Frem: Recever'y Cennectiens Sent: Thursdayr August [12, 2012 12x12 PM Te: Guice, David Subject: Fwd: Attn: David Euice, Directer Dear Mr. Suice: I am writing te inferm yeu ef what I believe te be a serieus breakdewn in cemmunicatien between Ftecsvery Cennectiens Cemmunity and the prebatien department in Eluncembe Ceunty. NC. Ftecevery Sennectiens Cemmunity is a leng?term residential LEI-step recevery suppert service previder in Black leeuntain. HE. Recevery ICennectiens Cemmunity has been in existence since April ef 211111 and has had an epen dielegue with prebatien in Suncembe Seunty until this past week. I believe that this is related te mneerns abeut a censent erder that I signed reveking my credentials with the Herth Garelina Substance Abuse Prefessienal Practice Beard en April 3D. have werked in this field fer 13 years and have realized that the kind ef pregrarn with which I have experience and that I believe in weuld be better suited fer a F'eer Suppert Specialist self-help SAMHSA medel. Therefere.. my task is te manage the pregram and previde suppert and guidance te the residents and peer leaders. mere like an AA er 12?step spenser. Therefere. persenal eerti?catiens and lieensure are net needed in eur type ef agency. We are net ?treatment". and thus de net need te be licensed. Additienally. I believe that prebatien has heard rumers regarding recent allegatiens made by twe wemen in eur pregrarn against eur Dperatiens Directer abeut inapprepriate cemments he made teward them. F?rebatien ef?cers have stated te eur clients that prebatien wants them te be safe. I assure yeu that we want them te be safe as well. Slur beard ef directers and handled the situatien with eur Uperatiens Directer by suspending him fer SD days and have instructed him te attend ceunseling te address his inapprepriate behavierI which he is deing. We de net feel that he censtitutes a threat te any ene in eur pregram, as he is net in daily centact with eur residents- These cencerns and rumers have never been discussed with me. yet prebatien is new refusing te accept new transfers, and prebatien ef?cers are telling the residents ef eur pregrarn that they can leave. Dur pregrarn has always been a veluntary pregram- l'vlereever. the stated reasen fer this cemmunicatien te eur residents is that we are net a state licensed pregrarn. Hewever. we have never marketed eurselves as a licensed facility and, in fact, are net required Id be licensed aecerding te H.113. General Statute Exclusiens frem licensure; deemed sta tus. Twenty?fear heur nen~pre?t feeifftfes fer the purpeses elf shelter care and recovery frem afcehef er ether drug eddfetfen threug?h a step, seff hefp, peer reIe medefing?, and set!? g?evernence eppreaeh. We weuld be willing te explain the nature ef bur pregram mere extensively and discuss any cencerns prebatien has with bur pregram- I remain very cencerned abeut this issue particularly since ene yeung man prebated te RES was appreached by prebatien and teld that he ceuld leave eur facility; he has new relapsed and abseended and will meet likely receive active prisen time. He had been with us clean and seber since January 5. 2312. We cannet understand why prebatien has net chesen te cemmunicate with us cencerning these matters and instead is geing directly te eur residents. Any assistance that yeu er yeur staff ceuld previde in this matter weuld be greatly appreciated- Jennifer A. Hellewell. MA Presidentl'ISEISI Ftecevery Sennectiens Cemmunity