BC 02148807 SECRETRD -:QAiamos To!MS: From/MS: D00033736 D00033879 Distribution NATIONAL LABORATORY - - - EST. 1943 - - - memorandum (b)(6) X- Theoretical Design XTD-2 Navy Systems CONFIRMED TO BE UNCLASSIFIED D\ I D F J · L OF CLASSIFICATION ""LP.-#1 ----~---------- DATE I . Phone/Fax: Symbol: Date: XTD-2:10-012C June 24, 2010 tl/ t-.0' w/f SUBJECT: Peer Review of W78 CSA Life Expectancy (U) Introduction On May 2i1\ 2010, a peer review of the W78 CSA (canned sub-assembly) Life Expectancy was held. The peer review committee appreciated the work done by the life expectancy team, and appreciated the lively and frank discussions during the 2+ hours of presentations. (b)(6) Presenting for the milestone closure team were Team members also present included (b)(6) (b)(6) (b)(6) The peer review committee consisted of XTD's (b)(6) (b)(6) eer review committee was that this general statistical approach used is Deleted e Actua i e expectancy or t e W78 wou longer than that predicted. The peer review committee says this, understanding the W78 team's wish to ensure they have a conservative estimate of the life expectancy. ~----~--~----~~~~~------~~ DOE b(3) Peer review committee analysis of the general method DOE Deleted b(3) !This is then folded into a further distribution that provides a "life- ~------~~~------~ expectancy" for the system. (b)(6) 20140007901 SECRETRD DOE Deleted b(3) I DOE b(3) Deleted -------DDclel;et;ced~----------------------~ I DOE b(3) Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted -------------------------D=e:le:te:d~------r=====~~c=::::l DOE DOE b(3) b(3) XTD-2:10-012C SI£CRETRD p.2 1 813CRI5T RD DOE Deleted These maximum yields then defme Y+ line in the probability density plot in figure 3. b(3) DOE Deleted Figure 2. I b(3) DOE Deleted ~~==================================~ Deleted Figure 3., Deleted b(3) DOE b(3) I Deleted DOE b(3) DOE b(3) XTD-2: 10-0 12C ~~GR~:;I: IW p.3 SECRETRD DOE Deleted b(3) With this in mind, the peer review committee made observations that relate to the sensitivity and applicability of the PDFs chosen for this life-expectancy analysis. I DOE Deleted b(3) J DOE Deleted '--~--:-----:-:------llr:T=h:--e:-l::-a--:ck:--o-::-f-::-U:-:G::-:T::-:d-ata-d77ir-e-ct-:-ly_-a----: ppll-=-ic-ab::-:l:e-t- o -th:-e--pJr-o-=-b-:-le-m- at---=-han --:d,----J clearl complicates any prediction. bCJE b(3) Deleted DOE Deleted b(3) Deleted DOE b(3) The peer review committee communicated to the W78 team that more information should be looked at to get a more realistic idea of how to derive the lower-yield section of the PDFs. ~-~---~:---:----:---:~~ Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted r=~-~--7.:----~-~~---:--~~ \ Thus, understanding the sensitivity of the L-------------------------~ XTD-2: 10-0 12C 8~CRETRD p.4 DOE b(3) 815CRETRD life-expectancy to these lower yields is important. The peer review committee is concerned that a ''too-conservative" determination of degraded yield will lead to a life expectancy that is unrealistic (too short). DOE b(3) Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted II DOE b(3) Deleted XTD-2:10-012C 81;CRETRD p.5 815CRETRD DOE b(3) Deleted Peer review committee analysis, other observations Some other observations during the review are listed below. Some of these may be helpful in future oresentations on this imoortant tooic. DOE b(3) Deleted Deleted DOE b(3) - mtroauce the general approach (see tlgure 4) at the beginning of a (physics) presentation, with each term" of fioure 4 heino identified with a short description of what that term is in this analysis. \ Deleted XTD-2:10-012C 81;CRETRD DOE b(3) p.6 SI£CRETRD Conclusion This statistical approach used for the W78 CSA Life Expectancy is a reasonable approach. The conservative formulation of possible yield degradation employed seems overly conservative. Actual life expectancy for the W78 would be longer than that predicted by the results shown in figure 1. The peer review committee says this, understanding the W78 team's wish to ensure they have ·a conservative estimate ofthe life expectancy. Distribution: (b)(6) XTD-2: 10-0 12C 81;CRI;T RD p. 7