INC. {"llre Cempanly'? Minutes at a meeting er the Heard ell" [Jireele-re 61' Elm Cumpan}; helrl m1 ?'hJanuHr}: 20119. Heliee re ll'll?- Illeellng was waived by all FCFE-UHS entitled therele. PRESENT: Mrs. [Elba Bellunenun. Mm. Giselle fleempe and MP3. Verne dc Helm". being the majerhy n?r?lhe mem bers {ml the Heard Dl Diree'lurb. [TE-[rs RMAN: Mrs. Elba Eellraneuurt were: elected Ulaaimmn oflhe meaning. Mm. {jimlle {kamim ?'35 eleeled Seerel?ry ?lth-I: meeling. The Fella? in__u remimion was rede?ned: In gram. 35 i1 i511ereb3'grm1ml. a Pen-Her nfl?llurnez? in ihx'eur at" Mr. David 1'r'ietenr ARTHUR, born {in 1'9" GEM-bet", 19701 dmnieiled at Avenue Charles rle linulle, dennlenm Tellml. with individual Signature right- ?J'herc being nu usher In be transacted this mee?ng. il has declared elesed. and in witness. therem?lhese Milulles have been issued eur- lhe dab: l'IrSl all-DH: Wrilicn. Elba Belhuumurl. Chalnneu Uiaelle?emgp . Summary