Subject: RE: FW: Last status update attached] From: "Tarry, Russell {Egg-Mllem?wgew Date: Mon, April I12, 2MB 3:42 pm To: {Wuhti?momw?oeth "Ferrell; Jennifer" 12:: Ben Boyltin {Bg??gkln?lmrnaimt?m}, Trey Breckenridge {Weuome Paula, Our work has been put on pause by the Governor?e Of?ce, for their review, clue to the end of the Legislative Seesloo. We will get heel: with I,Ioo ee eoon as. we are cleared to move forward. I til-ti not want you to think forgot about end we appreciate your work on behalf of the citizens. Thanks, Tet-3'31 Ill'F'ufrrut'iI Director Community Advancement and Development A of the Virginia Development Drl?ice Henawha Boulevard East Building Suite 3?00 Charleston, 25305 {soar} 553 223?: I Wm If WH- plum u" ?r1M1ndh'ldll?h mil}- L: In. audit-Had and mnluin tunt?l?m?] aid Hemp: Err-I1 lie-.lmure 5min "lemme-I mom-2:: in mm named 2w Ire heIdo' win i: Dill}? t1} ?thinned. 'lt fill-I: him: ?flit-ed. thl; im?nudlul?llr