~Alamos BC 02154447 NATIONAL LABORATORY To/MS: - - - EST. 1943 - - - From/MS: Phone/Fax: Thru/MS: memorandum Theoretical Design Division XTD-5, Air Force Systems D00033883 D00033740 9E8RET I RB Symbol: Date: (b)(6) XTD-5:13-00738 March 5, 2013 CONFIRMED TO BE UNCLASSIFIED Secondary Performance Implications of W78 SLT 34-1 (U) DOE OFFICE OF CLASSIFICATION ~~.o~. ~l!f / / llf?.tJ / ~If 7 On December 11 , 2012, the CSA in unit W78 SLT 34-1 (build fabrication number 9407-24-0909) underwent destructive evaluation at Y-12. This 32.7-year-old unit was chosen for disassembly (from eight units that were randomly selected from the stockpile in Cycle 34) because nondestructive evaluation (NDE) 1 had indicated that it possessed abnormal conditions of particular concern. During disassembly, significant abnormal conditions were confirmed. However, these conditions are not expected to have a significant effect on W78 secondary nuclear performance beyond that which has been previously determined. 2~ _ _ _ _ _ _ DATE DOE b(3) Deleted \All SFI would be superfluous. L-----------------------------------------------~ Deleted DOE b(3) (b)(6) 8EeREY I RB An Equal Opportunity Employer I Operated by Los Alamos National Security LLC for DOE/NNSA 20140007901 &EGRET l Ria XTD-5:13-0073S Page 2 of 16 DOE Deleted This report is intended to support the assertion that W78 SLT 34-1 was in an abnormal condition due to aging for which its secondary performance is understood sufficiently to be able to make a qualified yield assessment, thereby obviating the need for an SFI. \ Deleted /This report is not a comprehensive update to the W78 CSA life expectancy,q-o though the aforementioned items will constitute the foundational elements of such a study to be completed later this year. ~~~--~--~--~ SI!Citi!T i ltD b(3) DOE b(3) 81iCRiiT ! RD XTD-5:13-00738 Page 3 of 16 1. W78 Full-System Baseline Modeling DOE b(3) Deleted fNonetheless, it is still ~~----------------~----------------------------~ informative and legitimate to depict the model predictions in the low-yield range. Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted al!elli!T ; ltD DOE b(3) SECRET t RB DOE b(3) XTD-5: 13-00738 Page 4 of 16 Deleted DOE Deleted b(3) DOE are given in Table 1. c::---:--:-:--:-----:--.--D_e_le_te_d--:-::--::--::-:-:::- :-.-----:-:-----:---:--.--_J b(3) he yield degradation assessed in 2010 and the corresponding results from the W78 baseline mode are s own m Fig. 4. Deleted ~----------------------------------------------------------~ DOE 3 In 2013, the W78 b( ) yield is the system yield properly averaged over the currently assessed primary operating range. Deleted DOE b(3) SI!Citi!T f ltD 15CRiiT l RD XTD-5:13-0073S Page 5 of 16 2. j ! DOE b(3) Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted \ DOE b(3) Deleted DOE b(3) n Deleted \ 1\ Deleted Deleted DOE b(3) 9E8REY: RB DOE b(3) 8E8RE'I' 1 RB XTD-5:13-0073S Page 6 of 16 DOE b(3) Deleted DOE Deleted / b(3) r=:-:------:-:---:----:-------' ~~~~------~----~----~~~~--------~~----~--~--~~--=-~I Thispreructionisnot the fmal answer, of course, because it is subject to appreciable uncertainty that is also affected by aging. Deleted The choice of a normal distribution is deliberate. If the only things one knows about a random variable are the first two moments of its probability distribution (the mean and variance), with no knowledge of the other moments, then the maximum-entropy principle 13 implies that a normal distribution best expresses one's belief about the value of the variable. More precisely, the normal distribution is the one that possesses the greatest entropy (contains the least information) for a given variance 14 and avoids, as much as possible, the introduction of subtle biases into the distribution. In a sense, the normal distribution is "maximally noncommittal with regard to missing information." 13 Accordingly, the normal distribution is a sensible choice in order to "play it safe", minimizing inadvertent bias. Deleted DOE b(3) 8E8RET I RB DOE b(3) S&CR&T J RD XTD-5:13-00738 Page 7 of 16 ~~~ ( ) ITacit assumption of other information can lead to subtle, undesirable Deleted ~onsequence~-for exam Je a PDF that concentrates robabili unrealisticall aivine: more o timistic results t Deleted 1s warranted. f>E b(J) It is appropriate to express the prediction uncertainty in terms of our worst prediction failures for feature-degraded nnclear "" I Deleted 1 J he amount o! aegraaauon 10 such a test must be 101errea rrom SliDUJatlons smce me yteia j ~~E ( ) '---:-:-- - - - : - - - - - ' without the feature is not experimentally known. \ Deleted DOE b(3) DOE b(3) Deleted I DOE Deleted b(3) J DOE b(3) Deleted \ ~ DOE Deleted Iff* were chosen precisely at the mean of the distribution, then b(3) o = 1 - e-\ or ln(l - o) == -1. Deleted DOE b(3) 8&CA&T 4 AD lliCRiiT J RD XTD-5: 13-0073S Page 8 of 16 In contrast, Eq. (14) is cogent and easy. The formulation with variable confidence the analysis to be quantified and controlled. Deleted oenables the conservatism of DOE b(3) DOE Deleted b(3) \I Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted DOE b(3) \Figure 5 compares yield predictions and prediction uncertainties for the 2010 CSA studyq and for the present 2013 assessment. ~----~~----,-~~~------~--~ In 2013, there is a dramatic reduction in the prediction uncertainty compared to the 2010 assessment.\ Deleted Deleted 9E8RE't' { RB DOE b(3) DOE b(3) 81iGRiiT t Rll XTD-5: 13-00738 Page 9 of 16 DOE Deleted Figure 5. Yield predictions and prediction uncertainties. SI!Citi!Y I ltD b(3) &liCRiiT J RD XTD-5: 13-00738 Page 10 of 16 DOE b(3) Deleted \ One obtains the bounds of the 95% confidence interval by finding the yield limits between which the area under the curve is 0.95. The most likely yield is that for which the PDF attains its maximum value. ~~~~--------------~~--------~ Deleted Sl!elti!T ; ltD DOE b(3) lliCRiiT J RD XTD-5 :13-00738 Page 11 of 16 It will be helpful to observe some numerical considerations in using these formulae. DOE b(3) I Deleted Deleted D OE b (3) DOE b(3) Deleted al!eltl!'l' ; ltD &E&AET! Ria XTD-5: 13-0073S Page 12 of 16 DOE Deleted b(3) L---------------------------------------------------------------~ The error turns out to be a minor one because the fmal distribution, Eq. (24), is relatively insensitive to this parameter. DOE Deleted b(3) L---------------------------~ W e are not being surprised by W78 CSA surveillance findings. 17 has proposed a W78 CSA stud in which 15 units from the available CSAs at Y-12 have been randoml DOE selected. Deleted .-T-h-e-se- 30_ u_m-.ts- ar_e_t_o _b_e_ _~ b(3 ) L-.--.,..-.,-,-....,....-e-s"""'t-an-d'ar -d-.--s_u,icte :--o-f;;-:N ....,;::; D:-:E;: :;-t:e-~st:-s,"""'i:-n--,cl;-u-;d-:-in-g-r-a-;-di:-.o_gr_a_p-;-h-y-, -w--:-:it7h-:-t;h-e---:in-:-te-n-:-t-o-;:f:-' cycling through all units over (b)(6) a three-year cycle. Current data obtained on these 30 units has been assembled in a preliminary report. 18 DOE I Deleted b( ) radiographed at least twice, and almost half of them were radiographed a third time. 3 SI!Citi!T f ltD IEach CSA unit was Page 13 of 16 Deleted DOE M3) DOE 13(3) Deleted &liCRiiT ! RD XTD-5:13-0073S Page 14 of 16 Deleted DOE b(3) Deleted al!eltl!'l' ; ltB DOE b(3) lliCRiiT J RD XTD-5:13-0073S Page 15 of 16 DOE b(3) Deleted Conclusions Predictive capability advances and improvements in statistical formulation have enabled remarkable reductions in yield prediction uncertainty. DOE b(3) Deleted e W78 CSA life expectancy will be based on the-foundational elements discussed above. References Deleted 13. E. T. Jaynes, "Information Theory and Statistical Mechanics," Physical Review 106, 620-630 (1957). 14. C. E. Shannon, "A Mathematical Theory of Communication," Bell System Technical Journa/27, 379-423, 623--656 (1948); see pp. 628-632. 15. Blenton (U), JOWOG-32S, LANL presentation LA-CP-12-0575 (May 15, 2012) (S/RD). (b)(6) 16. F. S. Acton, Numerical Methods that Work, Harper and Row, New York (1970); p. 19. 17. Y-12 andLANL 78 CSA Special Study (U), private communication (February 14, 2012) (S/RD). (b)(6) 18. W78 CSA Special Radiography Study (U), Y-12 report (b)(6) RP-YAREA-F-0200 000 00 (November2012) (S/RD). Sl!eKI!'!' i KD DOE b(3) Page 16 of 16 Distribution