BEFORE THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD OF OHIO IN THE MATTER OF CYRIL ANTHONY RABEN, M.D. ENTRY OF ORDER On January 15, 2014, Cyril Anthony Raben, M.D., executed a Surrender of his license to practice medicine and surgery in Ohio with consent to permanent revocation, which document is attached hereto and fully incorporated herein. Wherefore, upon rati?cation by the Board of the surrender, it is hereby ORDERED that Certi?cate No. 35-095710 authorizing Cyril Anthony Raben, M.D., to practice medicine and surgery in the state of Ohio be permanently REVOKED. This Order is hereby entered upon the Journal of the State Medical Board of Ohio for the 12th day of February 2014, and the original thereof shall be kept with said Journal. 1 a 13H J. Craig Strairord, M.D., M.P.H. Secretary (SEAL) Februarng 2, 2014 Date STATE OF OHIO THE STATE MEDICAL BOARD PERMANENT SURRENDER OF CERTIFICATE TO PRACTICE MEDICINE AND SURGERY Do not sign this agreement without reading it. An individual who pelmanently surrenders a certi?cate issued by_the Board is forever thereafter ineligible to hold a certi?cate to practice or to the Board for reinstatement of the certificate or issuance of anv new certi?cate. You are permitted to be accompanied, represented and advised by an attorneyL at your own expense, before deciding to sign this voluntary agreement. I, Cyril A. Raben, M.D., am aware of my rights to representation by counsel, the right of being formally charged and having a formal adjudicative hearing, and do hereby freely execute this document and choose to take the actions described herein. I, Cyril A. Raben, M.D., do hereby voluntarily, knowingly, and intelligently surrender my certi?cate to practice medicine and surgery, License #35.095710, to the State Medical Board of 1 Ohio [Board], thereby relinquishing all rights to practice medicine and surgery in Ohio. I understand that as a result of the surrender herein I am no longer permitted to practice medicine and surgery in any form or manner in the State of Ohio. I agree that I shall be ineligible for, and shall not apply for, reinstatement or restoration of certi?cate to practice medicine and surgery License #35.095710 or issuance of any other certi?cate pursuant to the authority of the State Medical Board of Ohio, on or after the date of signing this Permanent Surrender of Certi?cate to Practice Medicine and Surgery. Any such attempted reapplication shall be considered null and void and shall not be processed by the Board. I hereby authorize the State Medical Board of Ohio to enter upon its Journal an Order permanently revoking my certi?cate to practice medicine and surgery, License #35.095710, in conjunction with which I expressly waive the provision of Section Ohio Revised Code, requiring that six (6) Board Members vote to revoke said certi?cate, and further expressly and forever waive all rights as set forth in Chapter 119., Ohio Revised Code, including but not limited to my right to counsel, right to a hearing, right to present evidence, right to cross?examine witnesses, and right to appeal the Order of the Board revoking my certi?cate to practice medicine and surgery. I, Cyril A. Raben, M.D., hereby release the Board, its members, employees, agents, of?cers and representatives jointly and severally from any and all liability arising from, the within matter. This document shall be considered a public record as that term is used in Section 149.43, Ohio Revised Code. Further, this information may be reported to appropriate organizations, data banks and governmental bodies. I, Cyril A. Raben, acknowledge that my social security number Permanent Surrender of Certi?cate Cyril A. Raben, MD. Page 2 of 2 will be used if this information is so reported and agree to provide my social security number to the Board for such purposes. I stipulate and agree that I am taking the action described herein in lieu of formal disciplinary proceedings pursuant to Section Ohio Revised Code. EFFECTIVE DATE It is expressly understood that this Permanent Surrender of Certi?cate is subject to rati?cation by the Board prior to signature by the Secretary and Supervising Member and shall become effective upon the last date of signature below. ictag MA May ARVRABEN, MD. J. CRAIG sriiAFFoRD, MD, MPH. Secretary 0142 ~20 DATE a MARK A. BECHTEL, M.D. Supervising Member 492 'r "Zia/9 DATE CHERYLUD. POKORNY Enforcement Attorney 5/ DATE