RHINE LIABILITT CDMPANY STATE OF MAINE CERTIFICATE OF Filiinn Fm sens I'm .. File No. 201T1S44DC PagasE Fee Patel 3: 1?5 DEN 2162m1600025 DLLC 10t24t2t2tt? 8% Deputy Secretaryt of State it True Copy When Attestei Signature Kieth-I3.r ?silent-Esta.r at State Pu on ant to SI MESA l, the undersigned executes and delivers the following Certificate of Fonnation: FIRST: The name of the limited Iialrtilittlr is: MR, LLC limited liability edit-[law name met outwit lie wot-is "limited In?nity compo-f" or ?litiwd mm" or the Ilium-Non hut-premium h?llt?e mitt SECOND: Filing Date: [select one} Date of this ?ling; or Later et?l?ecti'ee date I: speci?ed here}: THIRD: Designation as a low pro?t L1): (Check only it applicable}: - I: This is a low-pcc?t limited liability company puma-I11 to MESA titolt meeting all quali?cations set forth here.- A. The titiHarmony:r intentis to qualify as a low-pro?t limited liahilit}.r company; B. The must at all times signi?cantly limiter the accomplishment of one or more ol? the ol-iariteh?le or educational purposes within the meaning of Section li?cHEJfB] ol?thc Internal Revenue Code of 1935, as it nits}.I be amended: revised or succeeded, and must list the speci?c charitable or educational purposes the company will further; C. No signi?cant purpose of the companyI is the production of income or the appreciation of property. The fact that a person produces signi?cant income or capital appreciation is not. in the absence of other factors, conclusive evidence of a signi?cant purpose involving the production of income or the appreciation ol'prcpetty; and D. No purpose of the company is to accomplish one or more political or legislative purpose within the meaning of Section of the lotemel Revenue Code of WEE. orits successor. FOURTH: Designation as a profeSsional LLC {Check only iI appl iambic}: Title is a professional limited liability company?l formed pursuant to 13 MESA Chapter 22-5 to peptide the following ptoressional services: Fortho- MILLS-GU oil} (Type ofwofissienal services] -1 Wed May 16 2018 09:19:51 FIFTH: SEVENTH: "Authorized peasants] The Registered Agent is a: [select either a or Noncommercial Registered Agent] Commercial Registered Agent ERA Public Number: F1 01 32 Shawn K. Bell. Esq . [Name of oommetcisl registered agent) Noncommercial Registered Agent {Name of noncommercial registered agent} {physical location, not Pt}. Box street, city, state and zip code] [mailing address it?differcnl above] Pumant to 5 MESA mess, the registered agent listed above has consented to same as the registered agent for this limited liability company. the membels detennilte to include are set forth in the attached Exhibit and made a part hereof. October 20. 2016 Kevin E. Dean, Member person} [Tmarpritl mermaid payroll] ?Examples of professional service limited liability companies are attunej's, chiropractors, dentists, registered nurses and veterinarians. tThis is not an inclusive list see l3 MSA ?Pursuant to 31 MRSA A, Certi?cate ofForrnation MUST he signed by at least one authorized person. The execution of this certi?cate constitutes an clam or af?rmation under the penalties of False swearing tmder Ill?A MESA ?453. Please rcmil your payment nuacle payable to the Maine Secretary of State. Submit completed form to: Secretaryr of State Division of Corporations, UCC and Commissions Ill] State House Station Augusta. ME till Telephone Jnmines: {1-07} 614-1151 Email Inquiries: CEC?orpora1ions?Mainegov No. Rev2018 09:19:51