1302 6?59 :22. 6 ice?: the rmexoc?m imam-Karina; LeWis BaaCh . A.Kathermei?aomew May-:29, 201-4 VIAEMAILANDUS AIL Mn: Robert Bugh?er Indiana Department of Corrections - Gentre?Soutn' 3'02 W631 "Washington Street I-ndianapplis, Indiana. 416204 By email; terr :uth' ?tannin ov Re: Filb?lic. Reg'or?d?s Reguest. Dear 'Mr. Bugher: I am writing to request recoil-as from the :lndi'ana Department of Corrections (IDOC) pursuant, do the state .open records law (Indiana Access to Public Records Act.?? I Steele copies of all records in the. agency?s p0?ssesSion, regardless. of who wrote. them, regarding the following: - supplies (including size and concentration of vials) of any and all drug intended or considered for use in executions currently in the possession of the . The expiration date of any 'and_all drugs intended or considered for use in executions currently in the possession of the DOC, The lot numbers of any mid all. drugs intended or considered for use in executions currently in the possession of the LDQC. Any .and fill drug inventory logs and or drug chain of custody documents related tosany. drug intended or considered for use in executions. from-January 2-012 to the present. 5. Any and. all activity by the Indiana DQ'C?frorn' January 1201-219 the present?to purchase or acquire any drugs for use in past or future executions, including purchase orders, invoices, checks, money orders, receipts, memoranda, and correspondence. 6% Documents regarding the manufacturers ?andlor distributors of "any. and all drugs intended or considered for use in executions'from January 20'12?ito the present. 7. Any correspondence between the Indiana DOC and any party, including Other state DOC-S. hospitals, pharmacies, and state and federal agencies,- from January 201.2 to the present regarding drug-s intended or. considered for-use. ofexejcutions; 1899 Avenue. Sujt'c 606 1 Washington. 00 200.05 353 8.990 1 12024665733 enlist-s" tam-tn ine?z??itlr?t? angers}; Mr. Robert Bugher May 29, 2014- Page 2 ?81 Any correspondence between the Indiana DOC and any party from January 1 2012 to the present regarding execution protocms, regulations, guidelines, checklists, notes, or other documents that instruct 0r direct the carrym'g out of an eitecution. 11101;; that; 'iasg'isi?shiain pi?iisiethazraswu ice; 1111111 include the ptoper custodian 5 name and address I agree to pay any reasonable copying and postage fees up. to $50.1fthe cos; would be greater than this amount, please notify me The Indiana Access to Public Records Act requires a response time within seven business days If access to the records I am requesting will take longer than seven days, please contact me with information about When I might- expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records. Ass provided by the Act, I will expect your response without. unreasonable delay and requestza response by June -9, 2014.. 11731011 deny any or all of this request, you are required to respond in writing and state the statutory =~exception authorizing the withholding of all orpart of?t?he public record and the heme and title. .or position of the person responsible for the denial. If you choose to deny this request, please provide a written explanation for the denial including a reference to the specific statutory upon which you rely. For each request to which you refuse to respond? fully or in part? on. the gtohnds that the Public Records sought are confidential andior exempt, please state in writing and with particularity the reasons why you believe that the record is exempt or con?dential, citing the applicable statutOry authority. For each request to which you assert that an applies to some, but not all, of any record, please produce the record, redacting only those portions to which. an exemption validly applies Again, the reason for any redactions: should he explained with particularity, citing the applicable statutory authority Also, please provide all segregable portions of otherwise exempt material. . Thank you for your assistance. Sincerely, A. Katherine Toomey rain-111111111 111111311111 111111111131;1111,35;