Of?ce of the County Clerk Monroe County, New York Adam J. Bello Jeffery IL. McCann County Clerk Deputy Cbunty Clerk May 30, 2018 i Dear Monroe County Taxpayers: Last week, a local television reporter found discarded DMV forms, containing perso: al and con?dential customer information, located 1n dumpsters used by the Henrietta and rondequoit Department of Motor Vehicles branches. i Upon learning of this problem, I pledged to conduct a full and transparent investigaiion in cooperation with the Monroe County Of?ce of Public Integrity and the New York St ?te Department of Motor Vehicles. Today, I?m providing an update on that investigation. The Monroe County Clerk?s Of?ce and New York State Department of Motor Vehicl is have clear policies 1n place to require the shredding of any document not retained by the Clerk? Of?ce or NYS DMV. All Motor Vehicle Representatives (MVRs) employed by Monroe County are trained on, and required to be familiar with, New York State Department of Motor Vehicles policies 11d procedures. Those policies and procedures include adherence to the Driver?s Privac Protection Act (DPPA), the Cashier Accountability Policy, and theUD' ?11 of Personal, {rivate and/ or Sensitive Information policy. Upon viewing documents from the news reporte indicating he felt more comfortable shre images of the customer documents fr 5 On the afternoon of Thursday, May 24, additional forms with personal and whether intentionally or not. Those Provided locked bins for secure 3 at each In addition, I immediately called Monroe County Shem axte' egarding the ?Request for exemption form use of political subdivision license plate? applications, and he con? med those particular vehicles were not used in undercover investigations, and that their disclo ure does not constitute a threat to of?cer or public safety. i 101 County Office Building - 39 West Main Street 0 Rochester, New York 146$ (585) 753?1645 0fax: (585) 753?1650 - - email: mcclerk@monrdecounty.gov On the morning of Friday, May 25th, I spoke to David Moore, Monroe County Direct Of?ce of Public Integrity. I indicated that I would contact the NYS DMV and ask for assistance as well. Director Moore suggested that NYS DMV should take the lead in our efforts due to their expertise in DMV matters. Director Moore also indicated the yet been contacted by anyone requesting an investigation into the matter and would any statements to the media until the investigation was complete. He also stated tha to inform the public of our conversation and I could describe Director Moore?s willin. help. I next contacted Deputy Commissioner Heriberto Barbot from Albany to request ass NYS DMV. Commissioner Barbot agreed to speak with state audit personnel and ass Monroe County Clerk?s Of?ce in auditing records that may have been handled imprc accepted his offer to provide a risk assessment evaluation at all of the DMV branches strengthen internal procedures. On Friday afternoon, we determined the documents could be traced back to individu At that point, Deputy Clerk Jeffery McCann and I consulted the Monroe County Dire Human Resources, Brayton Connard. Deputy Clerk McCann and I met with Mr. Cor discuss disciplinary options and obligations related to the collective bargaining agree Deputy Clerk McCann also met with Emily Walsh, Monroe County Labor Relations 5 late Friday afternoon. On the morning of Tuesday, May 29th, Deputy Clerk McCann and Assistant Deputy Morrisey traced the documents back to transactions performed by three MVRs, two in Irondequoit and one in Henrietta. or of the their overseeing he had not not make I was free gness to istance from ;ist the pperly. We 5 to help a1 cashiers. actor of inard to ament. Specialist, Clerk individuals In Irondequoit, one of the forms was ?lled out to request a replacement license, an the other form was related to a trailer registration. Both of these transactions are performed electronically at MVR stations, which means no physical forms were needed. Both performed those transactions have been interviewed, and acknowledged that custo VRs who present unneeded forms are given the forms back for the customer to dispose. Ther fore, It IS reasonable to conclude that the customer then disposed of those forms 1n a public ceptacle which was later emptied into the dumpster. In Henrietta, the forms found outside of the Henrietta DMV were traced back to a s1 Eers who 'ingle cashier working at that location. The forms included applications for driver?s license or permits, copies of supporting documentation to prove legal immigration status and a form that allo government vehicles to have nongovernment license plates. It was quickly establish documents found in Henrietta represented a more serious issue and threat to con?d information than those found in Irondequoit. Following investigatory interviews on of the employee and her manager, conducted in conjunction with Monroe County Resources staff, it has been determined that this staff member erroneously believed recycling documents was an acceptable practice for the handling of con?dential info that a substitute custodian had been accidentally bringing her bagged recyclables 0 outdoor dumpster instead of the recycling totes located in a locked area of our bran approximately 3-4 weeks. We believe a serious lapse was made in the training of thi by a manager who is no longer employed at our DMV. To address what happened in Irondequoit, the Clerk?s Of?ce has contracted with Cl Scanning and Shredding for three locked shredding bins to be located at each DMV one bin for the public and two for the employees to use. 1 . that the ntial ednesday man that mation and to our for employee ssi?ed ranch Late Tuesday morning, I was made aware that the Director of the Of?ce of Public In egrity, David Moore, made a statement to the news media suggesting residents should chec their bank statements and that the Monroe County Clerk?s Of?ce offer credit monitoring servic to anyone who had a transaction at any Monroe County DMV in the last 90 days. At the time of this statement, and despite indicating his policy to not issue stateme ts prior to the conclusion of an investigation, Director Moore failed to communicate with anyo in the Clerk?s Of?ce and therefore Director Moore was unaware that the scope of inquiry narrowed to a single cashier at one branch for a limited period of time. Mr. Moore?s statement misled the public into thinking tens of thousands of documents may have been exposed, over a 90 day period, from multiple locations, when there is no evidence to that effect. On Tuesday, Deputy Clerk McCann called Director Moore to update him on the investigation, and to express disappointment that the Director would issue statements based on incomplete and inaccurate information before he followed?up with the Clerk?s of?ce or NYS DMV to understand the scope of impacted documents. determined responsibility. By and large, the investigation revealed that the vast majority of all documents taken from customers at a DMV of?ce are sent to Albany along with all 0 her transaction paperwork. Forms discarded at the branch are a very limited subset of that were either unneeded for the transaction to be processed, or photocopies of informa ion that does not need to be retained. I also informed Commissioner Barbot that Director oore released a statement and Commissioner Barbot indicated he had not spoken to Direitor Moore I contacted Commissioner Barbot to inform him what we have discoveredknow the basis for Director Moore to determine that a 90?day window necessary for transactions completed at all branches. Commissioner Barbot indicated his tea would add to their inquiry an audit of the speci?c clerk?s transaction history to identify which customer forms may have been mishandled. Once those customers are identi?ed, they will be?individually contacted to offer free credit monitoring and answer any questions they may have. Commissioner Barbot and I agreed that this approach is a valuable, targeted and prudent avenue of investigation. I?m proud of our efforts over the past two years to root out instances of waste, fraud and abuse. We?ve instituted a number of new policies to protect taxpayers and ensure that event?resident is treated equally and fairly, regardless of who you are or who you know. This issue is 0 different. When visiting a DMV branch, Monroe County residents deserve to be con?dent thati their personal information is handled appropriately. When ?rst alerted to this issue, we tbok immediate steps to investigate what happened, and took a number of steps to prevent it from happening again in the future. 1 This is a preliminary report and I will share more information as it becomes available. 1 Si cere Ada . 0 Monroe County Clerk