Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Payday be Imaged Chum No. 17 059623 4, RONALDO CHAVEZ Um ID - (:lupm: l. lg 2 Special Hearings 3. Commission Reviuv 4. Collect-ions 5. judicial Type of nucumcuc Chuck Stubs/ Payroll Record Collection Documents (:umpuuy Puljcy Special llcuclug Documents nn I'zy Commissinn Appcal uncumcm Commission/Bonus Agreement judicial Kcn'cw Documents Aurhonznuun fur Deducuons Other Description: l.l mama In AM Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Claimant Nam: RONALDO CHAVEZ Employer Account Investigator Nnme: User I Iu ctiun: Signed/Swom: YE WC Date: 10404017 Inlomdon Send-l (check off items rcvicwcd) Amounts Chimcd: Regular ()chmc Commission Bonus Period Dispute: Wagcclailn No: 17 059623 4 l'aldayS) em (NameSeatch) 1: szday System (Employer Notes) cm (Bankrup Texas Comptroller" As needed Vzufiun Sick Holiday Severano: Number of Hours Dispumdz Employer Ruponse [nfoxmaunn (According to 11,2)- Response Rgceivcd: Clalm Disputed? Paid? Chock Rlccuvcd? Rm: of Pay: Mum: nfl'aymcm: Check Cash Bankruptcy: Case No. Dcducuons Mm. Wage cum- Toml- Printout: Anachcd: LbsmuLL-xluum llmolu In AM 3 Dimct Depom 0le [j Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section Musing Facts: DATE INFORMATION USER ID 12/29/17 CLAIMANT TO 0511 ll' PAIDANI) PER A I ND2 WAGE. MULTIPLE WAGE CLAIMS: 17 060087 II I7 059533 5 17 059526 2 6: CURRENT Name, SSN, (IIaImnnl'st anm RONALDO CHAVEZ and Address Verificanons: Venficd B). RONALDO CHAVEZ Employcr's Legal Nnmc: Add"; FILID or bbN: Numbex of Empluyeas: Varificd By: Information Starch l'nmouI IncIudcd: If yes. source: 503 If why not: Method of Payment: vmfiw By: Conn-ms Informed oprpeal Rights: CIaumnI: Employer: DATE INFORMATION 12/29/17 CALLED EMPLOYER FIRST AF TALKING TO ANOTHER CLAIMANT NDZ MESSAGE STAT 5 NOT TIME. CALI, LAT .1. .XHIBIT A, MAM-.1) LI .1, To .ImaR .AIMANT NEEDS CALLED LIZ I #254556. VERIFIED INFORMATION, ADD ADD CLAIMANT ASK CLAIMANT HAD . PAID AND SIAIES HE WAS PAID AROUND 12/20/2017. I ASK HOW MUCH PAID AND CLAIMANT WAS PAID ALL HOURS AT REGULAR RI IVIZ PAY. AROUND -. CLAIMANT 11:5 EMPLOYER PAID - ORIGINALLY, 5 TO AS LL-SOOILL-MOBISI Io AM Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section BEFORE WAGE CLAIM FILED, SO DEDUCT THAT AMOUNT FORM THE TOTAL EARNED AT REGULAR TIME AND THAT IS THE AMOUNT EMPLOYER PAID CLAIMANT. C:I.r\il\i,YV'I'tiEVER PROMISED OVERTIME STATES WROTE DOWN B(: ADVISOR _1'I' WORKFORCE TOLD HIb1 TO CL.1I1i OVERTIME. CLAIMANT STATES EMPLOYER OWED PER DIEM. I EXPLAINED PER DIEM IS AN EXPENSE AND NOT A WAGE SO UNDER THE PDL WE CANNOT ORDER. CLAIMANT UND1.iRSTOOD. ADVISED WOULD RECEIVE NOTIFICATION IN MAIL. CLAI11.1NT WORKED A TOTAL OF 96.5 HOU.RS @ P:1ID PRIOR TO V6'AC.:I7 C1.AIM = HOURLY = ON 12/20/17 ND2 l..aw Violation: Y X N Ruling/Justification/Determination Codes: DATE INFORMATION 12/29/17 USERID (:LAI1iAN1' PAID AFTER WAGE CLAIM F11.I:D. CL.AIM1tNIT ORIGINALLY DUE BUT HAD BEEN PAID 5120.00 PRIOR T(:y Wr1Gl? CLAIM AND :\Fl'ER THE 0 DEDI'CT'ION THE C:I.AIAi.ati'1' W:1S PAID 5 ON 12/20/ 17. HOWEVER, PL•'R DIEM NO'I' COVERED AS NC.YI' CONSIDF_'RED A WAGE. Code Type E124, 1, 5 Amount Code 1'y-pc E140 Amount Code Amount Code Amount Type Type Code Type Amount E141 Penalty Amount $ Amounts Awarded (:omputations: D.Y'I'E INFORMATION USER ID ND2 Quarter/Year 3/17 LL-5001 LL-3 ( 0815) Quarter/Year / I•9Q01 S 8:10 AM Quarter/Year / Quarter/Year / Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section 5: - s: 3: Employer Sq'lingjusuflcadon Employer Accuum Entity: A Date: End Dare: Sole Propric DATE NX ID 12/29/17 ANGEL MARTINEZ Dba: UNITED MACHINE SHOP Per TAXPAYER INFORMATION AND USAS (TAX REFERRAL) NDZ Pun:lty_aning Penalty Wunnwd. Worksheet Anachcd: Bond Warning Justification: DATE IN USFZR 1D 12/29/17 VIOLATION NDZ mm NJ . PILE (cow DETERHINATION CODES: Elli] TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION PRELIMINARV WAGE DETERMINATION ORDER Labor Law January 3. ZUIE PAGE I OF I PAGES CLAIMANT EMPLOYER ANGEL DEA UNITED nacnms ANGEL MARTINEZ DEA UNITED HACHINE SHOP An investigation having been compieted. the foiiwing arder is entered pursuant to Chapter 61 af the Texas Labor Bode: FINDINGS AND CUNELUSIONS Tne cIainiant Is not entitled to for unpaid wages . The empicyer has paid this amount. Payment was made after [he wage ciaim was filed. but befare this determination order was issued. It has been determined that the employer viciated the provisions of the Texas Payday Law when the claimant's earned wages were not paid in accordance with the law If it Is determined that in employer has acted in bad faith. the Cummission may assess an administrative penalty for failure to pay wages as reluired by law. In this case no penalty is assessed. ORDER Based an the FINDINGS AND CONCLUSIONS shown above. the wage claim filed by CHAVEZ . and naming the employer ANGEL MARTINEZ is dismissed. Assigned Representative: - (SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION) (0393i APPEALS You have the right to appeal this determination order. Your appeal must be in writing. It must be filed no later than 21 days from the date this determination order was mailed in order to preserve administrative appeal rights. If you fax your appeal TWC must receive it no later than 21 days from the date the determination was mailed. TWC will use the date we receive the fax to determine whether your appeal is timely. If you file your appeal by fax, you should retain your fax confirmation as proof of transmission. If neither party files a timely appeal, this determination order becomes the FINAL ORDER of the Commission. Appeals should be mailed or faxed to: Special Hearings Texas Worklorce Commission 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 Fax#: 512-463-9318 Or You may appeal by TWC's online appeal form Go to www.texasworkforce.or¢/uavdavauoeal Please provide the Labor Law Section written notificatlon of any change In your address. Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 1-800 832-WAGE (9243) -- Fax#: 512-936-3364 For more information about the Texas Payday Law Law go to our web site at: htte://www.twc.state.tx.us/ iobseekers/texas-oavdav-law i i -25n-RK tnvi 5) gm: ur' TEXAS TEXAS WWKFORCE COMMISSION mar um, finam 1ZAT East 15m St!" Austin, Tax-s 7am-unnl RONALDO CHAVEZ (IZIS) DETERMINATION NBR: WAEE CLAIM FILE COPY l7 "59523-4 PARA EL REELAHAMTE Texas workforce Commission Labor L3H Dept. Room lZ'vT 101 East 15th Street TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION Austin. Tx 73778'0001 NJ DRDEN DE DETERMINACION FRELIMINAH DE SUELDO EV LABORAL January 3. 1015 CHAVEZ PAGINA I a: I PAGINAS NumaI-o qa datar-minlclun: Rm: guav- 05952 Numaro as ANGEL NARTINEZ DEA UNITED MACHINE SHOP Nabiendose completado una investigaciun. se asienta la siguiente orden conform: el Capltma 6| de la Ley Laboral d: hxis: HALLAZGUS realm-ate no [Tana dereche a per salaries no pagado. E1 patron ha pagado Esta cantidad. 5e hizq el page despues de que se radian el reclamo. pero antes de qua s: emitiara 3513 order>> do determinacion. Se ha determinado que el patron View las provision" de 15 Ley Dia :12 Page de Texas. cuando Ins sueldas davengadas par 31 reclamante no fuercn pagadus d: acuerdo a In ley. ST se determlna que un patron ha actuado con mala fe. la Camisiun puede imponerle una pena administrativa per no pagar Io: sueldos conforme Io requiere Ia ley. En esre case, no se impuso Mnguna pena. BRDEN Basada en los HALLAZGOS moslradox arriba. el reclaim.) da sushi!) radicada por CHAVEZ al patron/empleadar ANGEL HARTHIEZ s: desecha. Representat: As ignado: - (VEA EL REVERSO PARA INFORMACION ADICIONAU LL-ZED (0393) / APELACIONES Usted tiene el derecho de apelar esta orden de determinaci6n. Debe apelar por escrito. Se tiene que radicar a no m5s tardar de los 21 dfas del la fecha en que esta determinaci6n fue enviada para preservar los derechos administrativas de la apelaci6n. Si mando su apelaci6n per fax. La TWC tiene que recibirla no mas de 21 dfas despuAs de que la resoluci6n fue enviada per correo. La TWC usara la fecha en que se recibi6 el fax para determinar si su apelaci6n es oportuna. Si radica su apelaci6n por fax, debe usted conservar su confirmaci6n de fax como prueba de la transmisi6n. Si ninguna de las partes radica una apelaci6n oportuna, esta orden de determinaci6n se convierte en la ORDEN FINAL de la Comisi6n. Las apelaciones se deben enviar por correo a: Audiencias Especiales Texas Workforce Commission 0 Usted puede apelar usando el formulario de apelacibn en linea de TWC. Vaya a www.texasworkforce.ore/paydayaaneal 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 Fax#: 512-463-9318 Por favor proporcione aviso por escrito de cualquier cambio de domicilio al Seccion del Ley Laboral Labor Law Section Texas Workforce Commission 101 East 15th Street Austin, Texas 78778-0001 1-800 832-WAGE (9243) Fax#: 512-936-3364 LL-25D-BK (0913) ""°" Texas Workforce Commission Labor Law Section 101 E1 15m 51.11001" l24T Austin TX 78778-001 1-800-832--9243 ANGEL DB HOP Dale: 2017 RE: Wage No.: 17 060087 B. DAWSON. 17 059623 4, CHAVEZ, 17 059533 5, HILL 14c 17 059526 2, CRAWFORD EMPLOYER INFORMATION REQUEST 1 need to speak mm you die WAGE CLAIM {11111 your compmy by 11.: claimznt(s): as "Sicd above. I haxc <mm warn: cme INK. Note: Social SeemilyNI-mbu is ope-mm, bul mung In include it will deley nryoue Wage Claim TEXAS WORKFORCE LABOR LAW SECTION 101 EAST 15TH STREET, TEXAS 78778--0001 Tdephnne LEW-33749243 or 1-51M75-2670 or TDD lfiflfl-735-m9'mmn'ng Implilcd); Fax 161M75-3025 TO TITLE 2, 61, was LABOR CODE) Este formulario este disponible en espafiol Not Conn Cera'fied u: send lulu-z mile-Fondue: in: English Spulilh Quinn-l qweTWC cnvle ml.- tunuce w: Inglel Eapaflnl CLAIMANT INFORMATION: Fm Name: Middle: Last Nam: CHAVEZ Addx Ayn g: Sake: TX Dita of Em): Saelnl Security (Optimal): Phone 1: xtadlcd dunng Alums Plume s; Wham yen mes mass Wm during nomnl basins: haul-g -- I EMPLOYER: Ownel's First Name (If Business Nnne gunmen>> UNITED MACHINE SHOP ANGEL MARTINEZ Sune as: Sme:'1'X (:85 Business Add: YOUR Wuxk Lucmon (Sum-.1 Address, City, Smc, Zip): MAINSTAY HOTEL INGLESIDE TX Employer's Email 01 Wt!) Address: W'm'm PLEASE COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING EMPDOYMENT INFORMATION: 1. Villa work did you gel-(om? date of :mploymml 9/11/17 Employment sumswith ans :mpbyen Slill :mployed la Quit asee _9/22/17_ Reno>> [or WAS NOT PAID 2. wcxe you leguhdy scheduled paydiys? FRIDAYS Dual>> What was the agwed wank schedule? 10 DTcmiuadon elm you me ofpzy? "Ll/piece, 52/qu oLhcl 5" WM yam. a 01:1 4. use claimed wnges csnned in Tenn? Ifnm, was as: job contacted in Texas? 5. Wet: mes deduclcel item your paycheck? 6. ls Lb: employee sn'll Hxs. pee day, Days Pu wk, wnnen (please attach a copythe home address and phone numbul ST What me name and phcne numbek nfyalu supezvlsox' dlln'ng use period chimed? 956-480-4125 7. Is the employerinbanhuptcy? a Yes a No lfyes, is the bankruptcy filing .lnlep, Chapter. Cnse No: Axe you in bulkxuptCy? :1 Yes Whue filed: What ls the nuomcys name, ndduss, and phone numbcz? s. Ifyou eelasea to use employee, please sme the Kclafionship. NO 9' Did the empleyex give a mam so: nos paying you? Ifxo uphin: SAID HE HAD NOT BEEN mm. HE GAVE ME A DATE BUT KEEPS rr u,l (om) Inv.Na.62l750 (Condnued on Back) loi Cheese dz: type(s) oi wages below shni best descn'he you claim. and wells use ammlm ofunpald wages, lisling ehe gxoss amount ofwnges due. Nale:'lau unnmfil: lumeoyesy olnnyeype nlexpunee dune espense. mdxa'mlsunanenu ne new-gen Regulai L- Gemini", 5 -P senerns l=ny Deanednns cumin-e Unpaid Bonu- Pay BfluwMinim Wage 5 TOTAL UNPAID WAGES CLAIMED "Tb: "Wings blur/Fla- me: am In mm .m mn'upg, ba/idaypg', meme, a'afi km, pinyin/hulk, pus-4 Hm arpaiddg: a; Time when my": ly r/m'Imd a wn'llm We: oralm'flmpafig wee mam 1L Whamns she scheduled payday(s) [bx ihcse elaiened wages? Dsle(s) Dale(e) ,SElrr ll TO saw 21 12, If claiming Ingmar, nyeninse, and/or minimum wagz, min me she dates yauwodmd for: which you Inuivmi no Wipes? me t0 muse explain hwyou deienninen dz: amount chimed end peoyide hseekdown elshe any. bolus weekeel (Example: 20 hour: nguLu pay as 55 pet hous end 5 hams ovenilne pny <<157.50 per how; 30 inns in piece nee ofls75 puitzm). If svailahle, lunch a copy nffimecatds ox fimcsheela. Us: '11: :mchmem located on the bedside chi]: mmcfium tn ymvid: bxcakduwn of thc'dnys and ham wolknda WEEK.-PERHR OVERTIME ZWKS - PRI--mxas Fons DAYS 13. at was she pennd in which the wages eanned? Flam Lo Amyou wine of any ageemenl lo pny commissions ox honus 3 Yu [2an Please explain how you use amount due If mashle mach infonnsnun snppon you ship, such I: weinen Agmemcnt, snies zecoxds, check ssuhs, em, Use she nmdunemlacaled on he backside onhe insuuedens to provide . breakdown 0: bonus. IT WAS DEERMINID WHEN I GOT HIRED. 14. If chiming fringe bandit, plense explain which you an claiming .nd indicaee how you delennined the ill-noun! due. We muss ehuin a eepy of: Mina-l policy or agreement providing paymulk after pluse much a copy. Also anach evidence of use nmoum owed (ho-us left) such as check stub: or other documents 15. deduceions, did you sign my :udlon'zan'on for deduedons oases than xegulne payioll was? El Yes .No If yes, plense enplnin (much copy) you mm of any :gxeunenl (such as allbimrion, callutiv: bargainlng union eenencl, ERISA Suwc: Comma Act, etc.) one exisled helween you and she employee? es 1N0 Ifyes, please amch copy 17. Adelin'onal Comments: I UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY BE ASSESSED AN ADMINISTRATIVE PENALTY IF THIS CLAIM IS FOUND TO BE BROUGHT IN BAD FAITH. To b: cmsidelcd va'id, Vomwagc claim Was My name is --, my date of birth I3 (Fiat) (Middle) (Loss) moneh day/yer) and my mama . USA x-evm1 (Zip Code) (Country) (Street) (City) (State) I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in County, State of _TX , on the 10_ day of 10_, 2017 (Month) (Year) Declarant (signature) Completed forms, iuyuirier, or corrections to the indivadHal itforrnation coetained in tliis form shall be sart to the T6YlC LaborLaui Section, 101 E. 15th St., Rm. 124T, Acstitr, TX 78778-0001, (512) 475-2670. I>rdivirlirals may receive and review rnfarination That T[Y/C collects aGorrt the individual Gy emailing to o en.recar ,.twc.state.tx.us or writing to TWIC ppea Recordt, 101 E. 15th St., Am. 266, Asustin, TX 78778-0007. Wage Claim Form Attachment Question #14 Hours Worked Per Week Breakdown Instructions: Enter the date of the starting day of the first workweek Enter the start time for the first day on the time card o Enter the starting hour in the Hour column o Enter the minutes in the Min column o Enter AM or PM in the AM/PM column Example: If you started working at 8:30am enter; AM/PM 8 30 AM Hour Min Enter the stop time for any break or lunch period in the Stop Time section; following the example above Enter the start time when returning to work from any break or lunch period in the Start Time 2 section Enter the ending time in the Quit Time section Enter the total number of hours worked for the date Enter the total number of hours worked for the entire workweek Week 1 Stop Time Start Time Start Time 2 Hours Worked Quit Time MM/DD/YY Hour Min AM/PM Hour Min AM/PM Hour Min AM/PM Hour Min AM/PM Ex:12/07./15 8 00 AM 12 00 PM 1 00 PM 5 00 PM 8 Total weekly Hours Week 2 MM/DD/YY Hour Min AM/PM Start Time 2 Sto p Time Start Time Hour Min AM/PM Hour Min AM/PM Quit Time Hour Min AM/PM Total weekly Hours Question #15 & 16 Commission or Bonus breakdown Hours Worked Mo'mm [353mm comsxeN u} FUERZA mum DE TEXAS LEYES momma, 1m ITETI--I mum,Auan,Tm1e7vs-oom TEL man my TDD (Sea-Vida ylra Ema") HW- 7354"". PM LEE-6154025 (on comommo can EL {ml-.0 cum-um a: ma. cameo MBOKMV m7. nix/m {gem mum: in Euglilh savanna mean-mt CDN TINTAYBN mm GLfil-B' Nun: flu upmm mum a: mm a: Sign" Sm, pea L-Hmcho m: ac A f: I pawn 4: dkvtuen 4: an 2mm me>> warm um hmmimlendum ammo. cat-no Jmm; ms mm b. Nu 52m: ":93 FOR FAV com- 39. 510mm: INFORMACION DE ram-mam 1m, Mo I 'l (Fauna oq 4'7 401,619 to Illuacfin uhau. man "went: a ho gnu-s D553: mhu'nnda Memeimdln .ij ma daspidie e2 din 4cm dlmalivo do In Smolder: a: maple>>, . me a {005k- um "gum-:5 a: Fwd. 496L110 la mkuhnbm Ian' (p0: damfln. A rpm, :1 mm manual", in mamas ,mng 52um pin . cCufl an .1 1mm 4: main eonunidn? Ln mm "Jim pa: mm. a mum? eQufidmedunmmdu hall I: rzoymnu Na 'Luo mum qua ulJumi,clnl gune en =1 nude ms? Am Emma survived" Havel mum ammo :n I "ma dwTequ {Sn mun gamma .. Mada: pal morphde' Mm: 431 nzgacin de pnueu Sign: on aluminum"? 4cm as 01 domluflia dew pmeu m'unum mm. Cu 4cm"mama; mac "mama qua mm was do deck: as}: da magma Cupllulo:, anNcuu Lugxr qua u- didb In declmdo'm . Indiana .1 nambm. In May a mlelnrw mm: 1. an 5.. a: quleth. 5i lime ulgfiu 1m nan e1 pawn, rm: 2 indium mhm--WV--fl-- 451mm sigma: mm lnT'nom gawkmafia mafia <>: it [241a OCT 10 2017 LABOR LAWS Iva/Ea Evd mantra BZILT 1193/31/61 w. Sulecdvne 1m) meme) 4; unhuim armada: qw: maxi {on qua mun>>. lad-kinda 1: mm del tunic <> a mm: elanhds? Del, at; 1_ Fmtde cxplicur 56m ammo!>> mm qw: <> ndiunm Ins mam do chnquu 1.: a: gumdm Um meiotic dunno en in pan: mnma as In- x37 811 cm dz melanin: commun- xqquzmdu se gm. =1 Mario que se film? W, gym. Lax. .4134>>. kayo: a mum :bmu mum Lu slums qu: mhmu (Mfume mmcieu npayn an "Indian, mm mm mm, mm; dachuquefl. em). an: x; a palm ch in made 111 man!>> u: un myth. anor d: amm-s do In wen-wan a gamma" udiunnr oopia cm T915599 a7 "3273,, 2 Eengr 1.x En cum domfluummabenum perm pmmun. raJFreq'nm pour-m den: may": . at mm. mm dn mm: aim enkule 1: . 5% mum: "main mum mm mm do! pam'm <> tm n1 Coudada 4a . GE vz/va 39Vd Eauufisfix \\1"fl 0" 92 LTBZ/Btlfi'fi m1 a Pregunta No,14 -,Asidlus detailado de hor-as tr4ajaelas por seu;=a ineEtuccionea IugrCSe L•r Fecha del d4a dc comieneo de la prlmetu s'=ma de trabajo I^rese ei hotscrio de it^iac^ del primer dia ez^ >a cazje^ de ^aaia+ceneia 1n^se la hottt de u^ieic^ en el cnlt^a 1Tura 0 o Iugmse 106 uYinntoa en el calu=tt rs Itygzese AM oPU en el eoluz^= A114f 1'lv1 Ejecnplo; Si empexo a tzabajat alas i;':30 am, as^esQ; Y•Xo#a Miii AM/PM AM 8 30 Tngrpse et hnlario do fnstrrupcicin para un tit rnpa d dmsvrtsn n pcriodn de cnsn.ida rn la s:rcca6n Htsrado de lneexriapc't+6n; bigoersdo c,l ejeuapla ttsyccxi.ccyr Ingresc e1 hazarlo d.a Wcia cuanclo xagwsb ntwbaja despu6u de ua tic.nnpo de dmcaexsa o"perioda de cosxzida ers la eecGidn Hotoxa de YuiCia 2 Ingreee el hozar;.a de tea,'rniyaR46u en la seed6a Hae# i.a cYe'I'enuizanl6m Ttsgrese la, casitidad totAl de horas que tcabaj6aii 3se a Irsgteae Ln cantidld totid de horae yue rsabajd en esa errr.^sna completa strnanA I MM/DD/At1 EX, 13 DX 16 t^ K ... Htsrurio de Ynic3o Hnt3 Min AM/Fitt ,AM 8 00 .. lir ^^b^ rfo dp Yntur oidri Ho1xt Miti rIM/PM J* TiM 00 !'),tA ^! +[} /✓1 r -r ^ 17 0 P t7 r"'! Z ^^l I 'Pm AM' 1 eO d ; ."OpA"? ^'17 I 2 Homria de Uicio 2 Hores Mie .A.M NM 1 PM 00 pp P Floxuxio de Termfitfxc15n HoEn .MItS rIMfP3H1 a Y*hQ UE} rt^9 ,"!^^ m 7.*"4. ✓J? !.'+ !^ 0 ^,eas 'Z'rahgJadas Ei^^, 7: 30 7WF r' 5 ^ w' 49 ti'1 0 0 17r' 60 0 '7C+aeol de^orsta sn^analau H4 Semarist 2 MM/PA .AA Horario de Ysdcio Hora Mitt .F1.M/PM el.. C$/_ 0 2„ ^..^ A-r'7 00 'y' D^ r^ .HOS'a5 Hdt:lrio dp Ynterr.a eion ITara A1vI rd y^ 3e> 'Q 4B &A 3[3 : ^vl h'I J4M Harario de Iaicio 2 Moru TvTfn r1M plvl ! r 0. ,04 0) ^ Terminnddn Hnr,i Min .AwB&E "7,^ 7 AP07 Trnbu'adas ^?^^ ^ e? ra V 00 040 i Tutsa deixaras 5Bmama88 Pregunta Na, 15 y 16 -.A.n4si6 derallada de Coin siorles a ptouj^'ieac4oraes Favor da lndulr un ua0ws detsUndn c utto=rnasiFs quc dej Cotigtauia, dt abai[Sivi3eu o bGS^i^xcaciar^s, (I^ja^^^blar sllan^r/verrlur/crt^^ttds r'^ °la da m#'Mdr1/6urrt surd^l - MflldGi1 0 Ga ^^fJ73r^^idrr^urnrnJaj O/'e7rid s ^^^^^^Pn Funnr de inclulr inF'orm;#d6n clur duji^ canmflrlss 4c srOan xcor*bs, ra] como hojas de rutu 4,regismos clc viujes de ciudaci a aiudad, VrA/ze! 39Cd SN0111 t'14.lS 30^iA.MNWh1 C09CJ9Q61SE t3z:tt tTeZtOT/OT