Statement ofWork Media Support Contract t r.s. Em·ironmental Protection Agency Background and l'urpose: EPA's Oflke of Public Affairs (OJ> A) is respon~ihle for working with media to provide the public ll'ith timely. coherent information on environmental issues. and EI'A actions and policics. \l.'hcthcr providing thc media with press announcements: responding to media inquiries: or reacting to published stories. OPA works to achieve articles that accurately represent EPA's perspective. In order to accomplish this goal. OPA must constantly monitor media coverage and respond to inaccurate or incomplete stories. OPA may choose a numhcr of methods to address these stories. including contacting reporters and editors to request corrections. OPA's ability to successfully address inaccurate or incomplete stories hcforc the stories influence other reporters or arc widely read is largely dependent on its ability to identify tlm~c stories shortly after publication. and OPA requires contractor support in order to do so. Scope of Work El' A rcqui res four basic services: deliver)·. via cmuil und in ncar-real-time. of media stories involving relevant events. announcements and issues. with trend :malysis included: deli vel)·. via cmuil, of a once-daily (Monday through Friday) compendium of news coverage of El' A and cnv ironmental issues. including a trend analysis: deli very. ,. ia email and in neur-rcal-ti me. of media stories on high-priority issues and/or media outlets as determined through ongoing discussions hctwccn OPA and the vendor deli vel)·. via searchable da!abasc. of all past media slnrics gathered under the other assigned tasks The selected l'endor shall he responsible for obtaining the necessal)' licenses (via Factiva Lc~b Ne~is or similar service) to provide this service to OPA. Accompanying these dcliverables. selected vendor shall provide e~ceptional customer service. including2417 access hy EPA to contractor's account managers. analysts. and senior managers. to ~rmit last-minute changes to topics. deadlines. and speci fie guidance from OPA to the contractor regarding stories to he included and the e~tcnt of coveragc dcsired. Del i\'crahlcs sha 11: include articles and broadcasts rrom major U.S. newspapers. national telcvision and cable news. news wceldics. relevant magazincsandjournals. blogs. specialty press. etc.: 1 rellcct understanding of EPA's mission and interests: characterize, when requested. the coverage such that EPA officials can quickly get a sense of how widely various story dements were run and what the general tone is: and provide links within the coverage to the original rull-text versions and to streaming video of important television as originally broadcast. AII content is to be provided as described within the task descriptions. with the exception of the observed legal holidays below: New Y car'~ Day Martin Luther King's Birthday Presidents' Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Columbus Day Veteran's Day Thanksgiving Day (two days: Thanksgiving Day and the day alter Thanksgiving) Christmas day (two days: These days wi II vary ha~ed on which day of the week Christmas falls and will be work~;;d out betwt:cn EPA and the contractor.) Inauguration Day (when applicabh:) At a minimum. the following outlets shall be included in the contractor's search for media clips: AP Agri-Pulsc Argus Media Axios Bloomberg 131oumbcrg BNA Boston Globe l:lrcitbart Aus i nl'SS Insidcr C'NN Chicago Tribune Christian Science Monitor The Daily Caller E&E News Financial Times Forbes Fo~ News The Guardian The Hill Hot Air Independent Journal Review LA Times Morning Consult NPR NTK Network NY Times The Oklahoman PJ Mc\lia Politico Reuters Seicmitic American Tulsa Worl\1 USA Today Wall Street Journal Washington Examint:r Washington Post Washington Times Googlc News Keywords- EPA, Environmental Protection Agcn~y. Scull Pruitt 2 Tasks and Delinrables: [!or Tasks I & 2, the contractor shall seck to provide news stories relevant to EPA "s mission. and. at a minimum. shall include the !allowing topic areas: a. h. c. d. c. f g. h. i. j. k. L m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. Administrator Air Brownlidds!Superfund!Other cleanups Budget Climate Change Emergency Response Energy Enforcement Environmental Justice EPA Grants I la;.ardous wa~te [ntcmational environmental agreements and dispuh:s Pesticides Research and Development Ru!cs!Regulations!Pol icy Toxicsrrsc A Trash/rccycling/composting/solid ,,·a.•ae Tribal environmental issues Water EPA may modi!)· this topic a!\.--alist by contacting the contractor as new or additional U!\.'a'> of tl.x.:us arise. Task I - Delh·er, l'ia email, Near Li\·e-Time Co\·erai!:C of Relel·ant lndh·idual Media Stories llelinrables: 'll1e contractor shall deliver comprehensive. ne(lr live-time media coverage lor high-priority events. announcements or issues. Delivery is to be made in individual cmails which also include the name of the media outlet. the full text of the story. a link to the origin!![ source. llild a brief ( 1·2 sentences) charactcrizmion of the tone of the story. all in an easily-readable. Section 50R-compliant lonnat. This "war room" type coverage will include rapid delivery of media stories. Delivery will be to a select list or approximately 30 OPA starr. as provided by OPA. Deliver~· shall be throughout the day as news stories arc publi~hcd and within 30 minute~ of the I imc of puh!icat ion. This de!iverah le shall he avai Iable seven days per week. from R AM to ll PM Ea.~tem Time. c:~:cluding holidays as defined in this statement of work. Note that. while cmails shall typically be delivered with one story per email. multiple entries 3 may be combined in a single email at the contractor"s discretion. In either case. however. the cmai I shall be sent within 30 minutes of all articles· publication. Name Due Near Live-Time Coverage of Relevant Individual Media Stories Due seven days per week, - Individual or combined story eKcluding holidays, from 8 AM -11 PM Eastern Time on a entries are delivered to a p prop ria te rec ipi en t s via email rolling basis, throughout the day as news stories are published. All stories shall be sent to the OPA listserv within within 30 minutes of article publication. 30 minutes of publication. Acceptance Criteria - selected articles demonstrate an understanding of which issues are important to OPA - Each email includes the name of the media outlet, the full text of the story (when in print), a link to the original source, a brief summary (for tv and radio entries), and a brief indication of the story's tone. - Emails are in an easilyreadable, Section 508compliant format. - Updates to the recipient listserv are made within one (1) business day. Task 2- Delin~r, via F.·Mail, Daily Compilell News Coverage of EPA and Environmental Issues, Including Trend Analysis Deli\·erables On Munday through Friday. excluding defined holidays, the contractor shall provide an e·mail compendium of news coverage relevant to EPA and environmental issues. These compendia arc due twice daily at 8:00AM and 3:00 PM Eastern Time. These deliveries shall consist of media ~tories from print, television and radio outlets. For print stories, the contractor shall provide the article title. full story content. and a link to the original full-te:-.:t versions. Television and radio stories shall include a title, link, and brief summary of the content. 4 ·rh: compcndia shall include all Task I and Task 3 materials. The contractor will not be required to deliver any <..'-maib lor this ta~k on Saturdays. Sundays or observed holidays as defined in this statement of work. However. the first Monday and/or post-holiday e-mail delivery under this ta~k shall also include content published since the preceding e-mail dcli\"cry on Friday or the day before the holiday. and shall include relevant content from all weekend and/or observed holiday days. In addition to news clips. the compendia shall also include a trend analysis. to include key n1ct rics ~uch as: total volume of media rcp(lrts: average favorability -percent favorable. neutral. and unfavorable: lc:tding story lOcus: leading messages: leading spokespeople on key messages: and leading media type on key messages. -l11c above represents OPA · s best idea of the trend analysis, but specifics will be worked out with the cnntmcwr at\cr contrm:t award. These compendia including trend analysis. will go to a listserv. maintained by the contractor. or approx imatcly fiOO people. Formatting of the compendia is at the discretion of the contractor. but they must be ca~y to read with a rca~nablc ty·pc and font size. and must be Section 508 compliant. Name Due Acceptance Criteria Compiled News Coverage of EPA and Environmenta I Issues Due no later than 8:00AM and again at 3:00 PM Eastern Time, Monday through friday. Note that Monday 8:00AM ed ilion and any edition following a holiday will include relevant stories published during the time of the weekend and/or holiday. - Compendia arrive on time and to all recipients on vendormaintained listserv. - Compendia use reasonable font and type size, and are Section SOB compliant. ·Compendia include relevant articles gleaned from the OPAprovided list of key words. - Each compendium includes the name of the media outlet, the full text of the story (when in print), a link to the original source, a brief summary (for tv and radio entries), and a brief 5 indication of the story's tone for each story included. - Compendia include a trend analysis - Key word updates are incorporated no later than four (4) business hours from the time vendor is informed by OPA of change. - Updates to listserv are made within one (11 business day of time vendor is informed by OPA of changes. Task 3- Deli,·er, l'ia E-mail, Near Livt-Time Coverage of High-Prioril)' Ntws Stories Deli\·erable~ In addition to the daily individual and compiled news coverage in Tasks I and 2. the contraclor shall provide 01' A statT with news stories on breaking news and high priority issues. This content will be limited to high priorily issues and/or media outlets as determined on an ongoing basis through discussion bclween OPA and the contractor. This content is to be delivert."d on a rolling basis throughout the day as it is published. and within 30 minutes or publication. seven days per week from 8 AM- II PM . Emails shall be delivered to on OPAprovidcd list of approximately 30 individuals. and the list shall bt: maintained and updated as needed by the contractor. Ernails shall include the name of the media outlet, the full text of the story, a link to the original source. and a brief ( 1-2 sentences) characteri1.ation of the tone of the story, all in an easily-readable, Section 508-compliont format. Note that. while emails shall typically be delivered with one story pcr email. multiple entries may be combined in a single cmai l at the contractor's discretion. In either case. however. the email must be sent within 30 minutes of all articles' publication. Name Due Acceptance Criteria Near Live-Time Coverage of Due seven days per week, excluding holidays, from 8 AM - 11 PM €astern Time on a - Individual or combined story entries are delivered to appropriate recipients via email High Priority New Stories 6 rolling basis, throughout the day as news stories are published. All stories shall be sent to the OPA listserv within 30 minutes of publication. within 30 minutes of article publication. - Selected articles reflect both an understanding of which issues are of high priority to OPA, and also the topics determined through discussions between OPA and the vendor. - Each email includes the name of the media outlet. the full text of the story (when in print), a link to the original source, a brief sum mary (for tv and radio entries), and a brief indication of the tone of the story in an easily-readable, Section 508- compliant format. - Updates to the list of recipients are made within one (1) business day. Task 4 - Dclin:r ami 1\laintain Searchable Database of Past Media Stories lleli\·erables The contractor shall host and provide access to a Section 508-comp!iant database of all media cnntcnt col h:ctcd in currying out Tasks I. 2 and 3 or this statement of work. This database shall he acces~ib!.:: to appro:~: imatcly 30 01' A stair and pmv ide them with the ability to search media content by topic. title. media outlet. and reporter name. Access to the dataha~e shaH be a\'ailablc 24 hours per day. seven days per week. including holidays. with exceptions for scheduled maintenance. Datahasc shall he available within 24 hours of contract award. Name Due (if applicable) Acceptance Criteria Searchable Database of Past Database sha II be live within 24 hours of contract award and shall be updated continuously. Databaw sha II be made available on a 24/7 basis with • Database is available within 24 hours of contract award. Media Stories - Database is available on a 24/7. seven {7) days per week, 7 the exception of scheduled maintenance. including holidays, with the exception of scheduled maintenance. - Database includes all media con tent coli ected in carrying out Tasks 1, 2, & 3 of this statement of work, and also includes trend analyses from Task 2. - Database is searchable by topic, title, media outlet, and reporter name. - Database is updated continuously. - Oataba se is Section 508 compliant. Supporting lnfonnation The Period of Performance shall be for one year from date of contract award. 8