Support the American Red Cross. Settlement reached in 2014 helicopter crash outside KOMO TT-E -- A settlement teen rea:he: r. the deac'y201-1 he:ic-::te' :rash that ii iled two pee: an: :adl'y injure: -:the's an the gra- rt: lowing a talreof? (A the at, MCI Gary P?ltzner was cl 302? mg the the norm"; of ?Ja'ch 15. 2'2'1-1. Onbaa'd was longti-ne st Bill Strothn?an. Both were 4.2 Crash invest'gatCrs say as the Chapter was talz'ng o-?f the re: pad. tre tail rct-znr pe:al c-rtrc- 5 suddenly trei' The \latic-ral Fares-ration. Safety Board says that was fallcmed by main rator :ontrols losing ther hydraul boast as wel. On Manda?y. the two when injured on the ground. R5:har:l Newrran a?d Cull e'rr-z Sanchez. hath rea :he: a settlerrent with the 'el' :opter cwr-er T-e e>:a:t terms were nc?. selosed KCIMO only invarve e-twas that it centrazed Wit" tre corrcan',' cal ec Hel :opters inc. l? sett?err-ert. there was ?12- adm ssian ~:vflia:i ifv b?y? 3n'y' cart/1