SELECT SPORTS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 19, 2018 STATEMENT FROM TERRANCE AND ATTORNEY REGARDING MAY 19? INCIDENT Chip Lewis: ?We appreeiate the pretessianalism nt?all law enthreement inyalyed in handling this situatien. Centrary te media repertst Terranee did nut hit a light pale and there was nn light pale even near the yehiele. his arrest was whully unrelated to the aeeident. We are eentident that anee all the Ihets are hreught In light in eeurt Terranee will be yindieated." Terranee Williams: am grateful that nn ene was injured in the aeeident. The driyer in t?rnnt at me slammed nn his brakes and I turned tn the left and hopped the eurh te ayeid hitting him I get his insuranee int?nrmatien and my neighher pieked me up when my ear wnuldn?t driye. I lit-'e right near where the aeeident neeurredt an my me eff and I ealled a tew truck and tank the frem my heuse tn get meet the truek driver. The police nttieer, have met in the past in the saw me an the saunter and arrested me withuut per?mning any subtier tests. I haye always been an upstanding citizen and handled the situatien the best way I knew haw. I shnuld haye handled it a little bit differently." Centaet Infermatien: Chip Lewis ?13-523-?8?8