OAKLAND PD - PAGE: 000001 Date: 05/21/18 Time: 12:14 - Requested By: HANEY, CRAIG Incident Number Date Time Type Dispo Address CITY Unit Officers Report Number 2 180429000388 18/04/29 11:22 415C I RTAR BROOKLYN AV OAKLAND 0P9307 Date Time - . 7 0perator 18/04/29 11:22 Primary Event: MAIN Opened: 18/04/29 11:22 03 THOMPSON, BRYAN 18/04/29 11:22 Incident Initiated By: BRYAN THOMPSON, BRYAN 18/04/29 11:22 962x RP XFRM 2324 LAKESHORE Av NEAR CLEVLAND CASCADE WILL DIRECT To 03 THOMPSON, BRYAN 18/04/29 11:22 408 UNK HGT HVY BLD BLK SWEATSHIRT ONG LOGO BLK PANTS UNK A. 03 THOMPSON, BRYAN 18/04/29 11:22 WEAPONS IS USING A CHARCOAL GRILL IN AN AREA -- NFD o3 - THOMPSON, BRYAN 18/04/29 12:22 LOP180429000388 timed out_queue updated UNKNOWN 18/04/29 12:22 LOP1804290003BB timer reset by 27 C11 0 18/04/29 13:07 DUPCALL 7 - OAKLAND 04 C85 18/04/29 13:07 TYPE: COMP: PAS: SS: . 04 . C85 18/04/29 13:07 PRI: SRC: 0 MC: DISPO: 04 C85 18/04/29 13:08 RP IN 415 WITH SUSP . . o4 C85 18/04/29 13:08 Priority . Fr: 3 To: 1, - C85 18/04/29 13:08 Incident Type CHANGED Fr: OMC To: 415C C85 ?18/04/29 13:08 Stat ER L00: 2324 LAKESHORE Av C44 18/04/29 13:08 Primary unit - To: 7? C44 18/04/29 13:08 SUSP FOLLOWING RP 04 C85 18/04/29 13:08 ELC 23 C44 18/04/29 13:09 Stat ER . . L00: 2324 LAKESHORE Av - C44 18/04/29 13:09 CD6 23 C44 18/04/29 13:11 962K AT RP CLEVALAND CASCADE FW DBLU SWEATSHIRT JEANS - 04 4 C85 18/04/29 13:11 RP 50 SOUNDS 5150 . 04 C85 18/04/29 13:14 CAN HEAR SUSP FOLLOWING RP MAD THAT RP WAS HARRASSING HER OVER HER 04 . C85 18/04/29 13:14 BBQ 04 C85 18/04/29 13:14 Address Fr: 2324 LAKESHORE Av I C85 7 To: BROOKLYN AV 18/04/29 13:15 RP SAID NO WEAPONS 04 . C85 7 18/04/29 13:16 Stat OS 7 Loc: 2324 LARESHORE AV STOLZ, BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:16 NOW ON BROOKLYN AV AND MERRIT AT QUIK 04 1' 18/04/29 13:16 Address Fr: BROOKLYN AV C85 To: BROOKLYN Av 18/04/29 13:16 Location CHANGED To: QUIK STOP C85 18/04/29 13:17 SUSP REPEATING THAT RP WAS HARRAASING HER BBQ FOR 2 HRS --NOW RP UPSET 04 18/04/29 13:17 SUSP IS CONFRONTING HER - 04 C85 18/04/29 13:18 LINE DISCO . 04 C85 18/04/29 13:18 1L15 1 2 FW ARGUING AT QUIK STOP - - . '23 C44 18/04/29 13:19 Stat OS - Loc: 2324 LAKESHORE AV C44 18/04/29 13:25 1L15 REQ 1L73 - 1L73 COPIES - 23 . - C44 18/04/29 13:25 Stat-0P/1L73 ER Loo: QUIK STOP C44 18/04/29 13:35 upon arrival, observed RP SCHULTE, Jennifer? 00 STOLZ, BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:35 walk ont of Quick stop followed by FW, later identified as' 00 STOLZ, BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:35 who was filming RP with Cell 00 3mm, BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:35 phone. I . 00 BENJAMIN .18/04/29 13:36 Stat OS Loc: QUIK STOP C44 18/04/29 13:38 SCHULTE stated that she plaed a call for service for OMC violation and I 00 STOLZ, BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:38 waited for 2 hrs. She then decided to confront the violator who was using 00 BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:38 a charCoal grill inside a prohibited area. SNIDER who is the violatoris 00 . STOLZ, BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:38 wife, thought that RP ?00 STOLZ, BENJAMIN 18/04/29 13:41 was discriminating against her husband. SNIDER shOved SCHULTE and 00 STOLZ, BENJAMIN OAKLAND PD Date: 05/21/18 Incident Number Date Time Type Dispo Address CITY Unit Time: 12:14 PAGE: 000002" Requested By: HANEY, CRAIG Report Number 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 18/04/29 _18/04/29 13:41 13:41 13:41 13:42 13:42 13:42 13:44 13:55 13:55 14:13 14:13 14:13 14:30 14:30 15:01 15:01 15:01 followed her to document. SCHULTE then called 911. SCHULTE wanted SNIDER to stop following her. SCHULTE wanted'the incident documented and wanted the violator removed. SCHULTE wanted to complain against the call taker. I called Jew (1L73) who responded to the scene. I asked SNIDER to leave the area which she did. I evaluated SCHULTE for 5150 hold, but she did not fit the criteria. Stat AV Disposition CHANGED To: Cov MAIN Made contact with a group of citizens who were using charcoal two grills. I advised them of what had ocurred and the applicable violation. The citizens agreed to pack up the grille. PDRD activated. Stat AV Disposition CHANGED Fr: COV . To: RTAR MAIN Stat AV Route Closed: MAIN Incident Closed: 18/04/29 15:01 . Subject Information NO VEHICLE OR SUBJECT RECORDS FOR EVENT LOP180429000388. SELECTION CRITERIA: LOP180429000388 End of Report STOLZ, BENJAMIN STOLZ, BENJAMIN STOLZ, BENJAMIN STOLZ, BENJAMIN BENJAMIN STOLZ, BENJAMIN STOLZ, BENJAMIN C44 C44 STOLZ, BENJAMIN STOLZ, BENJAMIN STOLZ, BENJAMIN C44 C44 C36 UNKNOWN UNKNOWN