SCOTT H. PETERS 1122 LONGWUHTII HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING 52 WASHINGTON, DC 20515 ND ISTRICT, [202?225?0508 4350 EXECUTIVE DRIVE, 105 at the (?nitrh ?tatrs lacunae at Representatihts Uliltlashittgtun, 20515?0552 May 15, 2018 The Honorable Tom Torlakson State Superintendent of Public Instruction California Department of Education 1430 Street, Suite 5602 Sacramento, 4-5901 Dear Sup 'nte W, . Many of my constituents are serv'ed by the San Diego Uni?ed School District (SDUSD), which educates over 6,500 homeless youth in?San Diego, the third largest homeless student population in the state of California. I write to eXpr?ss rn'y- extreme disappointment with the way the California Department of Education (CDE) handled the grant application process for the Education for Homeless Youth Program. applicatiOn Was rejected apparently only because one signature was missing. 'As you know,'San Diego, and California broadly, is in the midst of a homelessness crisis. The federal government provides fundingrfor the Education for Homeless Youth Program, which I have supported as a member of Congress; Th'egrogram is administered by the state with the intent of helping homeless children struggling for education despite their dif?cult circumstances. This grant cycle, SDUSD officials were told their grant application ?looked very solid and really good.? 1 However, CDE rejected the application because one signature was missing. That signature had nothing to do with the merit of the proposal, and this purely technical omission could easily have been rectified without unfairness to the competitive process. Tossing the application for this minor reason is a draconian and unfair penalty a penalty likely paid by the homeless students who deserved that support. The purpose of the federal funding and the state competition is to reward the best application, not to punish the smallest mistake. That?sexaCtly what happened here. I urge you to reconsider the way CDE examines applications and notifies-applicants of their status. I would appreciate a response to the following questions: 0 Does CDE contact districts with otherwise?promising applications to notify applicants if applications are incomplete? - Does a missing signature on a grant application disqualify applicants for any other grant program? 0 IS there anything SDUSD can do to apply for funds during this grant period (2018-2021) in the event that some awards are not fully utilized? 1 PRINTED ON RECYCLED PAPER SDUSD acknowledges that they made an honest mistake, but ?at out denial of much-needed grant on this basis is a drastic penalty. I hope CDE will also reaf?rm its commitment to all students, do the right thing, and reevaluate the grant application process. Sincerel Scott H. Peters .J "5 Member of Congress Cc: Cindy Marten, Superintendent, San Diego Uni?ed School District