outside of the MOX program, such as transportation costs, decontamination and decommissioning of the MOX facility, and operations of the WIPP facility. After including these costs and correcting other issues in the estimate, the remaining cost of the adjusted MOX fuel program lifecycle is $49.4 billion in Then Year dollars. The remaining lifecycle cost is therefore 35%?40% of the remaining MOX fuel program lifecycle cost. SPD Dilute and DiSpose Option ICE Report 48 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Appendix A Team Members The Dilute and Dispose Lifecycle Cost Estimate team included the individuals from the Of?ce of Cost Estimating and Program Evaluation (CEPE) listed in Table 47 below. Table 47 ICE Team Members Team Member Role Steve Ho Director, CEPE William Banks Dilute and Dispose ICE Lead Evian Swyers Red Team Review Tyrone Smith Mike Metcalf (Contractor) Rob Kepner (Contractor) Jill Maloney Lee Solomon Operations Research Analyst Operations Research Analyst General Engineer NNSA Graduate Fellow Post-Doctoral Fellow SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 49 April 2018 Appendix OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Data Sources Sub-Category Data Sources Data Source Raw Name Dated LANL Variable Cost FY17 Program Management Plan LANL Operations FY17 Actuals May 2017 LANL Fixed Cost FY17 Program Management Plan LANL Operations FY17 Actuals May 2017 LANL Spares Cost FY17 Program Management Plan LANL Operations FY17 Actuals May 2017 LANL Cost Pro?le LANL Operations Basis of Estimates Various; one per operation September 2017 Total LANL Facilities Cost LANL Equipment Scoping and Quantity Development Packages LANL Equipment List September 2017 PANTEX Operations PANTEX Task Analysis Sheets PANTEX Staf?ng Pro?le May 2017 K-Area Operations K-AREA Operations Task Analysis Sheets Area Operations Staf?ng Pro?le August 2017 E-Area Operations E-AREA Operations Task Analysis Sheets Area Operations Staf?ng Pro?le August 2017, updated March 2018 SRS Task Analysis Sheets with SRS PMI Manpower Breakout SR8 PMI Staf?ng Pro?le November 2017 . . . SPD K-Area Final Storage Vault K?Area Equipment] Upgrade Area Glove Box - Costs Breakout List 2016 E-Area Facilities SPD AOA E-Area Upgrade High and E-Area Equipment List August 2016 Low Range Summary H-Canyon Operations Non-Pit Oxide Production Costs Actuals (FY12 to FY17) H-Canyon Actuals August 2017 Non-Pit Plutonium Scope and Draft LCCE Summary Report, H-Canyon Operations Estimate Update Addendum March 2018 WIPP Operations FY 2017 WIPP Operations Budget WIPP Budget FY 2017 WIPP Hazardous Waste Permit on WIPP Operations WIPP public website WIPP Hazardous Waste Permit January 2016 NEPA Environmental Impact NEPA Environment I Im act WIPP Operations Statements history on NEPA public Statements (EIS)T1istop October 2017 website, ry . NNSA PMI Task Analysis Sheets with . NNSA PM Integration Manpower Breakout NNSA PMI Staf?ng Profile November 2017 AREVA MOX Services Termination MOX Closeout ROM Close-Out Quote MOX Closeout AREVA ROM June 2015 Transportation FY2017 NNSA OST Operations (PANTEX to LANL to SRS) Budget OST BUdget FY 2017 Transportation Contracts Cost for DOE - EM Discussion with Carlsbad Field Au ust 2017 (SRS to WIPP) Shipment Office 9 . . . "th322; Over Vendor Quote Discussions with NA-23 August 2017 SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 50 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Appendix LANL Operations Scope Descriptions LANL Program Management The work in this WBS element is performed to maintain oversight of the ARIES Oxide Production program at LANL, including scope, schedule, and budget. Program Management (PM) personnel will ensure that all necessary activities and documentation for the program are approved and implemented. This will include directing work, ?nancial tracking, project justi?cation, regular reporting to developing and maintaining schedules and budgets, tracking performance, technical reportng and analysis development, and updating the PMP, the Risk Management Plan, and other planning and program documents. LANL Quality Assurance Support The work performed under this WBS element provides quality control and quality engineering support in accordance with Oxide Production Quality Assurance Project Plan. These activities include support to integrate the quality requirements for institutional and customer implementation and serve as the basis for LANL QA program acceptability. QA staff implement the full scope of requirements as defined in DOE 414.1D, Quality Assurance, 10 CFR 830, Subpart A, Nuclear Safety Management Quality Assurance Requirements, and quality consensus standard ASME Although product may not be certi?ed in FY17, which would nonnally be part of this WBS element, QA personnel will provide the following other types of support during the FY: perform oversight activities for oxide production tasks by spending time on the processing ?oor; develop, maintain a database, and verify implementation of corrective actions; initiate, revise, review, and/or approve quality-related procedures, operational procedures, work instructions, data sheets, travelers, and other documentation; establish and conduct training related to quality aware ness and implementation of quality procedures and practices; participate in and support audits and assessments; complete PFITS actions assigned by the program; and monitor operational travelers, data sheets, and hold points. LANL Material Shipping and Receiving The focus of this work includes maintaining capabilities for shipping, receiving, packaging and transportation of material to and from LANL to support the ARIES Oxide Production Program. The team will ensure containers are maintained as required. Additional responsibilities include the storage of the Eurofab lead test MOX fuel rod canisters and cooperation on resolving classi?cation questions in this area. This program is also cost?sharing with the Pu Sustainment Program to complete a Title II design for PF-4 shipping and receiving area upgrades to add capability to receive, pack, and unpack MD-2 Type containers. LANL Pit Disassembly The focus of this work includes 1) Engineering associated with pit disassembly, 2) Operations and production, and 3) Fabrication and testing of a second ARIES parting lathe to serve as a fully Operational source for spare parts and as a training platform for new disassembly personnel. The main focus will be meeting production milestones, schedules and deliverables de?ned in the pit disassembly work packages and this PMP. Operators will continue to maintain specific processing, fissile material handler, and glovebox certi?cations by performing required training and exercising their skills. Operators will participate with the operations responsible supervisor and process engineers to ensure that necessary documentation (Integrated Work Documents, Radiological Work Permits, Process Monitoring Flow Diagrams, Comprehensive Site Plan, Detailed Operating Procedures (DOP), and CSEDs) are updated and equipment maintenance is SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 51 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY performed. In addition, the operators will assist in maintaining housekeeping requirements for the rooms and gloveboxes to ensure safety and combustible loading requirements are met. LANL Operations Management The focus of this work includes operations management, supporting both operations and engineering across all modules in ARIES operation while supporting the objectives of this PMP. Operations provides wing coordination, RCT support, classification, and software quality assurance (SQA) support, as well as interaction with facilities management and participation in work planning meetings. Operations efforts will focus on updating procedures as required, maintaining and ensuring activities follow established procedures for safety, security and quality, and maintaining up-to-date personnel training requirements. In addition, support for uncleared staff members, upgrading of the current LANMAS system for tracking accountable nuclear material through the iMass project, and revising ?owsheets for ARIES operations and updating the ARIES throughput model are part of the FY17 work scope for this WBS element. LANL Pu Conversion Pu Conversion will focus in three areas of responsibility: 1) Completing deliberate operations on the furnace; 2) Engineering associated with direct metal oxidation furnaces DMO-2 and 3) Preparing the DMD-3 furnace for readiness; 4) Production operations associated with direct metal oxidation in the DMO-2 furnace; and 5) Engineering and Operations support for the use of muf?e furnaces for Pu oxide production, including procedure revisions and completion of the installation of a new control system. Engineering will assist with equipment maintenance, ensure all documentation is updated as needed, and support the installation of the replacement for the DMO-2 furnace. The Operations work will include conducting operations, troubleshooting and ensuring maintenance is completed as required, and supporting the installation of the for the furnace. LANL Packaging Packaging will focus in two main areas of responsibility: 1) Engineering support for the production schedule; 2) Operations support for the production schedule; 3) Implementation electronic travelers being developed by Production Control; and 4) Supporting NCS in developing a Level 3 CSED for the ARIES Packaging line that will enable its removal from the E88. The team will perform all aspects of packaging to meet milestones and schedule, implement equipment and process training to increase team capability and reduce risk, maintain training and certifications, maintain good housekeeping, perform system maintenance including software maintenance, and maintain controlled storage of 3013 containers. The team will also assist with installation of water diversion features on glovebox windows as needed. LANL Nondestructive Assay Nondestructive Assay will focus on performing all aspects of NDA to support ARIES operations and production to meet work package deliverables, schedule, and the deliverables identified in this PMP. NDA operations will maintain the NDA system certi?cation for Material Control Accountability perform system maintenance as required, perform measurements on existing certi?ed packages to demonstrate compliance with ICD requirements, and implement the capability to perform prompt gamma on the ARIES NDA equipment when CSEDs and CSPs are in place. The team will also deliver a report on gamma spectroscopy measurements requested by MOX Services. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 52 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY LANL Analytical Chemistry The focus Analytical Chemistry is to maintain chemical analysis capabilities to support oxide certi?cation for the Program, including the chemical analysis of product oxide to demonstrate conformance with the requirements of Section 4.2 of the ICD (ICD-08-025-02, G-ESR-K- 00039). This scope requires the following elements: Sample eight blend lots produced during the FY and ship samples to SRNL for analysis; Ensure that LANL maintains listing on the Institutional Evaluated Suppliers List (IESL) for the chemical analysis of oxide produced by LANL, including conducted a surveillance at SRNL labs; and 0 Maintain analytical chemistry data (control charts) and evaluate possible ways to qualify processes or reduce the frequency of analytical chemistry from the current requirement of 100% inspection for 44 elements. LANL Pu Characterization Pu Characterization will focus on performing all milling, blending, sieving, and plutonium characterization operations required to meet production goals with respect to engineering and operations. The team will maintain training and quali?cation requirements, assist with equipment maintenance, ensure all documentation is updated, provide operational and engineering support for production, perform activities, perform waste management, perform material moves, and ensure glovebox and room housekeeping is maintained. The team will also complete testing of the new surface area analyzer installed in FY16. LANL Process Equipment Engineering Support Process Equipment Engineering Support is technical and engineering support from AET division for all elements of the Oxide Production Program related to ARIES Operating equipment. This effort will involve close integration between AET and product and process engineers for each oxide production unit operation. For FY17, work scope will also include 1) completion of software upgrades for the DMO-3 furnace; 2) completion of the installation of the new muffle furnace control system; and 3) design, testing, and installation of new Conveyor?to-glovebox shuttles on the ARIES Conveyor system. Normal Engineering support is required to keep the Conveyor/SCADA system, NDA robot, disassembly lathe, DMD-3, muffle furnace, EDC and packaging systems operational. Engineering will also coordinate engineering tasks, serve on review boards, mentor and support students, and support NCO-4 and NPI-3 on all maintenance activities as needed, and provide overall support for the equipment listed above. Support for the DMO-3 and muf?e furnaces includes maintenance and normal operational support. LANL Production Planning and Control Production Planning and Control is associated with maintaining an effective production planning and control team, particularly as the Program resumes normal production operations. The team W111 continue to provide support for the Program and ensure that personnel remain current on all trarmng and other safety/security requirements associated with access to work inPF-4. Other responsibilities include the coordination the Measurement and Test Equipment calibration support for all production processes, continued work on the ARIES Working Database for electronic travelers, and management of classified parts and precious metals. In particular, this will include implementing the ARIES Packaging Module electronic traveler system on the Floor in FY17. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 53 April 2013 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY LANL Records Management/Document Control/Training Records Management/Document Control/Training is associated with providing subject matter expertise and application in the functional areas of Document Control, Records Management and Training. This includes controlling and processing of documents for issuance and management of records according to ADPSM, institutional, DOE and other program sponsor guidance to ensure compliant document and records management operations. It may also include technical editing of documents and forms where practical. Assistance with overall training coordination training reports, assigning training, maintaining records, proctor required training support, and tracking of course credit is included. Classi?ed and unclassi?ed computer support is also included in this work package. LANL Preventive Equipment Maintenance The focus of this work is to perform preventive Equipment Maintenance to support the Program?s maintenance needs as production resumes in FY17. This comprises performing routine glovebox maintenance, including surveillance, maintenance, and repairs to the following: (1) Support for the glovebox Glove Integrity Program; (2) Maintaining gloveboxes with facility authorized operating parameters; (3) Maintaining glovebox airlock doors; (4) Assisting in decpmmissioning and removal of inactive equipment efforts IWDs, bag?outs); (5) Maintaining instruments and group-speci?c procedural documents, as applicable; (6) Torque maintenance of glovebox windows and service panels; (7) Maintainng additional equipment necessary for sustaining basic area operations; (8) Developing work orders requiring Integrated Work Packages; and (9) Providing regular room wipe-down activities and room decontamination servrces as required. For FY17, it also includes ranking systems for maintenance complexity and developing or updating maintenance plans and procedures. is a level of effort work package to support the ARIES Oxide Production Program and the FY17 Pu oxide production schedule. These support functions include TASS warehouse and controlled storage inventory management, as well as procurement act1v1ties. shall comply with P330-12 (Establishing Controlled Storage Areas) P330-l3 (Identi?cation and Control of Items in Controlled Storage Areas), P-840-l (Quality Assurance for Procurements), and all other applicable policies, procedures, and DOE Directives. In addition, storage and procurement activities will comply with (ARIES Oxide Production Quality Implementation Plan), which invokes the ICD requirements of 19947953. This compliance ensures that through Safety Class/Safety Significant/Quality related items are procured, stored, and managed in a compliant manner that meets programmatic needs. LANL Radioactive Waste Management Radioactive Waste Management covers the costs for disposal of waste generated by the production of oxide and related Program activities, including transuranic (TRU), Mixed, and Low-level Waste. The Program is responsible for the costs for storage and disposal of waste created from oxide production operations. Due to recent changes in LANL TRU waste management operations, including the split of newly?generated TRU waste operations funded by NNSA from legacy TRU waste operations managed by per drum costs for this WBS element are to be determined. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 54 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY LANL TA-55 Infrastructure The work performed under Infrastructure is associated with the infrastructure costs of performing oxide production at The business model provides the validated and formal methodology to support annual, recurring facility operating and infrastructure costs at The facility costs are incorporated in one WBS element for facility tenants in order to manage scope and costs at a single location and distribute costs equitably to participating programs based on the square footage of utilized by the programs. The work packages are developed utilizing the Readiness in Technical Base and Facilities (RTBF) National WBS categories (Facility Management and Support and but are centralized for the full funding of the facility operations in the RTBF database and follow the RTBF change control processes. The funding model is based on the footprint utilized by programs working in PF-4. The space attributed to each program is reviewed and modi?ed based on programmatic needs before validation and approval by the various programmatic organizations as part of the change control process. ARIES continues to occupy 7.5% of the facility space. LANL Criticality Safety Support This work supports non-readiness criticality safety tasks and perform the function of the Criticality safety Of?cer for the ARIES Oxide Production Program. Follow all internal LANL procedures to develop and implement criticality safety analyses, documentation, postings, procedure reviews, and other support for the program, including interfacing with LANL Operational Responsible Supervisors and PNNL Criticality Safety (CSAs) working under a separate contract with NA-23. I SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 55 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Appendix ?Contractor Proprietary" otal Estimate Cost Fab Three Orders endor Shielded Glove Boxes otal Vendor- Glove Box Fabrication Vendor - GLOVEBOX Fabrication Hours Dollars 250 250 K- Area Construction Scope Construction Material Engineered K-Area Upgrades Planning Document Sub Contractor OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY ?Contractor Proprietary? Hours Dollars Construction Material Engineered Totals Total Estimated Cost EqUIpment Eqmpment Contractor Install I Remove Temporary Security Mods 5,000 5 300,000 5 95 300,095 08R Contaminated Piping, Equipment, Platform, etc. Inside Gas Vent Rooms 5 - - Remove Hangers, Miscellaneous Steel, Lifting Eyesl15 ea.) 5 5 Glove Bags, HEPA Filter vii/ Housing, Copus Blower, Plastic Suits&BA ED 5 5 Cut Concrete l4 ocationsl, Remove Shield Walls, Sliding Doors& Exhaust Grills - Cut Concrete [3 locations), for Doors between Glove Box Rooms 5 5 Form and Pour Concrete for Door Opening and Exhaust VentOpening - - Remove Concrete Fill FIoorOpenings EeRepairEiipansionjoint 1,250 5 25,000 5 3,000.00 5 2,000 5 85,000 Miscellaneous Electrical Commodities in Rooms 5 5 - D828 Pump Room, Control Room, Electrical Shop. Make?up Room 8 Transformer Room 5 082R Distillation Tower 8 Install New Stain-veil to Purification Roof 5 5 - Install Supports on -14{3 supports) 5 - - Install Airlocks and Fire Doorsto Three Glove Box Rooms 2,500 5 150,000 5 25,000 5 225,000 Install Emergency Egress Doors for Three Glove Box Rooms 2,100 5 126,000 5 50,000 5 126,000 Install Emergency Egress Door for HEPA Room 5 - lnstall Fire Doors at Gas Bottle Room, Staging and HEPA Room [4 total} 2,500 5 150,000 5 25,000 5 125,000 Install 3-hour Fire Rated Sheetrock Walls for FM200, HEPA. Staging 0 GB 3 Rooms 8,000 5 480,000 5 250,000 5 230,000 Electrical Installation - Lights, PA, Receptacles, etc. 4,000 5 240,000 5 100,000 5 340,000 Scaffold Support Temp StaI rwell to Purification Roof - 5 Install HVAC System, Duct Work and Associated Dampers 16,000 5 900.000 5 115,000 5 90,000.00 5 1,165,000 Install Active SC HEPA System Pre?Filters, HEPA Filters, Fans and Stack 31,500 5 1,890,000 5 250,000 5 2,550,000.00 5 5,190,000 Install Breathing Air Compressor 8 Manifolds 2,000 5 420,000 5 150,000 5 125,000.00 1,000 5 246,000 Install 5C Fire Suppression System 10,200 5 612,000 5 84,000 5 1,100,000,00 5 1,296,000 Install SC Diesel Generator?Two Units 5,600 5 336,000 5 200,000 5 200,000.00 1,000 5 232,000 Install of Nuclear Incident Monitor System INIMSI 8,400 5 504,000 5 450,000 5 250,000.00 5 1,204,000 Install Stack Monitoring Instrumentation 200 5 42,000 5 15,000 5 25,000.00 5 82,000 Install 2 A605, 185 640 5 33,400 5 5,000 5 243,400 Install Fire Detection System 8 Life Safety Modifications 2,500 5 150,000 5 9,000 5 159,000 Install SC Nitrogen System Bulk Storage Tanks, Tubing Purification Units 6,500 5 390,000 5 62,500 5 125,000.00 5 622,500 Install Various Glove Box 8 Room Monitoring Instrumentation 2,600 5 156,000 5 34,000 5 100,000.00 5 290,000 Install Continuous Air Monitors 800 5 48,000 6,000 5 25,000.00 5 129,000 Install Three Glove Boxes 9,400 5 564,000 5 30,000 5 222,000.00 866,010 Install Glove Boxes Electrical Components 3,000 5 180,000 5 25,000 5 350,000.00 5 605,000 Fab and Install Ventilation to Glove Boxes Hood 4,300 5 258,000 5 2.000 60,000.00 5 325,000 Glove Box 0 Hood Certification Testing 1,600 5 96,000 20,000 5 116,000 Install VTR Staging Prior toShiprnent 4,000 5 240,000 5 5,000.00 5 45,000 5 200,000.00 5 990,011) SpeciaINuclear Material VehiclesIZI - 5 Install IAEA Monitoring System 3,000 5 180,111) 5 20,000 5 200,000 Install Five MC8A Rooms w! 3-Hours Sheetrock Walls 8 Fire Doors 6,000 5 360,000 5 125,000 5 485,000 Install 3-hour Fire Rated Sheetrock Walls for FM200 System 2,100 5 126,000 5 25,000 5 201,000 Install Assaying Equipment [1 Gamma Isotopic, 2SWA5 05Calorimeters) 3,500 5 210,000 5 125,000 5 500,000.00 3 835,000 Install SecurityCameras to Monitor all Doors [In and Out] Twentyl20] Doors 4,500 5 220,000 5 115,000 5 385,000 Prep and Paint Floors, Walls and Ceilings 8,000 5 480,000 5 50,000 1,000 5 531,000 Install and Entry Control Facility 5,000 5 300,010 5 300,000 5 800,000.00 5 1,400,000 Install Fighting Positions 5,000 300,000 5 25,000 5 325.000 Relocate Assembly Area Computer Room, Sandboxes and Install Mantrap West Side 9,000 5 540,000 5 350,000 5 200,000.00 5 1,090,000 Install Concrete Pad and Staging 8,000 5 480,000 5 150,000 5 100,000.00 5 230,000 Prep &Paint FSV Floors for New Array 2,000 5 120,000 5 3.000 123,000 Remove and Relocate Cameras in FSV 2,400 5 144,000 5 3.000 142,000 Cut Access Into and Remove Curtain in 9106 Water Seal 4,000 5 240,000 3 30,000 5 220,000 0&8 Ductwork in 9108 Staging Area 3,513) 5 210,111) 5 5 245,000 Form and Pour Concrete forWater Seal Ductwork Opening 4,500 5 220,000 5 150,000 2000 422,000 Prep and Paint Floors, Walls and Ceilings in Water Seal 3,000 5 180,000 5 2,000 5 182,000 subtotal Construction 213,590 12,315,400 0,000 4,177,595 I 3,422,000 I 5,000 i 5 25,427,995 "Contractor Proprietary? SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 55 April 2018 Construction Engineered Sub 1 Hours Dollars Material ui ment Contractor in a 5 Total Estimated Cost [cont] Equipmen Overtime 25,802 5 1,548,120 5 1,548,120 382,025 Construction Equip 5 - 5 332,025.00 44,422 5 2,665,620 5 2,665,620 craft suppm 1612 525 QC Field Ins 12,901 5 1,612,625 pections 29,469 5 9,933,625 5 9,933,625 NonManual Construction Management 5 2 400 cm HRP FTE ford years] 40,000 5 2,400,000 .000 10,000 5 600,m0 50,000 5 650, Scaffold Support 5 19 19? 915 Subtotal Construction Support 212,599 18,259,990 382,025 50,000 4 222 595 8 422 000 5,030 5 44,625,010 Total 426,189 31,525,390 395,025 10,121,198 Design Engineering-Title II 81320 5 10,121,250 5 13? 500 1500 5 131,500 5 . Design Engineering GB peci ication 5 1 312 503 Design Engineering - Bids, Award, Submittal Reviews 10500 5 1,312,500 5 2,542,800 Design Engineering Title 20342 5 2,542,250 25.000 0' -5 In 1000 5 125,000 5 1 eslgn ngineering tructura na ysis 5 14 338 993 Total Design Engineering 114212 5 14,339,000 5,192,643 Process Control 8 Automated Technology 32454 5 5,192,643 500 Pro' - - 12503 5 2,182,500 5 2,1 . iect Management 2 FTES years 5 6 552 gm Project Controls? Sycars 52500 5 6,562,500 1.352.251 10818 5 1,352,251 i projm on 1 135 891 10813 5 1,135,891 1 . Procurement 73 750 5' 250 5 10,750 5 . ite Estimating 6 5 125 5409 5 515,125 2 . System Engineenng 675 125 5409 5 626,125 5 . Design SafetyAnalysis 5 5125 5409 5 626,125 5 2 . Commissioning and Test Services 250000 2000 5 250,000 5 . VA Team 5 1 825 000 Nuclear 8. Criticality Safety Engineering 15000 5 1,825,000 20?552?910 Total Project Support 158062 5 20,662,910 5 i . 2033614 5 62,362,261 395025 4252595 5 8,422,000.00 15255600 5 96,192,381 Subtotal Costs Direct 2 Escalation 2,885.9 1 Ila eous ui merit Ad'ustment 5 2,614,921 L5issce CI I 5 10,442,899 5 21,241,689 E55 5 9,052,932 [3 5 $4,988,122 in: Legacy ensionl 5 13,310,404 1 114,541,892 Tut ii;a Slut; 5 210239.223 04:; Silent Reserve 5 105559.539 Techngical Programmatic Risk Analysis 5 14,251,249 5 5 6,322,123 Tctel I: et' enc'es 5 120443557 0 a 0n mg I 5 332,182,845 TEC. TOTAL Construction Engineered Sub Hours Dollars Material Totals Other Project Costs (UPC) Eqummem Equmment Contractor 5 2 240 000 Project SupporthMI? 2FTEs @4years 14000 5 2,240,000 {525,000 - . 21000 5 2,625,000 5 . . roiect Controls 3FTEs @4years 000 9011 5 1,125,011) 5 1,125, DE Testing?iCIPS Support after Turnover 3 wow - 24000 5 3,000,000 5 . . Conceptual Design 157 500 1500 5 151,500 5 . Procurement 105 000 s? 1000 105.000 5 ite Estimating 5 1 535 119 12689 5 1,586,119 . . Commissioning and TestServices 5 1 903 342 Fire HEPA System Testing 15222 5 1,903,342 - 1000000 5 1,000,000 Critical Spare Parts 5 137 500 Training Development 1500 5 182.500 13 929.451 99916 5 12,929,451 5 . . Tom OPC - 99915 5 12 929 461 5 13.929.461 Subtlotal Cost Direct 5 417.334 Eljsza ation 5 1,423,965 5 2,996,222 E55 5 1,222,162 GM 5 2,252,594 Site Legacy {Pension} 5 1 317 300 5 15,801,132 Sub Total Burdens 29 1'30 593 Total Direct 8 Burdens 5 15.051523 Management Reserve 5 .891913 Technical 8Programmatic Risk 5 391.913 5 12,838,359 Total Contmgencres 5 4? 563 95? OPC Total 5 334.751?302 Contract Price . . an Contractor Proprietary A ril 201 8 SP0 Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 52 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY ?Contractor Proprietary? Project Support DPEX Dollars {snsf'l?cmn Mate?al En?lneered Sub Totals Pre?Conceptual Alternative Study qmpment EqUIpment COHt'ador Engineering - Facility Support 5 FTEs 9 years cps- Project Support 2 FTEs 2 years 3:42: i 1:33:33 5 114025-000 Rad Con - Project support - 1 FTEs a years, 15630 1?175?000 5 3,430,000 Operations Support - 4 FTEs 7 years 54350 5 41116000 5 1.1751000 4FTEs @4years 31360 3520.000 5 4,116,000 Safeguards 8t Security 1 FTEs 8 years 15580 5 2508800 5 3320-3?? Material Control and Accountability . 0.5 MB 9 years 8820 1926,100 5 2,508,800 Procedures 5 FTEs 5 years 58800 350?000 5 926,100 Maintenance?0.25FTE5 @Syears 3920 5 '294'000 5 2,350,000 SafetyaindusirialHygieneiiHl - 1cm; @Syears 9300 5 1 029?000 294.000 Quality Assurance l?uaiity Control 0'5 FTES 8 years 7840 ?930'000 5 1,029,000 Readiness Assessment FTEs @forSweeksxs 14135 5 1 76082? 980,000 Program Management - 0.5 FTEs 9 years 8320 5 1141112m 5 1,266,827 Nuclear . 0.5 FTEs @dears 3820 5 {1021500 5 1.411.200 Total 354195 5 41?035?427 5 1,102,500 Subtotal Cost Direct 354195 5 41'035'42? 41,035,422 Escalation 5 41,035,422! 1,231,053 E55 5 4,342,213 581A 5 8,828,194 Site Legacy {Pension} 5 3,252,453 FEE 5 22,853,445 Sub Total Burdens 5 5,531,895 Total Direct Burdens 5 45,549,230 Management Reserve 5 82,584, 70? Technical Programmatic Risk Analysis 5 19353535 Schedule Total Contingencies 5 2621541 5 21,395.127 5 109,430,334 Deactivation and Decommissioning 5 4942323635 Escalation 5 2,500,000 L55 5 10,124,241 E55 3 1,815, 751 GM 5 3,691,615 Site Legacy [Pension] 5 1,523,319 FEE 5 9,556,443 Sub Total Burdens 5 2,313,229 Total Direct Burdens 5 29.124599 Management Reserve 3 36,524,599 Technical 8: Programmatic Risk Analysis 5 15332-332 Schedule 5 . Total Contingencies 5 1,093,738 5 16,481,070 Emmett Cost iTPcl Inculding OPEX and 03.0 5 53-105-569 Total Project cost tract Inculding one 5 541338.354 432357.471 ?Contractor Proprietary? SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 53 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Appendix WIPP Panel Excavation Excursion As part of its sensitivity analysis, CEPE reviewed the cost of excavation of additional panels at WIPP as an excursion to its ICE and collected open source and site-generated cost information to support this analysis. The following facts are relevant: Although generated waste material will be a signi?cant driver for storage needs, it is not the sole driver of future storage requirements at WIPP. Two capital asset projects, a new utility shaft and safety signi?cant ventilation are approaching Critical Decision-2/3. These projects will provide the necessary access and underground conditions to allow continued mining expansion of the repository footprint. Mining activities are part of the base operations budget at WIPP and are incorporated in the annual budgets, thus the cost for mining is included already within WIPP allocation estimate for The physical volume associated with stored waste is different than the physical volume of the WIPP mine, and if changes are made to the Hazardous Waste Permit as planned, the accountable volume tracked for compliance with the WIPP Land Withdrawal Act (LWA) will also be different. In addition, the following published facts serve as benchmarks in analysis: Previously published data from mining operations in support of underground lab construction shows that drum miners can excavate up to 875 standard tons/shift' which clears a space of 4m 8m 15m 480 m3. More recent published numbers state that 10 tons/minute is achievable.2 Total salt weight for a panel is >1 12,000 tons per panel.3 Rooms generally hold about 10,395 55?gallon drum equivalents which equals 2,164 1113 (based on 264 gal 1113). The expected volume of waste from operations is 23,61 1 m3 which will make use of the 8,035 m3 already set aside for therefore more than 7 rooms will be needed for the additional physical volume ([23,61 1 1n3 8,035 1113]/ 2,164 m3 per room 7.2 rooms). An analysis of the Hazardous Waste Permit for WIPP give the following general characteristics for a panel: It is comprised of 7 rooms and two drifts which supply access Each room is approximately 4m 10m 91m 3,640 m3 Each drift is approximately 4111 10m 256m 10,240 m3 The total volume for a panel is 45,960 m3 Previously available at 3 Available at 3 me-wipp SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 59 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY The salt density derived from the published facts yields 1.8 standard tons per cubic meter (based on 875 tons /480 1113). This would yield a weight of 83,781 tons per panel. This is lower than the published number of >1 12,000 tons. Assuming the salt density number is accurate, and using 112,000 tons as an accurate weight measurement, then the excavated volume for the panel is estimated at 61,440 m3. New panels starting with Panel 11 will require main access ways to be mined to access a new area of the WIPP. The Carlsbad Field Of?ce (CBFO) provided the following ROM data for Panel 11 construction, including these 3 new main access ways: 0 $7,765 per shift for mining (FY2018 dollars, unburdened) 0 $285 per foot for bolting (FY2018 dollars, unburdened) - Mining 3 main access ways requires 541 shifts 0 Mining panel 11 requires 403 shifts 0 Bolting length in the mains is 6,213.5 feet Bolting for cross cuts 2,904 feet - Bolting for Panel 11 is 4,160 feet This implies a cost of for Panel 1 1 mining and bolting and for mining and bolting of three main access ways (without labor cost burdening), for a total of in FY2017. Applying a burdening to labor (based on SRS labor rates) and adding a 30% program management factor (based on CBFO SME input), this totals in FY2017 dollars for Panel 11 and three access ways. The CBFO also provided a more detailed estimate based on experience from Panels 3 through 7 excavation costs; this shows the total cost for a complete panel is unburdened in FY2017 dollars. Using the same adjustment methodology as shown above yields a cost of per panel and for three access ways in burdened FY2017 dollars. The excavation cost range is therefore for one panel and mains (based on the Panel 11 estimate) to for two panels and three mains (based 011 Panels 3 to 7). The CBFO estimates panel construction to take 2-3 years. The timing of panel construction affects escalation cost. Applying an escalation factor of 2% (as used for other WIPP activities), the low estimate becomes in Then Year dollars for one panel and mains excavated from FY2023-2025. The high range is in Then Year dollars for two panels and mains excavated from In either scenario these costs already included in the WIPP base budget and therefore are allocated to in the WIPP estimate provided in Section 3.5.2. SPD Dilute and Dispose Option Report 60 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY Acronyms ARIES Advanced Recovery and Integrated Extraction System Analysis of Alternatives CBFO Carlsbad Field Of?ce CCO Criticality Control Overpack CD Critical Decision CEPE Cost Estimating and Program Evaluation Dilute and Dispose DMO Direct Metal Oxidation DOE-EM DOE Of?ce of Environmental Management EPA Environmental Protection Agency ETC Estimate To Complete FPRA Forward Rate Pricing Agreement TE IFull Time Equivalent FY Fiscal Year GAO Government Accountability Of?ce ICE Independent Cost Estimate Kg Kilogram(s) KIS K?Area Interim Surveillance LANL Los Alamos National Laboratory LCCE Life Cycle Cost Estimate LWA Land Withdrawal Act Mixed Oxide (MOX) Fuel Fabrication Facility MOX Mixed Oxide MT Metric Ton NA-23 NNSA Of?ce of Material Management and Minimization NAS National Academy of Sciences NDA Nondestructive Assay NDAA National Defense Authorization Act NEPA National Environmental Policy Act SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 61 April 2018 OFFICIAL USE ONLY CONTRACTOR PROPRIETARY NMED New Mexico Environment Department NNSA National Nuclear Security Administration NOA Notice of Availability NOI Notice of Intent NRE Non-Recurring Equipment OPC Other Project Costs OST Of?ce of Secure Transportation PANTEX Panhandle of Texas Site PARS II Project Assessment and Reporting System II PMDA Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement PMI Program Management and Integration PMP Program Management Plan Pu Plutonium RIPS Robotic Integrated Packaging System ROD Record of Decision ROM Rough Order of Magnitude SME Subject Matter Expert SPD Surplus Plutonium Disposition SRS Savannah River Site SSE Sum of Squared Error STARS Standard Accounting and Reporting System TEC Total Estimated Costs TPC Total Project Costs TRU Transuranic TRUPACT II Transuranic Packaging Transporter Model 11 TY Then Year Uranium US United States WBS Work Breakdown Structure WIPP Waste Isolation Pilot Plant SPD Dilute and Dispose Option ICE Report 62 April 2018