Texas State University INCIDENT REPORT Case: Incident: 201700039150 INCIDENT DATESITIM ES: Reported Datoi'l?imo: 12103/2017 22:45:43 Earliest DatchiInc: 12/03f20 7 22:00:00 Latest Datel'l?ime: 12103.00? 22:45:00 LEADS Activity: Suspicious INCIDENT LOCATION: 600 Block Dr San Marcos TX Hays County OFFENSES: UCR Code Stature it Stature- - Dmm?p?m: Name: DOB: Tel Address: Race: Tel CityiStatEIZlP: Sex: PROPERTY VEHICLE: Hale State Dips.- VIN Yr Make Made} Color Virtue SYNOPSIS: OFFICERS ASSIGNED: 00000739 04849257 Palmer, Tad 00000738 0409269] Key, Chase Page 1 of 5 'l'exas State University INCIDENT (Jase: Incident: 20] 700039150 HS) INVOI ,VI-fl): Contact 001 Name: DOB: I'Ithn: Address: Race: llair: Ses: I'Lyes: Phone I: Skin: Phone 2: lleiglII: Iface: SSN: Weight: Dangerous: om: sr: - lama-m: Contact 002 Name: Address: R: we: llair: (Tity/St: Sex I'Iyes: Phone I: Skin: Phone 2: Height: Face: SHIV: eight: Dangerous: SI: Resident: Contact 003 Name: DUB: Address: Rate: llair: ('ity/St: Sex: l?yes: Phone 1: Age: Skin: Phone 2: Height: I-aee: SSN: fright: Dangerous: - Resident: Contact 004 Name: Address: Race: llair: .?ity/St: Se I'lyes: Phone I: Age: Skin: Phone 2: Height: Face: SSN: ?right: Dangerous Resident: Page 2 of 5 'I?exas State University Incident: 20l 700039 I 50 Contact 005 Name: DUB: I'Zthn: Address: Race: Ilair: (?ity/St: Sex: I'lyes: Phone I: Age: Skin: Phone 2: Height: Iface: SSN: Weight: Dangerous: om: Resident: Contact t006 Name: DOB: Address: R: lee: Ilair: City/St: Sex I'Iyes: Phone I: Skin: Phone 2: Height: have: SSN: \V?leight: Dangerous: - Resident: Contact 007 Name: non: Address: Race: Ilair: Sex: I'Lyes: Phone I: Age: Skill: Phone 2: Ileight: IVzIee: SSN: Weight: Dangerous: - SI: Resident: Contact 008 Name: DOB: Address: Race: IIair: ('ity/St: Sex: I'lyes: Phone I: Age: Skin: Phone 2: Height: I-?aee: SSN: Weight: Dangerous: Resident: Page 3 of 5 Texas State University INCIDENT REPORT (.?IIse: Incident: 20I 700030l 50 Contact 009 Name: Address: I?lmne I: Skin: Phone 2: SSN: IIeigIIt: eight: Resident: mm: Imm; SI: Witness 001 Name: Address: (?ity/St: Phone I: Phone 2: SSN: Witness 002 Phone 2: Height: SSN: Weight: SI: (ms: Resident: Address: Name: (?ity/St: Sex: I: ves: Phone I: Age: Skin: IVVOI - .. Race: l-Iyes: ?eight: I Weight: Resident: DOB: mm It: State: 7.072 0 Yr: 2006 Chevrolet HHR (?nlm-z BLU Loss No. Qty? Description Serial It Value Iz'wl. I 0.00 A S: Function ll) Name Date Slums 04099.0(? Key. UNI-V2017 l? - l?eIIdiIIe Investigated Reviewed 005-18700 Slade. (ire-gm) I - [\pprm ed Page 4 of 5 Texas State University INCIDENT REPORT Case: Incident: 201700039150 Page 5 of 5 Incident 201700039150 Offense: Information Report Reporting Officer: Key,C.738 Assisting Officer(s): Lopez, J. 733 Palmer, T. 739 Belamres, R. 710 Victim(s): Offender(s): Witness(es): Vehicle(s): 2004 blue Dodge 2015 gray Chevrolet Summary of - Responded to the area of the Music Building in reference to posters being placed on campus 0 Located two banners posted above the Quad Bus Loop 0 Documented and removed the banners Responded t-to make contacts with two individuals who located posters - Responded to San Jacinto Garage to assist Sgt. Belmares 0 Issued to 5 individuals, who admitted placing flyers on campus 0 Detained the individuals and transported them to PD for questioning Interview Details and Narrative: On 12/03/17 at approximately 2245 hours, 1, Of?cer T.L. Palmer UPD #739, responded to the area of the Music Building located at 10] Pleasant Street, San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, 78666, in regards to ?yers and banners being posted on campus. Of?cer C. Key PD #738 also responded the location in an attempt to locate individuals responsible as well as the banners/Byers. Of?cer Key and myself inspected the outside of the Music Building and were unable to locate either a banner(s) or any flyers. While driving towards the bus loop area next to the Pleasant Street Garage, I observed two banners hanging from the upper retaining wall area (below the parking lot) for the and Burlcson Dorm buildings (see attached photo). UPD dispatch and Sgt. Belmares were noti?ed. During our attempt to locate the banners ?yers, Of?cer Lopez was ?agged down by students and advised there were ?yers located on the Stallion Statue located in the west end area of the Quad. Of?cer Lopez removed approximately 30?40 ?yers. I then began to respond to the area around-partments located at? San Marcos, Hays County, Texas, 78666, where additional ?yers were reported on parked vehicles. While enroute to this location, Sgt. Belmares stated he had 5 individuals stopped in front of the San Jacinto garage located at the corner of North Comanche Street and Lindsey Street. I responded to Sgt. Belmares location, and observed 5 white male subjects. All individuals were identi?ed and issued Criminal Trespass Warnings at the scene. The individuals were identified as: DOl-nonstudent 1) nonstudent 2) 3) nonstudent 4) (DOB nonstudent 5) (DOB - nonstudent Sgt. Belmares contacted UPI.) CID and was advised to transport all ?ve individuals back to UPD for further questioning. All ?ve were placed in handcuffs (TC, DI.) and transported to UPD by myself, Of?cer Key and Of?cer Lopez. All ?ve were detained at UPD in the Training Room for further questioning by UPD CID. No further information at this time. Evidence Disposition: 1.) None Incident 2017-00039150 Offense: Information Report Reporting Of?cer: Officer T.L. Palmer UPD #739 Assisting Officer C. Key UPD #738 Officer J. Lopez UPD #733 Sgt. R. Belmares UPD #710 Victim(s): ()ffender(s): Wit Vehicle(s): 20004 blue Dodge 2d/Picku 2015 gray Chevrolet 4D/Picl_ Summary of - Responded to the area of the Music Building in reference to posters being placed on campus 0 Located two banners posted above the Quad Bus Loop 0 Documented and removed the banners 0 Responded t?o make contacts with two individuals who located posters 0 Responded to San Jacinto Garage to assist Sgt. Belmarcs 0 Issued to 5 individuals, who admitted placing ?yers on campus 0 Detained the individuals and transported them to PD for questioning