DETERMINATION TO SOLICIT FROM A SINGLE SOURCE SIMPLI FIED ACQUISITION PROCEDURES I. FA R 13. 106- 1(b) states that contracting o ffi cers may so licit from o ne source if the contracting o fficer detcnnines that the circumstances o f the contract action deem only one source to be reasonably ava ilable. 2. I determine only one source to be reasonably available based one of the following c ircumstances as set forth in FAR 6.3 02: ~O nly one responsible source and no other supplies o r serv ices w ill satisfy Agency req u i rem en Is D U nusual and compelling urgency 0 Industrial mobiliz.·u ion: eng ineering. deve lopment or research capability: or expert serv ices 0 International agreement D Authori zed or required by statute D National security 0 Public interest 3. Brief descriptio n o f the reason for your determination: The identified contractor Defin ers Public Affairs is the sole supplier/owner for "Defin ers Co nsoleBased War Room System". This sole source function automatically notifi es its users via email of news alerts along with logging in go through the alerts in one convenient location. The Conso le includes a robust search functi on that will enable its users too quickly find and filter the stori es alerted by Definers. T he EPA will have the ability to usc the Definers Console-based War Room System: Proprietary ad vanced search fun cti ons within the clips tandalone media clip database including perpetual retenti on so that information is always available regardless of email retention poli cies or other limitations of email platforms Specially trained and experienced researchers to provide relevant and actionable ana lys is Digital and human analytics coverage throughout the day Medi a tags that are tailored to your company's areas of interests. which all ow for qui ck sorting and tracking o f your customi zed data streams. Deli vered through our proprietary web interface which allows for email distribution as we ll. D efin ers sati sfi es the subject requirement for. T he U.S. Env ironmental Protection Office o f A dministrator and Executi ve Serv ices (OA) in public affairs req uest. T he EPA team can be automatica lly notified that allows the O ffi ce o f A dministrator extensive med ia mo nitoring w ith a product that is an aggress ive sty le o f campaign-sty le delivery o f rea l time coverage of stories, broadcasts and articles from major outlets. The prov ider Definers., is the only responsible source that will satisfy Agency requirements and no other supplies or serv ices w ill satisfa ctorily meet the requirement. 4 .. This determ ination satisfi es the requirements ofF AR 13.106-1 (b) & FAR 13.1 06-3(b)(3 )(i). The req ui rement to prepare a written justification in accordance with FAR 6.303 does not apply to purchases using sim plified acq uisition procedures. J%uvV. W\M.ow Jess ica Y. Wi lson Contracting Officer ( 12/07/ 17 Date 12/07/ 17 Date