18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 1 of 19 Main Document Fill in this information to identify the case: United States Bankruptcy Court for the: Southern New York ____________________ District of _________________ (State) ‰ Check if this is an 7 Case number (If known): _________________________ Chapter _____ amended filing Official Form 201 Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy 04/16 If more space is needed, attach a separate sheet to this form. On the top of any additional pages, write the debtor’s name and the case number (if known). For more information, a separate document, Instructions for Bankruptcy Forms for Non-Individuals, is available. 1. Debtor’s name Cambridge Analytica LLC ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. All other names debtor used in the last 8 years Cambridge Analytica Commercial LLC ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Include any assumed names, trade names, and doing business as names Cambridge Analytica Political LLC ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Anaxi Solutions Inc. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Debtor’s federal Employer Identification Number (EIN) 4 ___ 6 – ___ 4 ___ 4 ___ 4 ___ 9 ___ 7 ___ 1 ___ 3 ___ 4. Debtor’s address Principal place of business Mailing address, if different from principal place of business 597 5th Avenue ______________________________________________ Number Street _______________________________________________ Number Street ______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ P.O. Box New York NY 10017 ______________________________________________ City State ZIP Code _______________________________________________ City State ZIP Code Location of principal assets, if different from principal place of business New York ______________________________________________ County _______________________________________________ Number Street _______________________________________________ _______________________________________________ City State ZIP Code 5. Debtor’s website (URL) 6. Type of debtor Official Form 201 https://cambridgeanalytica.org ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ✔ Corporation (including Limited Liability Company (LLC) and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)) ‰ ‰ Partnership (excluding LLP) ‰ Other. Specify: __________________________________________________________________ Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 1 18-11500-shl Debtor Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 2 of 19 Cambridge Analytica LLC _______________________________________________________ Main Document Case number (if known)_____________________________________ Name Describe debtor’s business 7. A. Check one: ‰ Health Care Business (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(27A)) ‰ Single Asset Real Estate (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51B)) ‰ Railroad (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(44)) ‰ Stockbroker (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(53A)) ‰ Commodity Broker (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(6)) ‰ Clearing Bank (as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 781(3)) ✔ None of the above ‰ B. Check all that apply: ‰ Tax-exempt entity (as described in 26 U.S.C. § 501) ‰ Investment company, including hedge fund or pooled investment vehicle (as defined in 15 U.S.C. § 80a-3) ‰ Investment advisor (as defined in 15 U.S.C. § 80b-2(a)(11)) C. NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) 4-digit code that best describes debtor. See http://www.uscourts.gov/four-digit-national-association-naics-codes . 5 4 1 8 ___ ___ ___ ___ Under which chapter of the Bankruptcy Code is the debtor filing? 8. Check one: ✔ Chapter 7 ‰ ‰ Chapter 9 ‰ Chapter 11. Check all that apply: ‰ Debtor’s aggregate noncontingent liquidated debts (excluding debts owed to insiders or affiliates) are less than $2,566,050 (amount subject to adjustment on 4/01/19 and every 3 years after that). ‰ The debtor is a small business debtor as defined in 11 U.S.C. § 101(51D). If the debtor is a small business debtor, attach the most recent balance sheet, statement of operations, cash-flow statement, and federal income tax return or if all of these documents do not exist, follow the procedure in 11 U.S.C. § 1116(1)(B). ‰ A plan is being filed with this petition. ‰ Acceptances of the plan were solicited prepetition from one or more classes of creditors, in accordance with 11 U.S.C. § 1126(b). ‰ The debtor is required to file periodic reports (for example, 10K and 10Q) with the Securities and Exchange Commission according to § 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. File the Attachment to Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy under Chapter 11 (Official Form 201A) with this form. ‰ The debtor is a shell company as defined in the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 Rule 12b-2. ‰ Chapter 12 Were prior bankruptcy cases filed by or against the debtor within the last 8 years? 9. ✔ No ‰ ‰ Yes. If more than 2 cases, attach a separate list. 10. Are any bankruptcy cases pending or being filed by a business partner or an affiliate of the debtor? List all cases. If more than 1, attach a separate list. Official Form 201 District _______________________ When _______________ Case number _________________________ MM / DD / YYYY District _______________________ When _______________ Case number _________________________ MM / DD / YYYY ‰ No ✔ Yes. ‰ See Addendum 1. Debtor _____________________________________________ Relationship _________________________ District _____________________________________________ When __________________ MM / DD / YYYY Case number, if known ________________________________ Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 2 18-11500-shl Debtor Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 3 of 19 Cambridge Analytica LLC _______________________________________________________ Main Document Case number (if known)_____________________________________ Name 11. Why is the case filed in this district? Check all that apply: ✔ Debtor has had its domicile, principal place of business, or principal assets in this district for 180 days ‰ immediately preceding the date of this petition or for a longer part of such 180 days than in any other district. ‰ A bankruptcy case concerning debtor’s affiliate, general partner, or partnership is pending in this district. 12. Does the debtor own or have possession of any real property or personal property that needs immediate attention? ✔ No ‰ ‰ Yes. Answer below for each property that needs immediate attention. Attach additional sheets if needed. Why does the property need immediate attention? (Check all that apply.) ‰ It poses or is alleged to pose a threat of imminent and identifiable hazard to public health or safety. What is the hazard? _____________________________________________________________________ ‰ It needs to be physically secured or protected from the weather. ‰ It includes perishable goods or assets that could quickly deteriorate or lose value without attention (for example, livestock, seasonal goods, meat, dairy, produce, or securities-related assets or other options). ‰ Other _______________________________________________________________________________ Where is the property?_____________________________________________________________________ Number Street ____________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________ City _______ State ________________ ZIP Code Is the property insured? ‰ ‰ No Yes. Insurance agency ____________________________________________________________________ Contact name ____________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________ Statistical and administrative information 13. Debtor’s estimation of available funds 14. Estimated number of creditors 15. Estimated assets Official Form 201 Check one: ‰ Funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors. ✔ After any administrative expenses are paid, no funds will be available for distribution to unsecured creditors. ‰ ✔ 1-49 ‰ ‰ 50-99 ‰ 100-199 ‰ 200-999 ‰ 1,000-5,000 ‰ 5,001-10,000 ‰ 10,001-25,000 ‰ 25,001-50,000 ‰ 50,001-100,000 ‰ More than 100,000 ‰ $0-$50,000 ‰ $50,001-$100,000 ✔ $100,001-$500,000 ‰ ‰ $500,001-$1 million ‰ $1,000,001-$10 million ‰ $10,000,001-$50 million ‰ $50,000,001-$100 million ‰ $100,000,001-$500 million ‰ $500,000,001-$1 billion ‰ $1,000,000,001-$10 billion ‰ $10,000,000,001-$50 billion ‰ More than $50 billion Voluntary Petition for Non-Individuals Filing for Bankruptcy page 3 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 4 of 19 Main Document Cambridge Analytica LLC ✔ 05/17/2018 Authorized Person 05/17/2018 Adam C. Harris Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP 919 Third Avenue New York NY 212-756-2000 adam.harris@srz.com 2124105 NY 10022 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 5 of 19 Main Document UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: Chapter 7 CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA LLC Case No. 18-________ (___) Debtor.1 ADDENDUM 1 TO VOLUNTARY PETITION FOR NON-INDIVIDUALS FILING FOR BANKRUPTCY As of the dates set forth below, each of the Debtor's affiliates listed below have a bankruptcy case or similar proceeding pending or being filed in this Court or in another court listed below (as applicable). Debtor Relationship to Debtor District/ Court Date SCL USA Inc. Affiliate Southern District of New York May 17, 2018 SCL Group Limited Affiliate The High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, and Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) May 2, 2018 CR-2018-003659 SCL Analytics Limited Affiliate The High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, and Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) May 2, 2018 CR-2018-003697 SCL Commercial Limited Affiliate The High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, and Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) May 2, 2018 CR- 2018-003655 1 Case Number The last four digits of the Debtor’s taxpayer identification number is 9713 and the address of its principal place of business is 597 5th Avenue, New York, New York 10017. 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 6 of 19 Main Document SCL Social Limited Affiliate The High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, and Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) May 2, 2018 CR-2018-003699 SCL Elections Limited Affiliate The High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, and Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) May 2, 2018 CR-2018-003656 Cambridge Analytica(UK) Limited Affiliate The High Court of Justice, Business and Property Courts of England and Wales, and Insolvency and Companies List (ChD) May 2, 2018 CR-2018-003695 2 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 7 of 19 :5,77(1 &216(17 Main Document &$0%5,'*( $1$/<7,&$ //& 'DWHG 0D\ 7KLV ZULWWHQ FRQVHQW LV EHLQJ GHOLYHUHG E\ WKH JRYHUQLQJ ERDUG WKH ³%RDUG´ RI &DPEULGJH $QDO\WLFD //& D 'HODZDUH OLPLWHG OLDELOLW\ FRPSDQ\ WKH ³&RPSDQ\´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³%DQNUXSWF\ &RGH´ :+(5($6 WKH %RDUG DQG WKH KROGHU RI D 3UHIHUUHG 0DMRULW\ ,QWHUHVW KDV GHWHUPLQHG WKDW LW LV GHVLUDEOH DQG LQ WKH EHVW LQWHUHVWV RI WKH &RPSDQ\ LWV FUHGLWRUV HTXLW\ RZQHUV DQG RWKHU LQWHUHVWHG SDUWLHV IRU WKH &RPSDQ\ WR ILOH D YROXQWDU\ SHWLWLRQ IRU UHOLHI XQGHU &KDSWHU RI WKH %DQNUXSWF\ &RGH 12: 7+(5()25( %( ,7 5(62/9(' WKDW WKH ILOLQJ E\ WKH &RPSDQ\ RI D YROXQWDU\ SHWLWLRQ IRU UHOLHI XQGHU &KDSWHU RI WKH %DQNUXSWF\ &RGH LQ WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHV %DQNUXSWF\ &RXUW IRU WKH 6RXWKHUQ 'LVWULFW RI 1HZ Remainder of Page Intentionally Left Blank@ 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 9 of 19 Main Document ,1 :,71(66 :+(5(2) WKH XQGHUVLJQHG KDYH H[HFXWHG WKLV :ULWWHQ &RQVHQW DV RI WKH GDWH DQG \HDU ILUVW ZULWWHQ DERYH 7KH %RDUG 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 B2030 (Form 2030) (12/15) Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 10 of 19 Main Document United States Bankruptcy Court Southern New York _______________ District Of _______________ In re $".#3*%(& "/"-:5*$" --$ Case No. ___________________ 7 Chapter ____________________ Debtor DISCLOSURE OF COMPENSATION OF ATTORNEY FOR DEBTOR 1. Pursuant to 11 U .S.C. § 329(a) and Fed. Bankr. P. 2016(b), I certify that I am the attorney for the above named debtor(s) and that compensation paid to me within one year before the filing of the petition in bankruptcy, or agreed to be paid to me, for services rendered or to be rendered on behalf of the debtor(s) in contemplation of or in connection with the bankruptcy case is as follows: For legal services, I have agreed to accept . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $______________ 30,000.00 Prior to the filing of this statement I have received . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $______________ 30,000.00 Balance Due . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $______________ 0 2. The source of the compensation paid to me was: Debtor 3. ✔ Other (specify) &NFSEBUB -JNJUFE The source of compensation to be paid to me is: Debtor ✔ Other (specify) &NFSEBUB -JNJUFE ✔ I have not agreed to share the above-disclosed compensation with any other person unless they are members and associates of my law firm. 4. I have agreed to share the above-disclosed compensation with a other person or persons who are not members or associates of my law firm. A copy of the agreement, together with a list of the names of the people sharing in the compensation, is attached. 5. In return for the above-disclosed fee, I have agreed to render legal service for WKH IROORZLQJ aspects of the bankruptcy case a. 5endering advice to the debtor in determining whether to file a petition in bankruptcy; b. Preparation and filing of any petition, schedules, statements of affairs and plan which may be required; c. Representation of the debtor at the meeting of creditors and confirmation hearing, and any adjourned hearings thereof; DQG 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 B2030 (Form 2030) (12/15) d. 6. Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 11 of 19 Main Document >2WKHU SURYLVLRQV DV QHHGHG@ By agreement with the debtor(s), the above-disclosed fee does not include the following services: 3FQSFTFOUBUJPO PG UIF EFCUPS JO BOZ EJTDIBSHFBCJMJUZ BDUJPOT KVEJDJBM MJFO BWPJEBODFT SFMJFG GSPN TUBZ BDUJPOT BOZ MJUJHBUJPO PS BOZ BEWFSTBSZ QSPDFFEJOH CERTIFICATION I certify that the foregoing is a complete statement of any agreement or arrangement for payment to me for representation of the debtor(s) in this bankruptcy proceeding. 05/17/2018 ______________________ Date /s/ Adam C. Harris Signature of Attorney Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP Name of law firm 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 12 of 19 Main Document UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: Chapter 7 CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA LLC Case No. 18-________ (___) Debtor. 1 CORPORATE OWNERSHIP STATEMENT Pursuant to Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure 1007(a)(1) and 7007.1 and Local Bankruptcy Rule for the Southern District of New York 1007-3, and to enable the Judges to evaluate possible disqualification or recusal, the undersigned for Cambridge Analytica LLC (the "Company") certifies that the following are entities, other than the Company or a governmental unit, that directly or indirectly own 10% or more of any class of the Company's equity interests: Entity Emerdata Limited SCL Elections Limited SCL Analytics Limited SCL Group Limited 1 Address C/o Pkf Littlejohn 2nd Floor 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London United Kingdom E14 4HD C/o Pkf Littlejohn 2nd Floor 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London United Kingdom E14 4HD C/o Pkf Littlejohn 2nd Floor 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London United Kingdom E14 4HD C/o Pkf Littlejohn 2nd Floor 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf London United Kingdom E14 4HD Ownership 89.5% direct interest 10.5% indirect interest 10.5% direct interest 10.5% indirect interest 10.5% indirect interest The last four digits of the Debtor’s taxpayer identification number is 9713 and the address of its principal place of business is 597 5th Avenue, New York, New York 10017. 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Cambridge Analytica Holdings LLC Alexander Nix Date: May 17, 2018_____ Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 13 of 19 C/o The Corporation Trust Company Corporation Trust Center 1209 Orange Street Wilmington, DE 19801 12 St. James's Square London United Kingdom SW1Y 4RB Main Document 69.9% indirect interest 10.8% indirect interest _________/s/ Julian Wheatland__________ Authorized Person 2 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 14 of 19 Main Document Fill in this information to identify the case and this filing: Cambridge Analytica LLC Debtor Name __________________________________________________________________ Southern New York United States Bankruptcy Court for the: ______________________ District of __________ (State) Case number (If known): _________________________ Official Form 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors 12/15 An individual who is authorized to act on behalf of a non-individual debtor, such as a corporation or partnership, must sign and submit this form for the schedules of assets and liabilities, any other document that requires a declaration that is not included in the document, and any amendments of those documents. This form must state the individual’s position or relationship to the debtor, the identity of the document, and the date. Bankruptcy Rules 1008 and 9011. WARNING -- Bankruptcy fraud is a serious crime. Making a false statement, concealing property, or obtaining money or property by fraud in connection with a bankruptcy case can result in fines up to $500,000 or imprisonment for up to 20 years, or both. 18 U.S.C. §§ 152, 1341, 1519, and 3571. Declaration and signature I am the president, another officer, or an authorized agent of the corporation; a member or an authorized agent of the partnership; or another individual serving as a representative of the debtor in this case. I have examined the information in the documents checked below and I have a reasonable belief that the information is true and correct: ‰ Schedule A/B: Assets–Real and Personal Property (Official Form 206A/B) ‰ Schedule D: Creditors Who Have Claims Secured by Property (Official Form 206D) ‰ Schedule E/F: Creditors Who Have Unsecured Claims (Official Form 206E/F) ‰ Schedule G: Executory Contracts and Unexpired Leases (Official Form 206G) ‰ Schedule H: Codebtors (Official Form 206H) ‰ Summary of Assets and Liabilities for Non-Individuals (Official Form 206Sum) ‰ Amended Schedule ____ ‰ Chapter 11 or Chapter 9 Cases: List of Creditors Who Have the 20 Largest Unsecured Claims and Are Not Insiders (Official Form 204) ✔ ‰ Corporate Ownership Statement Other document that requires a declaration__________________________________________________________________________________ I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct. 05/17/2018 Executed on ______________ MM / DD / YYYY 8 Authorized Person _________________________________________________________________________ Signature of individual signing on behalf of debtor Adam C. Harris ________________________________________________________________________ Printed name Authorized Person ______________________________________ Position or relationship to debtor Official Form 202 Declaration Under Penalty of Perjury for Non-Individual Debtors 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 15 of 19 Main Document UNITED STATES BANKRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF NEW YORK In re: Chapter 7 CAMBRIDGE ANALYTICA LLC Case No. 18-________ (___) Debtor. 1 VERIFICATION OF CREDITOR MATRIX I, the Authorized Person for the debtor in the above-captioned case, hereby verify that the attached list of creditors is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Date: May 17, 2018_____ 1 _________/s/ Julian Wheatland__________ Authorized Person The last four digits of the Debtor’s taxpayer identification number is 9713 and the address of its principal place of business is 597 5th Avenue, New York, New York 10017. 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 16 of 19 Blackberry Corporation 3001 Bishop Drive, Suite 400 San Ramon, CA 94583 Comcast PO Box 37601 Philadelphia, PA 19101 Connecticut Office of the Attorney General 55 Elm Street Hartford CT, 06106 Daston Corporation 2010 Corporate Ridge #165 McLean, VA 22102 Datawatch Systems 4401 East West Highway Suite 500 Bethesda, MD 20814 Deltek Inc 159 W 53rd St New York, NY 10019 Deltek Inc PO Box 79581 Baltimore, MD 21279 Elliott M. Sibers The Attorney General of New Jersey New Jersey Division of Consumer Affairs 124 Halsey St., 5th Floor, PO Box 45029 Newark, NJ 07101 Hotaling Property & Casualty LLC 125 Park Avenue New York, NY 10017 Jeff S. Jordan Federal Election Commission 1050 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20463 Jordan O’Hara et al. c/o Cost Law Group LLP 1140 South Coast Hwy 101 Main Document 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 17 of 19 Encinitas, CA 92024 Jordan O’Hara et al. c/o Cuneo Gilbert & Laduca, LLP 4725 Wisconsin Ave., NW, Suite 200 Washington, DC 20016 Jordan O’Hara et al. c/o Blood Hurst & O’Reardon LLP 501 West Broadway, Suite 1490 San Diego, CA 92101 Kent S. Ray Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office 69 West Washington St., Suite 3130 Chicago, IL 60602 LAZ MidŞAtlantic Inc PO Box 759311 Baltimore, MD 21275 LAZ Parking 1125 15th Street, NW Suite 400 Washington, DC 20005 Jonathan J. Blake Assistant Attorney General Office of the Attorney General, State of Connecticut 110 Sherman Street Hartford, CT 06105 Mathew Meyhofer U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission 44 Montgomery Street, Suite 2800 San Francisco, CA 94104 Mountain Valley Water 10985 Guilford Road Annapolis Junction, MD 20701 Netvigour Inc PO Box 86 Forest Hill, MD 21050 NET VIGOUR P.O. Box 86 Forest Hill, MD 21050 Page 2 Main Document 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 18 of 19 Office of the Attorney General Commonwealth of Massachusetts One Ashburton Place Boston, MA 02108Ş1518 Oracle America Inc 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 Paychex Business Services LLC 970 Lake Carillon Drive Suite 400 St. Petersburg, FL 33716 Presidential Tower Property LLC Beacon Capital Partners, LLC 200 State Street 5th Floor Boston, MA 02109 SCL Elections Limited C/o Pkf Littlejohn 2nd Floor 1 Westferry Circus Canary Wharf, London, E14 HD United Kingdom SCL USA Inc. 597 5th Avenue New York, NY 10017 Taylor Picha c/o Morris Sullivan & Lemkul LLP 9915 Mira Mesa Blvd., Suite 300 San Diego, CA 92131 Ted A. Berkowitz Assistant Attorney General NYS Office of the Attorney General 28 Liberty Street New York, NY 10005 The District Communications Group, LLC 216 12th Street SE, Washington, DC 20003 The Honorable John Thune United States Senate Commerce Committee Page 3 Main Document 18-11500-shl Doc 1 Filed 05/17/18 Entered 05/17/18 23:39:52 Pg 19 of 19 405 Hart Senate Building Washington, DC 20510 Todd Bigelow c/o Norwick, Schad & Goering 110 East 59th Street New York, NY 10022 Verizon Wireless Po Box 25505 Lehigh Valley, PA 18002 Page 4 Main Document